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SURVEY: What can be done to improve Songkran?


What can be done to improve Songkran?  

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The saying goes 'practice makes perfect. Well the kids here in our village have been 'practicing' for 2 weeks. The wife came home the other evening fuming. mad.gif Car covered in powder and she just had it cleaned, oops! I go for a bicycle ride most evenings, usually just on dusk. Now I have to what until it's dark and the kids are all off the street. I don't fancy my chances if I get hit with ones of those monster water guns the kids are using.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Make it one day only ... coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

And restrict it to designated areas only with fixed start and finish times (say 10.00 am to 7.00 pm).


This is Thursday 4 p.m. and the jackasses here in Chiang Mai at the car wash down the street from Kad Suan Kaew have cranked up the speakers already. In all fairness these jerks should be regulated and not allowed to start till Monday but as usual the KKops do not really care. The rules regulations are all a sham.

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Songkran is not just a few days here in Pattaya in last from the 11 through the 21st of April! Any body that thinks 10 days is a few days may need to seek out the help from a board certified psychiatrist!

My biggest problem is the throwing of water at motor scooter riders; it is dangerous enough just trying to keep from being mowed down by cars but add water being shot at your head to the point of being blinded creates the elements of a vehicle accident waiting to happen!

Sure the law says if they cause an accident they can be charged, but as most of us on this site know, no one is ever charged with anything. Hell look at the young American girl last week that was imitating Van Drivers in Thailand. She hit 13 cars and fled the scene of an accident and what happened NOTHING!

As for the poster who brought up Christmas it celebrated only once on December 25. And it hardly last a day with American business so tight for money many are opening on Christmas day denying poor employees the day off!

To my knowledge the Thai’s have celebrated the New Years on December 31 and the first of January the celebrated the Chinese new year a month later and now yet another celebration of what? The New Year, “you say” that was 3 months ago!!

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When I lived in Pattaya Tai, the locals only got involved on the last day. Anyone coming down our soi was fair game that day, but they would stop motos, then pour water on their heads/necks, dab some powder on their cheeks and let them go. No one EVER tried knocking a driver/passenger off of their moto. When someone of an obviously elderly age came by, they were treated with dignity and respect by all, including the wee ones barely out of diapers. A small cup of water dribbled over their hands and a little on the backs of their necks and a little daubing of powder on their cheeks. People like me (mid-40s male foreigner) were fair game for everything, even from the little ankle-biters I had supplied with the water pistols and powder !!

A considerable contrast to what happens in other parts of the city of course where people (mostly foreign tourists) deliberately target people on bikes by aiming water cannons or buckets of ice-ladened water directly into their faces. Or the other (mostly foreign tourists) who think it's a hoot to "add a little something" to the water they (usually) try to spray into other peoples eyes. One guy a few years ago had been adding chili or pepper sauce to the water in his super-soaker, because you know, spraying people in the eyes with spicy hot chili (or pepper) water is fun. (What kind of f*ing moron actually thinks that ?) Others have reportedly found that having a super-soaker means never needing a urinal. Kill 2 birds with one stone (or piss) by relieving your bladder and filling your other "squirt" gun. (Again, what kind of moron thinks it's funny to squirt people in the face with piss ? Probably infected with a dozen different STDs too.)

The best thing they could do for Songkran is crack down on those that take it too far. They start throwing people into the slammer for a couple of days and slapping them with hefty fines and it won't be long before they learn that there are certain things you just don't do. Like deliberately trying to injure other people.

Face it, you would not get away with doing that any other time of the year.

The other thing is of course cracking down on the drunk driving (across the whole country). Got a long ways to go on that front.

where people (mostly foreign tourists) deliberately target people

Please. Just as many Thais throwing buckets of water at m'bike riders as farangs. Let's not wear the saffron glasses.

What I don't understand is why they still ride bikes down Beach Rd when they KNOW they are going to be targeted. Not like it's a new thing.

Have you ever been to a celebration in a Thai ( not tourist ) town? Full of morons throwing huge fireworks at people. It's so dangerous I won't leave the house for the duration.

