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Australian expat stabs to death Phuket nightclub worker

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I'm an American who visits Thailand often. I would never carry a knife on my person in Thailand because it's not worth the risk. But, growing up stateside, I always carried a pocket knife since I was about 9 years old. Every now and then my dad would sharpen it for me - until I learned how. Even now, in my hotel room in Thailand, I go to my suitcase every now and then to get my knife for some small task: opening the laundry bag, cutting a stray thread off some clothing, or cutting a sandwich. How could I live without my knife? But I would never put it in my pocket and go out on the street. Tiny as it is, it wouldn't protect me from an old woman. And - if you're behaving - who needs protection in Thailand?

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as all the armchair detectives have all ready worked this one out

let me add something from outside the box

the security guard had the blade and the Aussie was a Vet that knew hand to hand combat

the gung ho cocky young Thai security guard told the Aussie to stop video recording as he was doing or about to do something illegal ie use the blade on the people already fighting.

He turned on the Aussie and a fight started.

The Aussie managed to get the blade as the Thai and he fell to the ground.

The Thai fell on his own blade.

Nice and neat self defense.

A digger twice the age of the security guard?

Thats what happened.

Yep, I believe you.

The guard had the knife and attacked the man quietly taking a video. Often people take a video in violent situations.

It is a peaceful way of saying.

Hey stop now, people are watching, there will be evidence. Hopefully he got enough on camera to show some truths. Somebody tell him to make many copies, as through self experience, evidence disappears all the time.

The police are not his friends.

He should remember that at all times.

In the Phuketwan reports (that cannot be copied here), Mr Pendlebury stated that it was his own knife that he used to defend himself from being beaten by the security man.


Assume the pocket knife was folded up and in his pocket. Fight breaks out, Mr Pendlebury is taking pix, then finds himself in a battle. He's bloody and bruised by all accounts, so he then pulls out the pocket knife and opens it.

That could have been tricky in the heat of battle, given how finicky pocket knives are to open. Even trickier if his fingers were covered in blood or shaking from adrenaline.

Just a random thought.


This story stinks from beginning to end, and my benefit of the doubt absolutely goes in favor of the man defending himself against permanent injury or worse.

As I have stated before, any time a foreigner is involved in an issue that gets a story, the foreigner's statement NEVER reaches our eyes or ears. It is either pure bad reporting with all the Thai details, or something as ludicrous as this piece of crap.

The ones bashing the man need to step back and take a breathe and realize that:

We are talking about Phuket: Death Island Number 2

A foreigner is accosted by a Thai worker without provocation: as stupid as a 7-11 attendant chasing down a robber and getting stabbed to death.

The foreigner is battered about the head by one and maybe more Thais. Head wounds bleed profusely, and even more so when alcohol thins the blood. This man was probably covered in blood and going into a state of panic/shock before he felt the overwhelming sense of self-preservation.

The Thai/Thais did not back off. They were probably like a pack of jackals attacking a wounded lion. They probably had THEIR blood lust up and were simply not going to let this man off easy with a warning, as attested by the multiple head wounds.

We don't know any facts beyond the photograph and the report that the Thai man who put those wounds there had to do so before he received the death wound in his stomach. Clearly, the Thai man did not stop until he received the wound.

And because why... because a foreigner was filming another fight that all the Thai workers were just standing around and watching and doing nothing... and had enough time to case the joint and watch out for what other people were doing instead.

One question is, would this Thai man, or those Thai men, have given any indication to the profusely bleeding and bruised foreigner that they were going to cease and desist. Between their calls to each other on which approach to get to the man and lay in another punch, and their profanity aimed at the foreigner, does anyone think that they spoke kindly to the man to hand over his phone and put his hands in the air (before the knife was produced)?

There are so many holes in this puzzle, yet I am absolutely certain of the despicable, animal behavior of the Thai men on these islands (Phuket and Koh Tao) as ALWAYS depicted in daily newspaper headlines, that the man was entirely fighting for what he emphatically believed was his life.

