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Swede dedicates his life to children in Thailand


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There was an Aussie guy who started the same idea a couple of years back....He has thrown in the towel i believe and walked away...

I wish this guy good luck, but lets not get too excited just yet, hey?

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They've just about wiped out poverty in Sweden, haven't they?

Let him play Santa Claus here.

He's probably a decent guy and wants to help the kids.

But run a background check on him just in case.

Thailand attracts all kinds of people... many of them are twisted out of shape.

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Kudos to Mr. Sebastian for what he is already doing and all he is planning to do in the future.

Let us hope that the authorities will not block him with to many undue and hindering regulations

and for Briggsgy and your concerns... would a "person of bad intentions" publicly announce his plans? Did you also read that he is

  • working with the local church
  • organizing supporters for the trip
  • even ensure the kids will have insurances...

Will throwing toys and money at this problem solve it or will the same corrupt entities simply steal the aforementioned toys and money and sell them at the local market? What is required is not clueless, well-intentioned, misguided foreigners thinking Thailand is sub-Saharan Africa but protection of vulnerable children from exploitation by government entities performing their duty. Thailand is not a poor country.

On your second point, you obviously never heard of Jimmy Saville. He had a prime time tv show on Saturday night helping children.

Reminds me of "compassion without wisdom" examples that some monk talked about. Intensions are good but the results could even be negative. I agree totally thaT many people here do not have to be poor if there was better government and law enforcement. That is something this guy will not fix. But I respect his intension and effort he puts into this!

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He should have learned more about SE Asia before he started this project. Try Cambodia instead , they are a really poor country and need all the help they can get from people like him. But I am sure his Thai girlfriend supports him in what he is doing.

Edited by balo
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Kudos to Mr. Sebastian for what he is already doing and all he is planning to do in the future.

Let us hope that the authorities will not block him with to many undue and hindering regulations

and for Briggsgy and your concerns... would a "person of bad intentions" publicly announce his plans? Did you also read that he is

  • working with the local church
  • organizing supporters for the trip
  • even ensure the kids will have insurances...

Will throwing toys and money at this problem solve it or will the same corrupt entities simply steal the aforementioned toys and money and sell them at the local market? What is required is not clueless, well-intentioned, misguided foreigners thinking Thailand is sub-Saharan Africa but protection of vulnerable children from exploitation by government entities performing their duty. Thailand is not a poor country.

On your second point, you obviously never heard of Jimmy Saville. He had a prime time tv show on Saturday night helping children.

Saville. Irrelevant point. Sweden is not the UK. Child protection laws are, were, of a totally different caliber. Those laws extended abroad meant that a Swede was the first person to be convicted in Europe of child sex abuse carried out abroad, that was in the 90's when Saville was buggering his way around the UK. I would feel pretty comfortable that this guy has not only been given a serious health check by the Swedish authorities but isn't being protected by a clique of corrupt pedophile politicians.

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Kudos to Mr. Sebastian for what he is already doing and all he is planning to do in the future.

Let us hope that the authorities will not block him with to many undue and hindering regulations

and for Briggsgy and your concerns... would a "person of bad intentions" publicly announce his plans? Did you also read that he is

  • working with the local church
  • organizing supporters for the trip
  • even ensure the kids will have insurances...

Will throwing toys and money at this problem solve it or will the same corrupt entities simply steal the aforementioned toys and money and sell them at the local market? What is required is not clueless, well-intentioned, misguided foreigners thinking Thailand is sub-Saharan Africa but protection of vulnerable children from exploitation by government entities performing their duty. Thailand is not a poor country.

On your second point, you obviously never heard of Jimmy Saville. He had a prime time tv show on Saturday night helping children.

Briggesy I know what you are saying is very true. Many years ago an American came here to start an orphanage, he was helped by Father Ray in Pattaya to set it up.

It was a collection point for Pedo's to buy children. He got caught and put in prison, even in there he had enough money to buy children to satisfy his sexual needs.

Father Ray was very upset about the fact this guy conned him. I often spoke with Father Ray about it.

This guy or anyone that will have dealings with children should be checked out.

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A guy with good intentions gets my support. Hopefully he will be able to make a positive difference for some of the kids

That being said, such help is much more needed in Cambodia, Laos and Myanmar than in Thailand. In those countries you will see real dispair among the kids with no real future in sight. Even though Thailand is far from taking good care of its poorest citizens, there is at least better access to e.g. healthcare and schooling than in the neighbouring countries.

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I sure hope that his 'orphanage' does not include taking children from families, as so many do. 75% of children in 'orphanages', are not orphans! Don't make more orphans by giving to them.

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There are many who legitimately need help in the world however if we keep giving some will keep taking and never move forward. Not against the true victims of poverty but the greedy leaders and those who scam the assistance.

I don't give much to charities these days as too many have bloated bureaucracies sucking up the donations.

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Can't blame a person for trying to do good. But if he wants to do good in a poor country he should look at Nepal or some African country. Thailand has enough money to take care of itself. Hell he could go to the US and find some really poor people to help. Probably more than here.

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If he wishes to avoid work permit troubles, he should become a registered charity organization. There are many in Thailand, with admittedly varying degrees of transparency. I have been involved with some very worthwhile charities. Most larger donors require that the charity be registered as such. No matter how admirable his intentions, without being registered and without a work permit, legality comes into question.

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Sounds like his intentions are genuine but it frustrates the hell out of me that this is not needed!! Thailand has more billionaires than Australia!!

So where is all the money? - Its all held by the elite and a bunch of grovelling worms and cronies and they don't give a shit about the poor - Fix that first, yes hard to do short term so this bloke is trying his best lets give him the benefit of the doubt.

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Propagating the myth that Thailand is a poor country. Thailand's problems do not stem from lack of money but rather from systemic failings in basic government entitiies, in particular the police.

Whenever I hear of middle-aged men working with children who do not have the benefit of guardians or parents and the same man surrounding himself with a charity shield, I think some background on the man is required. There have been too many previous examples of inappropriate behaviour. If he has nothing to hide, then everything should be fine.

How do you know these checks have not been done? Either in Sweden or Thailand? I guess there's always somebody around who wants to piss on somebody's parade.

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