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Netanyahu win dashes prospect for a thaw with Obama


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And that is going to be a mess of epic proportions. Iran is not a small country.

If you think the area is unstable now, just think of what a military action is going to result in. There is ISIS to consider in this equation as well.

As I think you were hinting, Iran is not a boots on the ground kind of country. Its a can of worms. Its a big country geographically. The terrain is not optimal for visitors in big parts of the country.

A lot of people only look at which model of airplane a country has or if the country have newly minted top of the line weapons.

A country use what it has. Conventional, unconventional, proxies, no proxies, attacking the enemies interests in different countries, diplomacy and politics.

Iran has 10 million volunteers ready to go to heaven tomorrow. Young adults attaching bombs on their body that sneak under tanks, young adults that work as human mine detectors. Human wave attacks with whatever crappy weapon they got.

Think about the Vietnam war...

The Iran-Iraq war lasted 8 years, the 6 last years Iraq was on the defence in trenchwarfare. Saddam begged for peace but the nutjobs in Tehran kept the war going even though Iraq was the aggressor until UN brokered a peace-deal.

Saddam had everything (conventional) you could ever need. Money, weapons, satellite images of Iranian positions. He also used chemical weapons. He didnt have a highly motivated army though.

Iran has been the official boogeyman for 36 years.

There must be a reason why USA have been reluctant to use military action inside Iran but have used it all over North Africa, ME, West-Central Asia.

Iran is a can of worms.

Saudi Arabia wont be happy if US/EU-Iran relationships improve but Saudi Arabia is spoonfed by US and cant wipe their own butt without US.

Israel wants every neighbour and every neighbour of a neighbours neighbour to be pro-Israeli or "weak" as to never ever being able or have the capacity to be a THEORETICAL threat. Israel simply wants a crippled Iran or regime change.

The P5+1 deal will make the relationships between Iran and the EU more stable and friendly.

My guess is that a mutually good deal will be agreed upon.

Time will tell, deal or no deal :)

Edited by BKKBobby
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And that is going to be a mess of epic proportions. Iran is not a small country.

If you think the area is unstable now, just think of what a military action is going to result in. There is ISIS to consider in this equation as well.

As I think you were hinting, Iran is not a boots on the ground kind of country. Its a can of worms. Its a big country geographically. The terrain is not optimal for visitors in big parts of the country.

A lot of people only look at which model of airplane a country has or if the country have newly minted top of the line weapons.

A country use what it has. Conventional, unconventional, proxies, no proxies, attacking the enemies interests in different countries, diplomacy and politics.

Iran has 10 million volunteers ready to go to heaven tomorrow. Young adults attaching bombs on their body that sneak under tanks, young adults that work as human mine detectors. Human wave attacks with whatever crappy weapon they got.

Think about the Vietnam war...

The Iran-Iraq war lasted 8 years, the 6 last years Iraq was on the defence in trenchwarfare. Saddam begged for peace but the nutjobs in Tehran kept the war going even though Iraq was the aggressor until UN brokered a peace-deal.

Saddam had everything (conventional) you could ever need. Money, weapons, satellite images of Iranian positions. He also used chemical weapons. He didnt have highly motivated army though.

Iran has been the official boogeyman for 36 years.

There must be a reason why USA have been reluctant to use military action inside Iran but have used it all over North Africa, ME, West-Central Asia.

Iran is a can of worms.

Saudi Arabia wont be happy but that country is spoonfed by US and cant wipe their own butt without US.

Israel wants every neighbour and every neighbour of a neighbours neighbour to be pro-Israeli or "weak" as to never ever being able or have the capacity to be a THEORETICAL threat. Israel simply wants a crippled Iran or regime change.

The P5+1 deal will make the relationships between Iran and the EU more stable and friendly.

My guess is that a mutually good deal will be agreed upon.

Time will tell, deal or no deal smile.png

No Deal!whistling.gif

Then was then, The height of the Iranian revolution.

I doubt they would muster 10,000,000 suicide bombers these days. I think most Iranians would like change if change were possible. Even the ayatollahs know they could lose control, sanctions could help change the regime in Iran to one that is more friendly to the west and not driven by some sort of Islamic ideology.

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What amuses me is all this anti-Jewish/anti-Israel drivel being used against the only country in the Middle East that has the temerity to hold open elections for their leadership.

It would appear many members of this forum prefer Islamic theocracies to a free nation choosing their own path.

Now the rants will become louder. Get after it.

