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Thai CDC and representatives on official field trip in Germany


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CDC and representatives on official field trip in Germany


BANGKOK, 16 March 2015 (NNT) - A group of representatives from the Constitution Drafting Committee has left for Germany on an official government invitation to learn about the country’s election system.

The visiting trip has seen the participation of CDC members, who were joined by representatives from the National Legislative Assembly and the National Reform Council as well as nine election commissioners and academics.

The trip, scheduled for March 15 to 20 and led by CDC Chairman Borwornsak Uwanno, is in response to an official invitation of the government of Germany in order for the group to get first-hand information about the German-style election system, which Thailand could adopt in its upcoming poll.

According to CDC spokesman Gen. Lertrat Ratanavanich, the trip would not only focus on the study of Germany’s election system but also other related elements that Thailand can make use for its charter drafting process.

-- NNT 2015-03-16 footer_n.gif

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Is it a field trip or a fact finding trip , either way one hopes they learn something, the Coup has been 10 months in the making and they are just deciding to see how other countries electoral system works, this will be interesting indeed.coffee1.gif

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Can't be true. An official invitation from the German government?

But TVF's active Shin supporter's club maintain no Western democracy would have anything to do with the current Thai government. Seems like they've made a honest mistake yet again in their assertions.

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Are they going First class or Economy class, What wrong with using info off of the internet? Information can be found by going to the German Embassy. This is a big vacation scam! How many are going? For a fact finding mission, only takes one person to write it all down.........what is there to learn....pick the candidate and pull the lever....Wammo! just voted!

Edited by Daniel Ingalls
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Are they going First class or Economy class, What wrong with using info off of the internet? Information can be found by going to the German Embassy. This is a big vacation scam! How many are going? For a fact finding mission, only takes one person to write it all down.........what is there to learn....pick the candidate and pull the lever....Wammo! just voted!

Some of them decided to call in at KL on the way, flying Malaysian business class. Maybe TG was too expensive...at least that was my own rationale

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So are they going to adopt a new judicial system?

Will the military lose their right to hold future coups?

Will they have a senate handpicked: thereby not letting ordinary Thais into the process of electing the senate representatives or being senators?

'Germany has a multi-party system with two strong political parties and some other third parties also represented in the Bundestag. Since 1990, five parties (counting the CDU and CSU as one) have been represented in the Bundestag.' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elections_in_Germany

The one thing this regime is doing is getting rid of any opposition. This regime is looking to legitimise their actions by aligning themselves to a Western Power. The glove they are looking for won't fit the Thai people or dupe them into believing a foreign election process will be delivered.

Waste in time and money.

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The invitation is more a mockery of what the Junta is doing to Thailand's democracy.

If the Junta indeed had an honest roadmap to restore democracy to Thailand, it wouldn't need an eleventh-hour field trip to Germany. The fact that the invitation was accepted shows the extent of the deceipt to which the CDC is allegedly interested in developing a democratic electoral system that is found in other demoractic countries.

We've already heard from the CDC that it will modify the German MMP systems because it encourages strong political parties, strong PM/Chancellor, and does not provide for the selection of a PM/Chancellor who is not a party member by outside organizations when they so choose. So what's the point of this trip other than when CDC members return they'll state that the Germans understand the reasons for the coup and delay for return to democracy. Just more Junta window dressing.

The CDC has also stated interest in adopting the coalition party system of Northern Ireland. Will they go there next? Realize that the coalition party system failed and Britain stepped in to reorganize the electroral system. CDC also stated interest in adopting to some degree the Canadian and UK constitutional electoral systems. More trips around the world?

The CDC has further stated that there is no good democratic electoral system in the world for it to adopt. It will need to create a Thailand brand of a new democracy. That is the real truth to the electroral system the Junta wants to implement - a custom system of governance that keeps it in power.

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Doesn't matter what election system is used in Thailand. Thailand is and has always been a feudal society where voters vote according what they are told by the local strongmen. That is how a feudal society works. Last time I checked, just by calling your party "the Democratic Party" does not mean it automatically is Democratic. The Thai voting is just a show for the world.

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