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Prayuth Promises Not to Arrest Thaksin at Lee Kuan Yew's Funeral

Lite Beer

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"It's his business. How will it affect me? … I don't have anything [against him]. And I cannot go arrest anyone on my own anyway. He will attend the funeral on his own. It's up to him. Please don't write news that mixes up the issues."

This doesn't match up at all with this article's headline. Very misleading headline.

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I suppose it would be inappropriate for Prayuth to wear a side-arm during the funeral, but it would certainly ensure the "people's hero" stayed well away from him.

Why would a FORMER Army officer, now a diplomat be allowed to wear a sidearm? Especially in a foreign country ?

Prayuth isn't going alone, he NEVER travels alone, he, as a head if state will travel with his own close protection team, that can be anything from 2 bodyguards and upwards.

He along with his security team have to RESPECT the laws of the land in which he visits.

He may secrete a butterfly net and a stun gun on his person

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"It's his business. How will it affect me? … I don't have anything [against him]. And I cannot go arrest anyone on my own anyway. He will attend the funeral on his own. It's up to him. Please don't write news that mixes up the issues."

This doesn't match up at all with this article's headline. Very misleading headline.

I agree.The General almost certainly has been misquoted.There are other absurdites to this story.Lee Kwan Yew was on record as professing great regard for Thaksin placing him streets ahead against other Thai politicians in terms of astuteness and intelligence.Although LKW manipulated democracy he understood very clearly that a modern leader must obtain a mandate from the people.He had in this regard little respect for the selfish unelected Thai elites and their contempt for the people of the North and North East, and the Thai majority in general.He reserved a particular distate for the Thai military, their uselessness, their propensity to interfere through coup and counter coup.It's doubtful whether the present Singapore leadership think much differently.Indeed in terms of criminality (in any meaningful sense) they will silently ponder who is the biggest Thai offender when surveying the high level Thais who come to pay respects.

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"It's his business. How will it affect me? … I don't have anything [against him]. And I cannot go arrest anyone on my own anyway. He will attend the funeral on his own. It's up to him. Please don't write news that mixes up the issues."

This doesn't match up at all with this article's headline. Very misleading headline.

TV may have a new click baiter headline writer working in their News office?

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Thaksin was convicted by a court that had little option but to find him guilty. All they could get him on was a conflict of interest, that is not corruption, but a minor charge the same as they got Samak on for appearing on a cooking program. Quite right Prayuth nor any other Thai could arrest Mr T in Singapore, that's a civilized country governed by the rule of law, and not the rule of thugs and force and illegal coups.

Obviously far too much Sangsom being swallowed here.. Thaksin is a criminal on the run .. He has 12 further charges awaiting him if he does ever return to Thailand.. And who are you calling a thug "be careful".. or you might be on the run..! And the Thai government could if they wanted to, arrest Mr T in Singapore .. albeit with that governments approval. Please remember Thaksins "war on drugs" when over 2500 peoples were shot dead without trial .. surely the blackest of times in Thailands history. Thats your beloved leader..! A thief , a coward , and a murderer.... whistling.gif

Singapore and most of us know why those drug war deaths were never investigated by the Democrats or the Army.

They hate Thaksin but refuse to look into this atrocity. Funny eh?

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Thaksin was convicted by a court that had little option but to find him guilty. All they could get him on was a conflict of interest, that is not corruption, but a minor charge the same as they got Samak on for appearing on a cooking program. Quite right Prayuth nor any other Thai could arrest Mr T in Singapore, that's a civilized country governed by the rule of law, and not the rule of thugs and force and illegal coups.

Obviously far too much Sangsom being swallowed here.. Thaksin is a criminal on the run .. He has 12 further charges awaiting him if he does ever return to Thailand.. And who are you calling a thug "be careful".. or you might be on the run..! And the Thai government could if they wanted to, arrest Mr T in Singapore .. albeit with that governments approval. Please remember Thaksins "war on drugs" when over 2500 peoples were shot dead without trial .. surely the blackest of times in Thailands history. Thats your beloved leader..! A thief , a coward , and a murderer.... whistling.gif

I agree with you that the war on drugs was the great abuse of human rights during the Thaksin administration.The rest of your post is hysterical fantasy.Here are some aspects for you to consider.

1.Why has he never been charged with this offence?

2.Why was nothing done during the Abhisit administration to follow up?

3.Why when the Thai government was casting around for an extradition offence was this charge not considered?

4.Who provided moral and actual support for the drugs war? Did it include high level military, bureaucratic, judicial elements?

5.Did it have support from any other highly influential quarters?

6.Did it have support from the Thai people?

7.Is the Singapore Government known for its soft approach to drug offences?