Im against Islamic dictatorship in Iran, Im against the dictator kings/sheiks/whatever in the US allied countries and the discrimination in Israel were you get rights depending on religion, thats borderline religious dictatorship. That also includes Israels what Israel do to the West Bank, Im against the West Bank-apartheid.

Israel annoys cause it gets away with everything because of unquestioned non-stop vetos from USA.

Im from Sweden, my country cut the cooperation with Saudi as a matter of principle some week ago and Swedwen is the first country in EU to recognize Palestine.

So, you are against Iran but support movements which are directed, armed and are financed by Iran. Typical Sweden some might say.

Im against the Islamic dictatorship in Iran.

Hezbollah defended Lebanon 2006. Lebanon was successful in defending and resisting the aggessive mayhem being commited by Israel. Obviously Israel won if you count destroyed infrastruture, buildings, wounded and dead humans.

Hezbollah is an effective resistance and the only group in Lebanon that could organize and cooperate as a group, and were able to put up a fight 2006. Iran is instrumental in the making of and continuing Hezbollah support. Nothing to deny.

Hezbollah thanked Iran as soon as the war ended on TV in what probably was the first speech.

So its true indeed.

Well some group (Hezbollah) had to resist the unproportional aggression of Israel against Lebanon 2006.

I dont like the Iranian regime/government or forcing religious practices on people.

Somethings the Iranian regime do might be ok or good as helping out fighting ISIS. No matter if its because of national interests.

I am sure both Hizbollah and Iran are happy for your support on weekdays only and the thin camouflage of being against the Iranian dictatorship on weekends when there is nothing going on presumably.

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is this what they really feel in Washington?

For the Israel Firsters, without a doubt. And they populate Washington DC (and this forum) in alarming numbers.

They have no qualms with sacrificing members of the US military and untold billions of dollars in a war of choice that only Israel wants.

I would be really interested to know when Netanyahu said he wanted America to bomb Iran, or sacrifice US military personnel in a war with Iran?



That Israel wants the US to bomb the Iranian reactors is not a secret, and I'm literally SMH at the moment that you are apparently unaware of this. What, you expect Netanyahu to come out and say publicly, "I want the US to bomb Iran". Get real.

But Israel and the Israel Firsters in Washington DC (and on this forum) are more than willing to push the US into a war with Iran, but the war-weary American public is not.

I can just see Obama doing a complete about face and start bombing Iran. As if that would ever happen!cheesy.gif

He is to busy making sure they get the bomb and control most of the ME through proxy militias.

Get Real

Obama won't. Isn't that the whole point?
But the Republicans are more easily led by Netanyahu and may well do that, that is the point, and doing that is just madness.
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What amuses me is all this anti-Jewish/anti-Israel drivel being used against the only country in the Middle East that has the temerity to hold open elections for their leadership.

It would appear many members of this forum prefer Islamic theocracies to a free nation choosing their own path.

Now the rants will become louder. Get after it.
Im against Islamic dictatorship in Iran, Im against the dictator kings/sheiks/whatever in the US allied countries and the discrimination in Israel were you get rights depending on religion, thats borderline religious dictatorship. That also includes Israels what Israel do to the West Bank, Im against the West Bank-apartheid.

Israel annoys cause it gets away with everything because of unquestioned non-stop vetos from USA.

Im from Sweden, my country cut the cooperation with Saudi as a matter of principle some week ago and Swedwen is the first country in EU to recognize Palestine.

So, you are against Iran but support movements which are directed, armed and are financed by Iran. Typical Sweden some might say.

Im against the Islamic dictatorship in Iran.
Hezbollah defended Lebanon 2006. Lebanon was successful in defending and resisting the aggessive mayhem being commited by Israel. Obviously Israel won if you count destroyed infrastruture, buildings, wounded and dead humans.

Hezbollah is an effective resistance and the only group in Lebanon that could organize and cooperate as a group, and were able to put up a fight 2006. Iran is instrumental in the making of and continuing Hezbollah support. Nothing to deny.

Hezbollah thanked Iran as soon as the war ended on TV in what probably was the first speech.

So its true indeed.

Well some group (Hezbollah) had to resist the unproportional aggression of Israel against Lebanon 2006.

I dont like the Iranian regime/government or forcing religious practices on people.

Somethings the Iranian regime do might be ok or good as helping out fighting ISIS. No matter if its because of national interests.

I am sure both Hizbollah and Iran are happy for your support on weekdays only and the thin camouflage of being against the Iranian dictatorship on weekends when there is nothing going on presumably.

