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Thai generals push for 'golden era' when elite held sway

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The one thing that many of seem to forget, especially the likes of Costas, is that if we Farangs don't like the way things are going, we can always leave, the majority of the voting Thais cant!!

There isn't a single expat here being forced to live here, we have the choice to leave and go home.... the Thais don't.

The Thais love Thailand they want to stay who are you to make fun of their Constitution.

America England Russia Japan and Germany attacked countries in the last 100 years they have not


f this is true it will be a very sad day for the majority who are Thai the country will be controlled by both the eliitists and Military democracy will be no longer maybe the time has come to look for greener pastures I can only see difficulties with outside investment they will now look to neighbouring countries where they will know there investments are much safer ! Will the Thai voters accept this only time will tell !!!


I'm just lost to what is happening in Thailand.

As a child in Australia we grew up with a fair understanding of politics and I was ready to vote at 18.

My Thai wife is educated but still struggles to grasp politics. She treats it like a big popularity contest and when on question her in detail on particular Thai policies she has less understanding than me.

The average person in Thailand just doesn't seem to care what happens.


What's the term for the opposite of a "developing country?

Really ... at the rate Thailand is "developing" ... I'd give it another 200 years at least till it's up to speed.


A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

And cut your "but Yingluck" BS.

but Yingluck.......................

What democracy are you referring to JOC?

Democracy never existed in Thailand and I very much doubt that it will ever exist.

At least an effort is being made now to bring Thailand to a more civilized world with less corruption and better police force.

Ideals are for the masses, reality and common sense applies more to the right thinking person.

Whose payroll are you on Costas2008. I often agree with many of your posts but sometimes, like this time, I wonder. Are you really Greek? People on this forum can adopt any name and symbol they wish so nobody knows exactly what they are.


The average person in Thailand just doesn't seem to care what happens.

Indeed. And the whole mai pen rai thing seems to be the result of sinister social engineering that has been going on for generations.

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I love when people try to pretend a billionaire wasn't one of the "elites" or that whoever won an election has carte blanche to treat the law as a buffet, picking and choosing which laws they have to follow. The fact is, this is a battle between different groups of "elites", and none of them seem particularly interested to do more than pay lip service to the idea of Democracy as it is practiced in the west and removing the corruption from the current system.

The generals are correct that Thailand needs a better constitution than what they've had, and will withhold judgement until it is presented. But I am not hopefully that they will actually deliver.


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A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

And cut your "but Yingluck" BS.

You believe anything / everything written / twisted by AP.

Maybe you'd like to do a more detailed analysis of what's happening.


A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

And cut your "but Yingluck" BS

ROFLMAO. Who says ?. Anonymous 'analysts and politicians' or just the author ?.

"The new Thai constitution will bring tough new rules to prevent the poor masses being bought using taxpayers money as bribes then the entire political system being abused for corruption and personal gain using the voting majority to pass any bills, no matter how outrageous - so say analysts and educated experts throughout Thailand"

See, anyone can do it !. I've read plenty of BS reports from that same agency so I don't see why I should suddenly believe this one. Of course, we are not all as gullible as others.

FYI democracy in Thailand was dead long before the coup. The amnesty bill disgrace was just a cherry on the top.

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"The charter has undergone more than a dozen rewrites in the last 80 years, either by democrats trying to consolidate parliamentary power"

Just the Democrats? Don't think so

"In the eyes of the country's elite, democratically elected politicians have ruined Thailand with populist policies and cronyism that lead the poor astray."

So AFP thinks populism and cronyism are good things?

"A year ago the veteran conservative was giving rousing speeches to crowds of protesters clamouring for the toppling of prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra and a military takeover.

Thailand's generals did just that in May."

Really? I thought yingluck had been removed before then.

AFP take on things, always at right angles to the truth, not lies {well not always} but never the whole truth.

Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.-John Stuart Mill

Problem is AFP are not the good men. Their reports do not represent the truth, just their take on it.


A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

And cut your "but Yingluck" BS.

Exactly, why can't people see how the General will take this country back in to the dark ages.

