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Israel's Netanyahu emerges with slight edge after tight race


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I bet Hamas are thrilled.

Hamas actually wanted Netanyahu to win! they need an excuse to carry on firing rockets into Israel when they want.

For Hamas, the issue is less complicated. For its leadership, the nightmare scenario is a Herzog-Livni victory and the progress of peace talks with Abbas.

Read more: Hamas and Fatah have clear, opposite interests in Israel's election outcome | The Times of Israel http://www.timesofisrael.com/hamas-and-fatah-have-clear-opposite-interests-in-israels-election-outcome/#ixzz3UjHTMcNN

The Netanyahu polici is already working without +61 majority in the Knesset.

Do we need to be surprised from your Israeli tabloid ?

Why is Israel playing constantly the victim role ?

Hamas has nothing to do with the Israeli elections.

Well you don't have to follow this topic if you don't like what you read!

I guess in your eyes it is only Israel that has an agenda. Why would Hamas be interested in the elections. Maybe it has something to do with the missery they have brought apon Gaza, Maybe if the zionist Union had won Hamas' support base would weeken.

No one said they had anything to do with the Israeli elections. But the certainly have an interest in who won!

Perhaps a resume what should be the priority list (agenda) of Netanyahu and his future coalition.


You can add the diplomatic relationship improvements with Obama, Abbas and other leaders elsewhere.

I'm not convinced that he has a real peace plan for his future governement.

Strange that he didn't tackle the funny issue of the German yerida's...

I hope he can improve these issues with his hard core nationalist and religious 'right wing' coalition instead of blaming Hamas.

The Palestinian issue cannot be his muse for his political and economical agenda.

Edited by Thorgal
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This is such an exageration, how is Netanyahu going to start WW3, even the Rissians don't want Iran getting the bomb. There is more chance of WW3 over the Ukraine, than there is over Iran being bombed to destroy their nuclear ambitions.

Huh ?huh.png It is not an exaggeration at all. Obama has got more than 18 months left in office and if Obama either signs an executive order regarding an Iran deal (or refers the matter to the United Nations which I think is better) Netanyahu has said many times Isael can take on Iran alone at anytime if they choose.

You don’t have to be particularly brilliant at "joining the dots " to see how that would spark off world War 3

provide one link where it even suggests Israels action over Iran would spark WW3.

Of course he cant provide a meaningful link. Since such a thing is impossible to prove or refute.

Really is that the best answer? you can't provide a link because the idea just doesn't float. After all if it were true it would be very easy to prove. Only falsehoods are impossible to prove.

How can he/she prove or refute that WWIII will become a reality if X attacks Y?

He/she cant.

Its not mathematics.

It really is very simple, he/she has made a claim, no suggestion that it is only an opinion. I asked for a link to prove his claim. he cannot provide a reputable link because not even Obama has suggested it would start WW3

to try and turn it into some sort of isoteric question with "if X attacks Y" is nonsense, even that is quantifiable, I am sure Israel has worked out all the X's and Y's

even a dimwit can understand that surely?

Its not quantifiable.

Maybe this link will help you with quatifying the probability!


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What Bibi could possibly gain by going for a unity government even though with the strength of his victory now being clear, he really doesn't NEED to:


The main advantage for Netanyahu in this arrangement would be having Herzog, Livni and the entire Zionist Union faction serve as his shield against international pressure, or some would say as a fig leaf which would make him accepted in international circles. A unity government would require Netanyahu to walk back his statement regarding the Palestinian state and to return to the formula that kept him afloat in the past years – supporting a two state solution while making clear the time is not ripe for it.

I have no idea what he will choose, but if he chooses to go all right wing, given what he said in the election, it seems to me he will be under pressure to have a real alternative plan and to try to sell it, if NOT a two state solution, then what exactly does he have in mind going forward regarding the Palestinian issue?

Edited by Jingthing
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What Bibi could possibly gain by going for a unity government even though with the strength of his victory now being clear, he really doesn't NEED to:


The main advantage for Netanyahu in this arrangement would be having Herzog, Livni and the entire Zionist Union faction serve as his shield against international pressure, or some would say as a fig leaf which would make him accepted in international circles. A unity government would require Netanyahu to walk back his statement regarding the Palestinian state and to return to the formula that kept him afloat in the past years – supporting a two state solution while making clear the time is not ripe for it.

I have no idea what he will choose, but if he chooses to go all right wing, given what he said in the election, it seems to me he will be under pressure to have a real alternative plan and to try to sell it, if NOT a two state solution, then what exactly does he have in mind going forward regarding the Palestinian issue?

