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Average cost of living comfortably?


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...........You must take into consideration the weather. The rainy season is coming up quickly. You will not be

traveling much due to the rain. I would seriously think of moving to higher ground away from Bangkok. I think 2000 baht a day is a bit high. Buy your own beer by the case is cheaper than in a bar one bottle at a time.

I guess you want to live a short life............well you definitely have come to the right place. Want to be a rich little playboy? You've come to the right place. Looking for work part time, need a work permit. Bring with you all educational certificates, Diplomas, an Letters of Recommendations. Thailand is now requiring proof of teaching skills. And be careful, keep your money safe in a bank. Since your going to do some bar hopping, don't blab your mouth around strangers about your money. There are a lot of scammers on the street that love to get you involved with their scams. Don't be a patsy in Bangkok or Pattaya.

Your an easy pray. They dangle a little sex at you, and your ready to swing from the highest tree. Be especially careful with he/she groups. Never buy a beer openned already in a bar. Open it yourself. Then keep an eye on any drinks to make sure it isn't spiked with a drug. Do not take girls to your room you've only met 1 or 2 hours ago. Do not trust night life people. They are there to make money period, and to separate you from your wallet.

I've been here for over 6 years, and off and on for over 30 years. I've seen all the scams, and rip off routines

in the bars. Do not run a tab in the bar. Pay as you go. They love to add on the tab things you didn't order. Don't be fooled by woman that ask you to buy them a drink. Thats how they make money. When they approach you do not let them sit down next to you. They get paid for their time hustling drinks from you. And the bar expect to get paid by you for their time. Do not hire a taxi to take you from bar to bar. They will hustle

you as well. Always keep your guard up. Keep large bills separate from small change. keep your wallet in your front pocket. don't allow girls to sit in your lap. Keep your distance. Especially when two or more are near you, rubbing your back lags shoulders. This is when pickpockets do their magic.

Always ask the price of a drink before you order it. A 70 baht beer might be 200 baht if you don't. Know your limit when drinking. Don't be part of an on going party. Things will unexpectedly happen. BE STREET WISE!

I hope I have given you some advise that will make your Thai exposure a little more enjoyable and not become another victim. Far to many foreigners come to Thailand looking for that special girl, but you will not

find them in a bar, or walking the streets at night. Realize it is a fake illusion of piece and tranquility. It's all a business, and you are their customer/ next victim!

While this post has a lot of good advice, it seems to be more appropriate for the known tourist traps of Pattaya, Bangkok and Phuket. I've lived in Chiang Mai for 5 years now, and I've never heard of stuff like drink spiking. Of course there's the lady drinks etc., but that's part of the introduction process for those wanting to take a bar girl out. The word would quickly get around if spiking was happening.

Don't necessarily assume Thai girls who are not part of the massage/karaoke/bar girl scene are innocents - I know a couple of guys who lost serious money to their so-called Hi-So girl friends. Always keep control of your finances - any falang who opens a joint account with a Thai of any gender needs his head read.

Possibly Chiang Mai is a bit less criminal, or the high population of retiree falangs is more wary. Believe it or not, I've found most Thais here are honest. However, it's critical to establish the price of anything before you buy.

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One last piece of advise, do not fall in love with a bar girl. They are for everyone's entertainment and their main job is to drain your account. Find none bar girls if possible ... Pattaya can be difficult in finding but other cities have.

Edited by ttthailand
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I reckon for a modest man living alone, ฿60 000.- is adequate. More would be better. i can only dream of having 60 000 a month but I do OK.

This is spot on and where the OP should be aiming.

His costs will only be pushed higher than that by beer and women......

Hard to resist those in Thailand! :D

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2000 baht is not a lot of beer money

Absolutely not enough.

Cheaper condo more beer.

Move to Issan. Much cheaper and easier to get a job without a degree.

I often wonder what is it that makes the two week millionaires compelled to drink in overpriced bars.

I live in Bkk, I drink in local Thai bars, I mix with, nurses, students, sales clerks, office girls etc etc.

The person who says 2,000 aint enough doesnt have a clue, I doubt if he could actually drink 750 baht worth of beer where I drink, cost of large Leo 75 baht, best of luck to him if he drink 10 large Leos in a night, dont think he would be doing much teaching the next day.

