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Australian expat stabs to death Phuket nightclub worker

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so is there an update of this story with the real facts ?

The only facts the BiB here care about are, there is a dead Thai from a stabbing, and a farang had a knife. All other things are irrelevant.

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I do hope the truth does come out but I do maintain that there are a few truths regardless:

  • Bounces all over the world are not hired for their conversational skills or high IQ. They are minimum wage guys that will not get a job as a brain surgery and probably enjoy dealing out some pain. Do not mess with them.
  • Do not carry a knife or any other weapon unless you are 100% sure you are a) ready to uses it B) face the consequences if the other guy goes down. c) face the consequences if you literally brought a knife to a gun fight.
  • There is always a way to back off. I do not enjoy the seedier bars much but I do like going out once in a while. In 50 years (OK, 35 as I did not go out as a baby) in some of the rougher parts of Africa, Europe, and Asia I have never been drawn into a fight.
  • I do not believe that some innocent by-passer just gets set upon by a bouncer/ladyboy/dude on steroids without reason (Admittedly, there have been instances of people getting king-hit, but I do not believe this happens in Thailand a lot).

Having witnessed too many farang getting bashed by bouncers for being drunk, in Bangla Rd where 70% of the people are drunk, because they are on holiday in the bar areas with whore bar girls encouraging them to drink copious quantities of alcohol... IN THE REAL WORLD, this is called responsible service of alcohol and a law that establishments will be fined and licenses revoked, servicing alcohol to already inebriated patrons. Now in saying that, no one deserves toi be killed doing their job, i feel sorry for this young man.. , its only a matter of time before Karma prevails and a young 25 yo man should not be bashing an old guy filming a fight on public property... Shocking unfortunate incident that should have never happened, a lesson for all concerned!

As an adult and in the "real world" I am the person and the only person responsible for my drinking. Thailand isn't a nanny-state.

So, if the accused was sober, and filming in a public place, did he deserve to be assaulted????

Even if the accused had been drinking, how does one's consumption of alcohol justify being assaulted, when their behaviour is within the law????


U keep saying a man of that age shouldn't be carrying a knife! A man of that age needs something to protect himself from what goes on in the Land of Smiles!!


Did the foreigner:

-Have the legal right to carry that particular kind of knife, if it were his?

-Have the legal right to take his phone out and film an event occurring?

-Have the legal right to not be touched, or have his personal items on his person grabbed at?

-Have the legal right to defend himself against said assault, using his body and limbs?

-Have the legal right to up the ante and defend himself with extreme prejudice after receiving heavy blows to the head, with no apparent signs of the blows stopping, and said foreigner is now feeling faint, in shock and in fear of his life?

-Is the foreigner aware of the frequent circumstances that occur on this death island lately in acts of crime, abuse, murder, extortion carried out against foreigners?

Easy to prove. If all yes, he is innocent.

Did the thug:

-Have a legal right to touch a foreigner in an aggressive manner?

-Have a legal right to grab at said foreigner's personal items on said foreigner's person?

-Have a legal right to use aggressive and threatening language at the foreigner?

-Have a legal right to direct others to assault the foreigner?

-Have a legal right to strike the foreigner, causing bleeding and bruising?

-Have a legal right to continually attempt to assault said foreigner after (more than likely) being told to stop?

Easy to prove. If all no, he is guilty.

The thing is, when the thug took matters into his own hands and violated another persons inalienable rights without proper police supervision, then the thug had to have understood that he is responsible for any outcome. On second thought, ...he is Thai, so scratch that. He is entitled. It's his island. It's his turf. Sound like a gang member mentality this same foreigner could expect to have dished out were he to visit a pub in Ferguson?

The man was using a phone. He was not waving a gun around or doing anything to constitute the thugs actions. The thug should have contacted the police for this serious crime, and followed the man, and when the police showed up, only then attempted to confiscate the man for using a phone to film something. A serious crime, yes?

