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Survey: Are foreigners in Thailand more negative than people in their home country?


Are foreigners in Thailand more negative than people in their home country?  

377 members have voted

  1. 1. Are foreigners in Thailand more negative than people in their home country?

    • Yes, foreigners are more negative overall than people in their home country.
    • No, foreigners are not more negative overall than people in their home country.

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I Thailand you certainly have to accept the rough with the smooth. The rough drives me crazy sometimes, but if you can put it out of your mind there's plenty of smooth as well.

Forums allow you to vent at the rough (usually dirty politicians and their supporters) so I think the negative impression you get from here is not indicative of general life.

Exactly, and the reason why we rant here is because here are other westerners who probably understand our rants. The Thai don't understand it because they have never seen how things work in the West.

It's true that traffic here is very bad with the worst drivers of the world. But it will never improve without people being negativ about it. Also not without real Policeman maintaining rules.

According to my experience, no, it is not true that “traffic here is very bad with the worst drivers of the world”. I drove in India for 6 years and there is no comparison at all! I have been driving for over 40 years in many different countries and I find that Thais are generally polite, patient, they bother indicating, they don’t blind you with a full beam at night, etc. For instance, in Europe I find that a lot of drivers are aggressive, impatient, and would certainly think twice about letting you go first when joining a main road, and they certainly don’t mind blinding you with their full beam at night.

For those who think Thai driving is so terribly bad, I would like to ask you how many countries have you driven in and for how long.

You also say, “Also not without real Policeman maintaining rules” – I prefer Thailand that still has freedom without having power-hungry policeman stopping you for every infringement (no-one is perfect). I remember being stopped in the UK by a policeman because I was doing 3 miles an hour over the speed limit in a 30-mile an hour zone. I more or less told him to you know what because I had a left-hand drive car with a speedometer in kilometres and I calculated that 30 miles an hour was approximately 50 kms an hour. He argued and argued and took out his calculator I. I was ready to go to court over it but he backed down after wasting 15 minutes of my valuable time. Is this what you want? There are other experiences I can relate too.

My first bad experience in Thailand, only a month after I arrived, was an American who cheated me and took my money. Do I hate or slander all Americans because of it? No, I even have 2 American friends here. I treat people on an individual basis so I really can’t understand why others can’t do the same on TV.

You will always find bad people everywhere but does that merit painting everyone with the same brush?

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When a man has the "bottle" to get up one day, possibly late in life dust himself off, cut ties and head off to a new and strange land to chase his dreams....instead of sitting at home by the fire moaning about the weather and his aces and pains and simply vegetating away.....to me, that man has more positivity in his little finger than the average Joe has in his whole body

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Oooooohh - the raw truth of that is going to touch a few nerves. If there's one thing the deniers all hate, it's the truth about themselves. They read & take the time to rant and whine like little girls about the opinions and observations they find so repugnant, but aren't bright enough to just skip over and go read another thread! And so much in love with the advice to love-it-or-leave-it, except when it comes to taking it themselves on this forum. The very definition of lame.

Quite an ironic comment you've made. You rant about the "deniers" and how they should go and read another thread...well doesn't that thought process equally apply to the "Thai bashers"? I mean they could go and live in another country if the issues Thailand has depresses them so much?

I have no problem with anyone mentioning a problem on here, I do have a problem with keyboard warriors ranting about how things should be more like "home" yet also want the benefits that Thailand offers- those who want their cake and to eat it are the types of people I cannot stand.

The fact is this- Thailand owes us zip/nothing/nada. Sure if we all left the sales of beer and Mcdonalds might dip a bit but I doubt they'd be calling up Bob Geldoff to ask for Live Aid Thailand...we would lose out more than they would, hence the reason most people just rant on TVF and then jump on a bus to do a visa run with the intention of staying put. I'm not oblivious to the problems Thailand has, just as I wasn't oblivious to the problems in the UK, the difference is I was British, it was where I was born and often the powers that be did things I disagreed with yet a vote every 4 years wasn't enough to change things so I decided to leave- in Thailand I'm a guest, I have a choice, stay and accept, or leave it all behind.....a bit like your advise about TVF threads.

Don't ever become a pessimist... a pessimist is correct oftener than an optimist, but an optimist has more fun, and neither can stop the march of events.

