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Fear of international backlash on Article 44


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Government: "Foreigners may perceive [it] differently from Thais as they're looking at it from another perspective,"

​Foreign Diplomat: "So this is Thainess, that mysterious quality I always hear about ?"

Government: "Yes, you could say that."

Foreign Diplomat: "I can tell you what my perspective is in one word, dictatorship."

Government: "No, no. why doesn't falang governments understand our reasons for keeping the serfs where they should be, serving the elite. Why even teach them to read ? No read, no trouble"

Foreign Diplomat: "Guess the pain of 1,500 years of social development made us a bit more cautious."

Government: "So are we still friends comrade ?"

Foreign Diplomat: You've been talking to China way too much."

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After Article 44 came under international fire, the government will tomorrow try to create a better understanding among foreign diplomats of Thailand's promotion of democracy and human rights.

Dear Mr P. Run the country the way you see fit, but please stop the pathetic attempts to justify your one-man-show!!

"Promotion of democracy and human rights" in the same sentence as Art 44??

Save your nonsense for domestic consumption!!

Despite your believes, not all foreigners are idiots!!

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>>Wissanu said during a conference at Thammasat University's Institute of East Asian Studies that the article could not be directly used to harm an individual, as widely misunderstood.<< Quote

With the legislative, the executive and the judiciary branches in the hands of a little man, what is there to misunderstand?

With military courts used for civilians, what is there to misunderstand?

With free elections probably decades in the future, what is there to misunderstand?

With universities allowing themselves to be used for propaganda, what is there to misunderstand?

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From OP "Analysts say Article 44 is similar to Article 17 enforced during Field Marshal Sarit Thanarats dictorial regime from the late 1960's to the early 1960's'

The actions of our present leader mirror those of Sarit almost identically to what happened nearly 60 years ago. Plus ca change.

Read about Sarit here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarit_Thanarat

Edited by Toknarok
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Art 44 cannot be applied to harm anybody until it is used ? Clear so far ?

So when it is used anything goes ?

Riiight. And it took them about 3 hours before there was significant gumflapping about using article 44 to fix this and that.

From a movie I saw once...."I didn't think their guns were loaded"

"Well you were wrong, gins are always loaded".

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As an ex-military man the PM must be really disappointed the international community is marching out of step on this issue. Maybe he will get them to march the Thai way. whistling.gif

When I was in the army the only time we were ordered to march out of step was over a bridge.

I fear Thailand is marching over a bridge and. on the other side, is a deep abyss

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From OP "Analysts say Article 44 is similar to Article 17 enforced during Field Marshal Sarit Thanarats dictorial regime from the late 1960's to the early 1960's'

The actions of our present leader mirror those of Sarit almost identically to what happened nearly 60 years ago. Plus ca change.

Read about Sarit here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarit_Thanarat

Thanks for the link.

Some interesting reading indeed.

Especially the parts about the institution!!

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From OP "Analysts say Article 44 is similar to Article 17 enforced during Field Marshal Sarit Thanarats dictorial regime from the late 1960's to the early 1960's'

The actions of our present leader mirror those of Sarit almost identically to what happened nearly 60 years ago. Plus ca change.

Read about Sarit here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarit_Thanarat

" from the late 1960's to the early 1960's'"

A clever trick indeed. Was he a time lord?

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Those embassy vehicles must be running low on fuel by now.

Given the frequency they are probably car pooling, or junior staffers are taking the klung boats to government house.

Think that scamming has become so endemic in Thai Government that they are truly surprised when they are taken to task. Very little difference between article 44 and martial law. Who did they think they were kidding ?

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Art 44 cannot be applied to harm anybody until it is used ? Clear so far ?

So when it is used anything goes ?

Riiight. And it took them about 3 hours before there was significant gumflapping about using article 44 to fix this and that.

From a movie I saw once...."I didn't think their guns were loaded"

"Well you were wrong, gins are always loaded".

So far article 44 has already been used to allocate confiscated land to landless farming families for use!

Is that bad ?


PM attends first 'hand-out' of plots to landless farmers in Chiang Mai

Edited by casualbiker
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Art 44 cannot be applied to harm anybody until it is used ? Clear so far ?

So when it is used anything goes ?

Riiight. And it took them about 3 hours before there was significant gumflapping about using article 44 to fix this and that.

From a movie I saw once...."I didn't think their guns were loaded"

"Well you were wrong, gins are always loaded".

So far article 44 has already been used to allocate confiscated land to landless farming families for use!

Is that bad ?


PM attends first 'hand-out' of plots to landless farmers in Chiang Mai

Oh that's all right then - that's its intended use.

Reading that article (a bit of old fashioned Thaksin styled populism at work) one can only be comfortable that a single man, who, if his own words provide any evidence, has his screw increasingly looser every day, has unfettered authority (including the power of life and death - which he's already threatened to use several times) over some 67 million Thais.

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May I propose a toast for our absent friends on this thread!!

