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what i miss about past life


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There is no reason not to make your own mustard pickle- takes time vegetable soaking in brine etc

I would suggest buying English mustard powder ( Colmans ) the local one does not quite taste the same.

Lots of recipes on the net.

Corned beef you can buy here

Then you can sit down, a nice loaf, your homemade pickle , corned beef and maybe some cheese- and treat yourself to some Bitter.


Where are you buying the Corned beef at?...would appreciate you letting me know.



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ASDA pizzas, ready to put in the oven.

2 for 4gbp

With a lifestyle like that, why did you ever leave?

So you think fighting for a seat at the food court is higher?

How interesting that you'd remember a thread from so many months before you joined the forum.

You think I can't use 'search'?

You think anyone believes that?

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Being a size 8 British woman, I must admit that I desperately miss all those handsome Western men with their lovely smooth heads, luxuriant back hair and irresistible man boobs. But nevermind, I can go to Pattaya to see them any day.

A size 8 British woman? Why haven't you been declared a national treasure? Oh, I get it now - your disposition doesn't match your looks.

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You think anyone believes that?

"You think I give a sh_it what you think"

(I wouldn't normally post anything this impolite, but as you said it to me .....)

Edited by MaeJoMTB
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'The way to a man's heart is through his stomach'

How true according to this thread, the irony is several of the posters, including myself, are from the UK which as the home of Shepherd's Pie, Black Pudding, Bubble and Squeak, etc has never been considered, quite rightly as the height of gourmet cooking.

Yet here we are,pining for our delicacies- and this is all we miss, apart from family and close friends!

No doubt biologists, psychologists can answer this- it must be the food you're fed as a youngster imprints you for life- I can't eat spicy food for breakfast, though for lunch and dinner it's fine. Likewise my missus dismisses toast, butter and marmalade for breakfast as bland and lacking in substance.

There must be a subconscious acceptance when we are kids- this is what you will like for life!

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You think anyone believes that?

"You think I give a sh_it what you think"

(I wouldn't normally post anything this impolite, but as you said it to me .....)

It seems you have made another Pal on the forum,i admire your people skills Soi.keep it up,,you have made some good posts here.

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You think anyone believes that?

"You think I give a sh_it what you think"

(I wouldn't normally post anything this impolite, but as you said it to me .....)

It seems you have made another Pal on the forum,i admire your people skills Soi.keep it up,,you have made some good posts here.

What can I say? My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.

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When I first came to Thailand--long time ago & was doing the usual "Kid in The Chocolate shop thing" going with a lot of knock out younger women, sometimes I would to pause & think of my Ex-wife then............

.Kept me from finishing to quick...........coffee1.gif

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Being a size 8 British woman, I must admit that I desperately miss all those handsome Western men with their lovely smooth heads, luxuriant back hair and irresistible man boobs. But nevermind, I can go to Pattaya to see them any day.

A size 8 British woman? Why haven't you been declared a national treasure? Oh, I get it now - your disposition doesn't match your looks.

Yes, I think you are correct. Because two of Jane K's three 'points' are quite unfair in that male pattern baldness and hair on the back are genetically programmed and completely unavoidable if they happen to be in one's genes.

Her third point, the man boobs, granted, are pretty horrible and she will find many of them proudly on display here in Pattaya, along with matching beer guts of sometimes mind boggling proportions. Both self-inflicted conditions.

Whereas the XL and XXL sized women (and men) generally have no one to blame other than themselves for the state they are in. Again self-inflicted, stemming from a lifetime of eating inappropriate and energy rich foods combined with insufficient exercise.

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When I first came to Thailand--long time ago & was doing the usual "Kid in The Chocolate shop thing" going with a lot of knock out younger women, sometimes I would to pause & think of my Ex-wife then............

.Kept me from finishing to quick...........coffee1.gif


I tried to find the connection between your post and the OP, but could not.


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Being a size 8 British woman, I must admit that I desperately miss all those handsome Western men with their lovely smooth heads, luxuriant back hair and irresistible man boobs. But nevermind, I can go to Pattaya to see them any day.

A size 8 British woman? Why haven't you been declared a national treasure? Oh, I get it now - your disposition doesn't match your looks.

Yes, I think you are correct. Because two of Jane K's three 'points' are quite unfair in that male pattern baldness and hair on the back are genetically programmed and completely unavoidable if they happen to be in one's genes.