Robert A. Heinlein

Not ironic at all. Read more carefully - and then think before posting. 'Apparently a bit over your head, but think of it as a game... What I merely said was that before a denier tells someone he sees as a basher to "love-it-or-leave-it", he should take his own advice! I personally have no problem with deniers denying all they want; it's the "love-it-or-leave-it" thing, which is incredibly hypocritical, not to mention lame. I don't give the advice, they do (but they don't follow it!).

Does that help there, sport?

And there you go proving my point about keyboard warriors...at no time did I patronize you or talk down to you yet you feel the need to do it to me.......from the safety of behind your keyboard.


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If this is about the thaivisa forum primarely then take a look at other message boards and internet in general. Not exactly a happy, positive and encouraging place for the most part.

but who satys life has to be happy and positive, the reality is life is a battle and u aint gonna win.

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The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Because these "opinions" are usually lies and/or gross distortions of the truth. So you believe that we should just let people spout made-up lies with impunity? Sorry Sir, but that would be un-American.

Its what the Thais do and you are in Thailand and it is their culture so ....YES, you cant have it both ways

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The answer is YES, just read the posts, and you can say most cathegories. Most sad it's that they always find something to complaint about even when people have jumped from balconies or other fatal accidents. Then it's the way the police mention medications, diapers etc that bother them. There are of course a decent amount of people that appreciate Thailand and their wonderful people. I'm a older male with my fare share of illnesses and some days I don't want to see people due to severe pain, but when you walk outside or visit your local restaurant specially on theses bad days and are greeted with all these amazing smiles your pain melts away and you realize how lucky you are that are accepted in their country.

Is everything picture perfect here? Of course not, but at least you have a place where you feel safe, where people respect you and your handicaps and if you fall on the street or drop your cane someone will help you or pick up your cane with a smile. I went to Big C the other day and bought a little bit to much staff, took taxi home and the security guard in my condo building saw that I struggled and came and helped me up to my condo with the bags. My doorman in New York would do the same after I have to call him and he would expect no less then $20.00 tip for that, are occasions when the doorman have asked for $40.00 and don't even offer a smile. With this said, yes I think a lot of people here have nothing better to do then complain.

What you say has merit - and it is true in context.

BUT... it is also true that these smiling local people would not help you - at all - if you fell into into a klong; they would not run into a burning building to save you - or to save their own friends; they would not think to help you if you have an accident and are lying on the road bleeding, or make a move to prevent you having an accident. I have done all these things, or had help from others when I was down and hurting, in the U.S.A. and in Canada. Thai people will take pictures of you, suffering. I am not denying that Thai people are courteous to the elderly, but they would not even think of putting themselves at risk, or even at inconvenience, for a stranger or for a friend.

I have lived in a 3d World country where people did really, routinely stop what they were doing to genuinely help out a stranger, even a foreigner. I won't get into what country that was here.

But if you are going to talk about the pleasant, courteous aspects of Thai culture, please be honest about the cowardice and lack of empathy too.

On a personal level.....experienced, life/deathrelated.....both sides of the coin....what one does not expect....and so on....what one expects....and so on....

Cowardice and empathy, you are correct and many foreigners living in LOS adapt quite well regarding those traits.... Living in fear.....

To voice an opinion about right and wrong is not bound to Thailand. Many critics on here, myself included, see as well what is wrong in their homecountry and voice their opinion about it...so to answer the topic question......NO

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One positive thing after one and half year in Thailand is it made me appreciate much more where I come from, my civilisation, my religion, my core values. I lived in Hong Kong for 20 years, that was a fantastic time and the way things go I shouldn't use past tense. I thought Thailand was a more relax Hong Kong, a good place to enjoy the good things of Asia but at a more relaxed pace. What I didn't realized was that Hong Kong is a unique place, a truly international city that encompasses the best of Western and Chinese civilisation. On the other hand Thailand is more conservative, more inward looking. I don't find much connection with the local population, they are nice people but we haven't much things in common, and I find the life within the expat community a bit of a claustrophobic experience.

My parents' neighbours used to spend all their holidays in the same small city in the south of France. It was only natural when they retired that they decided to pack and move there. After a couple of month they realized that there was more in life that just an endless holiday in a shallow city that exists only to cater to the needs of short term residents. One year later they called my parents, they were back.