He was in a corner and surrounded. He lives there for 10 years. He knows all the stories. He knows what happens when these wolf packs attack a foreigner. He knows no one escapes without serious bodily injury. He knows that Thais can't stop head stomping and face kicking once they get rolling and the victim is unfortunate enough to go down beneath their unmerciful blows.

Before he was attacked, he was not doing anything that anyone else might do, and do so without any feelings of violating any rules, code, ethic, etc. The idiot that attacked him should have been doing his job and should have been breaking up the fight going on instead of worrying about a foreigner filming the fight. Who knows how many bar girls and other Thais were also filming the fight, which perhaps inspired the foreigner to join in? Possible? Absolutely.

The disgusting behavior of the Thai worker and his cohorts are what caused all of this. The death is a matter of self-defense. The deceased, in all likelihood was in a sober rage that far and beyond incriminates him compared to a drunk customer minding his own business and being forced (FORCED) to protect himself from what he knows, in all likelihood, was an out and out over the top beating.

Stab wounds come from being in close quarters, and I doubt the foreigner was the one chasing the Thai around the premises and carrying the fight to the Thai.

Self-defense; in that he did nothing wrong before being singled out and compelled to fight for his life, or be permanently injured or worse were he to take what they were dealing out to him.

Just my take, and I wonder how many Aussie bashers have ever had their heads caved in and, still being capable, did nothing. Clearly his counter punches were not effective enough to make these animals stop. Clearly, when in shock, if plan A does not work, regardless of the consequences, one goes to plan B. Not doing anything results in ones permanent injury or epitaph. I think the Aussie sensed that in a fleeting moment even though he was drunk. The disgusting thing is that a grown adult sober man did not have the sense enough to stop trying to injure or kill a drunk, elderly (ELDERLY) man for using his telephone to film a stupid fight that the grown adult sober man ignored.

Apologies if I insulted anyone, but at least I did not leave any profusely bleeding head wounds.

I don't know if what you are saying is true or not, though I tend to agree with you. However I do know that I have seen some videos on youtube of barfights between Thais and westerners and they never end well for the westerners. Absolutely horrific, usually with multiple Thais getting involved, and not stopping when the victim is unconscious or down. If I found myself in the situation Pendlebury was in I think I would be doing all I could to defend myself as well. Still tragic that someone lost their life though.


I don't buy the mr nice guy thing. Married 59 year old man should not be hanging around sleazy bars and after midnight. Furthermore no need to videotape the event. What's the benefit. And ultimately when asked to stop filming and move on he should have obliged. Nice guys don't carry knives on them. Wiseguys do. Criminal bikie gangs here in oz hold a fund raising children charity ride annually. That does not make them nice guys. In fact criminal element do try to portray a nice guy image by doing charitable work to conceal their criminal activities. I reckon he's a bad seed and placed himself in that situation.

And another one who cannot read; He was not hanging around in a sleazy bar, he was bringing his disabled friend home from a Rotary meeting.
lol where did I say "in" a bar? +1 who cannot read [emoji12]

The realities of life, Hanging around bars, nightclubs etc, should be getting old for those over 50. Why on earth would anyone at that age

be hanging around low life, trash life styles. What is their to gain, night after night sitting in the same stool, listening to the same old jokes, same old

bar flies hustling drinks, loud music, yelling, shouting, and the parade of despicable acts as adults? What kind of life style do you call this? A Party Goer,

A bar stool Jock? A happy go lucky guy? ......someone just on Vacation?..........Or some old person who lost themselves in an atmosphere of resentment

to society, and decency? What happened to the nice little bar around the corner you stop in and order a beer and talk about the weather or the latest on the new.

Nowadays, its motcho men poking remarks to each other seeing who's the biggest blot in the bar. I just don't get it! Most decent men stay away from such establishments. They come here looking for some fun, some aquatints with the girls. then leave and go home. Yet little do they realize their actions in a bar drunk will determine their fate when sober. Having a concealed weapon in a bar is plainly against the law, and no excuse. He was watching a fight that broke out in the bar. He wanted to take a video of it with his Cellular phone or camera. One of the bar workers told him not to photograph it. he didn't listen.

