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maybe it has turned full circle

when i was a kid was told not to talk unless spoken to

children were to be seen not heard


I am of senior years and find a phone phone is all I want or need (OK have a marginal camera on it for emergency use). And find it amusing all the heads bowed to there smart phones (but not so much when they blocking aisle in supermarket). But with this connection comes power and knowledge if used even remotely in a positive manner. Society is probably destined to become computer beings within some of our lifetimes and this is likely just the first step on that path. More power to those that know todays world and can adapt to the changing times. That simple phone can provide in seconds more information that we have gained in our lifetime and as interconnections become even better will become our new world.

That said tweeting and Facebook posting may not be the best examples of this knowledge - but it is part of the broader picture and a valid part of the change.

Schools that ban such materials are equivalent of those that banned books in the past. Computers should be in every classroom and the knowledge available be open to everyone. Teach to use - not ban.

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Seem to recall reading that the advent of all these 'screens' is leading to a generation with lower intelligence and few social skills.

There again as another poster pointed out every generation thinks the following one are making a mess of things, however they all seem to get through it.


ok we no more talk to each other only through machine or only take notice of some geek made up some game or show on ipad what life ahead for kids

sit on street playing ipad waiting to tell them what to do next

as ipad <deleted> know more than mom and dad


I am not old, work in IT, but have to say those Facebook/smartphone addicts are morons. Learning technology, programming, something like that, OK.

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Many years ago- was a total Star Trek fan ( still am really) it was just beyond belief that you could talk to a computer.

Now I can talk to this small hand held device, ask it questions and it will respond or carry out instructions .

I can even talk to my TV if I wanted to!

Personally I think the technology is just amazing - it is here to stay.

Am I a moron? No just embracing the 21st century.

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Like most everything else, it has an upside and a downside.

Claiming others are stupid or evil because they disagree may be an effective tactic for shutting down a discussion, but it rarely changes anyone's position.

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If I were a mamasan, I'd ban them. Nowadays girls barely look up from their phones at the many hansum men who walk by unheeded. Soon the girls will strap them on to chrome poles in Go-Go bars so they don't suffer withdrawal symptoms while they're dancing.

There is a mathematical formula that states the more smart phones there are; the fewer the bar-fines.

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i like what monk said the other dayon morning walks for food one person took blessing all the time but never food in basket one day asked about food women said had no money and added do you want my childs shoes in basket but noticed child playing on nice ipad what is important?


If smart phones are turning people into morons, then how can they be called "smart phones"? Just asking.

Oh wait, I have a smart TV. So why does it show Thai soaps? Oh dear, this is so confusing.


this thread should be called "old fogies come band together against technology we don't understand!"

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wow takes a lot of brainzz to push buttons on a plastic thing sitting next to your girlfriend or group of zombies

everyday do the same thing say nothing

will the ipad or smart phone have to ask it to make babys to?


Many years ago- was a total Star Trek fan ( still am really) it was just beyond belief that you could talk to a computer.

Now I can talk to this small hand held device, ask it questions and it will respond or carry out instructions .

I can even talk to my TV if I wanted to!

Personally I think the technology is just amazing - it is here to stay.

Am I a moron? No just embracing the 21st century.

You are right, you use the technology in a good way. You try new stuff with it, you probably know a littlebit about the technology behind it.

Being buried in a screen and taking selfies all day is the bad way. Don't know anything but posting on facebook...


I am of senior years and find a phone phone is all I want or need (OK have a marginal camera on it for emergency use). And find it amusing all the heads bowed to there smart phones (but not so much when they blocking aisle in supermarket). But with this connection comes power and knowledge if used even remotely in a positive manner. Society is probably destined to become computer beings within some of our lifetimes and this is likely just the first step on that path. More power to those that know todays world and can adapt to the changing times. That simple phone can provide in seconds more information that we have gained in our lifetime and as interconnections become even better will become our new world.

That said tweeting and Facebook posting may not be the best examples of this knowledge - but it is part of the broader picture and a valid part of the change.

Schools that ban such materials are equivalent of those that banned books in the past. Computers should be in every classroom and the knowledge available be open to everyone. Teach to use - not ban.

Where I work, we have computers in every classroom. Students may have laptops but may not use them during class. We have 6+ state of the art (kinda) computer labs. No smartphones or tablets allowed, nor even phone phones.... I feel really fortunate :)


Agree - but outside of class that phone is the internet for many students these days and although often is not used to best advantage at least they have the access if there mind asks them to confirm something in a Tweet it might broaden there knowledge. I suspect that phone and tab is a lot more informative than the local computer game playing venue (unless you are planning to become a drone driver). But there is a place for everything - we are really looking at very fast change over the coming years if we can avoid Armageddon.


I can't believe we got to page 2 without anyone proudly telling us how they still use their trusty Nokia 3210.

Reread Lopburi3's post :)


I did mention I had a current model with basic camera however(220) - and if out and about would probably want GPS so might have to go smart phone.smile.png But I much prefer the week between charge that this allows.


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