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Hey All,

New to the forum, usually just nosey about but some great topics... please go easy on me.

I have had real trouble sleeping over the last year or so for no real reason as such, it will start usually by one day not sleeping all night, then I will sleep a bit in the day time to make up for it and bingo my sleeping pattern is completely messed up and it will become hard to sleep at all for days on end.

In the last 7 days I have slept bits but no more than 2 hours in one go and very light sleep (I sometimes felt like I did not sleep at all and am semi awake even when I am sleeping), it is starting to make me feel terrible as my body is tired but my mind is not, it is affecting my eating as-well plus I am getting headaches/stomach cramps etc.

I know my doctor in the UK said I should sort out the issue of why I am not sleeping first but really that isnt too helpful as I have no real reason or problems I just find it hard to sleep sometimes I have a few friends who are in the medical industry and they also said the same thing, I can slightly put it down to one thing... I do alot of flying to and from Thailand and don't like flying at the best of times never mind with all the latest news so usually a week or so before a flight I find it even harder to sleep and find myself biting my fingers, I guess because it is on my mind but it isn't a massive deal and certainly is not the root cause for my insomnia albeit adds to it a lot.

I have tried various over the counter pills (forgive me I have forgotten the names), mainly antihistamine pills which kind of work in the sense they make me feel like a zombie but give me booming headaches the next day and make me really groggy/moody. I have also tried a few herbal remedies such as drinks plus other things mates have recommended but really no affect at all, night nurse and nightol pills was ever so slightly affective.

In the UK I was subscribed Xanax which worked amazingly and I even managed to sleep through full 12 hour flights, it also helped me get my general sleeping pattern in place.

I did a lot of research before taking these so I am aware of how addictive they are and took them sparingly with caution, I usually just took 0.5mg and no more within 24 hours plus never repeating it, id usually take them 1-2 times in a week and only as I say 0.5mg.. it really helped me out, it was more of a last resort but they really helped a lot not only to get my natural sleeping pattern on track but also to get a really good nights kip.

I am flying next week to the UK for a short visit and although I do know a place you can buy Xanax from over the counter I do not want to break the law so would prefer to get a prescription for just a pack of Xanax, my friend has said to me the doctors in Thailand will not prescribe Xanax full stop, is this true? I live in Roi Et so basically to you lot I am kind of in the sticks therefor do not have lots of doctors to choose from.

My main questions are:

1. Is it true a doctor will not prescribe me Xanax?

2. When I say a doctor, I assume I just go to the hospital?

3. Am I going to be given a huge bill just for asking/going to see the doctor/hospital?

I do have travel insurance and I am not broke, but I have never been to a doctor of any kind in Thailand so excuse the novice questions, thought I would check with your wise lot before making a trip out.

Thanks in advance for any replies it is appreciated.


For the rare occasions when I have a problem sleeping I take Allam 1.0, which I believe is the same as Xanax.In fact I don't even take a full tab, a half is enough. I bought these from my local chemist without any prescription.

For the rare occasions when I have a problem sleeping I take Allam 1.0, which I believe is the same as Xanax.In fact I don't even take a full tab, a half is enough. I bought these from my local chemist without any prescription.

Thank you for your reply, I am aware you can buy Allam which is a brand of Xanax at some chemists in Bangkok however having/buying even selling these is technically illegal and if caught especially in the airport you could land yourself in trouble without a prescription, I really would like to stay legal and get them prescribed you see. Cheers

For the rare occasions when I have a problem sleeping I take Allam 1.0, which I believe is the same as Xanax.In fact I don't even take a full tab, a half is enough. I bought these from my local chemist without any prescription.

Thank you for your reply, I am aware you can buy Allam which is a brand of Xanax at some chemists in Bangkok however having/buying even selling these is technically illegal and if caught especially in the airport you could land yourself in trouble without a prescription, I really would like to stay legal and get them prescribed you see. Cheers

Just seeing a doctor should only cost a couple of hundred baht, whether or not they will give you a prescription, I don't know, but seeing that they can be bought across the counter at any pharmacy here, I don't see why not.


In ROiet might be hard to find even at hospital, at district hospital, I my opinion, do not carry this drug anymore.

but at the big provincial

Hospital with psychiatrist usually carry them.