The young man pushed the camera out of the way. The Australian man got belligerent and pull out his knife......the rest is history which he will be shrugging in

his mind for quiet some time. And all for what?........He came to Thailand to have a good time.........one Thai dead, and one in jail for a long time..........some fun!

What an inane, condescending post. You make a lot of unsupported insinuations. I'm 57 and still enjoy getting out for a few beers and listening to live music. The Tai Pan does get some good rock and roll at times, the type of music that someone who had their formative years in the '70s would enjoy. And anyway, according to other reports, he was just passing by, not cruising bars and hanging with low-lifes as you infer.


Before my stroke, I traveled all over the north and north east of Thailand on my CBR. I'm a 4th Dan in Shotokan, 2nd Dan in Akido, and held a Master's ranking in Military Martial arts, and yes, I still carried a 4" combat boot knife (concealed) with me. Fortunately, I never let myself be put into a situation where I had to defend myself, but if it did happen, I was prepared. Am I some "nutter"? I hardly think so. But I am a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them.

What kind of enemy could you fight with a knife having so many Dan, or is it meant to scare opponents?

When a fight starts and rage flows no one is scared of anything anymore, they become beasts and a weapon is not meant to hurt but to kill.

I know karate, kung <deleted>, tae kwon do, ju jitsu and 4 other Chinese words.


I'm an American who visits Thailand often. I would never carry a knife on my person in Thailand because it's not worth the risk. But, growing up stateside, I always carried a pocket knife since I was about 9 years old. Every now and then my dad would sharpen it for me - until I learned how. Even now, in my hotel room in Thailand, I go to my suitcase every now and then to get my knife for some small task: opening the laundry bag, cutting a stray thread off some clothing, or cutting a sandwich. How could I live without my knife? But I would never put it in my pocket and go out on the street. Tiny as it is, it wouldn't protect me from an old woman. And - if you're behaving - who needs protection in Thailand?

Anyone who gets on the wrong side of a nightclub security guard high on Yabba.

What right does a club security goon have to attack someone on a public street? They're hired to work inside a club.

I remember a couple of years back where security guys (inside a club) attacked and nearly killed a local business man and injured American actor Jeremy Renner. The guy used a home made axe to chop up the innocent customers. Why all the sympathy for the instigator just because, for once, the fatal injury went the other way? Taipan is reputed to be the seediest club in Patong and I have no doubts the security staff are not innocent victims.

If the 59yo passerby had been killed by the thug, would the bigoted Brits still be blaming the Aussies?


He better be judged on this forum then in court. Thai survive in jail. A 59 years old Australien probably not. Next to that i reed some examples of Thai who got away with situations like this very easaly.

I would not like to stand in his shoes.


Before my stroke, I traveled all over the north and north east of Thailand on my CBR. I'm a 4th Dan in Shotokan, 2nd Dan in Akido, and held a Master's ranking in Military Martial arts, and yes, I still carried a 4" combat boot knife (concealed) with me. Fortunately, I never let myself be put into a situation where I had to defend myself, but if it did happen, I was prepared. Am I some "nutter"? I hardly think so. But I am a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them.

Yes you are a nutter and a fool and as we Aussies say a tosser. With all your martial arts qualifications still need to carry a weapon? And yes concealed weapons are illegal that means wrong nucklehead. Ps having black belts in whatever does not mean u can fight in "real" scenarios. [emoji380][emoji380]

I spent 20 years as a US Marine, and have had more than my share of "real scenarios", both in bars and in combat situations, thank you. So, yes, I most definitely do know how to fight in different situations.

as for being a veteran marine I must salute you as the world owes its freedom to likes of you. However walking around in non-military environments means you cannot carry arms. A butcher doesn't walk around street with his knife in his pants nor does a carpenter walking around with his staple gun. [emoji12] one or perhaps both of us should drop and give each other 20!!!!!!

It's not illegal to film members of the public having a fight. Bet nightclub guy was trying to suppress bad PR footage.

Any bar owner you meet, anywhere, will ask people not to video or take photos. How often have I seen signs put up...to this effect? Especially, who wants bad publicity? My bet is that the owner/manager directed the security fellow to stop the video. Not the victims fault...probably following orders. Killed for doing his job.