The world will remember his statement until he retires as a PM and see it for what is: a fig leaf. As said in your news quote. If he chooses that route of course. Edited by BKKBobby
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What Bibi could possibly gain by going for a unity government even though with the strength of his victory now being clear, he really doesn't NEED to:


The main advantage for Netanyahu in this arrangement would be having Herzog, Livni and the entire Zionist Union faction serve as his shield against international pressure, or some would say as a fig leaf which would make him accepted in international circles. A unity government would require Netanyahu to walk back his statement regarding the Palestinian state and to return to the formula that kept him afloat in the past years – supporting a two state solution while making clear the time is not ripe for it.

I have no idea what he will choose, but if he chooses to go all right wing, given what he said in the election, it seems to me he will be under pressure to have a real alternative plan and to try to sell it, if NOT a two state solution, then what exactly does he have in mind going forward regarding the Palestinian issue?

The world will remember his statement until he retires as a PM and see it for what is: a fig leaf. As said in your news quote. If he chooses that route of course.

I agree.

Unless he actually changes course and does something, rather than the status quo.

I think it would be more interesting if he doesn't include the left at all and then see whether he can make a proposal that makes sense for the long term that doesn't involve two states and doesn't involve endless periodic wars. I'd like to hear that!

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More back to the topic. Bibi has done something "interesting" in this election.

Made relations with the U.S. more of a partisan issue in the U.S.

Come out of the closet about his lack of intention regarding two state solution. Astute observers already knew that but it's significant he has said so explicitly.

The Arabs going out to vote fear baiting comment by Bibi was very impolitic and racist but it's little different than when U.S. republicans try to suppress voting rights of minorities with crafty laws though no president is going to explicitly talk about that.

It was clearly politically motivated ... to put fire under the tushes of the Israeli right wing to get out and vote for him, and vote for him they did, so from a purely campaign tactic POV it worked, but was it worth it what it even more openly shows the world about the Israeli right wing?

The truth is the Arab coalition in this election which included votes from left wing Jews was historic and something refreshing for the future of Israeli democracy.

Third highest vote getting party. That's a big deal.

I wouldn't rule out a coalition with Zionist Union just yet. Forming a coalition lets Bibi walk back some of these extreme right wing words and actions he resorted to in the heated campaign.

Maybe he doesn't want to walk them back. I'm not so sure.

Herzogs party is dead.

Livni, unwanted

The Arab party is not about governing, but infiltrating

Likud is the top vote getter for a reason

No one wants another Arab state

Not even the Arabs anymore

They now need to focus on their own survival as crude oil is headed for $15/a barrel

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Netanyahu's insatiable ambition forced him to reveal the truth about Israel's true intentions regarding the proposed two state solution.

The one thing I would say to the Israeli voters is that elections have consequences.

Against free election many are afraid to let Israel choose their leader.

I say let Israel choose their leader as well Nigeria Egypt Syria Iran and the rest

However maybe not the Germans because they did election and devil about 80 years ago

The Washington Post, The New York Times and Obama all lost

But the People of Israel had their right to vote

Thank God

Hitler was not voted in.

He forced his way in with riots and demonstrations which forced the aging chancellor to grant him shared authority and then the chancellor died,

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I agree.

Unless he actually changes course and does something, rather than the status quo.

I think it would be more interesting if he doesn't include the left at all and then see whether he can make a proposal that makes sense for the long term that doesn't involve two states and doesn't involve endless periodic wars. I'd like to hear that!

JT, There is nothing that "doesn't involve periodic wars" including a two state solution.

You aren't naive enough to think that these islamic terrorists will be satisfied with that?

This is where Obama is failing. He believes he can negotiate with terrorists and terrorist sponsors when they won't be satisfied until they take everything.

No, I am not naive.

But I think Bibi has created a trap for himself with his big reveal. and he has an escape option by joining a coalition with Zionist Union.

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One thing we can be certain of is that Bibi does not want peace, at any cost. The world is getting sick of endless boy who cried wolf anti-Semitic claims so perhaps this crazy fella being re-elected could turn out for the better. At least he has been honest in that he acknowledges that everything he has said previously has been a lie. Go **** ******* Israel.

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The us has no teeth in the middle East anymore and the foreign policy of Ariel Sharon is in full view of the world as Iran and Hezbollah are being stretched to weakness

Obama has no teeth.

Obama is greatly under estimated

The us wanted the Arabs to do their own fighting, now they are...

Israel has never been safer and Obama works for the same bosses as does Netanyahu

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The BDS movement is going to strengthen now. Israel still has a rough path to navigate. Most countries are very certain they will exist in 20 years time. Israel doesn't have that luxury. Sure there are security concerns but increased isolation could also be a security concern.

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