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Their dropping like Thai's at my village.

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So,we have all heard the expression "they are dropping like flies',well here they are dropping like Thai's,5 funerals in one week,and the music at 5am,,i have scoured the village for egg carton's which i have cunningly filled with wool,that the wife had for making cushions ,the bedroom now looks something akin to the interior of the Tardis, circa 1970's,my starter for 5 is why are they{smog] dropping ,and what can one do to insulate from the noise,if you live in a village,of course if you are a rich baron who owns [or your wife],all you survey ,you need not answer.

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5 funerals?

You lucky thing.

Free food, free entertainment and on top of that you are complaining?

What does it take to satisfy people, nowadays?


In the USA it is free, yessir.

In Greece it might be free, I dunno, Costas, you tell me.

But in Thailand, it ain't free. Gotta hand over that envelope.

(And the food is rarely worth eating.)

Sure there is the envelope, if you are well known, and even better, also well thought of, the ladies will make sure you eat well

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Similar in our village, all elderly and not in the picture of health (I think it may be the relatively hot weather and possibly relatively poor levels of hydration also contributes) but generally the food is good and the beer cold all for a couple of hundred baht in the envelope.
I am an early riser anyway, although when staying in the village my TGF is normally up and about before me, whereas, in the Pattaya apartment roles are reversed, and to be honest if it isn't a funeral it's the animals that wake me up.
As others have said it's all part of village life.TiT.

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In the backwards villages of Issan, take away electricity and motorbikes and you are back 1000 years ago -- sleeping & preparing, eating food ON THE FLOOR -- conversing i meter apart at a YELL level - generally zero manners or consideration for others. On the scale of evolution, not too far above the monkeys! "MONKEYS WITH MICROPHONES"as a friend always says.

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Egg cartons don't work as soundproofing. You've made your house look stupid for no reason.

I know this now,i just watched kidnapping Mr Hienekin,and they used a kind of orange foam to cover the walls,plus the smell from the glue is giving me bad dreams,it may be a case of back to the drawing board regarding my soundproofing.

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It is foolish to live in a village without buying enough land to keep your distance from the noise. A couple of friends have a least 70 rai. They did buy when it was 10/20k a rai.

Trees, bamboo etc are great for soundproofing. I particularly like "bird of paradise" which blocks noise and looks good.

Edited by Neeranam
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1.Get pissed by 4: 30 that you don't mind

2. Ear plugs but not so good in case of emergency

3. Move on

4. Get used to it and have fun with the locals

Have to admit the last one is hardly to be achievable....

I think you'll find that option 1 and option 4 combine quite well together.

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Have respect for the dead . And above all remember .............................

If you don't go to other peoples funerals they won't go to yours.

if hes dead do you think he will worry who goes to his burning....???take ya whippet for a walk..lol

Edited by winstonc
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You was profiticating that you'd had enough last week (or 2 weeks ago?) Your misery has brought about the deaths of those around you ,who is next the FIL ?

Get out you miserable tool before you are next.

Coming from the biggest tool on the forum.

I take that back,tools are useful.

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