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British man assaulted outside Convenience Store in Central Pattaya

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The Brit probably asked for it. At least no guns involved this time, just good old fashioned fight 3 Thais against 1 farang.


Confucius say [ get your ass home by 10 pm or risk getting your ass kicked ]

ha ha ha...but true. These things seem to always happen very late at night.


After reading the last few posts from Thai visa, it looks to have been a pretty grim few days in Pattaya !

I spent 40 days there, not one problem with any Thais or farangs ...


Thai visa forum members at their best. Farang gets beaten up by 3 locals and EVERYBODY jumps to the assumption it was his fault? Nothing in the report to suggest it was his fault but that doesn't stop you does it? Gee whizz, I can't wait to hear what you say if anybody ever starts on you for no reason.

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Well there you go my friends. Don't fight in Thailand because it will never be one v one!

Yea, like it never happens anywhere else in this world..


Why so many thailand bitter foreigners... Last time i saw world news, muggings, bashing, what ever you need to call it, happen all over this world.. So many haters, why live here if its so bad.. Iv travelled 30 years to thailand, lived here too.. Never have i been bashed, threatened.......... Hmmmm, tho, im not out drunk, and harassing people due to inferior complex, many foreigners tend to have...


After reading the last few posts from Thai visa, it looks to have been a pretty grim few days in Pattaya !

I spent 40 days there, not one problem with any Thais or farangs ...

you got lucky. i went there for my honey moon when i got married here. An it was a beautful place then, but of course that was 45 years ago. hahahahahaha


Everyone on this forum has to realize that on any given day or night, and more so on the weekends and holidays, there are probably dozens of such altercations occurring in and around Pattaya

Some are foreigners arguing and fighting with other foreigners...including friends, while some altercations are Foreigners arguing and fighting with Thais while for sure there are plenty more altercations occurring where the Thais are arguing and fighting amongst themselves.

The one main factor they commonly have in Common....all too often...is Alcohol.

If any one could obtain police report documents concerning day to day police work you could probably spend hours and hours reading police documents relative to the police intervening in such altercations or being called to stop them from escalating any further or people coming to the police station to report the altercations...or police officers who happen to sometimes be near enough to come over and intervene.

And those are just the ones that get reported and registered and filed......while those that are registered would be more than enough to have anyone understand the Pattaya City area can be a violent place to be.

Although none of us really know what occurred leading up to the altercation and any further details, everyone must be aware that such altercations are seemingly commonly place while most of them you never even hear about.

More than likely the situation is going to get worse...not better.

Cheers and avoid confrontation when you can.


Just out of curiosity, does anything good ever happen outside a bar at 3:30 AM?

Yes. Visited Pty only once (had to see the notorious place once).

Went out a few times to bars and discos with Thai friends. Lots of fun - great memories.

In other locations (mainly less popular islands and BKK) - same, and also I went out alone a lot too.


what i always read here and in and about Pattaya makes me more and more confident to wear a weapon if going out late evening/night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


It's truly amazing how many on this forum condone this violent behavior against anyone. Drunk or not, tourist or not, Thailand or not it simply does not matter. The fact that many of you are blaming the victim you are condoning the violence against another person.

The fact that this is NOT an isolated incident says a great deal about how unsafe it is. Maybe the PM can concentrate some quality time on cleaning this type of behavior to allow the tourists to feel safe to return to Thailand.

It's complete nonsense to say Thailand is "unsafe". No one is condoning violence whether it comes from locals or tourists, although some only choose to focus on one. Thailand is a lot safer than most English provincial towns and cities in the small hours of the morning on a Saturday!

Brewster...you condone violence by not speaking against it. By not placing the blame directly on the person or persons that beat this man.

Your choice blame the victim and condone the violence or be part of the solution and speak out against violence.

I condemn all violence. Anywhere. I don't restrict my condemnation to Thais.


Anyone who doesn't condemn unnecessary violence is being ridiculous. I condemn violence by Thais like I condemn violence by pissed up farangs.

Are you suggesting this type of violence doesn't happen in the UK? Maybe you're not British, but I can assure you it does and usually involves knives, broken bottles and other weapons!


I was proud to read that only 3 Thai males had entered into the assault...instead of the usual 20 or so mobbing him...

they must have been Muay Thai experts....


There is a CCTV of the guy getting grabbed by a Thai as he enters a 7. He is spun around and a Thai coming from the other direction lays him out. Saw a free shot and took it. Brit goes down like a sack of bricks.


would have been interesting to see video footage of what happened ...

three against one shows just how cowardly they are, then they release surely away without any trouble from the police, in pattaya is allowed to knock foreigners.

Anyone who doesn't condemn unnecessary violence is being ridiculous. I condemn violence by Thais like I condemn violence by pissed up farangs.

Are you suggesting this type of violence doesn't happen in the UK? Maybe you're not British, but I can assure you it does and usually involves knives, broken bottles and other weapons!

Brewster, so just becuase this type of violence occurs in the UK are you saying it's ok for it to happen in Thailand?

This article is about a violent act occurring in Thailand against a visitor. What bearing does violence in the UK?


Anyone who doesn't condemn unnecessary violence is being ridiculous. I condemn violence by Thais like I condemn violence by pissed up farangs.

