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Red shirts event 'needs permission', NCPO says

Lite Beer

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Should be no problem with them asking permission. That's reasonable. What I'd like to know is if permission is granted...that will say a lot about the future.

"...may violate NCPO order number 3/2558 and Article 44 of the interim charter..."

555...everything will violate Article 44.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So the leaders of the democratic movement that has easily won every election held this century want to meet to make merit and remember their comrades who were slain by the military whilst protesting for freedom and democracy in 2010 and the junta - military government who overthrew this democracy want to stop this merit making ceremony using the draconian, anti freedom and anti democratic section 44 of their interim constitution? What a surprise.

That wins the all time TV award for total and absolute bullshit, and lack of truth.

So you have read every single post on TVF to come to that conclusion?

I think you've just snatched the award after a recount!!!!

Oh come on Fatty, lighten up. That amazing comment was pretty "far fetched".

And you cannot hand out the award either, unless you have read every comment ever posted on TVF. clap2.gif

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I would say that the chances of the Red Shirts getting permission to remind everyone of their failed soft coup attempt are somewhere between 'Slim' and none and last I heard, 'Slim' just left town. They are still playing the sympathy card. The same one Ms. Yingluck is playing. You don't try to overthrow a legitimate government with an armed mob and taking over the main retail area of Bangkok and then cry when you are ousted after, how long was it? Oh, yeah, three months; especially when the then PM Abhisit offered early elections which is supposedly what they gathered for in the first place.

a misinterpretation of the truth if ever there was one

What these one track right wing foreigners can never explain is why the people of Thailand after 2010 gave the political party associated with the red shirts a resounding victory at the polls.

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.............."Red shirt leader Nattawut Saikua said his group's objective in meeting the Department of Special Investigation on Tuesday was to ensure that the probe into the crackdown would continue in a transparent and fair manner.".........................

Sick and tired of hearing about the "crackdown" on the actions of armed terrorists who used innocent yet naive citizens as human shields. Entering the city and holding it to ransom breaking every law in the book, attacking the army and expecting to get away with it because they were "peaceful protesters".

In an other country it would have gone on for nowhere near 3 months and the fatality rate would have been much higher.

How about going to the root of the problem and probing the one/s who organized and funded this terrible display of spite and revenge ?

The redshirts have never done anything good for Thailand, only caused death and destruction of public and private property. They should be banned along with any other "shirt wearing" political protesters who use violence to further their gains.

I wasn't hanging out here last spring, but I have to wonder if you were voicing the same concerns about suthep and his protests, or .... not. whistling.gif

Comparing the red shirts revolts to suthep's marches is like comparing al-qaeda to the suffragette movement.

Yes Suthep has surely the best intentions for the Thai people and foreigners. You need to stop listening to biased individuals and start thinking on your own, buddy.

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I would say that the chances of the Red Shirts getting permission to remind everyone of their failed soft coup attempt are somewhere between 'Slim' and none and last I heard, 'Slim' just left town. They are still playing the sympathy card. The same one Ms. Yingluck is playing. You don't try to overthrow a legitimate government with an armed mob and taking over the main retail area of Bangkok and then cry when you are ousted after, how long was it? Oh, yeah, three months; especially when the then PM Abhisit offered early elections which is supposedly what they gathered for in the first place.

a misinterpretation of the truth if ever there was one

What these one track right wing foreigners can never explain is why the people of Thailand after 2010 gave the political party associated with the red shirts a resounding victory at the polls.

I'm not a one track right wing foreigner by any means but one of the reasons is the Democrats were not allowed to campaign in the red shirt strongholds for fear of attacks and bodily harm..

That's a new one - in great contrast to the friendly welcome the PTP received in the Democrat Southern feudal constituencies.But - until now - nobody has seriously suggested it distorted the reality of a very convincing victory for the PTP nationwide.

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I would say that the chances of the Red Shirts getting permission to remind everyone of their failed soft coup attempt are somewhere between 'Slim' and none and last I heard, 'Slim' just left town. They are still playing the sympathy card. The same one Ms. Yingluck is playing. You don't try to overthrow a legitimate government with an armed mob and taking over the main retail area of Bangkok and then cry when you are ousted after, how long was it? Oh, yeah, three months; especially when the then PM Abhisit offered early elections which is supposedly what they gathered for in the first place.

a misinterpretation of the truth if ever there was one

What these one track right wing foreigners can never explain is why the people of Thailand after 2010 gave the political party associated with the red shirts a resounding victory at the polls.

