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Thai Tourist Police crack down on 'the colored'

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"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people," police Lt. Col. Bawornpop Sutornreka said at a news conference.

Does that sound like they did all you say?

Sounds rather like they're specifically targeting criminals, rather than just indiscriminately rounding up black people, doesn't it?


Have you ever been in the police BLUE?

I have, and what you're suggesting is near impossible. The police would have to target these guys for months, they'd have to list where and when they are out, observe them hand over drugs and then when they have all the necessary intel- hit them all at once thus eliminating the word getting around. It's an unwinnable war.

When I was in the police in England we arrived one morning to see about 100 officers from various other stations, 20 riot wagons and about 30 police cars...we even had 2 bikes which were driving ahead stopping traffic at roundabouts. We hit the 12 houses which we all occupied by white tennants and in an area within 1/2 mile (a rough and violent Newcastle council estate)......even after all the intel, the informants, the money invested in a near army hitting them all at once...we arrested 4 people from the 12 targets. Did the rest claim we were being racist as they were all white? no, did they make a complaint because they were all poor? no. The ones we failed to find drugs on were simply thankfull their supply had run dry.

You cannot do what you're expecting, it's not an episode of The wire were talking about here- and the police are well within their rights to round up people of the description they were given as long as they have reasonable grounds- I'd say hanging around the area without reason, approaching strangers walking past is reasonable cause.

The only concern I'd have is that these guys aren't idiots, they likely keep their stash in their butt cheeks and most won't touch their own supply so I doubt many were found with drugs on them or in

their system...and yes I agree forcing them all to spread and cough would have been unacceptable.

Yes I do expect the police to properly investigate those they suspect of dealing.

Rounding up people off the streets on the basis of their colour is wrong.

To arrest people simply because of their colour, no matter what the colour, is wrong.

And use my username properly. Its Blues or Bluespunk. In your case the full name is best.

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"80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads."

That is not a drugs raid. It is profiling based on colour. That is racist. The term hunt in itself is repugnant as was the whole basis for this raid by the BIB.

No idea what you said after your first line. You want your posts to be read then leave out the insults.

Racist or not racist who gives a hoot? You would need to be deaf dumb and blind not to notice what goes on.

Black hookers lining the streets with their pimps sitting around making sure if they catch a customer they can't cheat them out of their share.

I used to enjoy a late night drink and a feed there now I avoid the place like the plague bacause it's overun with blacks

Do you honestly think these people are here working legitimately? Black yellow green pink who cares if they are bad news get them to hell out of Thailand

Many of them stay outside the main drag and I have a Thai friend who tells me that they have overrun the soi next to his

Dozens of blacks live there and sell drugs like candy to every lowlife going and the local Thais wont even walk through the soi.

If the police don't get rid of these people it will get worse and spread and before you know it the place will be like a druggies ghetto

So you shout racist all you want but the police are doing something they should have done years ago and I hope they keep doing it until every undesirable in the area has been sent back from whence they came.

Those that are legit should have nothing to worry about but that'll be about 10% of the guys if you are lucky and 0% of those fat ugly black hookers even come close to being legit

You disagree then go have a drink with a few of them and see how long it takes for them to try and sell drugs or try and scam you.

As far as I am concerned it's got nothing to do with them being black. I have a good friend here from London and they don't come any blacker but he doesn't take drugs not does he pimp for some black hooker

This is about the rep these people have in that area and guess what they are black Africans so learn to live with it and stop bumping your gums about the police being racist.

No I won't (by the way, full set of teeth here). Racism is always wrong and likewise any action based on it.

I have no problem with the police clearing up areas where crime takes place. However any and all actions should be based in investigation, not colour

You obviously have no idea how many plain clothes cops are continuously work around lower Sukhumvit..of course they investigated prior to this move and discovered the vast of blacks in the area are up to no good. Hence the raid.

Saying they were acting on complaints of black people abusing drugs and “deceiving Thai women,” over 80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

No. it's not.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

No. it's not.

Yes it is, if it is the sole criteria used.

the BIB admitted this was the case.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

No. it's not.

Yes it is, if it is the sole criteria used.

the BIB admitted this was the case.

No it isn't.


Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

No. it's not.

Yes it is, if it is the sole criteria used.

the BIB admitted this was the case.