Drinking where the locals go, 500 baht is plenty, heres a shock, the local girls will actually buy you drinks once they get to know and feel confident enought o talk to you, you will be pestered to do facebook translations for them, or reply in English on FB for them.

There is more to Bkk than SC and Nana Plaza.

Two weeks millionaires are here to enjoy themselves rather than build up lasting relationships with the locals.

When I first came out here to live I'd go to Thong lo and Ekkamai,but after they started to ++ everything to the point it would be 270thb for a Jack soda I ventured further afield and now enjoy Suk 11 and the PL on soi 7/1......got drunk there on Sunday on less than 1,500thb which wouldn't even get you 5 drinks in some areas of BKK.

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I reckon for a modest man living alone, ฿60 000.- is adequate. More would be better. i can only dream of having 60 000 a month but I do OK.

I'm going to go with the 100K figure but it all comes down to the OP - at least we wont have a brawl over whether or not the OP is a lawyer this time ....

OP, this question has been answered many times here, but it really is 'how long is a piece of string ?'. Some claim to live here on as little as a thousand baht a week (BS IMO, but they're out there) while others say they need something in the order of 200K a month to give their families the life they want them to have in BKK. I'm just going to list the usual points raised in these threads - you seem bright enough to work it our for yourself. Apologies if any of this is blatantly obvious - just trying to get it all down.

- health insurance is mandatory, regardless of how fit and healthy you are

- visa runs are mandatory if you are still under 50, and it seems you are

- a teetotaller can live here on a shoestring - much tougher for those of us who enjoy a drink in the company of others

- unless you're a serious chain smoker, I cant see the miniscule cost of cigarettes in this country putting much of a dent in a 2K a day budget

- learning the language will save you money - it wont buy you acceptance, but that's a whole other thread

- unless you're a longtime devotee of street food, chances are you will want Farang food at some stage : that will usually cost Farang prices (++)

- you'll get a lot of advice here re Thai women - my experience is that you need to make those mistakes for yourself : good luck

- however frugal you consider yourself, there will always be someone here who is prepared to tell you how to do it cheaper : ignore them. Its your life

- many will tell you that you need hobbies and that's 100% true, but they should include active hobbies that get you out of your digs and out of the confines of your own headspace

- apropos to my point above, never underestimate the ability of Thai television to drive you straight to the nearest bar.

- ignore any advice that reeks of moralistic indignation - beyond the usual 'sexpat/sex tourist' rhetoric, there is a brigade here who see anyone who spends money beyond absolute necessities as some kind of demonic wastrel. Leave them to their own devices - responding only encourages them.

- its a persistent assumption that anyone asking what it costs to live in Thailand knows how to live on 'x' baht per day, regardless of how long the person giving advice has lived in Thailand or what their own experience was when they first got here. It's easy to say you dont plan to spend like a tourist - hot nights and Thai TV will soon put that theory to the test.

Hope this helps - all the best.

Edit: almost forgot an old standby - aircon vs fan. Personally, I think its overstated unless you're running aircon all day long, but it will undoubtedly get a mention here. I pay roughly 1000 baht a month - often less - for electricity and water here in Pattaya but some here seem convinced that electricity costs will leave them begging on the streets.

. What a great post , spot on IMO .

Recently ( I'm over 50 ) I obtained a O-A M. Visa , so I guess my circumstances certainly working are different ( because I'm not allowed too ) , but if you want to work surely you need to apply for a visa to do so ? .. Regarding expenditure , well although I've had been doing just what you had (OP ) before staying one month and spending like a king , I'm still getting sorted regarding how much I need , my best theory to date is you have your money total ..now divide it by 3 ( accom , eat , enjoy/ luxury ) , Ive given myself £50 a day ( keep it in English ) so whatever the rate is you still know what you have .. Since I arrived March 5th , I haven't got there yet although I have had many nights in , but I'm settling down , my apartment is 15k ( plus bills ) it's very nice , but as stated I'm think I'm going to need a hobby , but what , as golf isn't really me and I understand that could blow my budget too . My wife who is Thai is currently staying back in the uk in my house , it's fine but she states ( you'll be back within 6 -8 months , because you will be bored ) I don't want her to be proved correct ...