For all the considerations listed here the Singapore Government nor the visiting Thai delegation would dream of an arrest scenario you fantasise about.

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I suppose it would be inappropriate for Prayuth to wear a side-arm during the funeral, but it would certainly ensure the "people's hero" stayed well away from him.

Why would a FORMER Army officer, now a diplomat be allowed to wear a sidearm? Especially in a foreign country ?

Prayuth isn't going alone, he NEVER travels alone, he, as a head if state will travel with his own close protection team, that can be anything from 2 bodyguards and upwards.

He along with his security team have to RESPECT the laws of the land in which he visits.

DOH! That's why "I suppose it would be inappropriate........"

BTW As a FORMER Thai Army officer he is entitled to both his rank and to wear his uniform, and it is highly likely he will on this occasion. Have you ever BEEN to Thailand?

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I suppose it would be inappropriate for Prayuth to wear a side-arm during the funeral, but it would certainly ensure the "people's hero" stayed well away from him.

Why would a FORMER Army officer, now a diplomat be allowed to wear a sidearm? Especially in a foreign country ?

Prayuth isn't going alone, he NEVER travels alone, he, as a head if state will travel with his own close protection team, that can be anything from 2 bodyguards and upwards.

He along with his security team have to RESPECT the laws of the land in which he visits.

will his team be shutting down all the major roads for his vehicle as they do in Thailand?
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I suppose it would be inappropriate for Prayuth to wear a side-arm during the funeral, but it would certainly ensure the "people's hero" stayed well away from him.

Why would a FORMER Army officer, now a diplomat be allowed to wear a sidearm? Especially in a foreign country ?

Prayuth isn't going alone, he NEVER travels alone, he, as a head if state will travel with his own close protection team, that can be anything from 2 bodyguards and upwards.

He along with his security team have to RESPECT the laws of the land in which he visits.

will his team be shutting down all the major roads for his vehicle as they do in Thailand?

That will be a matter for the Singaporean authorities. I'm sure they will have a list of all VIPs who will be attending and making suitable arrangements for travel and security, particularly given the proximity of countries which terrorists could be located in.

The Singaporean security services regularly win awards for their knowledge management capabilities so they are highly trained and very capable.

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Thaksin was convicted by a court that had little option but to find him guilty. All they could get him on was a conflict of interest, that is not corruption, but a minor charge the same as they got Samak on for appearing on a cooking program. Quite right Prayuth nor any other Thai could arrest Mr T in Singapore, that's a civilized country governed by the rule of law, and not the rule of thugs and force and illegal coups.

Obviously far too much Sangsom being swallowed here.. Thaksin is a criminal on the run .. He has 12 further charges awaiting him if he does ever return to Thailand.. And who are you calling a thug "be careful".. or you might be on the run..! And the Thai government could if they wanted to, arrest Mr T in Singapore .. albeit with that governments approval. Please remember Thaksins "war on drugs" when over 2500 peoples were shot dead without trial .. surely the blackest of times in Thailands history. Thats your beloved leader..! A thief , a coward , and a murderer.... whistling.gif

I agree with you that the war on drugs was the great abuse of human rights during the Thaksin administration.The rest of your post is hysterical fantasy.Here are some aspects for you to consider.

1.Why has he never been charged with this offence?

2.Why was nothing done during the Abhisit administration to follow up?

3.Why when the Thai government was casting around for an extradition offence was this charge not considered?

4.Who provided moral and actual support for the drugs war? Did it include high level military, bureaucratic, judicial elements?

5.Did it have support from any other highly influential quarters?

6.Did it have support from the Thai people?

7.Is the Singapore Government known for its soft approach to drug offences?

For all the considerations listed here the Singapore Government nor the visiting Thai delegation would dream of an arrest scenario you fantasise about.

The Singaporean authorities won't arrest Thaksin as AFAIK he has not committed any crimes there yet, and Thailand has not processed any extradition or requested any action from Interpol with member countries. Thailand also chooses not to cancel the passport his sister and cousin issued illegally to him. So he's free to come and go as usual. Whether they invite him to the funeral is a matter the themselves.

He has jumped bail, has a prison sentence waiting, has 15 serious charges waiting in courts (I believe some warrants have been issued), and travels on a passport the Ombudsman questions is legal; but Thailand does nothing about it. So why should anyone else?

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"It's his business. How will it affect me? … I don't have anything [against him]. And I cannot go arrest anyone on my own anyway. He will attend the funeral on his own. It's up to him. Please don't write news that mixes up the issues."

This doesn't match up at all with this article's headline. Very misleading headline.