No it isn't.

Oh dear, panto season already........


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.


There seems little point continuing any discussion with the Rainman of racism, given that he's reduced his position to a simplistic and ridiculous argument based on a selective reading of one sentence of the report.


and for" deceiving Thai women", they must be good,thats a job

reserved for Thai women,no wonder they are getting arrested.

regards Wogeordie


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

But the job was done properly.

They had tips that black drug dealers in certain areas were dealing drugs. Undercover Police know exactly who is doing the drug dealing and they finally picked them up.

Anybody with at least two functioning brain cells could walk there and point right to the drug dealers.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

But the job was done properly.

They had tips that black drug dealers in certain areas were dealing drugs. Undercover Police know exactly who is doing the drug dealing and they finally picked them up.

Anybody with at least two functioning brain cells could walk there and point right to the drug dealers.

I have no problem with drug dealers being pointed out.

As long as that based upon evidence that they have been dealing and not the colour of their skin.


Seams to me the whiter than white people want to dictate the rest
of the world what is racist or not. White supremacy or guilt trip for
the colonialists abuse and exploits they did/do around the world?


Seams to me, people of colour have less of a problem with racism
then the White

If it would go after the politically so correct British, all dolls should
probably be blue, although that might be racism towards the Smurfs
or our resident racism expert, Farang Bluespunk.

BTW - my kid likes both dolls. So Bluespank, maybe try to explain to
my kid, why it's wrong to love a black doll but OK to love a white one?

Racism in in the eyes of the beholder.

(Well, at last this time we wont get an innuendo of copy and paste
reply's from Bluespunk, as he does ignore people calling him farang)


I don't see what all the political correctness or incorrectness has anything to do with this. If the police had knowledge of coloured people selling drugs etc in the area it wouldn't make much sense taking white people into be checked out. Sometimes we are a little too touchy and forget about reality.

I have friends in this area that have been offered drugs from coloured people. Well done to the police for eventually doing something about it.

How about them arresting the dealers and not rounding up every black person on sight. You would be throwing your toys out of the pram and screaming if they decided to round up every white fat middle aged person in an area

There you go... Insulting fat, white, middle aged people. That's three insults in one sentence. Who's the bigot here?


Racial profiling and racism is for the ignorant.

Funny how the Thai women complain of being scammed. They should consider that it takes a special type of person to be scammed ... A) the very stupid and; cool.png the very greedy.

Right...........got it.


Seams to me the whiter than white people want to dictate the rest

of the world what is racist or not. White supremacy or guilt trip for

the colonialists abuse and exploits they did/do around the world?


Seams to me, people of colour have less of a problem with racism

then the White

If it would go after the politically so correct British, all dolls should

probably be blue, although that might be racism towards the Smurfs

or our resident racism expert, Farang Bluespunk.

BTW - my kid likes both dolls. So Bluespank, maybe try to explain to

my kid, why it's wrong to love a black doll but OK to love a white one?

Racism in in the eyes of the beholder.

(Well, at last this time we wont get an innuendo of copy and paste

reply's from Bluespunk, as he does ignore people calling him farang)

Why would I care your choice of doll for your children? Do try to stay on topic.

These guys never bother me. Elena at Subway 7/1 is much more annoying. 1000 baht? I"m not that cheap. She'd have to pay me a lot more than that.


There seems little point continuing any discussion with the Rainman of racism, given that he's reduced his position to a simplistic and ridiculous argument based on a selective reading of one sentence of the report.

"Saying they were acting on complaints of black people abusing drugs and “deceiving Thai women,” over 80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads.

"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people," police Lt. Col. Bawornpop Sutornreka said at a news conference."

Yeah, right.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

If it had been "racism" they would have been hunted down even in their rooms based solely on their ethnicity/race.

In any event, I would call it "racial profiling", even in the above example, and not racism. Their behavior played an important role. If they had been eating in FoodLand at the counter, they probably wouldn't have been detained.

Don't you think their behavior played a role? I watched the Oakland, CA police target and arrest dozens of of potential Johns one night in a prostitution area based solely on their behavior. Of course those attractive Oakland PD female undercover cops (or maybe effeminate male officers in drag) standing by the curb and asking incriminating questions of the potential customers were key to the operation.