OK, I call foul !

jayboy is quoting straight from the "Little Red Book of Propaganda". cheesy.gif

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.............."Red shirt leader Nattawut Saikua said his group's objective in meeting the Department of Special Investigation on Tuesday was to ensure that the probe into the crackdown would continue in a transparent and fair manner.".........................

Sick and tired of hearing about the "crackdown" on the actions of armed terrorists who used innocent yet naive citizens as human shields. Entering the city and holding it to ransom breaking every law in the book, attacking the army and expecting to get away with it because they were "peaceful protesters".

In an other country it would have gone on for nowhere near 3 months and the fatality rate would have been much higher.

How about going to the root of the problem and probing the one/s who organized and funded this terrible display of spite and revenge ?

The redshirts have never done anything good for Thailand, only caused death and destruction of public and private property. They should be banned along with any other "shirt wearing" political protesters who use violence to further their gains.

I wasn't hanging out here last spring, but I have to wonder if you were voicing the same concerns about suthep and his protests, or .... not. whistling.gif

Comparing the red shirts revolts to suthep's marches is like comparing al-qaeda to the suffragette movement.

Yes Suthep has surely the best intentions for the Thai people and foreigners. You need to stop listening to biased individuals and start thinking on your own, buddy.

Suthep and the Yellow shirts were peaceful? Have a clue! I saw numerous foreigners and Thais beat up at their Bangkok sit-ins. I also remember photos of Yellow shirts shooting at police when they were trying to remove the protesters from the bridge! There are also many other examples. Suthep was also very corrupt when he was in Surat Thani politics as explained by his own staff members. Check this out in Wikipedia and other places. Thaksin and Yingluck won because they have done more for the poor people than any PM since the 1950's. The yellow shirts call this vote buying but when the current government gave money recently to all the people who grow rice and own 15 rai or less this was not called vote buying. Explain this to me you clueless fools who constantly blow smoke!!

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So the leaders of the democratic movement that has easily won every election held this century want to meet to make merit and remember their comrades who were slain by the military whilst protesting for freedom and democracy in 2010 and the junta - military government who overthrew this democracy want to stop this merit making ceremony using the draconian, anti freedom and anti democratic section 44 of their interim constitution? What a surprise.

Your post reads like the sort of rhetoric the East European "Democratic People's Democracies" used to spew out - and their leaders had zero interest in democracy or anything else other than enriching themselves through nepotism and corruption. Just like the Shins and their supporters.

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I would say that the chances of the Red Shirts getting permission to remind everyone of their failed soft coup attempt are somewhere between 'Slim' and none and last I heard, 'Slim' just left town. They are still playing the sympathy card. The same one Ms. Yingluck is playing. You don't try to overthrow a legitimate government with an armed mob and taking over the main retail area of Bangkok and then cry when you are ousted after, how long was it? Oh, yeah, three months; especially when the then PM Abhisit offered early elections which is supposedly what they gathered for in the first place.

a misinterpretation of the truth if ever there was one

What these one track right wing foreigners can never explain is why the people of Thailand after 2010 gave the political party associated with the red shirts a resounding victory at the polls.

OK, I call foul !

jayboy is quoting straight from the "Little Red Book of Propaganda". cheesy.gif

The endorsement of the PTP ( the party associated with the red shirts) in a general election is a matter of record - nothing to do with propaganda.

It's awkward for some I know.

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Got just about every extreme right wing, junta loving tv contributor to comment, but offer zero rebuttal, all in the same thread.

But the truth is in the answers -

Who has won every election this century?

Who wants to make merit in commemoration of their fellow travelers who were killed/murdered in 2010?

Who overthrew democracy 11 months ago?

Is section 44 of the interim constitution pro freedom and pro democracy?