My point is the life as an expat is different from a tourist experience. You may enjoy spending a couple of weeks a year in the "Land of Smile" it doesn't necessary mean you will enjoy living full time here. You don't have to live it as a personal failure, more an enlightning experience. That's how I see it anyway.

Edited by JohnnyJazz
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The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Because these "opinions" are usually lies and/or gross distortions of the truth. So you believe that we should just let people spout made-up lies with impunity? Sorry Sir, but that would be un-American.

If you are going to spend your time in Thailand combatting people who spout made-up lies with impunity, you'll be a very busy man.

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The answer is YES, just read the posts, and you can say most cathegories. Most sad it's that they always find something to complaint about even when people have jumped from balconies or other fatal accidents. Then it's the way the police mention medications, diapers etc that bother them. There are of course a decent amount of people that appreciate Thailand and their wonderful people. I'm a older male with my fare share of illnesses and some days I don't want to see people due to severe pain, but when you walk outside or visit your local restaurant specially on theses bad days and are greeted with all these amazing smiles your pain melts away and you realize how lucky you are that are accepted in their country.
Is everything picture perfect here? Of course not, but at least you have a place where you feel safe, where people respect you and your handicaps and if you fall on the street or drop your cane someone will help you or pick up your cane with a smile. I went to Big C the other day and bought a little bit to much staff, took taxi home and the security guard in my condo building saw that I struggled and came and helped me up to my condo with the bags. My doorman in New York would do the same after I have to call him and he would expect no less then $20.00 tip for that, are occasions when the doorman have asked for $40.00 and don't even offer a smile. With this said, yes I think a lot of people here have nothing better to do then complain.

What you say has merit - and it is true in context.

BUT... it is also true that these smiling local people would not help you - at all - if you fell into into a klong; they would not run into a burning building to save you - or to save their own friends; they would not think to help you if you have an accident and are lying on the road bleeding, or make a move to prevent you having an accident. I have done all these things, or had help from others when I was down and hurting, in the U.S.A. and in Canada. Thai people will take pictures of you, suffering. I am not denying that Thai people are courteous to the elderly, but they would not even think of putting themselves at risk, or even at inconvenience, for a stranger or for a friend.

I have lived in a 3d World country where people did really, routinely stop what they were doing to genuinely help out a stranger, even a foreigner. I won't get into what country that was here.

But if you are going to talk about the pleasant, courteous aspects of Thai culture, please be honest about the cowardice and lack of empathy too.

"it is also true that these smiling local people would not help you - at all - if you fell into into a klong; they would not run into a burning building to save you - or to save their own friends; they would not think to help you if you have an accident and are lying on the road bleeding, or make a move to prevent you having an accident"

I'm sorry my friend, but you appear to be living in a different Thailand to me if you truly believe what you have written above.

Perhaps this happens in the commercial areas, built for the comfort of visitors who believe in 'home from home', you know, the ones who never associate with Thais, but, IMHO it is an extremely poor generalization of the population as a whole.

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Once again we return to the perineal topic of 'other peoples negative views of Thailand' and the broad brush classification of people as 'Thai Bashers'.

The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Its a truism, if any of us make a choice we are truly happy with then the opinions others express about our choice will be like water off a duck's back.

And of course there is the 'if you don't like it, go home' line of response, which seldom stands scrutiny.

A guy has a bad experience, perhaps the only bad experience he's had for a long while - he writes about it on TVF, perhaps to let off steam, perhaps to warn others, perhaps to ask for advice, perhaps because TVF is the only place he can express his views with people who speak his language.

So now on the basis of a single complaint, someone else (usually more than one someone else) is ranting at him to go home.

Appart from the absurdity of the line of argument that an individual should up root their life for having expressed an opinion some others don't like, there is the observation I've made, not once, but many many times during my time in Thailand.

When it comes to the sudden epiphany, the conniption fit, the sudden uprooting and disappearance from Thailand to back home; the people I've seen do this have all, and without exception, been people who while in Thailand would hear no criticism of the place.

By example, a friend I've known for 20 years, 15 years in Thailand, recently uprooted and went home; I spoke with him in the weeks before he left, he was seething with emotion, couldn't get out fast enough. This a man who I've had dozens of conversations with in which his ranted against people complaining about Thailand, refusing to hear even the slightest negative comment, regardless of how well founded it might be.