Cheers. biggrin.png

Seriously, foreigners have no political clout. Yes Article 44 is draconian, but who among you is scared and really feels threatened right now? Do you fear for your lives, and that of your families? If so, are you still living here or have you made evacuation plans ? (These questions are for those who are actually living in Thailand and not merely overseas 'scribes') smile.png

As has been noted by some of the posters, the Thais themselves seem to be calm and accept the current situation, which is lucky for Thailand. Thank God.

A rebellion can only end in disaster for everyone. We don't need hot headed, subversive elements to cause a rebellion. That will be pure madness at this point. Destruction and lives lost.

I never supported my country's government 20 years ago, and had to live through the awful period of terrorism, bombing etc in my home town, thankfully the eventual elections were peaceful, but people were very worried then, and many started hoarding food as a precaution to potential riots/civil war.

My fervent hope for Thailand is that this period of rule will end within a year, peacefully and with perhaps some remedial actions in place to reduce corruption and be of benefit to Thailand and those people living here. IMO we have to just monitor the situation, and although many people feel strongly about the current political situation, there hopefully will not be any incitement. - "...the action of provoking unlawful behavior or urging someone to behave unlawfully..." wai2.gif

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And here some of the content:

"The government may jail any person indefinitely without a trial."
"A person may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them. Citizens (labelled "unlawful combatants") can be held incommunicado and refused attorneys."

Fortunately this is NOT Article 44 of our constitution. That's part of the US PATRIOT ACT.

And citizens of that very democratic country with freedom of speech and personal liberty as you can see, are here in hordes to comment about our country.

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And here some of the content:

"The government may jail any person indefinitely without a trial."

"A person may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them. Citizens (labelled "unlawful combatants") can be held incommunicado and refused attorneys."

Fortunately this is NOT Article 44 of our constitution. That's part of the US PATRIOT ACT.

And citizens of that very democratic country with freedom of speech and personal liberty as you can see, are here in hordes to comment about our country.

Being American and all, this might come as a surprise to you:

Thailand is not part of the US!!

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Art 44 cannot be applied to harm anybody until it is used ? Clear so far ?

So when it is used anything goes ?

Riiight. And it took them about 3 hours before there was significant gumflapping about using article 44 to fix this and that.

From a movie I saw once...."I didn't think their guns were loaded"

"Well you were wrong, gins are always loaded".

So far article 44 has already been used to allocate confiscated land to landless farming families for use!

Is that bad ?


PM attends first 'hand-out' of plots to landless farmers in Chiang Mai

>>Around 1,000 people in Tambon Mae Tha in Mae On district greeted the prime minister at the handout ceremony at Wat Huai Sai School. The atmosphere of ceremony was reportedly happy and cheerful.

Security was tight also with up to 2,000 soldiers and police guarding the area. People attending had to pass through thermal scanners, be registered and put a sticker on for security reasons.<< Quote

For a leader with support of 90%+, that is a lot of security.

2 soldiers for each civilian!!

And the land he is giving away, is a communal forest!! Not his to give away!!

Oh silly me, Art 44

Actually it's reclaimed land within the national park area that is already used for other purposes. Hence the allowing landless farmers the use of.. No land is being given away, just the use of that land for farming. With a provision that the occupier helps look after other forest areas etc!

Again is it bad to do this.. Yes or No?

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So far article 44 has already been used to allocate confiscated land to landless farming families for use!

Is that bad ?


PM attends first 'hand-out' of plots to landless farmers in Chiang Mai

>>Around 1,000 people in Tambon Mae Tha in Mae On district greeted the prime minister at the handout ceremony at Wat Huai Sai School. The atmosphere of ceremony was reportedly happy and cheerful.

Security was tight also with up to 2,000 soldiers and police guarding the area. People attending had to pass through thermal scanners, be registered and put a sticker on for security reasons.<< Quote

For a leader with support of 90%+, that is a lot of security.

2 soldiers for each civilian!!

And the land he is giving away, is a communal forest!! Not his to give away!!

Oh silly me, Art 44

Again is it bad to do this.. Yes or No?

It's utterly irrelevant. What has been done in one action doesn't define or limit Art. 44.

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After the whole world (except Thailand) has gone through a first and second

worldwar with millions of deaths mr Thailand finds it necessary to explain his ways, because the world does not understand.

Incredible ..... or .......? Fill in the dots to your liking.

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And here some of the content:

"The government may jail any person indefinitely without a trial."

"A person may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them. Citizens (labelled "unlawful combatants") can be held incommunicado and refused attorneys."

Fortunately this is NOT Article 44 of our constitution. That's part of the US PATRIOT ACT.

And citizens of that very democratic country with freedom of speech and personal liberty as you can see, are here in hordes to comment about our country.

While there are some people who think that the Patriot Act was passed about 2 months too late (you do know what happened just over a month earlier?) there are those who think that the introduction of an absolutist, repressive "diktat", merely to preserve a highly partisan ruling authority will, by it's very imposition, provoke those acts that it claims to be seeking to avoid.

There are those who think that this is just another chapter in the ongoing, slow motion, unfolding tragedy, that is the history of the rump, of what used to be The Great Kingdom of Siam.


Edited by Enoon
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