If the Thai police had enough undercover cops that could speak English well enough to pose as drug-buyers, then they could be more surgical about the arrests. I believe I witnessed an undercover cop sting and arrest on Soi 5 one evening and those arrested were not "coloured". At least not the dark black variety.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

If it had been "racism" they would have been hunted down even in their rooms based solely on their ethnicity/race.

In any event, I would call it "racial profiling", even in the above example, and not racism. Their behavior played an important role. If they had been eating in FoodLand at the counter, they probably wouldn't have been detained.

Don't you think their behavior played a role? I watched the Oakland, CA police target and arrest dozens of of potential Johns one night in a prostitution area based solely on their behavior. Of course those attractive Oakland PD undercover cops standing by the roadside and asking incriminating questions of the potential customers were key to the operation.

If the Thai police had enough undercover cops that could speak English well enough to pose as drug-buyers, then they could be more surgical about the arrests. I believe I witnessed an undercover cop sting and arrest on Soi 5 one evening and those arrested were not "coloured". At least not the dark black variety.

As I have repeatedly said, I don't care who is arrested if it is based on proper police work and the gathering of evidence, even if it's only watching and entrapping prior to making an arrest.

However if the policy is

" over 80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads.

"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people," police Lt. Col. Bawornpop Sutornreka said at a news conference.'

then I have problem with the policy.


BLUESPUNK- There does that appease you?

Again you have no answer to how it can be done. You watch the movies and think...why can't it be done like that....well, it's because it cannot.

Seems more and more that you're just a troll who has enjoyed the interaction you have received from the vasy majority who disagree with you and your blinkered comment.

Yes it does, cheers.

I never said it was easy to do the job but it still has to be done properly.

Hunting people on the basis of colour, and colour alone as was explained by the BIB in the OP, is wrong.

That's not blinkered, it's just the right way to do things.

Arrest drug dealers by all means, but do not target people because of their colour.

That's racism.

If it had been "racism" they would have been hunted down even in their rooms based solely on their ethnicity/race.

In any event, I would call it "racial profiling", even in the above example, and not racism. Their behavior played an important role. If they had been eating in FoodLand at the counter, they probably wouldn't have been detained.

Don't you think their behavior played a role? I watched the Oakland, CA police target and arrest dozens of of potential Johns one night in a prostitution area based solely on their behavior. Of course those attractive Oakland PD undercover cops standing by the roadside and asking incriminating questions of the potential customers were key to the operation.

If the Thai police had enough undercover cops that could speak English well enough to pose as drug-buyers, then they could be more surgical about the arrests. I believe I witnessed an undercover cop sting and arrest on Soi 5 one evening and those arrested were not "coloured". At least not the dark black variety.

As I have repeatedly said, I don't care who is arrested if it is based on proper police work and the gathering of evidence, even if it's only watching and entrapping prior to making an arrest.

However if the policy is

" over 80 police officers were sent to hunt down and round up the darker-skinned people found around Sukhumvit sois 3 to 13, Petchaburi and Ratchaprarop roads.

"The foreign criminals come in many forms, and the target for us tonight is colored people," police Lt. Col. Bawornpop Sutornreka said at a news conference.'

then I have problem with the policy.

"The target was coloured criminals" not coloured people.

They were sent to arrest the black drug dealers that have been selling drugs for years in that area and they did. Good.

Get rid of them. They are driving down the property values in the area.


No, the OP does not say coloured criminals, just coloured people.

Arrest drug dealers by all means but make sure those arrested are guilty of dealing drugs, not assumed guilty because of their colour.


It specifies 'criminals' right there in the bit you've quoted about 800 tones.

Less than 600 posts so not sure how anything can be quoted 800 times. Trouble counting as well as reading?

The quote I have used says the target is coloured people. Not criminals who happen to be coloured, just coloured was their criteria.


So the bit at the start of the sentence where they mention foreign criminals has no connection to the rest of the sentence?

That's a seriously bizarre reading of the text.


So the bit at the start of the sentence where they mention foreign criminals has no connection to the rest of the sentence?

That's a seriously bizarre reading of the text.

Have you read the OP? It says there are many criminal gangs in Thailand and tonight's target is coloured people. Implying what is later made clearer when the talk turns to hunting, that colour is a sign of criminality.

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