Im against the Iranian dictatorship 7 days a week.

Im not against the making and supporting of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a resistance movement and a necessity for Lebanon because of Israel.

Im not going to answer any eventual replys to this post.
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is this what they really feel in Washington?

For the Israel Firsters, without a doubt. And they populate Washington DC (and this forum) in alarming numbers.

They have no qualms with sacrificing members of the US military and untold billions of dollars in a war of choice that only Israel wants.

I would be really interested to know when Netanyahu said he wanted America to bomb Iran, or sacrifice US military personnel in a war with Iran?



That Israel wants the US to bomb the Iranian reactors is not a secret, and I'm literally SMH at the moment that you are apparently unaware of this. What, you expect Netanyahu to come out and say publicly, "I want the US to bomb Iran". Get real.

But Israel and the Israel Firsters in Washington DC (and on this forum) are more than willing to push the US into a war with Iran, but the war-weary American public is not.


No peace in our time


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacts as he visits, on March 18, 2015, at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem following his party Likud's victory in Israel's general election. (Thomas Coex/AFP/Getty Images)

Edited by Publicus
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Not referring to anyone in particular, of course, but the sort of people who are now flooding social media and message boards about this fit very firmly into one of two categories. First, there is the anarcho-capitalist libertarians who finally see their big chance to "unmask" the vast international Jewish banker conspiracy. Second, there are the Leftist fanatics who have allied themselves with the likes of the PLO and their successors since the 1960s. This is their big chance to dress up their dreams of crushing a strong American ally. With the Left, it's mainly about the US losing face.

fit very firmly into one of two categories.

Which only serves to remind us there are two categories of people in the world, those who dichotomize and those who don't. wink.png

Then there are those such as Bibi Netanyahu who dichotomize, personalize, JohnKerryize.

Bibi was against it before he wuz for it and spoke for it before he declared he is against it before he said he's always been for it.

Rebuffs, "anarcho-capitalist libertarians" and also the "Leftist fanatics" notwithstanding. clap2.gif

PM Netanyahu changing opinions is hardly a new and unique experience coming from politicians. Politicians world wide are in constant flux with their emotions, depending on what is happening on the ground around them.

There are classic examples of flip flops being performed for political reasons.

Here is one such classic example. http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/may/11/barack-obama/president-barack-obamas-shift-gay-marriage/

PM Netanyahu changing his mind is hardly earth shattering.

It is when it's a complete 180 deg turnaround from a 2 state to a 1 state solution undermining the peace process and everything Israel's biggest allies and trading partners, USA and EU, have been supporting and negotiating towards over the last 20 years.

It doesnt inspire much US confidence in the Israeli leadership's honesty and loyalty either.

It is not a two state to one state solutiion

It is a two state to no state resolution

The PLO is never getting a state

They are also never getting east Jerusalem for their no state capital. They will either go back to Egypt Jordan and Lebanon where they came from, or they will learn to raise their families in peace

If and when the UN stops paying Palestinians in Gaza to have as many babies as they want, with as many wives as they want,

There wouldn't be thousands of them without work and no hope

Blame the mother's who have 12 kids and the men who teach them to hate everyone, but their absent fathers

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is this what they really feel in Washington?

For the Israel Firsters, without a doubt. And they populate Washington DC (and this forum) in alarming numbers.

They have no qualms with sacrificing members of the US military and untold billions of dollars in a war of choice that only Israel wants.

I would be really interested to know when Netanyahu said he wanted America to bomb Iran, or sacrifice US military personnel in a war with Iran?



That Israel wants the US to bomb the Iranian reactors is not a secret, and I'm literally SMH at the moment that you are apparently unaware of this. What, you expect Netanyahu to come out and say publicly, "I want the US to bomb Iran". Get real.

But Israel and the Israel Firsters in Washington DC (and on this forum) are more than willing to push the US into a war with Iran, but the war-weary American public is not.

The largest foreign presence in Washington is not pro Israel, they have but one large lobby, AIPAC which Boeing, Northrup Grumman, Lockheed Martin and BAE systems loves....

The largest most powerful lobby and presence in Washington DC, is the Saudi's

Anyone who lives in or works in that area knows the Saudi's have major power there especially with the state dept.

They enslave, rape, torture servants and will never be prosecuted

They simply send their victims to unmarked graves and import more slaves

You want to talk about influence in DC, its not the Jews. DC, MD, and VA are notorious for their prejudice against Jews

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For the Israel Firsters, without a doubt. And they populate Washington DC (and this forum) in alarming numbers.