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In order to define "comfortably" on an individual basis I would start off with how much you intend to spend on housing rent. That will indicate your personal level of comfort. Double that figure for an reasonable and approximate monthly budget. ++ for costly hobbies like golf, extensive clubbing, extensive travel, or extensive lady company.


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Family of three, not BKK, 75k THB a month easily pays for us to do everything we want, live in a fully AC 4 bed detached house, and eat out whenever we want. Add another 20k odd every three months for the odd luxury, and maybe another 150 - 200k a year for flights and travel. That works out at 100k a month on average for a very comfortable life.

I would suspect in BKK you could at least add another 50% to that.

We rent and are still paying for a car, so knock 35k off that a month if you have a car and do not rent.

It will go up for sure when little one gets to school age.

Edited by rwdrwdrwd
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20,000 baht a month is my budget(US$600 a month). That is pretty comfortable. 5,000 baht/month for food, 3000/month for an apartment, and 400 baht/day for other stuff - loads! Sure you can spend more but you will more than likely end up broke and going back home in no time. I think it is wiser to spend less and be more secure financially. The guys bragging on here about their 100,000+baht/month lifestyles probably don't last very long.

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The answer is easier than the question. That's why the " how long is a piece of string" came up. "Comfortable" is subjective. Also where you live is a factor. What your hobbies, lifestyle, and how you lived back home all come in to play. Even if you were asking the same question about England it's hard to give a general answer, since I'm sure London is more expensive than some small village, and comfortable has a different meaning to everyone.

The easist way I can think of to answer this question is this, (but keep in mind I'm from the US and think in dollars). Whatever you were living on back home you can do it for 30-35% if you keep the same lifestyle.

Again, that goes for the US. Maybe a British expat can chime in on the percentages for the UK.

One thing is for sure, you have enough money to last three months if you do it right. smile.png


Whatever you were living on back home you can do it for 30-35% if you keep the same lifestyle.


If the OP wants to keep the same lifestyle as back home: foods, wine/alcohol, clothing, vehicle, entertainment it won't be 35%.

It won't even be 135%. More like 150%. In the venues the OP is considering, even the rent and quality medical care isn't cheaper, and the other items are higher.

I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying. We don't know his lifestyle. If he lives on $10,000 a month he could get by on $3500. If he lives on $3000 he could get by one $1000. Again, this is true for a US/Thai comparison.

Regardless, I can't see where living in Thailand would cost him 150% more than living in the UK, if he keeps the same lifestyle.


I understand.

Same lifestyle. Meaning we don't need to know his lifestyle.

Meaning doing the same things, eating the same foods, drinking the same wines, buying the same clothing and shoes, enjoying the same TV, living in a home that is similar in quality and style and conveniences with the one he lived in back home.

It will not cost a third here in LOS, not in the venues he is considering. It will cost more. For it to cost less, he will have to make sacrifices.

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20,000 baht a month is my budget(US$600 a month). That is pretty comfortable. 5,000 baht/month for food, 3000/month for an apartment, and 400 baht/day for other stuff - loads! Sure you can spend more but you will more than likely end up broke and going back home in no time. I think it is wiser to spend less and be more secure financially. The guys bragging on here about their 100,000+baht/month lifestyles probably don't last very long.

It's a tad generalizing isn't it? I spend near enough to 100,000 a month because I work and have a mortgage.Granted, if people are spending that from minor savings or a pension they'll soon run out of cash but I'm 36 and have a fair few years left to work (I'm not reminding myself how many). I'll be frugal when I have no income other than a pension....not everyone out here is at that age yet you know?

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It's more what the OP can ear here over the long term, rather that living comfortably" - which varies on who you ask. Regular schools pay, say 25-40K per month, so the OP should be looking at budgeting likewise. Pattaya will be much more expensive to live in than Ayutthaya. Salaries will not be too good in these locations for teachers. Bangkok will pay better. I would say at least 50K would give a reasonable lifestyle in Bkk - but this only includes 1-2 bar visits per month. One teacher at my school loved the bars, and was skint after 2 weekends in Pattaya - on 40K a month salary.