The knife coming into play is not an argument that people can use to demean those who use something to defend themselves when the odds are against them, be it a fist, a finger, a car key gripped in the fist, ball point pen, etc. All of these things we have at our disposal in most cases. Not weapons... TOOLS. If it can be proven that the knife is his and he carried it on his person with the intent to harm Thais then all the more power to the prosecuting attorney. If it can be proven that this businessman in the community is prejudice and/or racist against Thais, the more power to the prosecuting attorney. If it can be proven that these bouncers have never once beat the shit out of foreigners in and around their bar turf, and only once with this phone carrying criminal, then more power to the prosecuting attorney.

This all happened very fast. I don't know how many of you have been pitted against Thais, but it is quite similar to a rabid dog that simply will not let it go and will hound you every time you turn, and when you stand there it will look for the weakest guard and go for that area. And things do happen really fast in a fight like this. There is not much time to think, and much less when you are scared shitless and bleeding profusely and at an age where you are in shock that a much younger person is acting like a flat out lunatic and giving the very real impression he is going to put you down hard........... because of a damn phone.

In a public place, the thug had no authority prior to assaulting the foreigner. In a public place, refusing a thug's demand to stop using a phone to film something is not a crime. In a public place, refusing a thugs demand to hand over a phone is not a crime. In a public place, defending one's self against an assault is not a crime. In a public place, elevating one's defense when the thug elevates his methods of assault and causes grievous bodily injury is not a crime.

The damn idiot would not be dead were he to have been civil and uphold those same laws of common sense preached by those who seem to think that common sense comes into play when one is assaulted by an enraged, rude, racist (visions of Ferguson) idiot.

Furthermore, where are all these other so-called witnesses, who by their mere e,plyment and presence are very entitled to stop the aggressor (the thug) and de-escalate this situation? Where are they. These lunatics are standing there being entertained now by two fights? Try to calm down their compatriot? Hell no. Why not? Because they are on his side, and waiting for the outcome. We do not even know fi a few of them helped put in a few good punches.

So now we have a lot of employees standing around looking very guilty fo not calming down their rabid mate, and rather instead, letting this happen. Is it possible they contributed to the baiting, etc? Yes. This is Phuket.

Unless something extremely (EXTREMELY) incriminating comes out in all of this, that proves any guilt towards the foreigner, BEFORE it can be argued why a knife was needed, then everything should be pointing at the dead thug, the thugs accomplices, the bar owner, night manager, bar girls and everyone else there.Simply another view on this, after reading all of the utterly obtuse ranting against this victim of a very very unfortunate circumstance on Death Island #2... Googled:

Phuket foreigner beaten

Phuket foreigner robbed

Phuket foreigner murdered

Phuket foreigner scammed

We should also be taking into consideration the statistics on the reams and reams of pages from the above links, which show beyond the shadow of a doubt that Phuket nightlife is very risky for anyone minding their own business, and who logically, rationally and reasonably argues when a lunatic makes an absolutely illogical, irrational and unreasonable demand prior to jumping on you and endeavoring to beat the life out of you.


What business was it of the bouncer to tell anyone one to stop filming? Does he own the rights by any chance? These bouncers go around thinking they can do whatever they want. Hopefully this unfortunate event will make the rest wiser about confronting people without a right in an atmosphere clearly prone to conflict

There are some places in this world that does not allow photography - like a super market.

Hopefully this unfortunate event will make the rest wiser about confronting people without a right in an atmosphere clearly prone to conflict

On the other hand, the bouncers will be wiser and send the initiator to his creator faster.


If you are on their property or inside their property the supermarket or night club have every right to impose rules.

If however, as the story suggests, the Australian was walking by on public property and witnessed an altercation, then decided to film it, that's his right. The bouncers have no authority to stop someone filming or doing anything on public property and if they assaulted him when trying to deter him he has the right to defend himself.

Very often police (real police) appeal for anyone who recorded fights and assaults to come forward and make it available.


Yep, hope he gets everything he deserves. Might also shut up a few of the knuckle heads on TV who constantly crow about their "rights" to carry weapons in this country especially the multitude that are proud to tell everyone they carry knives on their person in their vehicles and wherever else for "protection". Weapon carried by cowards pure and simple.

Spoken by someone who has no concept of the actual realities of life.

