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The pollution and heat is gonna get worse!


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Now I know a lot of TV posters are worried about the pollution, heat, and dare I say Songkran but there are bigger global challenges ahead and at least one local property developer has risen to the challenge when advertising as follows:

"Gym, home Spa, steam room, personal floatation tank, entertainment/club room, maids accommodation, Thai kitchen and Nuclear fallout shelter/3rd bedroom."

Now admittedly with a starting price of 47 million I do think that you should get a third bedroom AND a nuclear fall out shelter, but hey that's just me.

See link below.


You might feel a bit shat off if you were out having a 250 baht oily when the bomb was dropped though but at least you might have a happy ending.

Edited by mamborobert
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Good grief.....

Each property also enjoys a stunning view of the mountain range from the pool/entertaining area.

There can’t be many homes in Chiang Mai that boast not only a panic room but a nuclear shelter as well!


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And, you forgot to mention that we are all dying now, and all will die, soaped, or unsoaped.

cheers, ~o:37;

p.s. the sooner that Vishnu manifests as Kalki ... and exterminates this two-legged pustulant vermin who dare anoint themselves as "Sapiens" while indulging in their favorite sports, genocide, computer games, the extinction of other species, e-mail, and the devastation of their home planet ... so the new Kalpa Cycle can begin with a clean slate ... the better.

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had a few of them in my 1950s built neighborhood, that I grew up in. Also had an air-raid siren at the elementary school, that was tested monthly. Some of the older kids recalled having to duck under their desks during the drills.

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"The pollution and heat is gonna get worse!"

Of course it is, March is start of Hot season and April/May is much hotter.

As for pollution some days will be worse and others will have less atmospheric pollution.

If you talk to Old Hands there was a time when this Pollution did not exist.


Just a Pup not Old Hand yet.

Edited by jonwilly
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"The pollution and heat is gonna get worse!"

Of course it is, March is start of Hot season and April/May is much hotter.

As for pollution some days will be worse and others will have less atmospheric pollution.

If you talk to Old Hands there was a time when this Pollution did not exist.

Well, yes it'll get a lot hotter. However there is also an inverse relationship: for it to get to the hot season proper, the hazy times will need to end first. You can't have both.

And yes it'll vary day to day, and then finally clear to give way to the hot season. (As well as the biggest party of the year.. )

As for old hands, you're right that they might tell you that because they didn't really notice when first coming to Thailand, or their memory is fading. The numbers say otherwise though, March was always bad in terms of air quality and small particulate pollution. And also before regular measurementds (before the early 1990s) there are plenty old photos out there taken in march that clearly show there was haze then, too. Earliest I've seen was in the 1970s. Going back further it's hard to say, also because there are few good quality (dated) photos around.

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There is more info here:


Also, each room will have a built in HEPA filter in the ceiling as well as a humidifier to improve the indoor air quality. The nuclear fallout shelter is a viable option if one went off anywhere in the world and Thailand would be exposed to the radiation fallout One needs to be in the shelter for 7 days before its safe to come out. The shelter comes with a manual explaining everything, so don't worry.


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I normally go away during March as I am sensitive to the Smog/Clag.

This week I was visiting the garage where I have had my bikes serviced since I came in 2001.

The two guys there asked why I was still in CM and not in Cha Am or east coast. Not too bad this year, I consider 2007 as BAD and it was, could see across moat from inside the notorious Bad Dog but the Bookshop was very hazy.

I asked if March had always been like this. After some thought both said No and they are CM born and bred one mid 30's and owner mid 40's.

On returning to my Condo I spoke to the lady manager and asked same question. Now she is a Pitsanalouk girl and moved to CM when she married over 20 years ago, no was her answer it was not as bad.

The owner of the swimming pool I use has been a CM visitor for many years, long before he settled here and he also is of the opinion that March is worse then it used to be when he started coming years ago.

This week I am due to have lunch with 2 elderly Brits one with over 54 years in CM, now previously he stated that thing are much worse than recently.

Quite agree folks memory is not what it should be but as CM lies in a bowl and has the inversion I do find it strange that this year it was Lampang that had first crisis with the smog, no bowl and wide open.

So I will shut up for now and report following their debrief.


Water & Board requested.

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Thai builders can hardly build a roof that doesn't leak when it rains. I can't fathom the laughs when they were instructed to build a nuclear fallout shelter.

Ahh, but our builders have German nationals involved in the entire process and they maintain a very high standard on everything. They have past projects which would truly WOW you.

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Thai builders can hardly build a roof that doesn't leak when it rains. I can't fathom the laughs when they were instructed to build a nuclear fallout shelter.

Ahh, but our builders have German nationals involved in the entire process and they maintain a very high standard on everything. They have past projects which would truly WOW you.