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The answer is easier than the question. That's why the " how long is a piece of string" came up. "Comfortable" is subjective. Also where you live is a factor. What your hobbies, lifestyle, and how you lived back home all come in to play. Even if you were asking the same question about England it's hard to give a general answer, since I'm sure London is more expensive than some small village, and comfortable has a different meaning to everyone.

The easist way I can think of to answer this question is this, (but keep in mind I'm from the US and think in dollars). Whatever you were living on back home you can do it for 30-35% if you keep the same lifestyle.

Again, that goes for the US. Maybe a British expat can chime in on the percentages for the UK.

One thing is for sure, you have enough money to last three months if you do it right. smile.png


Whatever you were living on back home you can do it for 30-35% if you keep the same lifestyle.


If the OP wants to keep the same lifestyle as back home: foods, wine/alcohol, clothing, vehicle, entertainment it won't be 35%.

It won't even be 135%. More like 150%. In the venues the OP is considering, even the rent and quality medical care isn't cheaper, and the other items are higher.

I'm not sure if you understand what I'm saying. We don't know his lifestyle. If he lives on $10,000 a month he could get by on $3500. If he lives on $3000 he could get by one $1000. Again, this is true for a US/Thai comparison.

Regardless, I can't see where living in Thailand would cost him 150% more than living in the UK, if he keeps the same lifestyle.


I understand.

Same lifestyle. Meaning we don't need to know his lifestyle.

Meaning doing the same things, eating the same foods, drinking the same wines, buying the same clothing and shoes, enjoying the same TV, living in a home that is similar in quality and style and conveniences with the one he lived in back home.

It will not cost a third here in LOS, not in the venues he is considering. It will cost more. For it to cost less, he will have to make sacrifices.

So your claim is that Thiland is more expensive to live in than the UK? Ok my friend, if you say so.

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...........You must take into consideration the weather. The rainy season is coming up quickly. You will not be

traveling much due to the rain. I would seriously think of moving to higher ground away from Bangkok. I think 2000 baht a day is a bit high. Buy your own beer by the case is cheaper than in a bar one bottle at a time.

I guess you want to live a short life............well you definitely have come to the right place. Want to be a rich little playboy? You've come to the right place. Looking for work part time, need a work permit. Bring with you all educational certificates, Diplomas, an Letters of Recommendations. Thailand is now requiring proof of teaching skills. And be careful, keep your money safe in a bank. Since your going to do some bar hopping, don't blab your mouth around strangers about your money. There are a lot of scammers on the street that love to get you involved with their scams. Don't be a patsy in Bangkok or Pattaya.

Your an easy pray. They dangle a little sex at you, and your ready to swing from the highest tree. Be especially careful with he/she groups. Never buy a beer openned already in a bar. Open it yourself. Then keep an eye on any drinks to make sure it isn't spiked with a drug. Do not take girls to your room you've only met 1 or 2 hours ago. Do not trust night life people. They are there to make money period, and to separate you from your wallet.

I've been here for over 6 years, and off and on for over 30 years. I've seen all the scams, and rip off routines

in the bars. Do not run a tab in the bar. Pay as you go. They love to add on the tab things you didn't order. Don't be fooled by woman that ask you to buy them a drink. Thats how they make money. When they approach you do not let them sit down next to you. They get paid for their time hustling drinks from you. And the bar expect to get paid by you for their time. Do not hire a taxi to take you from bar to bar. They will hustle

you as well. Always keep your guard up. Keep large bills separate from small change. keep your wallet in your front pocket. don't allow girls to sit in your lap. Keep your distance. Especially when two or more are near you, rubbing your back lags shoulders. This is when pickpockets do their magic.

Always ask the price of a drink before you order it. A 70 baht beer might be 200 baht if you don't. Know your limit when drinking. Don't be part of an on going party. Things will unexpectedly happen. BE STREET WISE!

I hope I have given you some advise that will make your Thai exposure a little more enjoyable and not become another victim. Far to many foreigners come to Thailand looking for that special girl, but you will not

find them in a bar, or walking the streets at night. Realize it is a fake illusion of piece and tranquility. It's all a business, and you are their customer/ next victim!