Spoken by someone who has zero idea of where I have been or what I have done. Like you do later I could provide a menu of martial arts I have done but I don't feel the need to blow my own trumpet. The first rule of any decent self defence is extricating yourself from trouble. Intelligent people avoid trouble and do their best to remove themselves from situations where they may occur (read being drunk in bar areas in the early hours of the morning) Ignoring the fact the this was a near 60 year old man on the piss in the early hours of the morning carrying a concealed weapon. In my experience two types of people carry weapons. Those that wish to feel tougher or bigger to replace other shortcomings in their anantomy or those that have the intent to use them. The former generally get them taken off them and used against them the latter eventually cause serious injury or as in this case kill someone. I have never felt the need to carry a weapon on me anywhere in the world and won't even though I am proficient in their use. Not sure what country your from but there are few countries in the world where getting punched in the head (whether you instigated the fight or not) entitles you to use lethal force certainly not in Australia where I am from and I am pretty sure not here.

Actually in Australia being hit in the head and attacked by several people, where you believed on reasonable grounds that it was necessary to use deadly force to defend yourself or others, it is permitted


Someone mentioned it was a case 3 inch pocket knife. Is this fact? This is typically a knife carried for peeling fruit, opening a box or times you just need a cutting tool other than inflicting wounds. Most people collect them and not for self defense. Not taking anyone's side just mentioning the weapon used is usually not going to result in death if pulled out so it is hard to say this man carried a knife for ill reasons. RIP


Someone mentioned it was a case 3 inch pocket knife. Is this fact? This is typically a knife carried for peeling fruit, opening a box or times you just need a cutting tool other than inflicting wounds. Most people collect them and not for self defense. Not taking anyone's side just mentioning the weapon used is usually not going to result in death if pulled out so it is hard to say this man carried a knife for ill reasons. RIP

Photo of the actual knive in police evidence



As to the club policy on cameras. Tai Pan disco encourages photos, videos, etc. Anyone who says they had a policy against filming has never been to this part of Thailand.

This disco is at the main Bangla intersection.
There are CCTV cameras all around. Everything is on tape. I wonder when the footage will leak out.

Thais in this area, including the bouncers at this disco, and the tuk tuk and motorcycle drivers that park within meters of this club are prone to mob foreigners. It's never one on one.

Also, this incident happened quite early. Tai Pan doesn't even START to get busy until about 2am. About 3:30-4:30 it's really rockin.

At just after midnight, the night is just beginning.


Firstly we dont know if he was defending himself from a beating from a much younger person, but yes let hang him high...facepalm.gif

Secondly a huge % of Thai males carry weapons in their cars, you think those market stalls have all that stuff just for show?rolleyes.gif

Thirdly you better be able to escape, cause some will use them for minor slight.crazy.gif

sorry, but if he want to defend himself because he got beaten .. just pulling or showing the knife would be enough to hold them off and get out of there ..

no need to stab someone dead in my opinion..

How can you know the situation so well?

You cant and you cant say what happened.

Neither can I.

All I've said is we dont know what or how it happened, so lets not hang the guy.

When you've been in this country long enough you know, just about any scenario is possible.

I'm sorry but your opinion is uninformed, and therefore worthless.

(I have not read the more recent posts, (10 pages?) so more information may have come to light)


Looks like he had wounds to his head. I love the way some arm chair detectives rush to judgement, makes thaivisa what it is, along with the candy crush popup adds. and adding stupid ads to my posts, maybe the greed has got them but looks like thaivisa is going down the tubes. time for a new news source.


bouncer was probably rude like most of them thinkin they all are thai boxer buakaw , one day he said someting to the wrong guy and hit the wrong farang and paid with his life.

i guess his sak yan against stabbing didn't work.


I love the assumptions here. He is drunk. He started it. It was an unprovoked attack. I read the article three times and could not glean any of that. Wonder how many sherlocks will apologise here if they are wrong

Time Traveller, on 11 Mar 2015 - 15:21, said:
Luxfare, on 11 Mar 2015 - 15:11, said:

Carrying a knife on one's person if it's over a certain size and not required for work IS ILLEGAL. It's classed as a concealed weapon.