They have no qualms with sacrificing members of the US military and untold billions of dollars in a war of choice that only Israel wants.

I would be really interested to know when Netanyahu said he wanted America to bomb Iran, or sacrifice US military personnel in a war with Iran?



That Israel wants the US to bomb the Iranian reactors is not a secret, and I'm literally SMH at the moment that you are apparently unaware of this. What, you expect Netanyahu to come out and say publicly, "I want the US to bomb Iran". Get real.

But Israel and the Israel Firsters in Washington DC (and on this forum) are more than willing to push the US into a war with Iran, but the war-weary American public is not.

I can just see Obama doing a complete about face and start bombing Iran. As if that would ever happen!cheesy.gif

He is to busy making sure they get the bomb and control most of the ME through proxy militias.

Get Real

He is to busy making sure they get the bomb

Making sure they get the bomb? Prez Obama is busy making sure Iran gets the bomb?? That's an irresponsible and wild statement. The last time I had heard it said was by a person who is a fringe right wing loon crackpot. I point this out only because I'm confident the post does not intend to communicate or indicate anything of the sort, jolly is it apparently is.

All the same, the ayatollahs have said any attack against Iran for any reason or purpose would force them to close the Strait of Hormuz. Anyone who might want to doubt the mullahs of Tehran and their red lines needs to step forward now, before the Republican senators write another letter advising and aiding the ayatollahs in their endeavors.

Nato led by the United States would correct the challenge in a relatively short order.

However, what then...from Iran....to Israel....from Russia....by Hezbollah, and so on, as the military planners and strategists in the Pentagon must needs be consider, assess, evaluate?

Committing such a Nato force to the Gulf necessarily draws down Nato forces from Eastern Europe to include the Baltics, Ukraine. It reduces US commitments against IS in Syria and Iraq. And so on.

So what then.....

Edited by Publicus
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A thaw?

Mohammad Khaddafy went for the thaw

Vladmir Putin went for the thaw

Hosni Mubarak' went for the thaw

Bashar Assad went for the thaw

Bibi Netanyahu is wise to see thru the Obama deceptions

Viva Le Bibi, the only one smart enough to tell Obama to kiss his ass

General Al Sisi was trained in the USA

He too, is having none of the Obama destructive meddling in his internal affairs

BTW, Obama released a video to the Iranian people going around the mullahs, worse than what Bibi did which was accept an invitation from the 3rd man in line to be president, the house speaker.

Obama is the meddler and law breaker and deal breaker

He dare not go against Israel as he knows Russia will side with the Jewish state in less than a new York minute

Comrade Vlad is the one benefitting from all this Obama white house treasons

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Scarpofungness4u wrote

The PLO is never getting a state

They are also never getting east Jerusalem for their no state capital. They will either go back to Egypt Jordan and Lebanon where they came from, or they will learn to raise their families in peace

You appear to be advocating a 3rd wave of ethnic cleansing.

How is Netanyahu going to make 4.5 million Palestinians disappear? Palestinians who were born there and whose families have lived in Israel and Palestine for generations. Driven out at gunpoint by immigrants from Milwaukee, Melbourne and Manchester?

The whole world is watching this time. It ain't going to happen. Never again.
I disagree with your final solution. Unless a just and viable 2 state solution is very soon negotiated, the Palestinians will eventually be absorbed into a one state solution.
Edited by dexterm
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I disagree with your final solution. Unless a just and viable 2 state solution is very soon negotiated, the Palestinians will eventually be absorbed into a one state solution.

There's not going to be a two state solution if for no other reason that there will never be agreement on borders. The so-called Palestinians have never been willing to agree on borders going back 70 years. Now they'd like to be considered a state without doing the preliminaries.

What you really want is a one state solution with Israel gone and that isn't going to happen. One of these days there's going to be a major war there with Israel coming out on top. Six Day War 2.0.

Israelis are surrounded by people who hate them just as those people hate anyone who not only isn't Muslim, but isn't Muslim of their sect. Islam is on a world march for domination with Israel surrounded. This was the main reason Israelis voted for Bibi instead of potential placators.

Obama has landed himself on an Island. He doesn't have the backing of Congress or the American People. It would appear that perhaps France will drag its heels. Obama also doesn't have the backing of Iran which is posting things on the web which are detrimental to Obama's goals.

There may well be a one state solution if Hamas is allowed to continue to call the shots just over the fence, but it won't be the one you dream of.

