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Dummy police will catch Bangkok traffic offenders red-handed next month

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Once again Thailand is ahead of the western world in technology, but also behind. In the western world there are speed cameras. This new technology can detect illegal lane changes and parking, and motor cyclists not wearing helmets (not available in the western world) but does not yet detect speeding. Why not wait until the speed camera, and why not add running red lights and failing to give way to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing as well. Just think of the revenue that will be raised. The only problem being, Thais being Thais, they won't pay the fines and even if their licenses are cancelled they'll still drive anyway. Better develop some robots capable of door knocking and collecting the fines and repossessing cars and bikes until the fines are paid. If this actually works, the Thai government will make a motza and maybe, just maybe Thais will learn to drive more responsibly and safely.

'' Better develop some robots capable of door knocking and collecting the fines''

Like this one?



It is amazing that people think it is "funny" and make jokes about it when total control is enforced all over them !

First it is traffic cameras, then cameras everywhere ... controlling each and everything and everybody.

Once you have one of these cameras in your home you will probably start thinking about it - then it is too late.

There is NOTHING good about this at all !!!

Where will the greed to control stop ? ... never !!!

It is incredible how dumbed down the population is - and the creme de la creme seems to be in this forum !!!


Will they be clamping cars parked illegally as well?

now now james these mugs need to crawl before they can walk young sir...you know someone will forget to switch these machines on ...wai2.gif


Just reading a few of the posts helps me to remember what a bunch of Thai bashers there are on this forum. What are you all going on about, your own countries have been using stealthy systems such as this for many years. Some are fixed and some are mobile. I remember once in Holland that I got one ticket for running a red light and speeding from a single camera. So let's face it, along with a strong deterrent factor they are great cash cows.

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Once again Thailand is ahead of the western world in technology, but also behind. In the western world there are speed cameras. This new technology can detect illegal lane changes and parking, and motor cyclists not wearing helmets (not available in the western world) but does not yet detect speeding. Why not wait until the speed camera, and why not add running red lights and failing to give way to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing as well. Just think of the revenue that will be raised. The only problem being, Thais being Thais, they won't pay the fines and even if their licenses are cancelled they'll still drive anyway. Better develop some robots capable of door knocking and collecting the fines and repossessing cars and bikes until the fines are paid. If this actually works, the Thai government will make a motza and maybe, just maybe Thais will learn to drive more responsibly and safely.

Yes you are wright 100% but and I say but thailand has to start some were like in Australia when we started using things like you say people were like the thais not pay and drive with no license now we have cameras that read the number plates and stop them on the spot and the police make them pay on the spot or take the car away our put them in jail, so hop one day thailand will get there .in the end it will make thais a lot better drivers like in Australia.

Thaddeus, on 25 Mar 2015 - 10:41, said:
AlQaholic, on 25 Mar 2015 - 10:17, said:

How to tell the Dummy from the real police?

The dummy will be fitted with a moral compass and a degree of integrity.

This could give you a clue passifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zCdgc beware the police with a passifier.


Just reading a few of the posts helps me to remember what a bunch of Thai bashers there are on this forum. What are you all going on about, your own countries have been using stealthy systems such as this for many years. Some are fixed and some are mobile. I remember once in Holland that I got one ticket for running a red light and speeding from a single camera. So let's face it, along with a strong deterrent factor they are great cash cows.

You are so wright but like you say a lot of thai bashers here on this forum if you don't like it here go back home to were you come from and stop beening a thai basher , I know thailand has its bad and has a lot of good but that is like that all over the world not just thailand.


I know someone that has been caught at least 7 times with one of these cameras. He never paid off a single one of those tickets, sold he car with no problems. Won't have a problem renewing his license because is lifetime and has no expiration date.


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Dummy and Police in the same sentence cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--ZvISAZ3- alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> love It.

Yay! Love it also. It is called a tautology - an expression in which the same thing is said twice in different words


I know someone that has been caught at least 7 times with one of these cameras. He never paid off a single one of those tickets, sold he car with no problems. Won't have a problem renewing his license because is lifetime and has no expiration date.