I put this down to a sudden flip in the mind, when denial of the truth can no longer be reconciled with reality.

Far better I think, to take a balanced view, positives and negatives. And when we meet someone having a bad day, or a good day, accept the fact that we all have good and bad days - its the way the swing swings.

If other people's negative comments wind you up, ask yourself why.

The answer is almost certainly close to home.

I can say without hesitation that the TV forums are the most negative I've ever run across. This includes expat forums in other countries. It's not just people letting off steam, it's often people letting off a little racism. And it's often a case of somebody posting some innocent question or comment and the thread being hijacked.

My impression is that there are a lot of very unhappy people here. I think the reason you read comments about people going home is that it's clear that there are many people living in Thailand that absolutely hate it on every level. My solution is that I rarely visit TV anymore but it's a source of great entertainment when TV comes up with friends, "can you believe how angry all these people are that moved to this country?"

Anyway, it doesn't bother me anymore because I simply stopped reading much more than the very rare thread (this one obviously). But this will remain one of life's great mysteries to me.

And btw, there are plenty of things that upset me about Thailand. I don't like the corruption or any number of things. But I don't want to spend my days ranting on the internet about them.

Wow! What a scathing, negative post! whistling.gif <puut len>

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Once again we return to the perineal topic of 'other peoples negative views of Thailand' and the broad brush classification of people as 'Thai Bashers'.

The question I always ask when this topic comes up is, why do the opinions others have and express bother you so much?

Its a truism, if any of us make a choice we are truly happy with then the opinions others express about our choice will be like water off a duck's back.

And of course there is the 'if you don't like it, go home' line of response, which seldom stands scrutiny.

A guy has a bad experience, perhaps the only bad experience he's had for a long while - he writes about it on TVF, perhaps to let off steam, perhaps to warn others, perhaps to ask for advice, perhaps because TVF is the only place he can express his views with people who speak his language.

So now on the basis of a single complaint, someone else (usually more than one someone else) is ranting at him to go home.

Appart from the absurdity of the line of argument that an individual should up root their life for having expressed an opinion some others don't like, there is the observation I've made, not once, but many many times during my time in Thailand.

When it comes to the sudden epiphany, the conniption fit, the sudden uprooting and disappearance from Thailand to back home; the people I've seen do this have all, and without exception, been people who while in Thailand would hear no criticism of the place.

By example, a friend I've known for 20 years, 15 years in Thailand, recently uprooted and went home; I spoke with him in the weeks before he left, he was seething with emotion, couldn't get out fast enough. This a man who I've had dozens of conversations with in which his ranted against people complaining about Thailand, refusing to hear even the slightest negative comment, regardless of how well founded it might be.

I put this down to a sudden flip in the mind, when denial of the truth can no longer be reconciled with reality.

Far better I think, to take a balanced view, positives and negatives. And when we meet someone having a bad day, or a good day, accept the fact that we all have good and bad days - its the way the swing swings.

If other people's negative comments wind you up, ask yourself why.

The answer is almost certainly close to home.

I can say without hesitation that the TV forums are the most negative I've ever run across. This includes expat forums in other countries. It's not just people letting off steam, it's often people letting off a little racism. And it's often a case of somebody posting some innocent question or comment and the thread being hijacked.

My impression is that there are a lot of very unhappy people here. I think the reason you read comments about people going home is that it's clear that there are many people living in Thailand that absolutely hate it on every level. My solution is that I rarely visit TV anymore but it's a source of great entertainment when TV comes up with friends, "can you believe how angry all these people are that moved to this country?"

Anyway, it doesn't bother me anymore because I simply stopped reading much more than the very rare thread (this one obviously). But this will remain one of life's great mysteries to me.

And btw, there are plenty of things that upset me about Thailand. I don't like the corruption or any number of things. But I don't want to spend my days ranting on the internet about them.

Wow! What a scathing, negative post! whistling.gif <puut len>

I recently came across this. It makes sense. What do we really have control over? It started the wheels turning. I'm starting to reevaluate how I should be perceive things. I personally spend way too much time mulling over things that I have zero control over. It got me thinking. Perhaps it's time to simply work on ourselves, and effect change in the areas that we can, starting with ourselves. Food for thought.