And yes protecting ones life IF IN IMMEDIATE DANGER is a human right but that doesn't give people the right to walk around with weapons INCASE they need protection, if that were the case then I'd choose a gun as the range is slightly superior don't you think.

I'm 36 and have never once thought I needed to carry a knife around....I guess either I don't frequent places that I feel intimidated at or that I don't suffer paranoia. If anyone thinks Thailand is so violent they need a sharp potentially leathal weapon on them at all times, then maybe it's time to move somewhere else.

Your argument is so stupid. It's like saying if you feel the need to wear seatbelt at all times, then it's time to stop driving anywhere. (Do you wear a seatbelt?)

If you don't agree with other people taking prevention then that's your problem.

Carrying a knife isn't taking prevention...........it's taking intention.


The realities of life, Hanging around bars, nightclubs etc, should be getting old for those over 50. Why on earth would anyone at that age

be hanging around low life, trash life styles. What is their to gain, night after night sitting in the same stool, listening to the same old jokes, same old

bar flies hustling drinks, loud music, yelling, shouting, and the parade of despicable acts as adults? What kind of life style do you call this? A Party Goer,

A bar stool Jock? A happy go lucky guy? ......someone just on Vacation?..........Or some old person who lost themselves in an atmosphere of resentment

to society, and decency? What happened to the nice little bar around the corner you stop in and order a beer and talk about the weather or the latest on the new.

Nowadays, its motcho men poking remarks to each other seeing who's the biggest blot in the bar. I just don't get it! Most decent men stay away from such establishments. They come here looking for some fun, some aquatints with the girls. then leave and go home. Yet little do they realize their actions in a bar drunk will determine their fate when sober. Having a concealed weapon in a bar is plainly against the law, and no excuse. He was watching a fight that broke out in the bar. He wanted to take a video of it with his Cellular phone or camera. One of the bar workers told him not to photograph it. he didn't listen.

The young man pushed the camera out of the way. The Australian man got belligerent and pull out his knife......the rest is history which he will be shrugging in

his mind for quiet some time. And all for what?........He came to Thailand to have a good time.........one Thai dead, and one in jail for a long time..........some fun!

The situation and the kind of Thai people you are talking about simply do not exist in this scenario. You sound like a nice man reacting to a situation that is far beyond your comprehension. I am sure that Billy Graham would feel the same way, but everyone is not like you and likes to go out and meet friends for a nice cool drink. Additionally, there are a lot of wordings in your post that do not make sense. There was no camera, and a lot of your interpretations of things sounds like they are coming from a pulpit.

It is becoming clearer that the Thai had the knife. That makes sense as no one jumped in and helped him because they figured it was "under control", Thai style (i.e. Thai thug with knife against seemingly old man with telephone). I had wondered why the Thais did not jump him all at once, and this explains one of the last details of what I do suspect. They did not jump him all at once because the foreigner did not have the knife and they held back to watch the show instead of trying to stop their idiot co-worker from killing an innocent man. It all happened so quickly and was over so fast. I am only still wondering why they did not jump him afterwards... or, what kept the jackals from wading in. Maybe the pros had showed u0p by that time.

If you read the update in post 102 and follow the link you see how over the top you are.

I feel a bit vindicated as all my prior posts are proving more accurate than I thought, with the exception that the man was walking past and not in the disco. This truly does incriminate that dead thug and the establishment, its owners, the night manager and the employees. Off premises is nothing more than an assault and/or a robbery if one is touching and grabbing. If it can be followed up and proven that the knife is indeed the thug's, then this will vindicate the foreigner without any further BS.

If the knife is the foreigners, then he had a right to use it when he was attacked and sustained injuries by the dead thug, which required medical attention at the hospital; injuries he sustained before any knife was produced.

Either way, this did not happen on premises, and rather instead in a public place. I suspect that the police will be reluctant to let this fish get away, but the more the evidence comes out, the less likely they will be to pursue it, and maybe mitigate it down to involuntary manslaughter or even self-defense against an assault and robbery with intent to harm or kill.

That is simply my view/guess, etc. but these news reporters really screw things up when they keep coming out with an update and changing what they implied before. I wish the foreigner all the best and a full recovery, as well as his friend with him that night, who was himself assaulted by the same kind of thugs.


