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These monks are protesting about the investigation into the 11 BILLION baht that it appears they helped steal 11 Billion Baht from the Klongchan credit union?

To be fair on Prayut - a protest about this would be a piss-take.

What's required is a forensic accountant, some real action and some jailtime, not "protection".

- Do I understand this correctly ?

They're crying that they can't keep the 90 million dollars they stole, <deleted>????

and... the protests aren't from an irate public, but from the guys accused of stealing it ? Really ?

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Buddhists to decide on rally today
The Sunday Nation

BANGKOK: -- THE ASSOCIATION of Scholars for Buddhism (ASB) said it and other Buddhist organisations will officially announce their stance this afternoon at the Rattanakosin Hotel in Bangkok.

Mahachulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University vice rector Phra Methi Dhammajahn, in his capacity as ASB adviser, said the announcement was likely to be positive.

This came after the National Reform Council (NRC) committee on the protection of Buddhism was dissolved after "having completed raising awareness about the need to reform Buddhist monks' affairs".

Many monks in Thailand and abroad had said they would stage a peaceful rallies on March 12 after the panel, led by NRC member Paiboon Nititawan, put Dhammakaya Temple, its abbot Phra Dhammachayo and the Sangha Supreme Council under intense public scrutiny.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Buddhists-to-decide-on-rally-today-30255545.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-08


Recent news would seem to indicate that temples are simply being

used as money laundering systems for some big players. Sort of

funny to see lay monks protesting to protect this system......

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do they believe that they are above the law of the country just because their monks or is it the corrupted that dont want investigation


These monks are protesting about the investigation into the 11 BILLION baht that it appears they helped steal 11 Billion Baht from the Klongchan credit union?

To be fair on Prayut - a protest about this would be a piss-take.

What's required is a forensic accountant, some real action and some jailtime, not "protection".

- Do I understand this correctly ?

They're crying that they can't keep the 90 million dollars they stole, <deleted>????

and... the protests aren't from an irate public, but from the guys accused of stealing it ? Really ?

That really does sum it up as far as I can see

It would be like murderers or bank robbers having a Trade Union and taking to the streets in protest on mass because they are being investigated by police - how daft is that

Best quote from one of the related articles..............................."former Abbot now businessman"

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The more enemies the PM makes the more real risk of protest marches becoming reality. One-sided reform is creating lots of enemies. If the monks march maybe these people will march with them. The circle of protests will never end until reform is unbiased.

The longer he stays the more likely their will be unrest.

He wont step down until 'the event' happens. But I'll bet the farm that protests will happen against him either the end of this year or certainly next year.


The more enemies the PM makes the more real risk of protest marches becoming reality. One-sided reform is creating lots of enemies. If the monks march maybe these people will march with them. The circle of protests will never end until reform is unbiased.

can you please give a detailed example of what you refer to as "one sided reforms" and which sides you are talking about and exactly how the effect you speak of is applied

all I can see is the implementation of reforms laws and creation of bodies that will go a long way to preventing future governments from robbing the people blind

Excluding the PM's inexperience as a public figure I cannot fault much of what has happened here in the last 8 months


All peoples of Thailand should be subject to the laws of the land and respect the laws, whether you are PM, politician, people in authority, a religious leader or a religious follower! NO EXCEPTIONS! And that includes the rich and the hiso's! coffee1.gif

Then there are those who stage coups... I guess it's "all people", except "some"...

I think I read somewhere that coups were illegal, ... but ok. No big deal... I guess.

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Pon Ek is the new Nicky Santoro and we all know what happened to him out in the middle of the Las Vegas desert

I don't , in fact never heard of him.

Nicky Santoro was a character in the movie Casino.

He didn't die in the desert.



chooka, on 07 Mar 2015 - 00:58, said:snapback.png

"So when the Mad Monk held a demonstration and protested in blatant breach of martial law, nothing was said and all was ok. The Mad Monk along with suthep helped Prayuth gain ultimate power and are close friends." -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Sorry, I genuinely do not recall that Phra Buddha Issara "held a demonstration and protested in blatant breach of martial law. " Was martial law in place when "The Mad Monk along with suthep helped Prayuth gain ultimate power and are close friends" ?

Yes Neil - Ven Buddha Issara staged a march/blockade/protest last week when he and several hundred followers marched in to Wat Paknam, to offer underpants and funeral flowers to the (very much alive) acting Supreme Patriarch.

BTW, 'Buddha Issara' is also the name given to the Historical Buddha's evil cousin who tried to oust the Buddha and instal himself as leader of the Sangha. A crime for which he is currently spending a awful long time in torment in a hell realm (you can see this depicted in many temple murals)


Having read most of the teachings of Buddha all be it an English translation rather than Pali, this whole religion idea with different dogmatic sects is utterly against the spirit of the teachings of Buddha anyway... as far as I can make out, Buddhism is supposed to be a philosophy not a religion, & the gathering of money, idol worshipping in temples etc. has completely twisted it away from what Buddha was trying to teach, So these temples are all as bad as each other...

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It has come to the point now that if you want to be a drug dealer, rapist, child molester, wealthy and corrupt, then the best thing to do is to join the monkhood , Why do they think that their religion is above Thailand as a country, The Catholics have nothing on the monks as of lately, The 2 most religions that fiddle with young kids now are, the Buddha monks for their own pleasure, and the Muslims who say that their religion allows them too, Just following their prophet I guess, Religion is going to kill the world, no matter what one you believe in.


Having read most of the teachings of Buddha all be it an English translation rather than Pali, this whole religion idea with different dogmatic sects is utterly against the spirit of the teachings of Buddha anyway... as far as I can make out, Buddhism is supposed to be a philosophy not a religion, & the gathering of money, idol worshipping in temples etc. has completely twisted it away from what Buddha was trying to teach, So these temples are all as bad as each other...

100% true. If the Buddha would see what happened to his teachings he would be disgusted, not only in Thailand by the way. I have heard Asian monks say that real Dhamma moved to the West where it is practiced without the superstition/power/money/worshipping bullsh1t...

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"the prime minister said as the divide among monks deepens."

is the divide between the majority corrupt monkhood, and the minority devout??


Gen. Prayut: I am not a dictator. It's not like I can order people.

"I must say I ban any march. I will order police to prevent such activities."

He wil have to order police as there is currently no civil law that forbids such assembly. What's the point of having martial law if you can't bend it to your advantage? With the new constitution, there will be a civil ban on such activities that police can enforce on their own. Thailand will then become a constitutional police state then.

Go ahead Gen. light that fuse to your grand finale........


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Government = corrupt

Army = corrupt

Police = corrupt

Monks = corrupt

Civil servants = corrupt

Makes you wonder why so many people don't give a rodents backside about politics and reforms, it's all one big SCAM!

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