They start throwing people into the slammer for a couple of days

Are you planning to set up a few stalags around the country? There'd be virtually no one left on the streets and Thai jails just aren't big enough for what you suggest.

While I agree that Thais can be just as bad; it does tend to be certain farangs who go way over the top and over excitable and just plain annoying.

Have to agree with KerryD. There is no excuse, zero; for blaming the motorcyclists; it's simple; use your brain. You can get people killed; just don't fire at people who are not involved. Easy solution. People who fire at bikes and risk the people getting killed are lacking IQ. To blame the motorcyclist is like blaming a rape victim for what she was wearing.

Having anyone put urine or child pepper or whatever else - and I blame locals for this as well - are just scum, pure selfish idiots.

I love and hate Songkran; you can have great water fights and have the time of your life. Sometimes, I want to head out without being covered in powder. Just need to use common sense at times, then it's all fine.

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Probably the most annoying thing about Songkran is the high-pitched whining about it that goes on 365 days a year

No, it's forgotten until it begins to draw nigh. First post was in January innocently asking about the dates, for planning purposes. Why don't you yourself just skip over Songkran threads? All your Songkran love is already answered in the FAQ, no need to repeat it here.

But saying anything against Songkran is a whinge.

Pretty sure it's caused by two things. The farang obsession with loss of face if someone throws some water on him and the dread some people have at the prospect of others having fun.


It's harmless fun and a good laugh.

But it's just a lil' inconvenience, heh, heh. Lighten up!

If you want to avoid it, it's not that difficult.

Yes it is.

Long-term residents know the worst areas and can avoid them

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It was fun in the big village up in Chaiyaphum....street party.

But in Bangkok it's dreadful as one cannot walk out without the morons drenching you with water!

Could be going to dinner or something special!

Many expats go away for the week.

Why thousands actually come here for it just shows there are lots of Dumbos around!w00t.gif

You're the Dumbo and moron. The whole purpose of Songkran is getting wet. I had my first Songkran in Pattaya 2 years ago and it was 7 days of being a kid again, getting wet and wetting others (with the exception of the obnoxious Russians who just assaulted anyone that wet them). I'm no expert in Thai culture, but I am of the understanding that the Thai New Year water festival is about washing away the old and starting anew. Bring on the super soakers. It is also my understanding that the soaking stops at sundown. This was definitely the case in Pattaya. Anybody still using water pistols after sundown was usually a farang, and once they were told the tradition was no water after sundown they were all ok. So stop being an old fuddy duddy English 1 and enjoy life while you can. What would you have done as an 18 year if you were here for Songkran, you would have been right in the thick of it squirting as many people as possible and having a ball. So stop being an old fart and LIVE your life to the fullest, or are you so old that you're almost dead. Sure sounds like it.

the soaking stops at sundown. This was definitely the case in Pattaya

That's changed then. It used to be 24 hours for the duration.

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Probably the most annoying thing about Songkran is the high-pitched whining about it that goes on 365 days a year

No, it's forgotten until it begins to draw nigh. First post was in January innocently asking about the dates, for planning purposes. Why don't you yourself just skip over Songkran threads? All your Songkran love is already answered in the FAQ, no need to repeat it here.

But saying anything against Songkran is a whinge.

Pretty sure it's caused by two things. The farang obsession with loss of face if someone throws some water on him and the dread some people have at the prospect of others having fun.


It's harmless fun and a good laugh.

But it's just a lil' inconvenience, heh, heh. Lighten up!

If you want to avoid it, it's not that difficult.

Yes it is.

Long-term residents know the worst areas and can avoid them

When I was in Pattaya there were no "worst areas" as it was everywhere. Perhaps it's quietened down in recent years.

5 minutes later.

Ah, I've just read that link and see that you were being a bit ambiguous. Fair enough.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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last year I sat on Ko San Rd watching the general mayhem with my kid and the Mrs. A farang lady in what looked like her best clothes got drenched and proceeded to have a melt down. it turned out she thought she could just hold her hands up and she would be spared the soaking. Maybe a warning to all tourists who are unsuspecting about what goes down during Songkran haha.