Edited by connda
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The answer is YES, just read the posts, and you can say most cathegories. Most sad it's that they always find something to complaint about even when people have jumped from balconies or other fatal accidents. Then it's the way the police mention medications, diapers etc that bother them. There are of course a decent amount of people that appreciate Thailand and their wonderful people. I'm a older male with my fare share of illnesses and some days I don't want to see people due to severe pain, but when you walk outside or visit your local restaurant specially on theses bad days and are greeted with all these amazing smiles your pain melts away and you realize how lucky you are that are accepted in their country.

Is everything picture perfect here? Of course not, but at least you have a place where you feel safe, where people respect you and your handicaps and if you fall on the street or drop your cane someone will help you or pick up your cane with a smile. I went to Big C the other day and bought a little bit to much staff, took taxi home and the security guard in my condo building saw that I struggled and came and helped me up to my condo with the bags. My doorman in New York would do the same after I have to call him and he would expect no less then $20.00 tip for that, are occasions when the doorman have asked for $40.00 and don't even offer a smile. With this said, yes I think a lot of people here have nothing better to do then complain.

What you say has merit - and it is true in context.

BUT... it is also true that these smiling local people would not help you - at all - if you fell into into a klong; they would not run into a burning building to save you - or to save their own friends; they would not think to help you if you have an accident and are lying on the road bleeding, or make a move to prevent you having an accident. I have done all these things, or had help from others when I was down and hurting, in the U.S.A. and in Canada. Thai people will take pictures of you, suffering. I am not denying that Thai people are courteous to the elderly, but they would not even think of putting themselves at risk, or even at inconvenience, for a stranger or for a friend.

I have lived in a 3d World country where people did really, routinely stop what they were doing to genuinely help out a stranger, even a foreigner. I won't get into what country that was here.

But if you are going to talk about the pleasant, courteous aspects of Thai culture, please be honest about the cowardice and lack of empathy too.

"it is also true that these smiling local people would not help you - at all - if you fell into into a klong; they would not run into a burning building to save you - or to save their own friends; they would not think to help you if you have an accident and are lying on the road bleeding, or make a move to prevent you having an accident"

I'm sorry my friend, but you appear to be living in a different Thailand to me if you truly believe what you have written above.

Perhaps this happens in the commercial areas, built for the comfort of visitors who believe in 'home from home', you know, the ones who never associate with Thais, but, IMHO it is an extremely poor generalization of the population as a whole.

My experience in Thailand has been so positive. So many people have put themselves out to help me, complete strangers I might add, without me ever asking them for anything, and no-one ever wanted to receive a tip either. I have never had this at home, never, not even from my own family.

Let me relate to you what appeared in the media some years back in London, England. This happened at the close of office hours in the London Underground when the platforms were full of people waiting for a train to go home. At this particular platform, full of people, a man started accosting a woman, he even raped her in front of hundreds of people. The people on the platform just watched as he raped the woman, no-one intervened at all, they just watched! Even the media were horrified that no-one did anything to stop this guy. I certainly prefer to live in Thailand.

Perhaps the bad experiences that people are having in Thailand are due to attitude. If you already have preconceived ideas that are negative towards Thai people, then quite honestly I don’t know why they should help you, and you obviously portray that negativity to people around you in some way. I notice many foreigners looking away when they see me, and they certainly don’t smile or look friendly, in fact they look quite stern and unfriendly. All I can say is that if I came across a very negative and unfriendly person that needed help, I would think twice and keep my distance in case he or she got violent or accused me of something.

Think about it!

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Most of the negativity is usual bar talk, the ones who rely on bars to live a life here.They blame everything and everybody for their monotenous lives and use every excuse to drink, whilst blowing hot air, trying to sound inteligent. These, my friends, are called alcos.

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Many things in Thailand are managed poorly. In foreign country's the westerners all complaint about them so they will be improved.

In Thailand nobody complaints and takes things as they are. So it looks like westerners are more negativ but believe me the Thai also don't like it.

Example: Yesterday at Victory Monument, there were qeueu's from 30 metre for the ticketvending machines and cashiers. That's insane but no Thai will complaint, they even apologise to eachother when those machines won't accept their coins and other travellers have to wait longer because of that. wai2.gif

In the West this would happen one time only, then we all complaint and the manager of the skytrain would be informed. If he didn't change that very fast then we would sack him and rent a real manager.

