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Man arrested in Bangkok over alleged killing of 2-year-old stepson

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Should be strung up by the thumbs and roasted over a slow burning fire - just kidding,

However, he should be tried immediately (like today) as there is clear unrefuted evidence of the child's brutal murder and this excuse for a human being executed by nightfall. No enquiry, post mortem, or bleeding heart stories needed.


Hopefully, the other inmates at whatever jail or prison he eventually ends up in will have a chance to see the video. It truly is a terrible thing to behold.


Shameful act and Thailand should be ashamed of its low bail levels for crimes.

Do you believe 200,000 THB is easy for an unemployed truck driver to raise?

Well, at least you found a way to get the words "Thailand" and "shameful" in the same sentence, and that IS the name of the game ... yes?


Question for all why did the family need to check the cctv system in the building i thought the police would have checked that first and he failed to meet the bail money why bail him, my the child now rest in peace and i hope he suffers every day in jail but i doubt that will happen


I can't watch the video.

I only hope that child killers are treated the same way in Thailand, by the other prisoners, as they are apparently treated in other parts of the world.

I have a young child, will not watch the video. In prison if you

are a murderer, you are at the top of pecking order. If you

are a pedophile, you are the bottom of the pecking order.

If you killed a child, not sure where you would fit in . Am

guessing not good.... I am not really a member of the hang

em high brigade here, or a member of the keyboard warrior

tough guy club, but I would surely love five minutes with

this guy in a room with a baseball bat......

Two years old ??? Jesus H Christ..................

This is a thoughtful post and I think you are wise to not view it ... if you have a child the same age.

I have seen it ... you will not be able to get these images out of your mind.

I will provide the bat ... and please .. don't rush it .. 5 minutes?

Please, take all the time you need.


I've seen the video, its horrific.

This man derseves a slow and painful death.

please show his cell mates the video, let them understand who just moved into their neighborhood :-)

Another hero who takes on someone who has no ability or understanding of how to defend themselves.I would like to have this piece of excrement in a cage along with that thing that watched and who did nothing to stop this mindless slaughter of an innocent for a month or so.Soon find out just what a threshold of pain is and how slowly time passes when you want something to end.

I've seen better things come out of my dogs backside when she craps than those two despicable objects could ever aspire to be.

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Tie his hands and place a placard around his neck stating what he did and let him walk the streets of the neighbourhood where he committed this atrocity. All would be settled fairly quickly methinks.


Based on the comments, I will not actively seek out the video. But here is some food for thought. The step-father is scum and should die a slow painful death, but

where was the boy's biological father? Like so many Thai male scum, he was completely out of the picture. No mention of him in the article, too. So...where is he? Why did he leave his wife in the care of the child they brought into this world together? I believe he is culpable, too. Let both these worthless men be punished.

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Based on the comments, I will not actively seek out the video. But here is some food for thought. The step-father is scum and should die a slow painful death, but

where was the boy's biological father? Like so many Thai male scum, he was completely out of the picture. No mention of him in the article, too. So...where is he? Why did he leave his wife in the care of the child they brought into this world together? I believe he is culpable, too. Let both these worthless men be punished.

Like so many Thai male scum, he was completely out of the picture. No mention of him in the article, too. So...where is he? Why did he leave his wife in the care of the child they brought into this world together? I believe he is culpable, too. Let both these worthless men be punished.

Jumping the gun a little aren't we??

Maybe the boys biological father is as upset as the rest of us?

And for sure, he has no say in the ex-wife's choice of partner!!

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What kind of animal stands by and watch a kid get beaten to death, then picks up his shoes for his mother afterwards. Get that's jerks face public and story out as well.

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assault leading to death? He murdered an innocent 2 year old for crying out loud. I just watched the video and it was plain murder. I would give a day off of my life to spend two minutes alone with this person and the one standing by watching

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The video needs to be looked at mr. law of the videos!--------we are in charge--besides the

I saw part of the video - couldn't watch it to the end. It's horrendous. Kill this filthy sack of sh!t. And slap that a'hole who watched in jail for 20 years - the useles scumbag. Don't watch the vid, people. Don't .

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No mention of the other punk on the stairs who seemed to stand by and assist with this horrendous act?

He should be charged as well!!!!!!


The girl by the way is back with the Thai man---------.

Unfortunately they have paid bail and are headed to Ubon.

Stupid, stupid Thai "juridical system"

Stupid, stupid woman!!

She almost deserves to be the animals next victim...................


I haven't seen the video but I would be happy for Spaulding and me to spend 5 minutes with this sack of sh1t.

attachicon.gifBaseball bat.JPG

Then this would make you just as bad as he is.

Really ... how do you figure that ??? Removing the thrash is good - Kill the ba##ard and give a medal to the one that does it ....thumbsup.gif


I haven't seen the video but I would be happy for Spaulding and me to spend 5 minutes with this sack of sh1t.

attachicon.gifBaseball bat.JPG

Then this would make you just as bad as he is.

Really ... how do you figure that ??? Removing the thrash is good - Kill the ba##ard and give a medal to the one that does it ....thumbsup.gif

Sometimes the level here gets scary low!!

  • Like 1

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