WOW presumably you don't spend a lot on buying drinks for your friends either ?

I bet He is missing crying.gif His .357 !

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20,000 baht a month is my budget(US$600 a month). That is pretty comfortable. 5,000 baht/month for food, 3000/month for an apartment, and 400 baht/day for other stuff - loads! Sure you can spend more but you will more than likely end up broke and going back home in no time. I think it is wiser to spend less and be more secure financially. The guys bragging on here about their 100,000+baht/month lifestyles probably don't last very long.

It's a tad generalizing isn't it? I spend near enough to 100,000 a month because I work and have a mortgage.Granted, if people are spending that from minor savings or a pension they'll soon run out of cash but I'm 36 and have a fair few years left to work (I'm not reminding myself how many). I'll be frugal when I have no income other than a pension....not everyone out here is at that age yet you know?

I spend the same amount of money here as I did in my home country. Just have a few more luxuries. I work a lot harder here though then I did back home..

If you have a nice condo and maybe a car 100-120 is easy to go through just living.

Why do people wont to move to Thailand and live in a run down apartment and eat noodles or kow mun Gai all the time. Never understood that.

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20,000 baht a month is my budget(US$600 a month). That is pretty comfortable. 5,000 baht/month for food, 3000/month for an apartment, and 400 baht/day for other stuff - loads! Sure you can spend more but you will more than likely end up broke and going back home in no time. I think it is wiser to spend less and be more secure financially. The guys bragging on here about their 100,000+baht/month lifestyles probably don't last very long.

It's a tad generalizing isn't it? I spend near enough to 100,000 a month because I work and have a mortgage.Granted, if people are spending that from minor savings or a pension they'll soon run out of cash but I'm 36 and have a fair few years left to work (I'm not reminding myself how many). I'll be frugal when I have no income other than a pension....not everyone out here is at that age yet you know?

I spend the same amount of money here as I did in my home country. Just have a few more luxuries. I work a lot harder here though then I did back home..

If you have a nice condo and maybe a car 100-120 is easy to go through just living.

Why do people wont to move to Thailand and live in a run down apartment and eat noodles or kow mun Gai all the time. Never understood that.

Same standard of living but I get to live in a different country and have a hot wife. In America I'd be living in run down apartment working at a low wage job and eating processed food all day.

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I just returned from 3 months. I have a girlfriend , so I don't take p4 p ladies.

I have a trip log this trip , so I can tell you exactly how much I have spent.

First of all, I am a fair drinker, and not a cheap Charlie, my gal hardly drinks. These prices are based on 2 people for around half of my holiday.

AFTER accomadation, and motorbike rental, electricity water. I averaged 1,700 baht per day.

And lived VERY comfortably on this.

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Some big numbers have been thrown around at a guy who's gonna be an English teacher, for crying out loud.

Quite a few FB groups advertise for NES language teachers with salaries at like 28K - 32K.

You can live on it, no doubt, but NOT comfortably. . . . well not as a relatively young guy about town in Bangkok.

Edited by Cypress Hill
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20,000 baht a month is my budget(US$600 a month). That is pretty comfortable. 5,000 baht/month for food, 3000/month for an apartment, and 400 baht/day for other stuff - loads! Sure you can spend more but you will more than likely end up broke and going back home in no time. I think it is wiser to spend less and be more secure financially. The guys bragging on here about their 100,000+baht/month lifestyles probably don't last very long.

It's a tad generalizing isn't it? I spend near enough to 100,000 a month because I work and have a mortgage.Granted, if people are spending that from minor savings or a pension they'll soon run out of cash but I'm 36 and have a fair few years left to work (I'm not reminding myself how many). I'll be frugal when I have no income other than a pension....not everyone out here is at that age yet you know?

I spend the same amount of money here as I did in my home country. Just have a few more luxuries. I work a lot harder here though then I did back home..

If you have a nice condo and maybe a car 100-120 is easy to go through just living.

Why do people wont to move to Thailand and live in a run down apartment and eat noodles or kow mun Gai all the time. Never understood that.

Who says they come to live in a run down apartment and eat noodles?