I agree.The General almost certainly has been misquoted.There are other absurdites to this story.Lee Kwan Yew was on record as professing great regard for Thaksin placing him streets ahead against other Thai politicians in terms of astuteness and intelligence.Although LKW manipulated democracy he understood very clearly that a modern leader must obtain a mandate from the people.He had in this regard little respect for the selfish unelected Thai elites and their contempt for the people of the North and North East, and the Thai majority in general.He reserved a particular distate for the Thai military, their uselessness, their propensity to interfere through coup and counter coup.It's doubtful whether the present Singapore leadership think much differently.Indeed in terms of criminality (in any meaningful sense) they will silently ponder who is the biggest Thai offender when surveying the high level Thais who come to pay respects.

Singapore lent Thaksin the money to pay off the IMF loan, but at a higher interest rate and for a longer time period. Thaksin then changed the law so his telecommunications company could be sold to Singapore, and changed the tax laws at the same time so he could avoid having to pay tax on the sale.

No doubt they have a high regard for his abilities. He certainly knew how to make buck at other's expense and risk.

Thaksin had a golden opportunity to become one of the top achieving leaders in Asia - LKW would have seen that potential. He would then have seen it lost due to the personality flaws, the greed, conceit, and lack of morals and ethics. Thaksin, is one of the selfish non elected Thai Chinese elites and has become more immersed in the sought of activities the Singaporeans will find very distasteful. Coups and terrorist insurgencies are something Singapore has managed to avoid.

LKY's favourable view is a matter of record.The "subsequent reflections" are simply invented by you - LKY had no such second thoughts.He did have some reservations about Thaksin related to the latter's over optimistic even simplistic ideas about the speed Thailand could be modernised.

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1. He doesn't have any authority to arrest someone on Singapore soil.

So when he gonna learn that it's better to put his foot in his mouth before he starts talking?

2. Of course he doesn't arrest him, the deal was done several months ago.

Singapore is a member of the INTERPOL. If Thailand decides to issue an arrest warrant for Thaksin, then Thaksin can be taken in custody and deported to Thailand by Singaporean authorities only. But Thailand has never sought an arrest warrant with INTERPOL. On the other hand, it is probably the best, to keep Thaksin out of the country.

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Please don't write news that mixes up the issues.

Prayuth Promises Not to Arrest Thaksin at Lee Kuan Yew's Funeral

It seems that they didn't listen to him.

Besides that, I didn't read any promise not to arrest him, just that he can't do it alone.

He could pack a pair of handcuffs anyways and make a citizens arrest.

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1. He doesn't have any authority to arrest someone on Singapore soil.

So when he gonna learn that it's better to put his foot in his mouth before he starts talking?

2. Of course he doesn't arrest him, the deal was done several months ago.

2 yes....else he would at least cancel his passport.

He more than likely has multiple passports.

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I suppose it would be inappropriate for Prayuth to wear a side-arm during the funeral, but it would certainly ensure the "people's hero" stayed well away from him.

Why would a FORMER Army officer, now a diplomat be allowed to wear a sidearm? Especially in a foreign country ?

Prayuth isn't going alone, he NEVER travels alone, he, as a head if state will travel with his own close protection team, that can be anything from 2 bodyguards and upwards.

He along with his security team have to RESPECT the laws of the land in which he visits.

Isn't the King Head of State, or are the rules of protocol different in Thailand to say the UK.?

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You can bet that Thaksin will engage the worlds media and they will be eating out of his hand. While Gaff will be sat in the cheap seats hoping some third rate tv station asked him to make some Churchillian soundbite (cant wait). The whole situation will demonstrate the political chasm and international standing between the two protaganists. There can only be one winner.GG (General Gaff) should get a refund on his ticket) to save embarrassment or awkward moments where he may expose his character flaws and punch the nearest reporter.. My piece

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Maybe they could have a beer together and review the scorecard on who has screwed Thailand more. TS has a big head start but the General is doing his best to catch up.

While Prayut isn;t the best possible PM, he doesn't enrich himself (yet) and he doesn't try to get really absolute control.

So my friend if he hasn't enriched himself yet, how did he accumulate B 680 million on a army salary ?

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1. He doesn't have any authority to arrest someone on Singapore soil.

So when he gonna learn that it's better to put his foot in his mouth before he starts talking?

2. Of course he doesn't arrest him, the deal was done several months ago.

2 yes....else he would at least cancel his passport.

he dont travell with his Thai passport,

he bought passports from some drug dealing countries !!

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From what I can tell by researching the internet, Singapore and Thailand don't have an iron-clad extradition treaty in place.

So basically, it's like Prayuth and company going to Dubai. First, their out of their legal jurisdiction, and second there is not actionable treaty in place so they can't even request assistance from the Singapore government. So the elite get to go to Singapore and play nice nice together. coffee1.gif Naa buura

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