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The Arabs that live in Palestine, now called Israel, are predominantly Jordanian

They will soon have more choices where to live, once Israel has full possession of those portions of Jordan that were granted them in the Balfour Declaration

All the nonsense on between is just that, nonsense and will be but a comma, in the books of history

The ones in Gaza are mostly Egyptian

Even Arafat was born some where else

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Scarpofungness4u wrote

The PLO is never getting a state

They are also never getting east Jerusalem for their no state capital. They will either go back to Egypt Jordan and Lebanon where they came from, or they will learn to raise their families in peace

You appear to be advocating a 3rd wave of ethnic cleansing.

How is Netanyahu going to make 4.5 million Palestinians disappear? Palestinians who were born there and whose families have lived in Israel and Palestine for generations. Driven out at gunpoint by immigrants from Milwaukee, Melbourne and Manchester?

The whole world is watching this time. It ain't going to happen. Never again.

I disagree with your final solution. Unless a just and viable 2 state solution is very soon negotiated, the Palestinians will eventually be absorbed into a one state solution.

You do realize that most of the inhabitants of Gaza and Ramallah are quite happy with the Israeli agreements to date and even Abbas calls the IDF when he fears for his life from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, right?

Ever hear of Islamic Jihad?

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And that is going to be a mess of epic proportions. Iran is not a small country.

If you think the area is unstable now, just think of what a military action is going to result in. There is ISIS to consider in this equation as well.

Iran is not a threat to anyone

They can't even retake Tikrit and that is with American air supremacy keeping a lid on the movement of heavy weapons

Iran is a menace, nothing more

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Im against the Iranian dictatorship 7 days a week.

Im not against the making and supporting of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a resistance movement and a necessity for Lebanon because of Israel.

Im not going to answer any eventual replys to this post.

I guess there must be more than 7 days in the week if you are supporting the Iranian dictatorship on the days they are financing, arming and directing Hezbollah. Not to mention assassinating a Prime Minister of Lebanon.

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The Arabs that live in Palestine, now called Israel, are predominantly Jordanian

They will soon have more choices where to live, once Israel has full possession of those portions of Jordan that were granted them in the Balfour Declaration

All the nonsense on between is just that, nonsense and will be but a comma, in the books of history

The ones in Gaza are mostly Egyptian

Even Arafat was born some where else


Time will tell you wrong about the future of Israel

There is only two options for Israel.

A two-state solution or an all inclusive equal rights country with no discrimination.

These are no options:

The West-Bank situation is apartheaid and not sustainable. Eyes will see it for its and say (NO! No more) at some poine as with South Africa.

No ethnical cleansing will be accepted by the rest of the world and will have a politcal cost

No annexing of the West-Bank without giving Israeli citizienship without fully equal rights unbased on religion, no apartheid in Israel proper.

The 'Palestinians' just have to have to use perseverance until the day come when they get a fair deal, no sham deals.

You are even condoning the settlers for piece by piece grabbing the land in the West Bank for the benefit of Israel proper.

The international community (UN) are already fed up. And the US have been against too even though US is pro-Israeli.

Yes Israel dont need to care and alone, like North Korea, yes Im not denying that.

You only want everything turn out in Israels best interest, you dont take any interest in any other countries groups or peoples rights.


Im not so sure that all Israeli jews or Israeli citizens is interested in these policies you advocate.

Netanyahu is doing a disservice to Israel. Israel isnt considered to have the moral highground.

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Scarpofungness4u wrote

The PLO is never getting a state

They are also never getting east Jerusalem for their no state capital. They will either go back to Egypt Jordan and Lebanon where they came from, or they will learn to raise their families in peace

You appear to be advocating a 3rd wave of ethnic cleansing.

How is Netanyahu going to make 4.5 million Palestinians disappear? Palestinians who were born there and whose families have lived in Israel and Palestine for generations. Driven out at gunpoint by immigrants from Milwaukee, Melbourne and Manchester?

The whole world is watching this time. It ain't going to happen. Never again.

I disagree with your final solution. Unless a just and viable 2 state solution is very soon negotiated, the Palestinians will eventually be absorbed into a one state solution.

You do realize that most of the inhabitants of Gaza and Ramallah are quite happy with the Israeli agreements to date and even Abbas calls the IDF when he fears for his life from Hamas and Islamic Jihad, right?

Ever hear of Islamic Jihad?

Are most indivuduals in Gaza Islamic Jihadists? Rightwing extremist looneybalooney-talk straight out of Tel-Aviv.

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Im against the Iranian dictatorship 7 days a week.