And so true, you point it out to them and the morons go, what about Thaksin blablabla, he was so bad blablabla

Perhaps because citizens did not see the society progress in the past decade? Perhaps the general has done more in the past 6 months in terms of law enforcement than any party has ever did in the past decade? I'm sure if we go back to the "dark ages", there will be another uprising. Lets be realistic here, change is needed and the general is just what we need for politicians to clean up their act and start to watch their back. The next change we need is to go back to democracy and elections, DEM and PTP seems to be somewhat on the same page, both do not support the Generals agenda. It will be up to the citizens to voice their concern against the generals agenda, only time will tell. I don't believe their will be another bloodshed to oust the general.

Name me another general lead country that is as free as Thailand? Thailand is in a very unique position, lets not get our heads stuck in the general = bad = squashing the citizens concept.

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All the ducks are being lined up for when Thailand changes forever, there's other powers working to keep Thaksin from the top.

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The one thing that many of seem to forget, especially the likes of Costas, is that if we Farangs don't like the way things are going, we can always leave, the majority of the voting Thais cant!!

There isn't a single expat here being forced to live here, we have the choice to leave and go home.... the Thais don't.

I understood you the first time.


"We have designed this constitution based on countering the problems of the last 10 years," Paiboon told AFP, a draft copy of the document on the table in front of him.

"Thai political parties are different to other countries'... they can be bought," he adds.

In the eyes of the country's elite, democratically elected politicians have ruined Thailand with populist policies and cronyism that lead the poor astray.

They long for what they regard as a golden era when parliament was overseen by unelected elders who kept such populism in check.

That says it all. Can't have the people enjoying the fruits of their own labour. And, of course, the elites are never guilty of cronyism or nepotism.

Thank you father Paiboon for looking over the child-like poor of Thailand, However, if they are children it is because you see to it that they don't get an education.


Spot on.

Their main objection to Mr. T is not his (undoubted) corruption but instead his greed. He grabbed it all - and did not share with the others. I have been an observer of politics and 'governance' in Thailand since the 1970's and little has changed. The corruption levels of the Chatchai government (also dislodged by a coup) was such that it was known as the 'buffet government' in that everyone/party got a slice of everything.

A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

And cut your "but Yingluck" BS.

but Yingluck.......................

What democracy are you referring to JOC?

Democracy never existed in Thailand and I very much doubt that it will ever exist.

At least an effort is being made now to bring Thailand to a more civilized world with less corruption and better police force.

Ideals are for the masses, reality and common sense applies more to the right thinking person.

I have probably seen a more patronizing post on this forum but I just cannot remember when. Throughout history democracies - or something similar - have nearly all evolved through a process of conflict and difference. The system of patronage that currently exists in Thailand has existed in many other cultures but has been gradually been eroded and replaced by a better form of governance. The same thing can, and will occur in Thailand. However, the ruling elite guided by the army, will not give up their position easily. That is for sure. As far as Thailand 'being now made into a more civilized world with less corruption' - are you serious? The deck chairs are simply being re-arranged so that the 'rightful' recipients of corruption are back in place. Look back at Thai history and you will not see that corruption suddenly appeared with the election of Thaksin Shinawatra.


The one thing that many of seem to forget, especially the likes of Costas, is that if we Farangs don't like the way things are going, we can always leave, the majority of the voting Thais cant!!

There isn't a single expat here being forced to live here, we have the choice to leave and go home.... the Thais don't.

The Thais love Thailand they want to stay who are you to make fun of their Constitution.

America England Russia Japan and Germany attacked countries in the last 100 years they have not

How can you make fun out of something that does not exist?

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The good Junta with these ideals - if that reporting is correct - make me shudder.

Democracy may not always be the best ideal. But it is better than rule by dictatorship or by an elite few. IMHO


The one thing that many of seem to forget, especially the likes of Costas, is that if we Farangs don't like the way things are going, we can always leave, the majority of the voting Thais cant!!

There isn't a single expat here being forced to live here, we have the choice to leave and go home.... the Thais don't.

The Thais love Thailand they want to stay who are you to make fun of their Constitution.

America England Russia Japan and Germany attacked countries in the last 100 years they have not

Erm who's making fun of their constitution ? Where in my post do you see me making fun of the Thais or their constitution?