Her third point, the man boobs, granted, are pretty horrible and she will find many of them proudly on display here in Pattaya, along with matching beer guts of sometimes mind boggling proportions. Both self-inflicted conditions.

Whereas the XL and XXL sized women (and men) generally have no one to blame other than themselves for the state they are in. Again self-inflicted, stemming from a lifetime of eating inappropriate and energy rich foods combined with insufficient exercise.

Hair on the back might be unavoidable, but going out in public wearing a vest certainly is. Cover that shit up, chaps.

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I miss my friends and the few relatives that are back home.

I miss my grand-kids.

i don't miss working to buy things that I didn't need, didn't use and ended up storing.

I don't miss chasing the dream that I believed in, which was material things equals happiness.

Happy, Joyous and Free in Thailand!

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Spot on razzamatazz. My home country of Canada has taken on a whole new look. Our familiar traditions are becoming a thing of the past and political correctness is taking over.

But on another point, I read and hear about bad driving habits in Thailand. They aren't any worse than here. My time in Thailand is usually spent in the south in and around Surat Thani, Ao Nang, Krabi, Hua Hin. On my most recent trip of 4 weeks and having travelled many hundreds of km, I only saw two small accidents in all. As a rule, I see accidents everywhere here everyday. And I didn't see any road rage in Thailand. Road rage and aggressive driving seems to be engrained into many of our drivers. It goes hand in hand with the pressure-cooker, North American lifestyle. I'll never miss aggressive, selfish drivers or the stressed out lifestyle.

Hello Thailand !

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-Proper German Döner Kebabs

-Cola-Weizen beer

Don't miss:

-Miserable weather

-Serious people

-High cost of living

Well you are absolutely right! I have just moved back to the UK ( for several reasons ) after 25 years but one thing i really notice is how serious the people are.Long faces,no smiles and formal conversations.I (myself) have always acted " The Fool " for most of my life ( and successfully may i add...) i do not take myself seriously and find it difficult to be serious! ( but i refuse to change and why should i ? )

I was in a government building this morning and after 5 minutes was ready to launch in to my " Micheal Barrymore " routine...........

F.J giggle.gif x

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Fresh British fruit - a decent apple (Cox or Russet) instead of tasteless Gala or Fuji, proper flavourful juicy pears - Comice or Williams, ripe sweet plums - Greengages, Golden gages, even Victorias. Tropical fruits are fine - mangosteens would be hard to beat anywhere, but there is nothing to match those I have mentioned.

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Being a size 8 British woman, I must admit that I desperately miss all those handsome Western men with their lovely smooth heads, luxuriant back hair and irresistible man boobs. But nevermind, I can go to Pattaya to see them any day.

A size 8 British woman? Why haven't you been declared a national treasure? Oh, I get it now - your disposition doesn't match your looks.

Yes, I think you are correct. Because two of Jane K's three 'points' are quite unfair in that male pattern baldness and hair on the back are genetically programmed and completely unavoidable if they happen to be in one's genes.

Her third point, the man boobs, granted, are pretty horrible and she will find many of them proudly on display here in Pattaya, along with matching beer guts of sometimes mind boggling proportions. Both self-inflicted conditions.

Whereas the XL and XXL sized women (and men) generally have no one to blame other than themselves for the state they are in. Again self-inflicted, stemming from a lifetime of eating inappropriate and energy rich foods combined with insufficient exercise.

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I am sorry to have caused offense, but merely wanted to point out that a lot of us Western women are not XL and that generalisations go both ways. I really do not judge by appearance. Nobody is perfect.

Edited by Jane K
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I don't really remember what I miss until I go back. And then after a week of being back, I realize why I forget about them when I'm here.

Most of what I miss is food....and then when I go back I find the shop or pub or whatever has become a chain and now sells the same thing in prepackaged form or as a microwave meal.

Usually for twice the price....yup gotta love progress! bah.gif

Real ale is the only thing I miss.....and crisp snowy mornings....but only the first one....it gets old quick. tongue.png

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I am sorry to have caused offense, but merely wanted to point out that a lot of us Western women are not XL and that generalisations go both ways. I really do not judge by appearance. Nobody is perfect.

I think they all know that really. They just like to pretend that all western women are fat, angry and undesirable because they feel better about things that way. Interesting phenomenon.

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