It will not cost you much. Dr 200-500 THB, meds 100-500 depends on govt or private.

I suggest you try to find out if there is any private hospital,

If there is, call and ask first if they have the med. Easier than a trip to govt hospital.


Just seeing a doctor should only cost a couple of hundred baht, whether or not they will give you a prescription, I don't know, but seeing that they can be bought across the counter at any pharmacy here, I don't see why not.

They cannot be bought legally over the counter and most reputable pharmacies will not do this.

Illegal for both buyer and seller.


Whether or not a doctor will prescribe this depends entirely on the doctor's judgement. Possible but no guarantees, and if it is prescribed it will be in very small quantities.

Cost of a consultation depends on the doctor and the hospital. Anywhere from a few hundred baht to almost 2,000 (specialist at top tier private hosp)

As PMNL said, a private hospital is more likely to both carry and prescribe this than a government one.

Suggest you see a psychiatrist specializing in mood disorders. S/he might also be able to offer some treatment for the underlying problem which is usually anxiety, depression or a mix of both. That you are not conscious of being worried or upset about anything does not rule this out.


Just seeing a doctor should only cost a couple of hundred baht, whether or not they will give you a prescription, I don't know, but seeing that they can be bought across the counter at any pharmacy here, I don't see why not.

They cannot be bought legally over the counter and most reputable pharmacies will not do this.

Illegal for both buyer and seller.

Yeah, well they sell a lot of medications they shouldn't across the counter, and what do you call reputable, Boots? I have never been knocked back for Allam, Valium or any sleeping pills in Thailand at any local pharmacy.

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Whether or not a doctor will prescribe this depends entirely on the doctor's judgement. Possible but no guarantees, and if it is prescribed it will be in very small quantities.

Cost of a consultation depends on the doctor and the hospital. Anywhere from a few hundred baht to almost 2,000 (specialist at top tier private hosp)

As PMNL said, a private hospital is more likely to both carry and prescribe this than a government one.

Suggest you see a psychiatrist specializing in mood disorders. S/he might also be able to offer some treatment for the underlying problem which is usually anxiety, depression or a mix of both. That you are not conscious of being worried or upset about anything does not rule this out.

He doesn't need to buy the medication from the hospital, in fact it's not a good idea as they charge a lot more than a pharmacy. Once he has the prescription he can buy from where he likes.

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Xanex was banned in Thailand in May last year.

I now use another brand that is not as effective called Alprazolam,but it is better than nothing and does not leave me feeling tired in the morning.

My wife recently experienced a lengthy bout of sleep depretevation and was given all kinds of meds that did not work,in the end she found that Melatonin did the trick and her problem virtually disappeared within a week. I can get them from my local pharmacy,no prescription required

I get them from my local doctor


Xanax is not a drug I would recommend to be taken without medical advice, particularly if you like a drink or have other medical problems. Can I suggest you look into Melatonin which to me seems more suitable for regaining a regular sleep pattern. It used to be very popular with air crew. From personal experience if you have sleep initiation problems a fast acting preparation works best. If you wake in the night there is a long acting preparation ( Circadin in the UK) which releases in a wave similar to the bodies natural melatonin. It's important not to use things such as iPads in the last hour before sleep as the light produced knocks out the production of melatonin


Whether or not a doctor will prescribe this depends entirely on the doctor's judgement. Possible but no guarantees, and if it is prescribed it will be in very small quantities.

Cost of a consultation depends on the doctor and the hospital. Anywhere from a few hundred baht to almost 2,000 (specialist at top tier private hosp)

As PMNL said, a private hospital is more likely to both carry and prescribe this than a government one.

Suggest you see a psychiatrist specializing in mood disorders. S/he might also be able to offer some treatment for the underlying problem which is usually anxiety, depression or a mix of both. That you are not conscious of being worried or upset about anything does not rule this out.

He doesn't need to buy the medication from the hospital, in fact it's not a good idea as they charge a lot more than a pharmacy. Once he has the prescription he can buy from where he likes.

Not legally, he can't.

It is category P2: "P2 = Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2(วัตถุออกฤทธิ์ ในประเภท 2)

Sale restricted to Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2. Only hospitals can purchase directly from FDA - Ministry of Public Health."