​Maybe you can all stop practicing your goosestepping for long enough to offer some answers and I must say that I'm touched to have all the fascists on the long line at the one timecheesy.gif

Your post reads like the sort of rhetoric the East European "Democratic People's Democracies" used to spew out - and their leaders had zero interest in democracy or anything else other than enriching themselves through nepotism and corruption. Just like the Shins and their supporters.

With that speech he would have been the perfect candidate to follow up yinglucks democracy speech in Mongolia...

......................."That wins the all time TV award for total and absolute bullshit, and lack of truth."...........................

despite some very stiff opposition !

That wins the all time TV award for total and absolute bullshit, and lack of truth.
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Just as Many farangs and Thais believe that Thaksin is the Devils incarnation itself and cannot accept that he's not alone in the world of corruption.

They believe what they want to, some people even believe that a man born 2015 years ago in the Middle East was whiter than Michael Jackson and that 2 penguins and 2 polar bears walked all the way to the Middle East again to get into a big wooden boat when it rained pretty hard.

Thaksin is just a tosser who took corruption to a higher level, doesn't matter if your corruption just involved a couple of million or billions, it's still corruption.

It's like saying after being caught over the limit for drunk driving, " yes but I was just over the limit" !!

bottom lines it doesn't change the fact you are a drunk driver !! ?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What these one track right wing foreigners can never explain is why the people of Thailand after 2010 gave the political party associated with the red shirts a resounding victory at the polls.

I guess your out of any new arguments if you have to rebirth that one jayboy.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

What these one track right wing foreigners can never explain is why the people of Thailand after 2010 gave the political party associated with the red shirts a resounding victory at the polls.

I guess your out of any new arguments if you have to rebirth that one jayboy.

It's not an argument simply a reminder of the truth.When given a choice the people of Thailand took a decision which for the usual suspects simply doesn't compute, namely they expressed a preference for a party associated with Thaksin and the red shirts.That's why (to cut a complex story short) a coup was necessary.The Thai people cannot be trusted and need guidance from self appointed good people.

I make no comment simply drawing attention to some hard facts.As Galileo said when the Roman Catholic Church castigated him for saying the earth moved round the sun "but still it moves".

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So the leaders of the democratic movement that has easily won every election held this century want to meet to make merit and remember their comrades who were slain by the military whilst protesting for freedom and democracy in 2010 and the junta - military government who overthrew this democracy want to stop this merit making ceremony using the draconian, anti freedom and anti democratic section 44 of their interim constitution? What a surprise.

That wins the all time TV award for total and absolute bullshit, and lack of truth.

......................."That wins the all time TV award for total and absolute bullshit, and lack of truth."...........................

despite some very stiff opposition ! clap2.gif

Yeah from you!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

So the leaders of the democratic movement that has easily won every election held this century want to meet to make merit and remember their comrades who were slain by the military whilst protesting for freedom and democracy in 2010 and the junta - military government who overthrew this democracy want to stop this merit making ceremony using the draconian, anti freedom and anti democratic section 44 of their interim constitution? What a surprise.

That wins the all time TV award for total and absolute bullshit, and lack of truth.

......................."That wins the all time TV award for total and absolute bullshit, and lack of truth."...........................

despite some very stiff opposition ! clap2.gif

Yeah from you!

So the truth does hurt.

Sorry if I hurt you. biggrin.png

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It seems that reading comprehension in not you strong suit. I wrote that the Red Shirt armed mob 'tried' to overthrow the legitimate Abhisit government. They failed and are still crying about it. Any discussions of other events are OFF TOPIC and irrelevant. To this day, the Red Shirt/UDD are trying to portray themselves as the victims in the 2010 attempted soft coup when everyone knows it was initiated/paid for by Dr. Thaksin when his ill-gotten gains were confiscated. The Red Shirt/UDD are NOT victims but Perpetrators and traitors to Thailand for their uncritical support and violent behavior in support of the fugitive felon ex-PM Thaksin Shinawatra. That must have been some strong Kool-Ade you drank that you are still defending that evil creature. The criminal traitor, Thaksin, is never coming back to Thailand and it's past time you and the other sycophants realize this fact and get a life. Try pulling for Thailand to succeed and not some fugitive felon to get back in power to murder and plunder again.

nothing to do with thaksin my biased friend he is just used as propaganda to justify the military take-over. I am sure, reading your posts, that you will never get this

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