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Netanyahu win dashes prospect for a thaw with Obama


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It seems that is Obama's goal. lifting the sanctions.

Dexterm. Do you seriously not know the difference between an agreement and a framework? your statement of a deal this week is a flat out bald faced lie and proves that you really don't have a clue of what you're talking about.

What statement is a "flat out bold faced lie" exactly (wow, that's a lot stronger than a simple lie, huh?).

The one in which he said "may"?

As it stands, the only lie in this post is yours.

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Perhaps someone can tell me what Israel has done for the US.

Incredible Intelligence about the Middle East and a trustworthy ally in an important region with few of them. Lets not forget their incredible and unique contributions to science. The country has more engineers and scientists per capita than any other country in the world, and has more companies quoted on the high-tech NASDAQ stock exchange than any other country outside the United States - more than all of Europe, India, and China combined.

Israelis are at the forefront of medical research into heart transplants, strokes and Hepatitis C. In the last ten years Israeli scientists have won five Noble prizes in the sciences.

Now, lets ask the same question about the Palestinians that Netanyahu is supposed to negotiate with.


They're also really good at encryption/decryption, and are behind many of the world's leading firewalls and security products.

And also many of the rumours about the world's leading firewalls and security products having backdoors.


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Perhaps someone can tell me what Israel has done for the US.

Incredible Intelligence about the Middle East and a trustworthy ally in an important region with few of them. Lets not forget their incredible and unique contributions to science. The country has more engineers and scientists per capita than any other country in the world, and has more companies quoted on the high-tech NASDAQ stock exchange than any other country outside the United States - more than all of Europe, India, and China combined.

Israelis are at the forefront of medical research into heart transplants, strokes and Hepatitis C. In the last ten years Israeli scientists have won five Noble prizes in the sciences.

Now, lets ask the same question about the Palestinians that Netanyahu is supposed to negotiate with.


They're also really good at encryption/decryption, and are behind many of the world's leading firewalls and security products.

And also many of the rumours about the world's leading firewalls and security products having backdoors.


The question was about the Palestinian's contributions to the US.

Is it your contention that the Palestinians are "really good at encryption/decryption"?

​Rather strange response.

Chuck, can I suggest you go and look up the word "Also"?


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The Israelis have given us Hamas

"Our cables reveal that Israel supported Hamas in its infancy, that Hamas was used as an instrument to divide the Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO] and the Palestinian resistance," Assange told the paper.


Edited by BKKBobby
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The Israelis have given us Hamas

"Our cables reveal that Israel supported Hamas in its infancy, that Hamas was used as an instrument to divide the Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO] and the Palestinian resistance," Assange told the paper.


Well, it isn't Mother Jones but it is Russia Today.coffee1.gif

Well the quote I cited in the post you replied to is originally from an Argentinian paper and its Julian Assanges words. Hes being punished for being able to find and publish truth. The Swedish intelligence service in cooperation with outside intelligence service(s) made the honey trap that made him seek refuge in a embassy. Now no one cares about what he says because of bogus accusations of sexual abuse. His words have been marginalised, not because of lack of credibility but because hes accused of a sexual crime.

Having "a Hamas" falls into the hands of someone that wants to pursue policies and actions like the reelected Netanyahu.

"Israel helped Hamas, its “worst enemy” in order to divide Palestinians, and so that it can say “but mum, they launched ANOTHER rocket over to our side of the fence. It blew up my favorite patch of dirt. Can I go over there and slaughter all of them now?” and “I killed the women and children in the UN buildings. But MUM, it was self-defense! Stop judging meeeee!” as the world condemns their actions verbally and proceeds to do….. Absolutely nothing about it. Whatever happened to all that promised aid?"

The quote above is an anonymous analysis of Julian Assanges information.


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The Israelis have given us Hamas

"Our cables reveal that Israel supported Hamas in its infancy, that Hamas was used as an instrument to divide the Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO] and the Palestinian resistance," Assange told the paper.


Well, it isn't Mother Jones but it is Russia Today.coffee1.gif

Well the quote I cited in the post you replied to is originally from an Argentinian paper and its Julian Assanges words. Hes being punished for being able to find and publish truth. The Swedish intelligence service in cooperation with outside intelligence service(s) made the honey trap that made him seek refuge in a embassy. Now no one cares about what he says because of bogus accusations of sexual abuse. His words have been marginalised, not because of lack of credibility but because hes accused of a sexual crime.

Having "a Hamas" falls into the hands of someone that wants to pursue policies and actions like the reelected Netanyahu.

"Israel helped Hamas, its “worst enemy” in order to divide Palestinians, and so that it can say “but mum, they launched ANOTHER rocket over to our side of the fence. It blew up my favorite patch of dirt. Can I go over there and slaughter all of them now?” and “I killed the women and children in the UN buildings. But MUM, it was self-defense! Stop judging meeeee!” as the world condemns their actions verbally and proceeds to do….. Absolutely nothing about it. Whatever happened to all that promised aid?"