It is completely illegal for an outside pharmacy to sell this drug, and illegal to buy it at one.

and I can assure you, the vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand do not do this. Your experience muct be limited to tourist-frequented areas. Where police tings are nto uncommon, BTW

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Whether or not a doctor will prescribe this depends entirely on the doctor's judgement. Possible but no guarantees, and if it is prescribed it will be in very small quantities.

Cost of a consultation depends on the doctor and the hospital. Anywhere from a few hundred baht to almost 2,000 (specialist at top tier private hosp)

As PMNL said, a private hospital is more likely to both carry and prescribe this than a government one.

Suggest you see a psychiatrist specializing in mood disorders. S/he might also be able to offer some treatment for the underlying problem which is usually anxiety, depression or a mix of both. That you are not conscious of being worried or upset about anything does not rule this out.

He doesn't need to buy the medication from the hospital, in fact it's not a good idea as they charge a lot more than a pharmacy. Once he has the prescription he can buy from where he likes.

Not legally, he can't.

It is category P2: "P2 = Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2(วัตถุออกฤทธิ์ ในประเภท 2)

Sale restricted to Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2. Only hospitals can purchase directly from FDA - Ministry of Public Health."

It is completely illegal for an outside pharmacy to sell this drug, and illegal to buy it at one.

and I can assure you, the vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand do not do this. Your experience muct be limited to tourist-frequented areas. Where police tings are nto uncommon, BTW

I do live in Pattaya, but well away from the tourist areas, 99.9% of the local population would be Thais, so the local pharmacies aren't catering to a tourist trade. Whether or not they sell illegally is another matter, I was just reporting that I buy Allam without a prescription, in fact the only thing where a prescription was aked was prostate medication. I don't ask a pharmacy when I buy a drug whether or not it is legal for them to sell it to me, so how am I supposed to know? Just as a matter of interest, how do you know whether the "vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand" sell Allam or not?


Hey Guys,

I understand Xanax is illegal (without prescription the same as in the UK) as per my previous post.... I think some have wires crossed slightly thinking it is illegal full stop which it isn't. Although I know of a few pharmacy's that still sell it in Bangkok without prescription illegally, I would not risk having it without prescription, not too sure how hard they would come down on you but certainly not worth the chancing it especially in an airport where other laws will be broken (importing/exporting prescription drugs without a prescription).

I am also aware it is not a great drug to be doing over a prolonged period given its addictive nature as with any benzo yet I do feel the drug has its place. I will look at Melatonin at some point so thanks for the information on that.

Needs must sometime and it is the only thing I have ever tried which actually works for me and kicks my sleeping pattern into place.

Anyway I have just got back from the hospital here which they call the 'university hospital' and I was prescribed Diazepam (Valium) despite asking for Xanax, I was surprised they gave me this because as far as I am aware Diazepam is stronger than Xanax and lasts longer so not ideal, the doctor also said I should come back to make a booking with there psychiatrist who will prescribe me Xanax, seems odd that they did not just give me it there seen as though I have tried Xanax previously and not Valium yet they are all benzo`s I guess.

Anyway, great replies and appreciated, I really would advise anyone out there doing Xanax in Thailand without a prescription to go get a prescription then at-least you won't any up getting yourself into any grief.

Thanks all


Try Atarax ... Smith-Kline and ...

Inexpensive and is labeled as an anti-histamine -- which I find the anti-histamine to be not very noticeable .. the other part of the description is oddly the old fashion term 'tranquilizer' ... One small caplet puts me to sleep with no real noticeable morning aftereffects ...

I believe this drug is truly an OTC in Thailand ...


Try Atarax ... Smith-Kline and ...

Inexpensive and is labeled as an anti-histamine -- which I find the anti-histamine to be not very noticeable .. the other part of the description is oddly the old fashion term 'tranquilizer' ... One small caplet puts me to sleep with no real noticeable morning aftereffects ...

I believe this drug is truly an OTC in Thailand ...

Thanks for the reply, I have tried that before and it did make me sleepy but gave me a headache the next day plus I couldn't wake up without necking redbulls! Plus when I say sleepy I more mean groggy, I find with the benzo`s you can wake up after them feeling refreshed

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Whether or not a doctor will prescribe this depends entirely on the doctor's judgement. Possible but no guarantees, and if it is prescribed it will be in very small quantities.