The signs you see are inside the establishment - most commonly seen in GoGo shows.

It is not against the law to photograph and/or video in a public place, unless you are doing it for money, in Thailand. Eg. work permit needed etc etc.

This why there is CCTV all over the place. It's not illegal to film a public place.

This guy had every right to video, and yes, I agree with you, the deceased was probably ordered to stop him filming the incident, due to bad publicity, but such an order is unlawful, as it was in a public place, outside of Tai Pan.

This would create the situation where the decease may have been assulting the accused and/or trying to steal his phone, to retrieve what he had already filmed.

The veracity of that assault is what will determine murder, or self defence.

I would be intersted in the wound/s the deceased sustained during this altercation, particularly the fatal wound.

So, "Not the victims fault...probably following orders. Killed for doing his job." is totally wrong.


FINALLY a Farang comes out on top. Tired of reading about Thai's ganging up on Farangs at the bars. Thai's beware !!!!!

Looks and sounds like self defense to me . He who carry's the biggest stick wins beatdeadhorse.gif

"FINALLY a Farang comes out on top." - how so?

They will strip him of all of his assests in Thailand and he will probably die in gaol, unless he can "mediate" with the deceased's family.


as all the armchair detectives have all ready worked this one out

let me add something from outside the box

the security guard had the blade and the Aussie was a Vet that knew hand to hand combat

the gung ho cocky young Thai security guard told the Aussie to stop video recording as he was doing or about to do something illegal ie use the blade on the people already fighting.

He turned on the Aussie and a fight started.

The Aussie managed to get the blade as the Thai and he fell to the ground.

The Thai fell on his own blade.

Nice and neat self defense.

A digger twice the age of the security guard?

Thats what happened.

What a beautiful story. If one were to reside in Disneyland. Im an Aussie, and we have our dickheads here too. And many of them display their dickheadedness in Phuket. And 59 years of age doesnt discount the guy from being an aggressive over the top tool. We see them all the time....Then add "Drunk Aussie" to the mix, throw in a bit of "Agro Aussie" then throw in a bit of "A falang with a superiority complex" then throw in arrogance, a bully by nature, a loud mouth, a social failure in his own country type of Aussie, and there you have it. The only difference between a buffoon, cocksure, agressive, 35 year old muscle bound tool, and a 59 year old grey headed wouldnt hurt a fly type of a guy is 24 years. Thats the only degree of seperation, and thats years. Some habits die hard, some habits never die. The guy got into a fight, he carried a knife for self defence in stupidity, he got drunk, he got stood up, he got scared and full of adrenaline, and a young man, probably a loud mouth as well, is now deceased. This <deleted> happens day in and day out all over the world. It's nothing new. Almost in fact not worth reporting.

Yep, hope he gets everything he deserves. Might also shut up a few of the knuckle heads on TV who constantly crow about their "rights" to carry weapons in this country especially the multitude that are proud to tell everyone they carry knives on their person in their vehicles and wherever else for "protection". Weapon carried by cowards pure and simple.

My local policeman told me to carry a samurai sword in my pick up in case of " robber" he was VERY serious and produced one to show me what to get.

I never did but he was serious.

I carry a small pocket knife like 2 up to about 3 inch. It has nothing to do with self protection. it is for things that a pocket knife is made for. opening letters, and such and most important to cut meat on my dinner plate. What is it with Thai restaurants not giving you a knife with dinner? They give you a fork and a spoon with a meat dinner. They like to chop steak and chicken for you on a chopping block with bone splinters thru your meal.

I like to cut my own. It is ridiculous to forbid possession of pocket knifes.

I am all for locking the a*s-hole up for a long time for stabbing a man in the stomach with a pocket knife. Its not made for that. facepalm.gif

You are joking?


Before my stroke, I traveled all over the north and north east of Thailand on my CBR. I'm a 4th Dan in Shotokan, 2nd Dan in Akido, and held a Master's ranking in Military Martial arts, and yes, I still carried a 4" combat boot knife (concealed) with me. Fortunately, I never let myself be put into a situation where I had to defend myself, but if it did happen, I was prepared. Am I some "nutter"? I hardly think so. But I am a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them.