That's not being negative, It's how western country's became developed.

What a load of twaddle. Complaining in the west is common certainly but nothing gets done as you suggest it would.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Reading this forum I am often overwhelmed by the negativity of these people, and the they're all out to get you sort of attitude. Often leaves me wondering: what the <deleted> they are doing here. Or am I still wearing rose colored glasses after 24 years in Thailand?

Yes you are but you will get over it if you stay long enough.coffee1.gif

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Reading this forum I am often overwhelmed by the negativity of these people, and the they're all out to get you sort of attitude. Often leaves me wondering: what the <deleted> they are doing here. Or am I still wearing rose colored glasses after 24 years in Thailand?

Yes you are but you will get over it if you stay long enough.coffee1.gif

Is 24 years not long enough for him to have formed an educated opinion? Have you ever thought that not everyone dislikes Thailand and some easily settle into the Thai life?

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Answered "No", though question is rather broad.

Think as a foreigner you notice things more & compare to your own country/culture.

Need to gain understanding of culture & practices within the country.

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Many thais simply dont want to better themselves and learn from Farangs. Many simply not smart enough to know how dumb they are. I hope they move forward...we just dont want to see unecessary accidents,metc.

I hope they never learn from farangs! I escaped the West to be away from such dimboes who think they know it all and want to control everything and everybody! I hope the Thais never change because they are still humane and treat farangs as ‘special’ guests in their country, and they certainly treat me better than in my own country, and they drive better because they tend to be more respectful and tolerant without being aggressive if you make a mistake on the road.

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Many thais simply dont want to better themselves and learn from Farangs. Many simply not smart enough to know how dumb they are. I hope they move forward...we just dont want to see unecessary accidents,metc.

Wow, what an incredibly stupid comment. Maybe you can learn a few things from the Thais....unless you're not smart enough to know how dumb you are.

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Yes. Most are all but visitors living on the edge of the surrounding culture and well out of their "comfort zone". Some live a meagre existence in villages thinking about 1) why did this happen to me. Or 2) it's somebody else's fault.

You get out what you put in IMO.

not imo, fact of life.

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Many thais simply dont want to better themselves and learn from Farangs. Many simply not smart enough to know how dumb they are. I hope they move forward...we just dont want to see unecessary accidents,metc.

I hope they never learn from farangs! I escaped the West to be away from such dimboes who think they know it all and want to control everything and everybody! I hope the Thais never change because they are still humane and treat farangs as ‘special’ guests in their country, and they certainly treat me better than in my own country, and they drive better because they tend to be more respectful and tolerant without being aggressive if you make a mistake on the road.

Sarcasm, right? The driest of the dry, but the "they drive better..." bit was the giveaway and did have me in stitches.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Reading this forum I am often overwhelmed by the negativity of these people, and the they're all out to get you sort of attitude. Often leaves me wondering: what the <deleted> they are doing here. Or am I still wearing rose colored glasses after 24 years in Thailand?

Yes you are but you will get over it if you stay long enough.coffee1.gif

Is 24 years not long enough for him to have formed an educated opinion? Have you ever thought that not everyone dislikes Thailand and some easily settle into the Thai life?

Happy to buy you a new sarcasm detector. thumbsup.gif

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Many thais simply dont want to better themselves and learn from Farangs. Many simply not smart enough to know how dumb they are. I hope they move forward...we just dont want to see unecessary accidents,metc.

I hope they never learn from farangs! I escaped the West to be away from such dimboes who think they know it all and want to control everything and everybody! I hope the Thais never change because they are still humane and treat farangs as ‘special’ guests in their country, and they certainly treat me better than in my own country, and they drive better because they tend to be more respectful and tolerant without being aggressive if you make a mistake on the road.

Sarcasm, right? The driest of the dry, but the "they drive better..." bit was the giveaway and did have me in stitches.

I couldn't drive in the west like I do here. Most Thais know how to drive organically and not depend on the rule book so much to keep them out of trouble. So perhaps they are better drivers.

But as far as participating with other drivers for an overall better experience it's a total fail.

There seems to be a small percentage of drivers that own the center lane yet won't drive above 70k and will never, even under gunpoint, pull over a bit and let the 20 cars behind them get past. There is another percentage of drivers (mainly professional drivers) that seem to feel all other cars are trespassers and need to be forced off the road. The combination of these two I am sure are the cause of most highway accidents.