Im not against the making and supporting of Hezbollah.

Hezbollah is a resistance movement and a necessity for Lebanon because of Israel.

Im not going to answer any eventual replys to this post.

I guess there must be more than 7 days in the week if you are supporting the Iranian dictatorship on the days they are financing, arming and directing Hezbollah. Not to mention assassinating a Prime Minister of Lebanon.

Im actually going to answer your reply because you have a brain enough to understand that I dont agree with Irans theochratic dictatorship or their domestic policies and limiting of freedom.

But I still can agree with some things the country do.

Hezbollah is a necessity for Lebanon in previous and maybe future resistance against aggression. There reason to not be against them is from a realpolitik POV. I dont like everything they say or do.

Who are considered freedom fighters or terrorists are often a matter of international politics.

The Chechnyans became terrorists instead of being freedom fighters in exchange of Russian cooperation in the war on terror.

Israel have commited acts of violence outside Israel that usually would be called acts of terrorim if commited by muslims, pro-Palestians, or the "intellectual" western communists of the past. If Hezbollah is going outside Lebanon ssasinating people with or without bombs or guns they would be called terrorists, hypocracy.

Edited by BKKBobby
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And that is going to be a mess of epic proportions. Iran is not a small country.

If you think the area is unstable now, just think of what a military action is going to result in. There is ISIS to consider in this equation as well.

Iran is not a threat to anyone

They can't even retake Tikrit and that is with American air supremacy keeping a lid on the movement of heavy weapons

Iran is a menace, nothing more

Maybe they dont send "enough" money, weapons, soldiers, trainers? Dont supporting enough isnt the same as failing. Send 20000-30000 Iranian army soldiers to Iraq and Syria tomorrow with (altough illegitimate) carte blanche as USA had in Iraq during the Iraq war. See what happens, yes stuff that shouldnt happen will happen but ISIS would be erased from Iraq and Syria. Yes there will always exist small pockets of ISIS soldiers existing here and there. Small groups of ISIS affiliates can pop up anywhere of course. But im talking about taking ISIS held territory in Syria and Iraq from the hands of ISIS

If USA or Iran singlehandedly had free legal hands without facing political damage - both countries - singlehandedly can empty the ISIS controlled areas, kill every single scumbag. Its about how much effort you put into it.

Yes burning bodies and beheadings are scary but ISIS is a little shit compared to Saddams Iraq and Taliban-Al Qaida-Afghanistan.

Why is there no luck now with ISIS? Its not much boots on the ground from any major players!

You know ISIS is not a big army. You can fit them in a big football stadium.

Israel can bomb Iran to pieces, it can do that but you know everything has a price. The diplomatic and political price is too high if Israel dont want to be a isolated country like North Korea.

A countries leader that decides on putting boots on the ground in Iran will be as lucky as those who put boots on the ground in the heartland of Russia as the Mongols, Napolean and Hitler were. John or Schlomo will get a warm welcome by a menacing human wave of young adults holding crappy weapons and grenades running against them to greet them while shouting "Allah Akbar!!!!", or some nonsense reciting about Hossein in Karbala on repeat.

Iran has a big portion of the population that still would sacrifice their lives without fear. And im not concentrating on suicidebombers. Im talking in general.

I would like to see regime change in Iran but it should be organic and homegrown.

Toppling or putting harsh sanctions is collective punishment will maybe lead to a revolution or rebellion that might stop with anti-western rhetoric. But one thing is almost certain, a new regime will be replaced with a equally bad regime when it comes to how it treats its own population with or without religion in the mix.

When it comes to North Africa, ME and Afghanistan, history is my witness.

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I would be really interested to know when Netanyahu said he wanted America to bomb Iran, or sacrifice US military personnel in a war with Iran?



That Israel wants the US to bomb the Iranian reactors is not a secret, and I'm literally SMH at the moment that you are apparently unaware of this. What, you expect Netanyahu to come out and say publicly, "I want the US to bomb Iran". Get real.

But Israel and the Israel Firsters in Washington DC (and on this forum) are more than willing to push the US into a war with Iran, but the war-weary American public is not.

I can just see Obama doing a complete about face and start bombing Iran. As if that would ever happen!cheesy.gif

He is to busy making sure they get the bomb and control most of the ME through proxy militias.

Get Real

Obama won't. Isn't that the whole point?

But the Republicans are more easily led by Netanyahu and may well do that, that is the point, and doing that is just madness.

I really don't think the the Republicans need Israel's help, they seem to cause enough problems on their own!

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