In Pattaya they used to have stalls set up along Beach Rd AT THE SAME TIME AS SONGKRAN in a major piece of council stupidity, so there would be a lot of tourists coming for the festival and getting caught by the water throwers. One tourist woman complained to the police sitting watching her getting soaked, but they just smiled.

I also saw a well dressed farang woman come out of an hotel ON THE LAST DAY when EVERYBODY was out in force ( even the cops got soaked then ). 5 minutes later she came back completely soaked. I wonder if she was from Lala land?

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All they can do is strictly enforce the law on drink/driving and levy stiff fines and jail terms on perps.

Separately, expect to hear the usual tired old waffle from the "old hands" telling us that Songkran used to be a quiet and dignified pouring of water over the hands. laugh.png

That's BS and, furthermore, there's more than enough photographic evidence from decades ago that proves Songkran has ALWAYS been a party.

Those that don't like it for whatever reasons should just slip away for a few days or stay at home.

I am inventing a time machine to back in time and get the guy that changed it from a quiet peaceful cultural holiday to noisy purely crass commercialism.

That would be the THAI guy, yes?

BTW it's hardly commercial. A bucket is a few baht and the water was free from any bar.

And, would everybody that thinks it's just farangs pull their heads in and get real. Where I live there are only about 5 farangs and I won't be emerging from the house for the duration- it's Thais as much as farangs!!!!!!

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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Songkran is not just a few days here in Pattaya in last from the 11 through the 21st of April! Any body that thinks 10 days is a few days may need to seek out the help from a board certified psychiatrist!

My biggest problem is the throwing of water at motor scooter riders; it is dangerous enough just trying to keep from being mowed down by cars but add water being shot at your head to the point of being blinded creates the elements of a vehicle accident waiting to happen!

Sure the law says if they cause an accident they can be charged, but as most of us on this site know, no one is ever charged with anything. Hell look at the young American girl last week that was imitating Van Drivers in Thailand. She hit 13 cars and fled the scene of an accident and what happened NOTHING!

As for the poster who brought up Christmas it celebrated only once on December 25. And it hardly last a day with American business so tight for money many are opening on Christmas day denying poor employees the day off!

To my knowledge the Thai’s have celebrated the New Years on December 31 and the first of January the celebrated the Chinese new year a month later and now yet another celebration of what? The New Year, “you say” that was 3 months ago!!

Lol. Did you not know about Songkran before you moved here? I love how you say the new year was 3 months ago. Yea, I guess the Thais should not celebrate now that old whitey is here. Besides it stops at night. Find something to do inside during the day. Problem solved.

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Songkran is not just a few days here in Pattaya in last from the 11 through the 21st of April! Any body that thinks 10 days is a few days may need to seek out the help from a board certified psychiatrist!

My biggest problem is the throwing of water at motor scooter riders; it is dangerous enough just trying to keep from being mowed down by cars but add water being shot at your head to the point of being blinded creates the elements of a vehicle accident waiting to happen!

Sure the law says if they cause an accident they can be charged, but as most of us on this site know, no one is ever charged with anything. Hell look at the young American girl last week that was imitating Van Drivers in Thailand. She hit 13 cars and fled the scene of an accident and what happened NOTHING!

As for the poster who brought up Christmas it celebrated only once on December 25. And it hardly last a day with American business so tight for money many are opening on Christmas day denying poor employees the day off!

To my knowledge the Thai’s have celebrated the New Years on December 31 and the first of January the celebrated the Chinese new year a month later and now yet another celebration of what? The New Year, “you say” that was 3 months ago!!

Lol. Did you not know about Songkran before you moved here? I love how you say the new year was 3 months ago. Yea, I guess the Thais should not celebrate now that old whitey is here. Besides it stops at night. Find something to do inside during the day. Problem solved.

Besides it stops at night

Maybe where YOU live!!!!!!!

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Songkran is not just a few days here in Pattaya in last from the 11 through the 21st of April! Any body that thinks 10 days is a few days may need to seek out the help from a board certified psychiatrist!

My biggest problem is the throwing of water at motor scooter riders; it is dangerous enough just trying to keep from being mowed down by cars but add water being shot at your head to the point of being blinded creates the elements of a vehicle accident waiting to happen!