" But I am a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them."


"Am I some "nutter"? "

I would say yes, clearly, you are somewhere on the nutter scale.

I do not see anything wrong with 'Just1Voices' post, can you not see that the 4" combat boot knife is only useful in very close up combat.

He has all those Martial art skills which would be a lot more useful than a knife, except if he was being attacked by a group or someone else

with a weapon

If he was attacked by a group, he would be entitled to use the knife or a weapon.

I would not hesitate to use a weapon if attacked unprovoked by even one person. If only to make sure he would not get the better of me.

"Illegally"? That means nothing if your life or well being is at stake. Just because a thing is law does not always mean it is right.


The realities of life, Hanging around bars, nightclubs etc, should be getting old for those over 50. Why on earth would anyone at that age

be hanging around low life, trash life styles. What is their to gain, night after night sitting in the same stool, listening to the same old jokes, same old

bar flies hustling drinks, loud music, yelling, shouting, and the parade of despicable acts as adults? What kind of life style do you call this? A Party Goer,

A bar stool Jock? A happy go lucky guy? ......someone just on Vacation?..........Or some old person who lost themselves in an atmosphere of resentment

to society, and decency? What happened to the nice little bar around the corner you stop in and order a beer and talk about the weather or the latest on the new.

Nowadays, its motcho men poking remarks to each other seeing who's the biggest blot in the bar. I just don't get it! Most decent men stay away from such establishments. They come here looking for some fun, some aquatints with the girls. then leave and go home. Yet little do they realize their actions in a bar drunk will determine their fate when sober. Having a concealed weapon in a bar is plainly against the law, and no excuse. He was watching a fight that broke out in the bar. He wanted to take a video of it with his Cellular phone or camera. One of the bar workers told him not to photograph it. he didn't listen.

The young man pushed the camera out of the way. The Australian man got belligerent and pull out his knife......the rest is history which he will be shrugging in

his mind for quiet some time. And all for what?........He came to Thailand to have a good time.........one Thai dead, and one in jail for a long time..........some fun!

What an inane, condescending post. You make a lot of unsupported insinuations. I'm 57 and still enjoy getting out for a few beers and listening to live music. The Tai Pan does get some good rock and roll at times, the type of music that someone who had their formative years in the '70s would enjoy. And anyway, according to other reports, he was just passing by, not cruising bars and hanging with low-lifes as you infer.

He's (ingalls) just trying to wind people up, take no notice.

The outcome is tragic given the loss of a young life. However, under the apparent circumstances of a serious bashing around the head and possibly being in fear of his life, perhaps this is a case of manslaughter rather than murder. Difficult to see intent if it's as reported elsewhere.


Before my stroke, I traveled all over the north and north east of Thailand on my CBR. I'm a 4th Dan in Shotokan, 2nd Dan in Akido, and held a Master's ranking in Military Martial arts, and yes, I still carried a 4" combat boot knife (concealed) with me. Fortunately, I never let myself be put into a situation where I had to defend myself, but if it did happen, I was prepared. Am I some "nutter"? I hardly think so. But I am a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them.

" But I am a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them."


"Am I some "nutter"? "

I would say yes, clearly, you are somewhere on the nutter scale.

I do not see anything wrong with 'Just1Voices' post, can you not see that the 4" combat boot knife is only useful in very close up combat.

He has all those Martial art skills which would be a lot more useful than a knife, except if he was being attacked by a group or someone else

with a weapon

If he was attacked by a group, he would be entitled to use the knife or a weapon.

I would not hesitate to use a weapon if attacked unprovoked by even one person. If only to make sure he would not get the better of me.

"Illegally"? That means nothing if your life or well being is at stake. Just because a thing is law does not always mean it is right.

here is the flaw in your argument possum. The law is ALWAYS right. How can it be proved? Try telling it to a judge when you're accused of breaking a law. "Your honour you are wrong. The law is wrong" you'll probably get a bigger penalty for contempt. In this case had he complied he would have gotten a few bruises to his body and his ego and not be responsible for ending a life and wasting his life in jail thinking "only if I had not been stupid to break the law and not carried a knife". Those who disregard the rules usually come unstuck. Let that be a lesson to us next time we think "I'll do what I like and stuff the law I'm above it". No one is. In summary law is always right. Time for a Guinness me thinks!

