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What if I opened a jet ski rental business on pattaya beach?

Cheap Backpacker

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Lets say I decided to live in Pattaya and wanted to open up a jet ski rental business. I would operate a fair and insured business and I would stand out on the street marketing my business. So foreigners would deal with me instead of a local Thai.

I would explain to travelers that there are no scams here and even that the jet skis are insured or possibly charge a small price for insurance. I would have to base how to charge insurance based on my costs but I would offer it somehow.

Would I be able to do this and would I have any trouble from the police or the other Thai business in the area?

Assume I have the proper business licenses and proper immigration to both operate a business and work in Thailand.

Any thoughts are appreciated.

Edited by Cheap Backpacker
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just out of interest what level of investment are you considering ? monetary that is

Not a lot at first, just something to do while living here and also to get a feel for the whole business. Then after getting a feel for it and how business is grow accordingly.

But I really didn't research how hard it would be to get the proper immigration and business licenses to live and work here in Thailand. So I don't know if this will make it impossible to do unless I get married or something.

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Assuming that you are serious, given the few million baht needed to buy a few jet skis, get trailers and a vehicle to tow them plus fund a parking area and staff, there are plenty of business to invest in that need less and offer more.

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Unless you partner with the mayor and the police general, your days would be numbered in the single digits once you tried to do this. These local thugs don't even allow any other Thais to operate, much less a foreigner.

Can I invite you to take out foreigner investment insurance? That is, take your budget, give me half, then when you leave the country I'll give you half of your money back. A much better deal than you will get elsewhere as you will end up with nothing elsewhere.

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