Here's what you may not have considered. Many people who have retired and live on a fixed income have discovered that they can keep a better lifestyle for less money than they had in their home country, for that same money. Even you just said you have a few more luxuries. For retirees it makes a lot of sense, for working guys it's just a lot more fun.

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...........You must take into consideration the weather. The rainy season is coming up quickly. You will not be

traveling much due to the rain. I would seriously think of moving to higher ground away from Bangkok. I think 2000 baht a day is a bit high. Buy your own beer by the case is cheaper than in a bar one bottle at a time.

I guess you want to live a short life............well you definitely have come to the right place. Want to be a rich little playboy? You've come to the right place. Looking for work part time, need a work permit. Bring with you all educational certificates, Diplomas, an Letters of Recommendations. Thailand is now requiring proof of teaching skills. And be careful, keep your money safe in a bank. Since your going to do some bar hopping, don't blab your mouth around strangers about your money. There are a lot of scammers on the street that love to get you involved with their scams. Don't be a patsy in Bangkok or Pattaya.

Your an easy pray. They dangle a little sex at you, and your ready to swing from the highest tree. Be especially careful with he/she groups. Never buy a beer openned already in a bar. Open it yourself. Then keep an eye on any drinks to make sure it isn't spiked with a drug. Do not take girls to your room you've only met 1 or 2 hours ago. Do not trust night life people. They are there to make money period, and to separate you from your wallet.

I've been here for over 6 years, and off and on for over 30 years. I've seen all the scams, and rip off routines

in the bars. Do not run a tab in the bar. Pay as you go. They love to add on the tab things you didn't order. Don't be fooled by woman that ask you to buy them a drink. Thats how they make money. When they approach you do not let them sit down next to you. They get paid for their time hustling drinks from you. And the bar expect to get paid by you for their time. Do not hire a taxi to take you from bar to bar. They will hustle

you as well. Always keep your guard up. Keep large bills separate from small change. keep your wallet in your front pocket. don't allow girls to sit in your lap. Keep your distance. Especially when two or more are near you, rubbing your back lags shoulders. This is when pickpockets do their magic.

Always ask the price of a drink before you order it. A 70 baht beer might be 200 baht if you don't. Know your limit when drinking. Don't be part of an on going party. Things will unexpectedly happen. BE STREET WISE!

I hope I have given you some advise that will make your Thai exposure a little more enjoyable and not become another victim. Far to many foreigners come to Thailand looking for that special girl, but you will not

find them in a bar, or walking the streets at night. Realize it is a fake illusion of piece and tranquility. It's all a business, and you are their customer/ next victim!

<deleted> me do you ever leave your apartment .

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Its possible to drink yourself silly for four hours on Thonglor for 600 Baht.

You guys don't know diddly squat!


yep, just like everything else, if your complaining about prices, you need to downgrade until your drinking the least expensive drink on the menu.

a lot of guys here end up with a strong case of entitlement like they deserve the best of everything, then complain. its either rose colored glasses stuff, ego being stroked by the thais, or an emotional immaturity. it could also be from getting laid all the time which they are not used to and cant handle it.

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Its possible to drink yourself silly for four hours on Thonglor for 600 Baht.

You guys don't know diddly squat!


yep, just like everything else, if your complaining about prices, you need to downgrade until your drinking the least expensive drink on the menu.

a lot of guys here end up with a strong case of entitlement like they deserve the best of everything, then complain. its either rose colored glasses stuff, ego being stroked by the thais, or an emotional immaturity. it could also be from getting laid all the time which they are not used to and cant handle it.

Talk about cutting to the chase! :lol:

That's the brutal reality.

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George Soros and Bill Gates might have a different "comfort" and standard-of-living than you do.

In general, I'm pretty sure that 30,000 Baht is just surviving in a good sized city. 45,000 baht is slightly comfortable, and 60,000 can be, obviously, more comfortable.

remember to include airfare and all visa/transport costs.....money spent is money spent.

for me....100,000 baht a month allows me not to worry too much about money and allows me to do what i want, when i want, and not wonder, "Is this costing me too much?"

I know a guy who likes to brag, "If I spend less than 30,000 baht in a day, I don't even make a mental note of it." lol

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