Bouncers in Bangla Rd area are THUGS, plain and simple...and do attack and kick the shit out of drunk farang ALL THE TIME!!... I have seen it happen many times and i have been on the receiving end when i tried stopping a very ugly disturbing incident not unlike this one, I took out the super aggressive thug Bouncer and was set upon by 4 more, kicked and stomped on multiple times... luckily i survived....NEVER again after that!!! I went to Kathu Police Station to get justice for myself and the beaten victim, took the cops back, the thugs were not to be seen, obviously tipped off when they saw me with the BIB and NOTHING happened, an absolute joke...

MOST of these uneducated/non-trained grubs are cowards and in fact i understand why he carried protection in these areas, as he has probably seen this disgusting excessive show of force many times as well he lives here, he would have seen this before, as its rife...CLEAN UP YOUR ACT THAILAND, no wonder your Country is going down the shitter!!.

I feel for the young guy 100% but it didnt need to go down like that and the young guy through the reports if they are correct, provacated the incident.... BLOODY shame and a waste of 2 peoples lives... A hole of the world this cesspit is...If he was trained correctly, this would not have happened.

Lets see what happens now, either the Bouncers will wake up and stop bashing people drunk or not OR they will go out in force now and bash many more drunk tourists to "save face", in which the Thai Authorities like in so many other cases, will let the Thai off... I hate to say, my thoughts are with the latter understanding how these Adult with child like mentality's think! Shame....


Before the "there must be more to the story" or "it was a set-up" crowd butts in: if you are 59 tears old and carry a knife to go on the piss then there is something fundamentally wrong; at that age he should be smarter than that.

There's a picture of the knife he was carrying on Phuketgazette: http://phuketgazette.net/phuket-news/Australian-expat-kills-Phuket-nightclub-bouncer/51534#ad-image-0

He should have just backed off after being told to stop filming.

RIP to the nightclub security guy.


Yep, hope he gets everything he deserves. Might also shut up a few of the knuckle heads on TV who constantly crow about their "rights" to carry weapons in this country especially the multitude that are proud to tell everyone they carry knives on their person in their vehicles and wherever else for "protection". Weapon carried by cowards pure and simple.

Spoken by someone who has no concept of the actual realities of life.

Spoken by someone who has zero idea of where I have been or what I have done. Like you do later I could provide a menu of martial arts I have done but I don't feel the need to blow my own trumpet. The first rule of any decent self defence is extricating yourself from trouble. Intelligent people avoid trouble and do their best to remove themselves from situations where they may occur (read being drunk in bar areas in the early hours of the morning) Ignoring the fact the this was a near 60 year old man on the piss in the early hours of the morning carrying a concealed weapon. In my experience two types of people carry weapons. Those that wish to feel tougher or bigger to replace other shortcomings in their anantomy or those that have the intent to use them. The former generally get them taken off them and used against them the latter eventually cause serious injury or as in this case kill someone. I have never felt the need to carry a weapon on me anywhere in the world and won't even though I am proficient in their use. Not sure what country your from but there are few countries in the world where getting punched in the head (whether you instigated the fight or not) entitles you to use lethal force certainly not in Australia where I am from and I am pretty sure not here.

You may be Bruce Lee reincarnated,but you sure can't read.It has not been proven he was on the turps,nor whose knife it is.It's all,he said,she said at the moment.Must be cctv of the area,but was it working.If you are in fear of your life,you would do anything.Hey Bruce,if you were attacked and you used one of those fancy moves of yours and the guy fell over and cracked his head and died,what would that make you,eh.


The outcome is tragic given the loss of a young life. However, under the apparent circumstances of a serious bashing around the head and possibly being in fear of his life, perhaps this is a case of manslaughter rather than murder. Difficult to see intent if it's as reported elsewhere.

