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2 teens stopped at Sydney Airport from joining Islamic State


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2 teens stopped at Sydney Airport from joining Islamic State

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — Two Australian brothers aged 16 and 17 were stopped at Sydney Airport on suspicion that they were young jihadis headed to join the Islamic State group, officials said Sunday.

The young brothers from Sydney raised the suspicions of customs officials as they attempted to depart on Friday afternoon, Border Protection Minister Peter Dutton said.

He did not say where the pair were headed apart from a Middle Eastern "conflict zone." He also refused to say what was found in the boys' luggage that raised suspicion and led to the brothers beings reported to the airport's new counterterrorism unit.

"These two young men aged 16 and 17 are kids, not killers, and they shouldn't be allowed to go to a foreign land to fight then come back to our land eventually more radicalized," Dutton told reporters.

The boys' parents were "as shocked as any of us would be" to discover their sons had attempted to leave the country, Dutton said.

The boys had been radicalized over the Internet, he said. Dutton did not say who had paid the boys' air fares.

Dutton said charges would be filed against the boys, but did not elaborate. As juvenile suspects, they cannot be identified.

Governments around the world are trying to prevent youth from going to Syrian and Iraq to join the caliphate.

Australians who fight for foreign militant groups face prosecution at home. Under new laws, it became a criminal offense punishable by 10 years in prison for an Australian to enter the Islamic State-held territory without a legitimate reason.

"These were two misguided young Australians, Australian born and bred, who went to school here, grew up here, imbibed our values, and yet it seems they had succumbed to the lure of the death cult and they were on the verge of doing something terrible and dangerous," Prime Minister Tony Abbott told reporters.

"I'm pleased that they've been stopped and my message to anyone who is listening to the death cult is block your ears. Don't even begin to think you can leave" Australia, he added.

The government said last month that at least 90 Australians were fighting with and supporting terrorist groups in Iraq and Syria and have had their passports canceled. More than 20 Australians have been killed.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-03-09

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Wrong reaction and action by Australian Border Police and Customs.

They should have let them go, revoke and annul their passports photograph and fingerprint them to never allow them back.

Poor 16 and 17 year old boys, born and bred in Australia are not killers. Not yet. Just give them time and a chance.

Minister Peter Dutton should wake up and look around.

I would also look into their families. But this is why I am not a Minister.

Um...they cannot travel without a passport. Customs did exactly the right thing.

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Wrong reaction and action by Australian Border Police and Customs.

They should have let them go, revoke and annul their passports photograph and fingerprint them to never allow them back.

Poor 16 and 17 year old boys, born and bred in Australia are not killers. Not yet. Just give them time and a chance.

Minister Peter Dutton should wake up and look around.

I would also look into their families. But this is why I am not a Minister.

Um...they cannot travel without a passport. Customs did exactly the right thing.

Where would you rather they create mayhem. In your country, or in the Middle East?

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radicalized teenagers, off to fight for a terrorist group, stopped at the airport, aus has created proxy martyrs, what stories they can tell their mates.

honest ex-servicemen fighting with one of the worlds displaced people, the kurds, threatened with 10 years jail on their return to aus.

should have let the young brothers go, fight and die, or end up as 'ahmeds' plaything, they are not aussies, but potentially a threat to the community.

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The next ones will just admit going to see France, the Eifel Tower, Lourve....culinary journey......then jump on a train to Turkey.

On the way back, claim they lost their passports...and voila.......Aussies soon to be KILLED IN MASSES.

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Let them go to Hell for all I care but never let them back in. The more of these creatures that leave to join DAESH (ISIS) the better - they will eventually get killed and one more domestic problem is solved - This culture were never meant to live with christians and they hate it but cant stay away from the Money they can suck out of the system ...

I wish death to them all before they kill all of us !

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So much fuzz about youngsters.

Young blood" by the centuries was first to join army ...just to have some adventure...

How many in the whole world went to war even (not asked for it ) against parents wish..

Somehow nobody start discussion why it happen and what kind of reason pushing youngsters to risk own life...

Somehow media never show the background of the story ...

We have thousands of young people who even when they done any type of study finding them self on unemployment for months and years ...

They are just young and many boring and naive as we were in the past.... but our governments have more decency to take care about us...

Didn't you see ? ..."parents was shocked"...

We can not teach our kids this days as parents or even punish them because "invisible power" told them not to listen to parents .

Now when they are left alone and many skipped schools and not having any profession at all wandering on streets without hope....for better future.

So...now probably time to punish parents ..????

Problem is bigger then we think . "There is no smoke without fire" but easier is to just point the finger...


Edited by gigman
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So much fuzz about youngsters.

Young blood" by the centuries was first to join army ...just to have some adventure...

