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Telling Thai gf how much I'm REALLY worth?


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You need to tell us about your girl friend.

1: where did you meet her.

2: how old is she and how old are you.

3: where does she come from.

4: does she rely on you to give her money to send to her family.

5: does she have children.

6; how long have you been going together.

Most Thai girls do have boy friends and it is not easy to find that out.

Has she had a Thai husband and says she is divorced.

Is she pushing you to tell her how much money you have.

Until you know a lot more I would just tell her you have a little money not what you actually have.

Do you want to get real seriouse with her, marriage etc.

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I want to share a reverse story and perhaps it has value. I met a thai girl while living in Dubai. She flew for EK Airlines. I made great money. We dated and pretty much lived together for about a year before we went to BKK together. Whenever checks, or dates, or bills she would variously offer to pay, or I would insist telling her "when the day comes I do not have the money I will then ask you to pay, for now I got it." I tended to say this a lot; a typical western man.

We took a taxi to her home, got out, she paid the taxi while I got bags. I then looked up and the building and asked which floor was her family's? All of them, silly. The building was surrounded by a solid steal fence with cameras. As we approached the gate it opened automatically. There were 9 late model cars in the driveway yet the place seemed dead- it was sunday. We entered on the first floor and this appeared to be the business. I asked incredulously, "this is all one business?" No silly, and she pulled a wooden board from the desk which listed 47 different real estate companies. The family was filthy rich. Each person had their own floor; Gma/gpa, sister, brother, mom dad, her. etc. House in back for staff, cook, driver, etc. I had presumed over the past year of falling in love with this woman that I was perhaps the best thing for her, and immaturely took a degree of pride in finding someone I loved, and could whisk away on my western white horse. In the end, it could not work and when confronted with the final, unassailable reason why, I was shocked- "How could you ever pay enough sinsod to my parents?" she said "How would you explain to my father how you could care for me the way he had?" All true, but brutally painful. This is how a 2+ year love affair ended, with the money being the distinguishing characteristic of a possible future.

She never told me about her money because it was simply none of my business, I suppose. I am glad I did not know. Before it was over, when her grandpa died, all the g kids were given one million USD and the 5 aunts and uncles split a fortune, a really big fortune with her dad getting the most because he ran the business. I realized then that changed everything. I would forever feel her money behind my thoughts and hopes for the future and while her later explanation of sinsod hurt, it was the realization she had so much money that choked me to death realizing my i could never meet that expectation.

Do not tell her about your money unless directly asked; if directly asked, you had better appraise the context and reason. Its just not necessary. In your case,, everything above is reversed and the same societal pressures opposite. But do you really need to tell her? I did not know and in retrospect am happy I did not know.

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Well.. If she loves you then there is no need to tell her. Advice:Get a rich girl who doesn't need your support or money but needs your companionship and love only. If she is poor and says she cares your heart and not your money but you find that a stream of money is frequently leaving your hand to her's then she's lying and said relationship is of a material/conditional nature. If you are out of shape fat bald and ugly as a horse's ass and or desperate then you need to flash money, show bank accounts and stay on her good side and hope her and her Thai boyfriend and her don't off you for your assets.

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Just tell here you get goverment pension every month, if she starts bragging your worth 500k as they like to tell all there friends they have a rich BF you will end up being kidnapped. 500k to a Thai is like 5 million to them.She might not be bad and do that but you don't know who her friends are and there history.

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i ask my gf about her finances; about salary, debt, how much she pay for the room, how much for parents, downpayment of loan, see bank statements etc. I do not want a gf that is iresponsible about money - it will eventiually drag you down also. So I think it is right to tell her about your finance to show that (?) you are a responsible person that have control of your economy. It is fair that she know about you..... I did borrow my gf 20.000 bath for some short-term need - and she did give me back all money.

Most posts here show distrust in thai girls - and nobody seem willing to take the chance to trust a gf. You need to build that trust and you should be honest about yourself, and you get respect back....(maybe).

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The fact that you are living here without any job but have money to spend ... Presumably from interest on your nest egg should be a good enough indicator that you are ok financially

Wouldn't advise going into details with GF or anyone for that matter about your actual

Net worth or how much money you have .... No ones business...

If some time down the road plan to get married... Ok ... Then her business... But not as just a GF..

Thais have plenty of ways to answer indirectly to questions they don't want answer directly... Just do it Thai style

If she asks about money... Just say ' enough to get by ' or similar


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I thought all the farangs living with their wives were happy,what a load if <deleted>, everyone knows you pay or they show you the door politely of course, but only after they have cleaned you out with the whole village laughing at you as said earlier give them a thousand or less and show THEM the door

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Just tell here you get goverment pension every month, if she starts bragging your worth 500k as they like to tell all there friends they have a rich BF you will end up being kidnapped. 500k to a Thai is like 5 million to them.She might not be bad and do that but you don't know who her friends are and there history.

Yep. You could then be invited to party on the 20th floor of a condo block with a nice juicy balcony.

If I had 500k dollars I wouldn't be living in Thailand.

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500k and no debt is jack shit these days. Depends how old you are I guess. If you're 60 plus already then it might last you the rest of your life if you watch your spending.

Don't tell her anything. Even if you're a billionaire why would you set yourself up as a target? If you want to tell her something then tell her you can afford to buy a reasonably nice house in Pattaya, but you can't afford an SL series Mercedes. She will work it out!

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500k and no debt is jack shit these days. Depends how old you are I guess. If you're 60 plus already then it might last you the rest of your life if you watch your spending.

Don't tell her anything. Even if you're a billionaire why would you set yourself up as a target? If you want to tell her something then tell her you can afford to buy a reasonably nice house in Pattaya, but you can't afford an SL series Mercedes. She will work it out!

I retired 11 years ago with $350k. I've lived well in Thailand, bought a small comfortable house in a small city and still have $300k. Depends on Money management - and my small pension kicked in at the mid point. She does not know what I'm worth but she knows we can do just about what we want to within reason. As for a Mercedes, I was so disappointed that I could not find a 10 yo used car that I would trust at a reasonable price. Still I found a 1 yo Altis with 5,000k on it for 200,000 baht less than new.

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500k and no debt is jack shit these days. Depends how old you are I guess. If you're 60 plus already then it might last you the rest of your life if you watch your spending.

Don't tell her anything. Even if you're a billionaire why would you set yourself up as a target? If you want to tell her something then tell her you can afford to buy a reasonably nice house in Pattaya, but you can't afford an SL series Mercedes. She will work it out!

I retired 11 years ago with $350k. I've lived well in Thailand, bought a small comfortable house in a small city and still have $300k. Depends on Money management - and my small pension kicked in at the mid point. She does not know what I'm worth but she knows we can do just about what we want to within reason. As for a Mercedes, I was so disappointed that I could not find a 10 yo used car that I would trust at a reasonable price. Still I found a 1 yo Altis with 5,000k on it for 200,000 baht less than new.

Do you have health insurance? What if you get sick? 300k and everything paid off and of you don't get sick or have other emergency might be enough for the rest of your life. But don't get sick!

Anyway I been with my gf 8 years and never tell her how much I have. I always say I got no money and every month I just wire in enough money to get by.

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