Cost of a consultation depends on the doctor and the hospital. Anywhere from a few hundred baht to almost 2,000 (specialist at top tier private hosp)

As PMNL said, a private hospital is more likely to both carry and prescribe this than a government one.

Suggest you see a psychiatrist specializing in mood disorders. S/he might also be able to offer some treatment for the underlying problem which is usually anxiety, depression or a mix of both. That you are not conscious of being worried or upset about anything does not rule this out.

He doesn't need to buy the medication from the hospital, in fact it's not a good idea as they charge a lot more than a pharmacy. Once he has the prescription he can buy from where he likes.

Not legally, he can't.

It is category P2: "P2 = Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2(วัตถุออกฤทธิ์ ในประเภท 2)

Sale restricted to Psychotropic Substance Schedule 2. Only hospitals can purchase directly from FDA - Ministry of Public Health."

It is completely illegal for an outside pharmacy to sell this drug, and illegal to buy it at one.

and I can assure you, the vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand do not do this. Your experience muct be limited to tourist-frequented areas. Where police tings are nto uncommon, BTW

I do live in Pattaya, but well away from the tourist areas, 99.9% of the local population would be Thais, so the local pharmacies aren't catering to a tourist trade. Whether or not they sell illegally is another matter, I was just reporting that I buy Allam without a prescription, in fact the only thing where a prescription was aked was prostate medication. I don't ask a pharmacy when I buy a drug whether or not it is legal for them to sell it to me, so how am I supposed to know? Just as a matter of interest, how do you know whether the "vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand" sell Allam or not?

Well, Sheryl just happens to be an R.N. and the moderator of the Thai Visa Health Forum. Plus, she's been a practicing nurse in Thailand for decades. She's very well qualified to know if the "vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand" sell Allam or not


Any doctor would try and examine the underlining reason why you are not sleeping and not give out xanax freely..

Xanax is a short term solution, no more than a few weeks, but unless you address the route cause, its not the best solution for you.

Go in, be honest - maybe you have self medicated using alcohol to get to sleep for so long that you have forgotten the real reason why you can't sleep.

Unfortunately in Thailand you won't get a cognitive solution but if you live a sedentary lifestyle, you'll be surprised how keeping active and exercising will help.

If you cant sleep because of anxiety and racing thoughts then a course of any Benzodiazepam may help as long as you are weaned off promptly, but Xanax is primarily used for panic attacks not for insomnia.

You know the reason why you cant sleep! just be honest with the doctor.



"Well, Sheryl just happens to be an R.N. and the moderator of the Thai Visa Health Forum. Plus, she's been a practicing nurse in Thailand for decades. She's very well qualified to know if the "vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand" sell Allam or not"

I'd prefer it if you let her answer her own question if you don't mind. I'm just curious as to how she could know.


Well, I took just 4mg of Valium last night and slept pretty well, slept from 10:30pm and I am now up feeling ok at 5am... still pretty crazy considering I took Valium I would expect to be out till later in the morning given I am quite behind on sleep but hey cannot complain too much as lately I have had max 3 hours kip!



"Well, Sheryl just happens to be an R.N. and the moderator of the Thai Visa Health Forum. Plus, she's been a practicing nurse in Thailand for decades. She's very well qualified to know if the "vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand" sell Allam or not"

I'd prefer it if you let her answer her own question if you don't mind. I'm just curious as to how she could know.

giddyup, your question was very disrespectful of someone very deserving of respect. I simply suspect she's just going to ignore your question. I probably should, too.

Re-read what she said. You're taking a risk of being a target of a police sting in purchasing Allam the way you are -- outside a hospital pharmacy. You should respect her knowledge of this, rather than quibbling about whether she's checked out every pharmacy in Thailand.

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Any older person who cannot sleep well - regardless of previous prescription drug or recreational alcohol use ... as we age - the natural sleep / wake cycle agent in the brain - Melatonin levels become deficient. Just Google it and see - much to read... It won't work if you take it wrongly -- you must take it at a reasonable bedtime ... 10:30-11:00 p.m. or so ... You cannot take it much later than that and expect to wake up wide awake in the morning at 7:00 a.m... And you absolutely cannot take it in the day time - unless you want to be a Zombie all day... After a week or 10 days or so of taking Melatonin properly -- your sleep clock will be reset.