How many in the whole world went to war even (not asked for it ) against parents wish..

Somehow nobody start discussion why it happen and what kind of reason pushing youngsters to risk own life...

Somehow media never show the background of the story ...

We have thousands of young people who even when they done any type of study finding them self on unemployment for months and years ...

They are just young and many boring and naive as we were in the past.... but. our governments have more decency to take care about us..

Didn't you see ? ..."parents was shocked"...

We can not teach our kids this days as parents or even punish them because "invisible power" told them not to listen to parents .

Now when they are left alone and many skipped schools and not having any profession at all wandering on streets without hope....for better future.

So...now probably time to punish parents ..????

Problem is bigger then we think . "There is no smoke without fire" but easier is to just point the finger...


Oh, please, stop!

You are breaking my heart!

I can't stop crying while you are coolly sipping your cuppa.

Seriously? I am afraid you have it upside down:

Whatever happens - it is never their fault according to the media - it is the background!

Like everybody else I also was young but never naive or stupid to go to kill or get killed!

My parents took care of me as I did take care of my kids as they are taking care of theirs as we speak!

Nobody in my family grew up bored, naive, skipped school or ended up without a profession.

God save me from my decent Gov't taking care of me, my kids or their kids! Want a job done well? - DIY.

No, I don't see shocked parents ... I see parents saying they are "shocked"... and I do not believe them!

And if these 'kids' listen to "invisible power" instead of "visible" parents - there is something very wrong with the whole family!

I fear to even suggest what it is wrong with them, but as somebody pointed out - could it be in their name? Or in their God's name?

Anyway, may I be excused, please... have to run to wipe my tears and nose...

Hope your cuppa is still hot.

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It's good to know authorities are paying attention to young men or women trying to leave their home countries to join in this unholy, deplorable war.

These people do not regard their birth nations as their home countries. In their minds they are returning back to their homelands and according to them are going to fight for a just cause. Why not just let them go? Because what is the point of them remaining as the enemy within. Then once gone revoke their citizenships, make it clear that it`s a one way decision.

The problem is that there are no Governments with the guts to take such hard line actions against these potential murdering fanatics.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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They are not just kids, they are killers in the making, I hope they locked their <deleted> up for a long time, so that they can realize what they have done will not be tolerated. no sympathy, regardless of age,

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It's good to know authorities are paying attention to young men or women trying to leave their home countries to join in this unholy, deplorable war.

These people do not regard their birth nations as their home countries. In their minds they are returning back to their homelands and according to them are going to fight for a just cause. Why not just let them go? Because what is the point of them remaining as the enemy within. Then once gone revoke their citizenships, make it clear that it`s a one way decision.

The problem is that there are no Governments with the guts to take such hard line actions against these potential murdering fanatics.

I agree, and revoke their family nationalities if gained in Australia, many Muslims that are nationals born still consider there parents homeland as their true homeland.

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It's good to know authorities are paying attention to young men or women trying to leave their home countries to join in this unholy, deplorable war.

These people do not regard their birth nations as their home countries. In their minds they are returning back to their homelands and according to them are going to fight for a just cause. Why not just let them go? Because what is the point of them remaining as the enemy within. Then once gone revoke their citizenships, make it clear that it`s a one way decision.

The problem is that there are no Governments with the guts to take such hard line actions against these potential murdering fanatics.

Citizenship of those holding dual nationality can be cancelled, but those only holding Australian citizenship cannot be revoked as contrary to law to make someone stateless, cancelling their passports is permisable under law.

Personally I agree with stopping people from travelling to join IS due to the well documented actions of IS killing, raping and so on innocent Muslims and those of other religions. It is not justifiable to permit ones citizens to travel overseas in the knowledge they are likely to commit war crimes.

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I totally agree, why stop them, let them go but when they do they are no longer australian citizens. Another thing that interest me is how come they have got passports, dont their parents have to sign for them until they are 18, if so the parents are just as much at fault. Not killers, what a load of rubbish, given the chance they would be exactly that, and maybe then they may start to realise what they have let themselves in for.!!

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Typical Australia, protect the offenders, don't worry about the potential victims these little germs may harm in the Australian community in the future.

Time to throw these scummy adolescents into a cage and burn them.

Let's nip this in the butt, you want to support these filthy Islamic extremists & your life will be snuffed out NO MATTER where you are.

Hopefully these little turds are being closely monitored. Very closely

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So, you think by not letting them go, it cures whatever radical thoughts have been implanted in their heads?

Or do you think that they may now turn on Australians or Australian targets as a way of taking up the fight for IS?

I would have let them go, hopefully to get obliterated by a drone strike in some crap hole in Syria.

Surely not letting them go gives them another excuse to feel aggrieved at Australia?

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