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Not really of interest if you live in Thailand, but very much of interest if you live abroad and have a Thai spouse who watches Thai TV online...

If you go to www.mydootv.com today, it's giving a short message that they are sorry for the inconvenience, but the website is shutting down.

There are links to www.dootv.com, and it looks like existing mydootv subscribers logins work on the other dootv, but only for a couple of days. You'll then need to top up on the other service.

i.e. Any time you've prepaid on mydootv.com looks like it's lost, but at least you get a couple of days on the other service so it's marginally better than just stopping working altogether.

I don't know why mydootv.com is shutting down, but I'd have to assume it's money issues - (people's prepaid time would probably have been passed over to www.dootv.com if it was something else).

I do have to say thankyou to mydootv simply for the fact that having Thai TV available for the last few years in the UK made life happier for my wife, and when she was here on holiday, my mother-in-law.


A Google Search "mydootv" also returns a link to

myDOOTV – Ihr Thailand Fernsehen Für alle Thai-Film Liebhaber


English – Information

Dear Customers,

We would like to inform you that myDOOTV in England closed down.

In this case we are myDOOTV Europa are taking all thier responsibility and changing to be Dootv.com

In ordert hat our members can renew contract and subscribe to be our member on www.my-dootv.eu

You are able to transform myDOOTV channel into DOOTV channel as the following:

  • As for former members required to renew contract. You are able to do via our website directly by changing your private coupon code and making payment as usual.
  • As for new member can fil in to be our new member and payment fee via PayPal. After we verified the details and your payment are approved then you will receive a coupon code of Dootv and you can watching program promptly.
  • You are able to transfer from my Dootv into Dootv.com via our website my-dootv.eu by add your coupon code and Login.
  • If you have any questions please contact us via our website.

Remark : The member who are registered in our website only. We can solve the problem immediatly.

Thank you

// END Quoted Text


Madamme, was also upset at loosing MyDootv, but a quick google brought it up in a new format. A new sign in (with her old details) and she was away again. She also retained the remainder of her subscription.



Does anyone know how to register on the new site? I cant find a link and it's all in German.



I've not tried yet but it should translate in Google Chrome. U should get a prompt asking if you want to translate it into English by default if you have a UK IP address.



www.dootv.com appears to be working OK for the time being, it's showing our account details and credit expiry date the same as www.mydootv.com used to.

However it doesn't seem to be available on the Roku streaming service, unless anyone knows different, which is a shame as Roku does away with messing with computers when you just want to watch on a TV.

Has anyone managed to transfer their account to the www.my-dootv.eu site? I got a cryptic eMail from them when I asked about Roku and accounts.




It's there. From a desktop login. Click Home and under where it's says "Dootv.com now support Roku" you will see a green box with "Link your Roku"


Just checked my Roku and the existing app is no longer working in the UK. I have spoken to DOOtv.com as I have an account with them and they suggest (which worked).

Please try to follow all of this steps
1.Firstly, you net to resetting Roku box by factory setting by using Roku box's remote
2.Ok then, Roku box need to connecting to the internet
3.Then, starting with your PC,laptop go to https://www.roku.com
4.Also you need to link you Roku box serial with https://my.roku.com/link
5.On https://my.roku.com/account/add you need to find PRIVATE CAHNEL
6.ADD CHANNEL ---> please type in for dootv then add channel
7.Using Roku box's remote setting>Update systen for update channel
8.You'll stuck the code again with channel dootv
9.Go to this link for link your roku box with our web site by http://www.dootv.com/desktop/roku.php
  • 5 months later...

22nd Sept 2015, Unable to get DooTV on dootv.com. It flags up 502 Bad Gateway. anybody else having trouble? Any suggestions as to how to bypass this?

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