My parents purchased a German Mercedes Benz 15 years ago, and it came with a 30 year rust warranty. Yet when the front axle broke due to being corroded throughout by rust, Mercedes Benz just shrugged. After this, I no longer trust Germans, and would not be interested in any Germans being involved in making my roof.

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Thai builders can hardly build a roof that doesn't leak when it rains. I can't fathom the laughs when they were instructed to build a nuclear fallout shelter.

Ahh, but our builders have German nationals involved in the entire process and they maintain a very high standard on everything. They have past projects which would truly WOW you.

My parents purchased a German Mercedes Benz 15 years ago, and it came with a 30 year rust warranty. Yet when the front axle broke due to being corroded throughout by rust, Mercedes Benz just shrugged. After this, I no longer trust Germans, and would not be interested in any Germans being involved in making my roof.


I am very sorry to hear of your traumatic experience with "zee Germans" when you were a young lad. But I can promise you, no German Benz auto engineer will be working on our roofs. I am sure the German population in Thailand will be very sad to find out that you "no longer trust" them.

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Thai builders can hardly build a roof that doesn't leak when it rains. I can't fathom the laughs when they were instructed to build a nuclear fallout shelter.

Ahh, but our builders have German nationals involved in the entire process and they maintain a very high standard on everything. They have past projects which would truly WOW you.

My parents purchased a German Mercedes Benz 15 years ago, and it came with a 30 year rust warranty. Yet when the front axle broke due to being corroded throughout by rust, Mercedes Benz just shrugged. After this, I no longer trust Germans, and would not be interested in any Germans being involved in making my roof.

Yes, all people are identical to everyone else who shares their nationality. wacko.png.pagespeed.ce.jGW10VtQsIER15eQL

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250 baht soapie???



Promotion: buy one of those $1.5 million luxury homes before the end of the month and the company will throw in a soapy massage for free.

As regards the pollution, for what I have read, London and Paris have been hit even worse than Chiang Mai. Soon there won`t be any place to go and able to breathe. Life on Earth may become like living on Mars, where we all have to live in artificial environments because the atmosphere is poisonous outside. Perhaps a grim future ahead.

Although well out of my budget, 47 million baht is not a fortune these days, considering that that`s now about the price of an average flat in the centre of London.

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250 baht soapie???



Promotion: buy one of those $1.5 million luxury homes before the end of the month and the company will throw in a soapy massage for free.

As regards the pollution, for what I have read, London and Paris have been hit even worse than Chiang Mai. Soon there won`t be any place to go and able to breathe. Life on Earth may become like living on Mars, where we all have to live in artificial environments because the atmosphere is poisonous outside. Perhaps a grim future ahead.

Although well out of my budget, 47 million baht is not a fortune these days, considering that that`s now about the price of an average flat in the centre of London.

Close, but no.

SANCTUM does offer a massage for two every month in your own home spa, free of charge. We figure that with such a sublime spa that has a steam room, rain shower, flotation tank, double vanity, sound system, massage tables......one would enjoy taking advantage of it.

You are correct when you say 47M THB is not a fortune these days, and it is justified when one sees all that these stunning and unique villas have in regards to design, features and amenities.

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Vietnam has nuke stations planned, but the winds don't blow this way (I think)... Here we're in line with winds from India/Pak and I would guess Iran. Perhaps they wont stockpile 25 years worth like the Japanese... ho hum. Might want to throw in a few more weeks worth of baked beans.

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I just realized the OP wasn't joking around with this post. They really want to build this.

Best of luck fella. thumbsup.gif


Yes, the project is a real venture. We are not relying on luck, but many many months of preparation with a team of architects, interior designers, lighting designers, structural engineers, sanitary engineers, energy advisors and many specialty contractors. If you google "thesanctumchiangmai" you will see the many features that are in the villa, with the main focus on luxury, security and eco tech.

Kind regards.....

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Vietnam has nuke stations planned, but the winds don't blow this way (I think)... Here we're in line with winds from India/Pak and I would guess Iran. Perhaps they wont stockpile 25 years worth like the Japanese... ho hum. Might want to throw in a few more weeks worth of baked beans.

The fallout shelter is not only incase of a nuclear event, but biological outbreak as well. The HEPA filters are the same that are used in laboratory clean rooms and can filter out airborne viruses etc. Remember, last year there was an Ebola scare, which thankfully, died out, but you never know what might happen in the future.

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If the Google map location on The Sanctum website is accurate, I don't think there is anything there in the way of new villas and bomb shelters just yet - just narrow concrete lanes and trees with a few houses in the vicinity.

My house is just a few hundred yards away in a small Thai village, and I drive these back lanes just about every day. I'll look tonight, but I don't think the construction teams have broken ground yet - then again, maybe the location given is not accurate.

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