It will change give it some time I know it will I can see the changes in the last 12 months .


Just reading a few of the posts helps me to remember what a bunch of Thai bashers there are on this forum. What are you all going on about, your own countries have been using stealthy systems such as this for many years. Some are fixed and some are mobile. I remember once in Holland that I got one ticket for running a red light and speeding from a single camera. So let's face it, along with a strong deterrent factor they are great cash cows.

You are so wright but like you say a lot of thai bashers here on this forum if you don't like it here go back home to were you come from and stop beening a thai basher , I know thailand has its bad and has a lot of good but that is like that all over the world not just thailand.

It's not Thai-bashing, it's BiB-bashing. And the BiB needs and deserves every single bash.

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My question is -

What point does using a plastic policeman to hold the camera serve? blink.png

Its going to be hard to tell them from the real policemen. Also like the phrase reduce their workload. The only places where I see a cop is at a stopping station checking helmuts or in the bank cashing their check I suppose or in the shopping centre.


A similar thread a few days ago noted that owners of recently purchased 2nd hand vehicles had to clear any outstanding tickets incurred by the previous owner/driver(s) before being allowed to renew their road tax. This raises two questions:

- Surely it is the driver rather than the vehicle that is culpable?

- How can they tell who was driving if the windows were tinted?


Lol how many of these so called high tech dummies will get vandalised by irate motorists,the mind boggles but as sure as sugar is sweet like me quite a lot i imagine.


Once again Thailand is ahead of the western world in technology, but also behind. In the western world there are speed cameras. This new technology can detect illegal lane changes and parking, and motor cyclists not wearing helmets (not available in the western world) but does not yet detect speeding. Why not wait until the speed camera, and why not add running red lights and failing to give way to pedestrians at a pedestrian crossing as well. Just think of the revenue that will be raised. The only problem being, Thais being Thais, they won't pay the fines and even if their licenses are cancelled they'll still drive anyway. Better develop some robots capable of door knocking and collecting the fines and repossessing cars and bikes until the fines are paid. If this actually works, the Thai government will make a motza and maybe, just maybe Thais will learn to drive more responsibly and safely.

Yes you are wright 100% but and I say but thailand has to start some were like in Australia when we started using things like you say people were like the thais not pay and drive with no license now we have cameras that read the number plates and stop them on the spot and the police make them pay on the spot or take the car away our put them in jail, so hop one day thailand will get there .in the end it will make thais a lot better drivers like in Australia.

I hope they pump some of that money into the Australian education system :D

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Do the cameras detect the number from the front of the vehicle, if so they won't be able to ticket motorcycle offenders as they don't have a front number plate


I wonder what medium will be used to record the footage, and if it will be inserted so that all the cameras are actually in operation??
Also what about all the drivers without a licence, using false plates or have moved location without notifying the licencing center ??


There are already active cameras in the North East

As we were getting notices in the mail of the sisters exs new wife riding with no helmet

He had not changed his rego address


If that is all it will do colect pictures and give out tickets for driving over the solid line that will not stop alot of traffic violators. speading, drunk, high on drugs, no licience, no hemet, no tail lites, no registration, no seat belt (even cops don't use them in the rural part of Thailand).


My question is -

What point does using a plastic policeman to hold the camera serve? blink.png

Actually I think it might give the drivers a better chance of seeing it from a distance and be prepared. At home you are virtually

on top of a speed camera before you notice it.


And how many drivers have NO license or a correct current address? Epic fail I expect . . .

This is nothing to do with licences, it's registrations that will be suspended.


"...The new system can reduce the workload of the police..."

Yeah, because the police are already so busy enforcing all the traffic laws...right!

There's only one problem with this system. It assumes the offender, the driver, is the owner of the car. So Thailand doesn't care if the actual driver is ticketed only that they get their pound of flesh (money) from the unwitting owner of the car? Yeah, probably 80% they will get the right driver, but not all the time.

And probably the owner will have the option to advise the police who the driver was.


I think this is a good step forward - my only concern is whether there will be any 'filtering' of the fine notices to prevent upsetting 'important' people.

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