This story stinks from beginning to end, and my benefit of the doubt absolutely goes in favor of the man defending himself against permanent injury or worse.

As I have stated before, any time a foreigner is involved in an issue that gets a story, the foreigner's statement NEVER reaches our eyes or ears. It is either pure bad reporting with all the Thai details, or something as ludicrous as this piece of crap.

The ones bashing the man need to step back and take a breathe and realize that:

We are talking about Phuket: Death Island Number 2

A foreigner is accosted by a Thai worker without provocation: as stupid as a 7-11 attendant chasing down a robber and getting stabbed to death.

The foreigner is battered about the head by one and maybe more Thais. Head wounds bleed profusely, and even more so when alcohol thins the blood. This man was probably covered in blood and going into a state of panic/shock before he felt the overwhelming sense of self-preservation.

The Thai/Thais did not back off. They were probably like a pack of jackals attacking a wounded lion. They probably had THEIR blood lust up and were simply not going to let this man off easy with a warning, as attested by the multiple head wounds.

We don't know any facts beyond the photograph and the report that the Thai man who put those wounds there had to do so before he received the death wound in his stomach. Clearly, the Thai man did not stop until he received the wound.

And because why... because a foreigner was filming another fight that all the Thai workers were just standing around and watching and doing nothing... and had enough time to case the joint and watch out for what other people were doing instead.

One question is, would this Thai man, or those Thai men, have given any indication to the profusely bleeding and bruised foreigner that they were going to cease and desist. Between their calls to each other on which approach to get to the man and lay in another punch, and their profanity aimed at the foreigner, does anyone think that they spoke kindly to the man to hand over his phone and put his hands in the air (before the knife was produced)?

There are so many holes in this puzzle, yet I am absolutely certain of the despicable, animal behavior of the Thai men on these islands (Phuket and Koh Tao) as ALWAYS depicted in daily newspaper headlines, that the man was entirely fighting for what he emphatically believed was his life.

He was in a corner and surrounded. He lives there for 10 years. He knows all the stories. He knows what happens when these wolf packs attack a foreigner. He knows no one escapes without serious bodily injury. He knows that Thais can't stop head stomping and face kicking once they get rolling and the victim is unfortunate enough to go down beneath their unmerciful blows.

Before he was attacked, he was not doing anything that anyone else might do, and do so without any feelings of violating any rules, code, ethic, etc. The idiot that attacked him should have been doing his job and should have been breaking up the fight going on instead of worrying about a foreigner filming the fight. Who knows how many bar girls and other Thais were also filming the fight, which perhaps inspired the foreigner to join in? Possible? Absolutely.

The disgusting behavior of the Thai worker and his cohorts are what caused all of this. The death is a matter of self-defense. The deceased, in all likelihood was in a sober rage that far and beyond incriminates him compared to a drunk customer minding his own business and being forced (FORCED) to protect himself from what he knows, in all likelihood, was an out and out over the top beating.

Stab wounds come from being in close quarters, and I doubt the foreigner was the one chasing the Thai around the premises and carrying the fight to the Thai.

Self-defense; in that he did nothing wrong before being singled out and compelled to fight for his life, or be permanently injured or worse were he to take what they were dealing out to him.

Just my take, and I wonder how many Aussie bashers have ever had their heads caved in and, still being capable, did nothing. Clearly his counter punches were not effective enough to make these animals stop. Clearly, when in shock, if plan A does not work, regardless of the consequences, one goes to plan B. Not doing anything results in ones permanent injury or epitaph. I think the Aussies sensed that in a fleeting moment even though he was drunk. The disgusting thing is that a grown adult sober man did not have the sense enough to stop trying to injure or kill a drunk, elderly man for using his telephone to film a stupid fight that the grown adult sober man ignored.

Apologies if I insulted anyone, but at least I did not leave any profusely bleeding head wounds.

I sincerely hope you never ever ever become a police officer. There are these little things called facts, writing down what YOU THINK happened is not factual.