The quote above is an anonymous analysis of Julian Assanges information.


My suggestion, Bobby.

When you find yourself in a hole, it is time to put your shovel down and stop digging.

Just trying to be helpful.

Its Julian Assangea words quoted in RT.

Doesnt matter if it was published in RT or Sukhumvit Scene.

Removing focus from Julian Assanges words by focusing on where it was published?

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(thread full sorry)
SF4 wrote,
There is not going to be two states for two people'.They will go back to Jordan and Egypt
Problem is 2.5 million West Bank Palestinians don't have Jordanian passports, and their homes are on Israel's side of the Jordan River under Israeli occupation for almost 50 years.
So how do you and Netanyahu propose to make them disappear?
Europe was preoccupied recovering from World War II in 1948, when the first wave of Israeli ethnic cleansing took place. In 1967 many folks had hardly got their first color TV when the 2nd wave occurred.
But in 2015, if Facebook were a country with 1.35 billion users last year, it is just about to become the largest in the world.
The whole world is watching Israel this time, and they will not get away with ethnically cleansing Palestinians a 3rd time. Not without huge repercussions. Even Obama would not allow that and certainly the EU, Israel's biggest trading partner, would impose sanctions.That's not much of a business plan for Israel's future.
When austerity strikes, many Israelis do happen to have 2nd passports and will run for the exits for a better life elsewhere...can't blame them. End of Zionist dream not far away.
Why not just face reality? The colonialist game is up. If Israel wants to preserve its democracy and its Jewish character it must opt for a just peace agreement in a two state solution, supported by Obama administration and Europe.
Or it could focus on its exclusive Jewishness and sacrifice its democracy, becoming more isolated than ever internationally.
Edited by dexterm
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The whole world is watching what matters to them surely not Israel or anything taking place in the slums of Gaza or Hebron

With the advent of fox news, the PLO propaganda machine led by hanan ashwari and seek ekrat, died a fast fact filled death

Jordan is the Palestinian state.


The British were not so preoccupied after ww2 that their soldiers and high command were rounding up Palestine's Jewish freedom fighters and disarming them and hanging them publicly in attempt to weaken their resolve prior to the Arab armies planned invasion

The Jewish state will never forget the crimes of the British and

Those same British are the ones decrying the still standing Jewish state and the same state who kicked the British out.

Sorry Brits who are not Jew haters

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It is about time the US had an administration that will stand up to the Israelis.

The US has given them unquestioning support since the land was given to them.

They have been free to commit any atrocities they please and with US support have gotten away with it.

Without US support, there would be no Israel.

Again..it's about time they were reeled in.g

Kudos to the Obama administration!

Sadly, your analysis is false

Support came begrudgingly after the 73 war

Facts matter

CORRECT. The American government did not give Israel a lot of help until they won the 67 war so convincingly on their own. After that, they were deigned worthy allies. Anyone who gives the USA much credit for the existence of Israel needs to go read a few history books for a change. The USSR was much more helpful in the beginning.

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SF4 wrote,

Jordan is the Palestinian state.

I am just curious as to the logistics of how Netanyahu is going to make that happen.

If 2.5 million Palestinians refuse to leave their homes that have been in their families for centuries, will they be herded into trucks to tent cities on the Jordanian border, to make room for Jewish immigrants from Milwaukee, Melbourne and Manchester?

I am sure Obama and even Hilary would not approve of that. World opinion and the EU certainly wouldn't.

Edited by dexterm
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I disagree completely with your false narrative of the history of Palestine. We have been there many times before. I encourage members to read the truth at http://www.palestineremembered.com/

Let's be realistic. You certainly don't convince me with your fantasy history, so there is much less chance that 2.5 million Palestinians will be persuaded by your interpretation of history sufficiently enough to willingly step into a truck to a tent city on the Jordanian border. They know the truth.

No-one has answered the logistical part of this yet.

How do you or Netanyahu propose to make them move, or persuade Obama, the EU and world opinion to support Netanyahu in his 3rd wave of ethnic cleansing? The world won't tolerate it.

Edited by dexterm
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Their real name is "Philistines"

It's biblical.

"According to Joshua 13:3 and 1 Samuel 6:17, the land of the Philistines (or Allophyloi), called Philistia, was a Pentapolis in south-western Levant comprised the five city-states of Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath, from Wadi Gaza in the south to the Yarqon River in the north, but with no fixed border to the east."
So Philistine (Palestine) extended from Gaza in the south to the Yargon River which is just north of Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv with no fixed border to the east.
A very useful reference. Thank you.
It's about time the Obama administration supported the Palestinians in their claim for their ancestral biblical lands.
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There were no philistines in Gaza for the last 2800 years

The Romans named Israel Palestine, on their way to the trash heap of history just to be spiteful because the Jews defeated their entire legion, and they had to bring in another legion from Assyria

There are no Philistines and by the way, the Palestinians were what the British called the Jews that lived there before the 1947 partition.

The Arabs there were cakked, guess what, Arabs

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