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'Equality only with justice' - Yingluck Shinawatra

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'Equality only with justice'
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- TO MARK International Women's Day yesterday, former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra wrote on her Facebook that "equality can be achieved when there is justice".

The former premier started her statement by referring to the origins of Women's Day in 1908, when women working in the garment industry went on strike in New York to protest against their poor working conditions.

She said 2015 should be a year in which women worldwide get justice.

She stressed that an environment of justice was needed before people could really enjoy their rights.

The rights and dignity of individuals was a basic right that everyone should have.

"I see that equality on matters related to women's rights is still a problem challenging us nowadays," she wrote.

The former premier highlighted the level of violence against women, and said acts deemed a breach of women's rights in Thailand occurred in various forms, especially in relation to dignity and freedom of expression.

She said violence against women was a matter of great concern, particularly sexual assault, as it had a physical and mental impact.

Yingluck said coercion was threat?ening freedom of expression in public and private lives and was occurring at all levels of society. She bemoaned the tolerance to the sexual industry involving children and women.

She reiterated that when in power she aimed to establish a strategy to reduce inequality of the sexes and promote women's power through the establishment of the Thai Women Empowerment Funds, which provided women with access to capital while creating opportunities to increase income and living conditions.

Yingluck concluded by saying International Women's Day highlighted the need for all women to have justice.

She said she believed in the power of perseverance because it would eventually result in women overcoming all the obstacles facing them to get on an equal footing with men with dignity.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Equality-only-with-justice-30255604.html

-- The Nation 2015-03-09


Slush fund? And I thought she was educated.

What has she done to help uplift education of women? Does she not know that this is the only way to bring them out of the abyss?

Slush fund without education is just more hawking along the streets.

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Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

Hmmmm a successful business woman, and has a hell of a lot more respect from world leaders than say Ummm the person that likes to throw insults and banana skins at reporters as well as saying political polls are allowed BUT,,,, NO negative polls of government are allowed,

Some people can protest and some can not.

all reporters must sit on the ground before me, have a bloody look at it man, she has more cred in her little finger than this guy will ever have.

How much for the Stickers on ur mobile???? MILLLIONS??????

How much for the MIC'S?????? MILIONS??????

How much for land transfers??????? your income and bank balance? and that of your family BEFORE AND AFTER???????

and don't ask questions I don't like or I'll punch you.

She carn't eat noodles if I say no,

93% love me.

If I want to use my full powers then I can take any person out and shoot them,

all this in public forum guy's

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Where does this women get her ghost writers from?

While she was a "defacto"in power she did nothing to enhance the status of women in Thailand.

I do agree that justice needs to be served. Hopefully it starts with her being imprisoned.


Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

Finding credibility in Thailand is a difficult task to start with. She is no more or less credible than most in the kingdom.



When she was in power she created a slush fund for women.

But when women were victims, she remained totally silent.

Slush fund? Please be more specific, and provide details.

Otherwise, you are just another liar hiding behind your keyboard.

The fact is that the social services budget for family services was increased under the Yingluck administration. Under the new budget, the major increase is in military spending. This irrefutable, unlike your nonsensical statement.


Rather than use your post as yet another rant about who is currently running the country, how about actually defending your poor Ms Yingluck with some of her achievements (and those for her fellow women) and how she rose to the dizzy heights of "running" her brothers business?

After all the years I've been here, I've yet to see her do or say much that actually justifies your love/respect for her or her family. Her interviews alone are enough to make her a laughing stock, and that's the ones she did in Thai ... the English ones were a joke.

Ok, you don't like her.. That is your prerogative. The fact of the matter is that she was elected in a free election and her party formed the government with a mandate from the electorate to do so. That is certainly a greater achievement than Abhisit who had to rely the military's strong arm threats to build a coalition, and a much more impressive achievement that the current military leader who took office by way of a military coup.

You consider her a laughing stock. Fine, again that's your prerogative. However, she did well enough to win the necessary election. That is certainly much more than you have ever done. BTW, are you fluent in Thai? You do libve in Thailand don't you? Surely as a resident, you should be fluent.


Message to Ying's spin doctors and ghost writers: You need credibility and integrity before you can carry off this kind of social opinion. Guess what? Your client has neither, and your pathetic attempt to position her as a woman of conscience is a fail. You have only succeeded in making her more of a laughing stock.

I really don't see why Thaksin is persisting with his attempts to make Ying a person of political and social substance and stature. She does not have the intellectual capacity for this, and no amount of spin doctoring and ghost writing will make a difference.

It frosts my tits to read garbage like this.

I guess you think that intellectual lions of American history like R Reagan, G W Bush, G Ford had "political and social substance" and never had spin doctors or ghost writers??????

In fact, I doubt whether any leaders in world history (except Stalin, Hitler and Churchill) wrote their own speeches.

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When she was in power she created a slush fund for women.

But when women were victims, she remained totally silent.

said a man... coffee1.gif

Do you see the irony of your remark.......................... probably not.


If throw grenade or try to kill opponent it's equality for her, she must follow her bother in the grave...............


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