Educate and or prosecute these two groups and the Thai driving experience would become quite wonderful.

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After 12 years here I have a very strong view....being very analytical by nature and far from a dumb Sex Tourist or Mid Life Crisis who fell for all the cons.

I lived in Issan for 5 years , Jomtien for 1 and Bangkok about 7.

My experience and observations are clear....

The Sex Tourist of course has permanent Rose coloured Glasses and although he knows he's a 'prat' at heart he wants for 2 weeks or so to believe that that young Girl or Boy loves him.

The guys who actually fall for all the lies and move here....along with their big company pension....are indeed Negative because they quickly GIVE IN to the Thai becoming the Boss.....they accept it and get cleaned out.....for the sake of peace...Mmmmm?

Fortunately, I don't fall into the Dumbo crowd but observe it daily.

Enjoy but remember 'Buyer Beware!'

It is good you have been here 12 years and you would no a lot more about thailand then me who has been coming for 6 years but I am one who will never ever gets suck in by thai puss I know what you are say about young woman loving old man it can't happen you say , but it dose happen I have seen it and if the old man is happy till he dies what is wrong with him giving his younger thai partner a good life . You see a lot of western men get very sh?ting when there see a old man with a very young thai lady and wish it was them .

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Reading this forum I am often overwhelmed by the negativity of these people, and the they're all out to get you sort of attitude. Often leaves me wondering: what the <deleted> they are doing here. Or am I still wearing rose colored glasses after 24 years in Thailand?

Yes you are but you will get over it if you stay long enough.coffee1.gif

Is 24 years not long enough for him to have formed an educated opinion? Have you ever thought that not everyone dislikes Thailand and some easily settle into the Thai life?

Happy to buy you a new sarcasm detector. thumbsup.gif

Or maybe you didn't proof read?

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The negativity never ceases to amaze me.

All Thais are stupid, all police are crooks and EVERY thai girl is a whores seems to be the favourite war cries.

I've been here for 16 years love the people love the culture and wouldn't leave unless it was in a wooden box.

These foreigners who continuously moan seem to forget that the majority of Thais have never had and never will have the opportunities they had in life.

Bangkok may not be a 3rd world city but the majority of Thais in Isssan and the likes haven't got a pot to pi$$ in, and by the time they are 18 years old they have had the education the equivalent of what a western child of 12 has had.

If your head is so big you can't make allowances for that and you find yourself moaning about life in Thailand at every turn the best advice I can give is:

Call a taxi, ask for Suvarnabhumi Airport and go back from whence you camewai2.gif

Here we go again. DO NOT CRITICIZE THAILAND. If you don't like anything F off. Thailand is above criticism.

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The negativity never ceases to amaze me.

All Thais are stupid, all police are crooks and EVERY thai girl is a whores seems to be the favourite war cries.

I've been here for 16 years love the people love the culture and wouldn't leave unless it was in a wooden box.

These foreigners who continuously moan seem to forget that the majority of Thais have never had and never will have the opportunities they had in life.

Bangkok may not be a 3rd world city but the majority of Thais in Isssan and the likes haven't got a pot to pi$$ in, and by the time they are 18 years old they have had the education the equivalent of what a western child of 12 has had.

If your head is so big you can't make allowances for that and you find yourself moaning about life in Thailand at every turn the best advice I can give is:

Call a taxi, ask for Suvarnabhumi Airport and go back from whence you camewai2.gif

Here we go again. DO NOT CRITICIZE THAILAND. If you don't like anything F off. Thailand is above criticism.

It's got nothing to do with that. If you've been ripped off, beaten up, scammed etc etc then complain about said person doing the crime.....Most Thai bashers just give blanketed criticism ......Personally I think Thailand would be better off without those types as they never give anything but negativity. I could (as I'm sure you could) name half a dozen posters street off who never say anything positive about Thailand.....why do those individuals stay if they hate the place so much? They should go to Afghanistan, speaking from experience they'd then have reason to complain.

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if your a tourist or around the bar scene it can easily look positive if you dont scratch the surface. see everyone having a good time, yippie!

the longer your here the more you start looking under things.

i tried to see what i saw when i first ventured through, and i can pull it off sometimes if its a good day. interesting mindset.

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