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A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

And cut your "but Yingluck" BS.

but Yingluck.......................

What democracy are you referring to JOC?

Democracy never existed in Thailand and I very much doubt that it will ever exist.

At least an effort is being made now to bring Thailand to a more civilized world with less corruption and better police force.

Ideals are for the masses, reality and common sense applies more to the right thinking person.

No, Yingluck was elected and according to VOA the elections were clean. If you have link that proves otherwise, then please do share. If the article is to believed, then the elite will be taking their turn at the trough and Thailand will not progress. Time will tell.

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Clearly, this article was written by someone who does not understand Thailand.

Yes, in other countries water will always flow downhill.

But Thailand is special.

I'm sure with all the boats & their huge propellers will make water flow uphill in Thailandwai2.gif


I seem to remember a couple of days back reading about a plan to write off loans of billions of baht to hundreds of thousands of "poor farmers". Why are those farmers in debt? I suspect because of the vote catching cheap loans made available by Herr Thaksin many years ago. Maybe the ill fated and popular among the "poor farmers" rice pledging scheme was aimed at providing the "poor farmers" with enough to repay the loans. Hmmmm. Does Thailand really want more of this?


If you read the history of Thai politics from 1933....It is 15 coups all with the same play book and for decades now the same players.Nothing has ever changed. What is sad , When Thaksin became the PM it really did look like things would change. Instead he made a huge grab for more and more power and more money for him and his.One can only imagine what a PM that really had the people in mind could have accomplished.

Totally nonsense,sure Thaksin filled his pockets but so did others before him.Thaksin tried to free Thailand from Generals and Royalists,thats the only reason why he had to go.With Thaksin Thailand was moving forward,now we are going back in time.It's not to hard to see Royalists and Army are afraid of Thaksin because majority of Thais are behind him,that why all those changes in new constitution.Thailand will end up in a civil war,because I don't think the poor north and northeast will watch how junta and royalists take away the rights they got with Thaksin

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A new Thai constitution being drafted by the ruling junta is a throwback to an era when a royalist and military elite had a stranglehold on politics, analysts and politicians say, warning of dire consequences for democracy.

To all the junta lovers/ anti election posters here, please read the above twice and reconsider your support to the Thai elite!!

Your are supporting people and a system belonging in a long gone century!!

And cut your "but Yingluck" BS.

but Yingluck.......................

What democracy are you referring to JOC?

Democracy never existed in Thailand and I very much doubt that it will ever exist.

At least an effort is being made now to bring Thailand to a more civilized world with less corruption and better police force.

Ideals are for the masses, reality and common sense applies more to the right thinking person.

A more civilised Thailand with less corruption and a better police force ?

Ah yes, that would be the other Thailand, you know the one in the parallel universe.

Others might call that alternate Thailand ....Vietnam biggrin.png

Costas, what makes you believe Democracy never existed in Thailand? The 65,000,000 voters might disagree with you.

Democracy according to the disgruntled farangs never existed, because their views of democracy was different to what Thais see as democracy.

If Thailand is such a basket case, why are you living here?

The Thai electoral roll is not 65 million.

Agree different areas have different perceptions of democracy, what it is and how it is achieved. Asians, Africans, South Americans and the West all have the own ideas, and sub-divisions within those. An elected government, one person one vote, know restrictions, etc. We've only had that in the UK since the early part of the 20th century. The USA probably about the same time. Before that race, religion, social standing, sex were all used as moderators to ensure only the "correct" types voted.

I don't call democracy a state where an elected government can ignore the law, do as it pleases how it pleases and refuse to be accountable, transparent or abide by the courts. A democracy without a robust justice system that's fair for all and dispenses justice without bias or favor is a pre-requisite. Do you think that has ever happened in Thailand?

There are many more places worse than Thailand, some of which like to pretend they're first world. Thailand's issues are that lying, cheating, and feudal style patronage with the wealthy free to do as they like are seen as something given rather than something from yesteryear that has no place in the modern world.

Until that changes, and those who exploit that situation are removed, nothing much will change.

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