You say those bashing the man need to step back before YOU then going on to write a version of events that almost defines SPECULATION. I remember a similar story a few years ago involving a group of 3 English thugs who got involved in a fight with some Thai bouncers ,ended up jumping into the sea and one drowned. Everyone then raved and ranted about how the bouncer thugs should serve life and that they're animals only to conveniently disappear when the truth came out about how the three Brits were violent thugs who had just recently been released from prison for a string of violent acts in the UK.

You seem like another apologist, in fact maybe you should defend the Aussie, you have your closing statement already prepared it seems.

The facts are becoming more clear. Care to remit your statement?


he's covered in blood from the fight, took a beating to the front, side and back of head

Maybe he accidentally tripped over and banged his head while "assisting Police."


I hope the (if) guilty person gets what he deserves. Being drunk is no excuse.

//update// other news reports present a completely different story. Best we all wait a hear what truth eventually shakes out.

Best is Thaivisa should post news stories of this kind and lock them for comments, because the judge and jury bunch on this forum makes me and probably many others sick to the stomach.


The outcome is tragic given the loss of a young life. However, under the apparent circumstances of a serious bashing around the head and possibly being in fear of his life, perhaps this is a case of manslaughter rather than murder. Difficult to see intent if it's as reported elsewhere.

The outcome is not tragic at all if like many others, this bodyguard was a savage who gets a kick of beating up other people, especially farangs. In fact, good riddance, one barbaric thug out of the streets.

Hope the Australian will be able to prove self defence or just give a shitload of money to the judge.


My wife (Thai) carries a baseball bat in her car. She keeps it there in case of altercations that happen in traffic etc. She has employed it twice now on Thai men much to their sorrow. Her story to the police is that she felt frightened by the aggressive behavior of the man in question so she unloaded on them. Police don't even bother to take her to the station. The man in question ends up with a warning from the police and a visit to the hospital. Nothing is ever black and white in Thailand.


Hang him dry brigade,

There's a law stating that if a person is feeling his life is somewhat in Danger, he has the right to protect himself by any means he feels to do so.

If that means using a weapon for him to protect his life then so be it. I'm also a man who always tries to consider all possible scenarios and be prepared for them. But don't carry knives or guns on me.

The use of force must be proportionate to the objective.

need more info before we hang him.

All sailors carry knives.

Easily could have been in fear of getting kicked to death.

Certainly bouncers in this country have killed a few, as they have done in most countries.

"All sailors carry knives" ? Im a sailor and don`t and neither does my colleagues... Maybe in the Age of sail they did,but certainly not nowadays.


The realities of life, Hanging around bars, nightclubs etc, should be getting old for those over 50. Why on earth would anyone at that age

be hanging around low life, trash life styles. What is their to gain, night after night sitting in the same stool, listening to the same old jokes, same old

bar flies hustling drinks, loud music, yelling, shouting, and the parade of despicable acts as adults? What kind of life style do you call this? A Party Goer,

A bar stool Jock? A happy go lucky guy? ......someone just on Vacation?..........Or some old person who lost themselves in an atmosphere of resentment

to society, and decency? What happened to the nice little bar around the corner you stop in and order a beer and talk about the weather or the latest on the new.

Nowadays, its motcho men poking remarks to each other seeing who's the biggest blot in the bar. I just don't get it! Most decent men stay away from such establishments. They come here looking for some fun, some aquatints with the girls. then leave and go home. Yet little do they realize their actions in a bar drunk will determine their fate when sober. Having a concealed weapon in a bar is plainly against the law, and no excuse. He was watching a fight that broke out in the bar. He wanted to take a video of it with his Cellular phone or camera. One of the bar workers told him not to photograph it. he didn't listen.

The young man pushed the camera out of the way. The Australian man got belligerent and pull out his knife......the rest is history which he will be shrugging in

his mind for quiet some time. And all for what?........He came to Thailand to have a good time.........one Thai dead, and one in jail for a long time..........some fun!

Daniel the ozzie was passing outside on his way home from a meeting with his disabled friend in a wheelchair. He saw a fight in the entrance and stopped to take a photo.

Did you read news article?

People really need to be a bit more selective/sensitive about the situations and places in which they are wielding camera-phones

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