I disagree. He had ample opportunity to just walk away, but didn't.

And why carry a knife in the first place? Are you saying that the streets of Patong are so unsafe that you need to have a weapon on you all the time? That'll do wonders for the tourist trade.


There ARE CCTV cameras in the area directly near this incident. PLUS a manned police box directly opposite Tai Pan...... I wonder where Mr BIB on Duty was when this was going down? It will be interesting what comes of it.


The outcome is tragic given the loss of a young life. However, under the apparent circumstances of a serious bashing around the head and possibly being in fear of his life, perhaps this is a case of manslaughter rather than murder. Difficult to see intent if it's as reported elsewhere.

The tragic outcome could have been the Ozzy if he didn't have the knife.He is alive,that's all he's thinking now.The other guy is not thinking at all,right or wrong.


The outcome is tragic given the loss of a young life. However, under the apparent circumstances of a serious bashing around the head and possibly being in fear of his life, perhaps this is a case of manslaughter rather than murder. Difficult to see intent if it's as reported elsewhere.

The tragic outcome could have been the Ozzy if he didn't have the knife.He is alive,that's all he's thinking now.The other guy is not thinking at all,right or wrong.

Exactly right Louse1953, we all know what this place is like its dangerous not only for Farang but for Thais alike... The Thai Authorities are to blame, nothing ever gets acted on in this place to correct anything wrong, i pull my hair out. I understand why he had a weapon, i dont agree with weapons, I dont carry one for this exact reason and never had, now i walk away from the many incidences i see as hard as that is trying to help someone being bashed is horrible, justified or not, the excessive violence is NOT called for....

i learnt my lesson and my Thai wife warns me when we see an incident, "stay away honey, you know what Thai man like"... The area is notoriously bad, you just dont read much about it.Oh and a last word, there were Thais every where filming the poor bastard i tried to help when i got flogged... GO Figure!!!


Why did the Thai police get into an altication with the foreign police patrols, surely they are there to better the quality of complaints and violence, Lets see if they do recover CCTV, they wont if it goes against them I bet, I heared the knife belonged to the security guard, but lets see what the cctv picks up, presuming they are working that is.


The outcome is tragic given the loss of a young life. However, under the apparent circumstances of a serious bashing around the head and possibly being in fear of his life, perhaps this is a case of manslaughter rather than murder. Difficult to see intent if it's as reported elsewhere.

The tragic outcome could have been the Ozzy if he didn't have the knife.He is alive,that's all he's thinking now.The other guy is not thinking at all,right or wrong.

Exactly right Louse1953, we all know what this place is like its dangerous not only for Farang but for Thais alike... The Thai Authorities are to blame, nothing ever gets acted on in this place to correct anything wrong, i pull my hair out. I understand why he had a weapon, i dont agree with weapons, I dont carry one for this exact reason and never had, now i walk away from the many incidences i see as hard as that is trying to help someone being bashed is horrible, justified or not, the excessive violence is NOT called for....

i learnt my lesson and my Thai wife warns me when we see an incident, "stay away honey, you know what Thai man like"... The area is notoriously bad, you just dont read much about it.Oh and a last word, there were Thais every where filming the poor bastard i tried to help when i got flogged... GO Figure!!!

ot appears that the wife is starting to drill some sense into you. Good on her and good for you. After reading this post my previous post appears too harsh.

Having witnessed too many farang getting bashed by bouncers for being drunk, in Bangla Rd where 70% of the people are drunk, because they are on holiday in the bar areas with whore bar girls encouraging them to drink copious quantities of alcohol... IN THE REAL WORLD, this is called responsible service of alcohol and a law that establishments will be fined and licenses revoked, servicing alcohol to already inebriated patrons. Now in saying that, no one deserves toi be killed doing their job, i feel sorry for this young man.. , its only a matter of time before Karma prevails and a young 25 yo man should not be bashing an old guy filming a fight on public property... Shocking unfortunate incident that should have never happened, a lesson for all concerned!

As an adult and in the "real world" I am the person and the only person responsible for my drinking. Thailand isn't a nanny-state.

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