If I can interject with two alternatives for your sleep problem

Amitritylene and Mirtazapine both actually anti depressants have great sleeping properties on initial use.

Amitrip 50mg

Mirtazapine 30 mg

Try them both available over counter (may have generic on Mirtazapine)


Xanax and all other benzodiazepins promote development of dementia. So i suggest all of you having sleeping problems to try other methods like cognitive behavioral therapy.



"Well, Sheryl just happens to be an R.N. and the moderator of the Thai Visa Health Forum. Plus, she's been a practicing nurse in Thailand for decades. She's very well qualified to know if the "vast majority of pharmacies in Thailand" sell Allam or not"

I'd prefer it if you let her answer her own question if you don't mind. I'm just curious as to how she could know.

giddyup, your question was very disrespectful of someone very deserving of respect. I simply suspect she's just going to ignore your question. I probably should, too.

Re-read what she said. You're taking a risk of being a target of a police sting in purchasing Allam the way you are -- outside a hospital pharmacy. You should respect her knowledge of this, rather than quibbling about whether she's checked out every pharmacy in Thailand.

Give me a break, she's a nurse, not god, and I wasn't being disrespectful by asking a simple question. So I suggest you mind your own business.

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Yeah, well they sell a lot of medications they shouldn't across the counter, and what do you call reputable, Boots? I have never been knocked back for Allam, Valium or any sleeping pills in Thailand at any local pharmacy.

Think you might be getting your wires crossed, you`ll struggle to find Allam/Xanax anywhere now in Thailand.

Me and a mate spent a full week asking in any pharmacy we went by in Bangkok/Phuket plus up north, not the sole reason we was out just asked as we passed them (I am sure you know how many pharmacy`s there are) all said no and pretty firmly said 'cannot', we was just interested to know if anyone still sold it. I know not so long ago you could get it OTC no questions asked but since people started doing it for a laugh with beers and I hear ladyboys used to spike tourists with it its really hard to get.

I know of only one pharmacy in Bangkok that sells it OTC (should I say UTC) out of possibly a 100 we asked and I wouldn't want to name them and get them in trouble, seriously though hardly anywhere will sell you it if at all... if your pharmacy are still selling you it then maybe they have a deal with the foz or are just trying to make a quick buck... but either way think yourself lucky you can still get it.

Sheryl is correct, no where sells it

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Alprazolam has been on a strict control substance since the year before last. Every single medical center being clinic or hospital, private or government can only order the med directly via the Thai FDA. In order to do so those will have to present their substance controlled licenses which issued by the provincial health department, only clinic and hospital can carry this kind of licenses, so now figure that out?

As an active RN, familial with the thai health system, I am sure Sheryl does not take much to aware of the fact and give the correct info about this meds.

For those who still sell, they might have their old supply from 2013 or the old lot that some of the drug rep sneaked out to sell just to make profit( this is another fact) or illegally bring the meds in from neighboring country and obviously sell them to those doggie people UNDER THE COUNTER.

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Yeah, well they sell a lot of medications they shouldn't across the counter, and what do you call reputable, Boots? I have never been knocked back for Allam, Valium or any sleeping pills in Thailand at any local pharmacy.

Think you might be getting your wires crossed, you`ll struggle to find Allam/Xanax anywhere now in Thailand.

Me and a mate spent a full week asking in any pharmacy we went by in Bangkok/Phuket plus up north, not the sole reason we was out just asked as we passed them (I am sure you know how many pharmacy`s there are) all said no and pretty firmly said 'cannot', we was just interested to know if anyone still sold it. I know not so long ago you could get it OTC no questions asked but since people started doing it for a laugh with beers and I hear ladyboys used to spike tourists with it its really hard to get.

I know of only one pharmacy in Bangkok that sells it OTC (should I say UTC) out of possibly a 100 we asked and I wouldn't want to name them and get them in trouble, seriously though hardly anywhere will sell you it if at all... if your pharmacy are still selling you it then maybe they have a deal with the foz or are just trying to make a quick buck... but either way think yourself lucky you can still get it.

Sheryl is correct, no where sells it

You are wrong. Pharmacies still have it. You just don't know which ones.

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