Sure the law says if they cause an accident they can be charged, but as most of us on this site know, no one is ever charged with anything. Hell look at the young American girl last week that was imitating Van Drivers in Thailand. She hit 13 cars and fled the scene of an accident and what happened NOTHING!

As for the poster who brought up Christmas it celebrated only once on December 25. And it hardly last a day with American business so tight for money many are opening on Christmas day denying poor employees the day off!

To my knowledge the Thai’s have celebrated the New Years on December 31 and the first of January the celebrated the Chinese new year a month later and now yet another celebration of what? The New Year, “you say” that was 3 months ago!!

The New Year, “you say” that was 3 months ago!!

Now I've really seen it all cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif .

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Since my first Songkran, many years ago, I have thought that bras should be banned during the festival.

Wet t-shirts take on a whole new and beautiful dimension without the bra.

Don't you agree?

Well maybe , unless its a ladyboy.

Even some of the ladyboys look good in a wet shirt! They should...they pay good money for those things!


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One thing that will make Songkran better for you... avoid getting burglarized by being more vigilant. Got robbed (first time ever) last year because I simply didn't lock my gate (because I was standing about 15 meters from it). 5 minutes and a couple of watches, some cash, and phone disappeared. Luckily enough I have CCTV and the perp. had the misfortune of the shop at TukCom not changing the SIM card (presumably to make 49 Baht) and the idiot answered the phone later that evening and believed one of my younger family members was a girl looking for a date and he actually agreed to meet at one of those 3rd class Kung Ten (dancing shrimp) type of restaurants. Showed up with a police friend and some cable ties and that was that...

Long story short, there are a few hundred thousand folks going home for Songkran who are just coming to the realization that they have no annual yearly savings plan and burglaries go way up.

Be safe!

Edited by Heng
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...a funny note, the a few of the cops at the cop shop even said to the effect... 'really rare to catch someone like this (uh yeah, considering you didn't do any of the work)... you're really lucky... maybe 1 in 10,000 I see something like this.' :-)

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Songkran was here before us and it will be after we are gone.

If its not fun for you maybe you are just too old. A few days in the house will not kill you if you chose not to have fun.

I expect you have never witnessed someone being seriously injured because of a blatant at of stupidity.

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Songkran was here before us and it will be after we are gone.

If its not fun for you maybe you are just too old. A few days in the house will not kill you if you chose not to have fun.

I expect you have never witnessed someone being seriously injured because of a blatant at of stupidity.

me neither, i should imagine reading about it at home is funnier.

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What adds to the Songkran fun for me is the predictable annual moan fest from the old retirees on Thaivisa. How many times must it be said.... dont like it? .... stay indoors for a couple of days and if you live in Pattaya then take a holiday.

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They should only allow the traditional activities.....

well...maybe that would be a little OTT!

I would have to think that it's best to confine the wilder activities to specific areas and try to keep the number of traffic accidents to a minimum, by enforcing the laws and by getting a lot of alternatives to personal vehicles during the festival.

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What adds to the Songkran fun for me is the predictable annual moan fest from the old retirees on Thaivisa. How many times must it be said.... dont like it? .... stay indoors for a couple of days and if you live in Pattaya then take a holiday.

A couple of days? OK. Fine. In Pattaya its more than a week and at night too. Is that OK? No.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Who are we to say how to improve Songkran.

It's Thailand's new year celebrations, let Thai people celebrate it how they want.

Can you imagine if Thai people started asking "what can be done to improve Christmas?" - that would go down well.

If Thai people want to get drunk and then get behind the wheel of a pickup with 20+ other people in the vehicle then so be it.

The perceived 'problems' with Songkran are not exclusive to this particular time of year. Hundreds of people will die on the roads in this 7 day period but Thailand has dangerous roads all year round, with the authorities seemingly not interested in making them any safer.

Like a post says above, 90% of people with have a great and enjoyable time at Songkran, with the small minority spoiling it for everyone else.

Here is what should be done with "Christmas ". Limit it every to every 4 years like the Olympics, which should be abolished anyway.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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