Are you suggesting this type of violence doesn't happen in the UK? Maybe you're not British, but I can assure you it does and usually involves knives, broken bottles and other weapons!

Brewster, so just becuase this type of violence occurs in the UK are you saying it's ok for it to happen in Thailand?

This article is about a violent act occurring in Thailand against a visitor. What bearing does violence in the UK?

Where have I said any violence is "OK"? Violence happens, especially in places where alcohol is prevalent and Pattaya is no exception. I just don't see it as a uniquely Thai problem.


would have been interesting to see video footage of what happened ...

three against one shows just how cowardly they are, then they release surely away without any trouble from the police, in pattaya is allowed to knock foreigners.

The video is here:

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Go to another country and get drunk and stupid!!!! I am sure it is all the fault of the farang!!!! they cause all this headache.....and they get a big headache in return....

probably acted all tough and cool, disrespected thais and maybe even tried to flirt with 7-11 girl.....this will not end well!!!

he is not helping us smile in land of smiles......back to UK to work in gravel pit!!!!

<deleted> How many of these attacks are done by cowardly Thais who take advantage of someone if they are drunk or injured? Almost all of them. Those cowards who attacked him only did so because he was compromised. If these Thais were in the West they would have been beaten so bad they would wish they were never born.

Let's face it, Thais can't fight. When they go abroad they cry about the first person who doesn't smile at them but when foreigners go to the 'land of smiles' they attack them in large groups when the foreigner's back is turned. Why? Because they are afraid of getting the beat out of them one on one.

Those cowards wouldn't be considered real men anywhere else in the world -- which is also why Thai women date westerners.

Thais can't fight? Tell that to the 5'6" skinny Thai guy I saw kick the crap out of a 6'6" German steroid freak. Some of them can definitely fight

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Go to another country and get drunk and stupid!!!! I am sure it is all the fault of the farang!!!! they cause all this headache.....and they get a big headache in return....

probably acted all tough and cool, disrespected thais and maybe even tried to flirt with 7-11 girl.....this will not end well!!!

he is not helping us smile in land of smiles......back to UK to work in gravel pit!!!!

<deleted> How many of these attacks are done by cowardly Thais who take advantage of someone if they are drunk or injured? Almost all of them. Those cowards who attacked him only did so because he was compromised. If these Thais were in the West they would have been beaten so bad they would wish they were never born.

Let's face it, Thais can't fight. When they go abroad they cry about the first person who doesn't smile at them but when foreigners go to the 'land of smiles' they attack them in large groups when the foreigner's back is turned. Why? Because they are afraid of getting the beat out of them one on one.

Those cowards wouldn't be considered real men anywhere else in the world -- which is also why Thai women date westerners.

And the award for most racially prejudiced and generalizing comment goes to.......

I think you'll find the reason most Thai women date farang men is to rip them off.....well, that's what most of the other xenophobic morons on Thai visa say.

If you don't like living in Thailand, go back to where you come from. Simple as that.


it seems that for many people on this site , farangs agressed by thais is normal , just because they in their country . like the stupid who always come back with the criminality in england . do you the nationality and the origin of the criminals in england ??? i don't know about england , but in Belgium and france , more then 80% of the criminals in jail are not french or belgian or even européan by origin . quite all the farangs agressed in thailand is the fact of thai-people and quite everytime one farang against min 2 or 3 thais .it's not because i live in thailand like farang so in their country that i've to accept everything , and treaten like a dog .


More mob violence by a group of Thais.whistling.gif

Another drunken idiot getting what he deserves.


If you get drunk,you deserve to get beaten by 3 cowards?

I bet your a great dancer

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When it comes to solving a dispute the barriers between decency and Neanderthaler responses are easily lifted.

That counts for intoxicated people as well as non-intoxicated Thais.

Drunks tend to have mouths that write cheques that their asses can't cash.burp.gif.pagespeed.ce.RBpw6FUyRRx8h9ZhP6


True, but how do u know the guy was to blame just coz he was intoxicated. He was attacked by a group of cowardly Thai guys who go around looking for trouble a lot of the time.

Another farang who thinks hes 10 foot tall and bulletproof.

If he had have kept is mouth shut and smiled like most of us, i am pretty sure he could have staggered home.

Full marks for at least wearing a shirt.

Yeah right and drunks never shoot off their mouths. Wakey wakey. Oh by the way like my good old daddy told me a long time ago. NEVER TURN YOUR BACK TO A DRUNKdrunk.gif.pagespeed.ce.hfErN2aQEEfKmimwR


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Another farang who thinks hes 10 foot tall and bulletproof.

If he had have kept is mouth shut and smiled like most of us, i am pretty sure he could have staggered home.

Full marks for at least wearing a shirt.

You don't know this for sure!

What we do know for sure is that he was dragged out of a Public Store against his will and beaten. Which tells me he was not looking for a fight.

So no matter how you want to call this or what he said, this act crosses any line of decency for the attackers, and what one may have about the whole incident.

In case you did not know this, it is against the Law in any civilized country to beat someone up just because you didn't like what he said to you. Especially when it is 3 against 1.

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Go to another country and get drunk and stupid!!!! I am sure it is all the fault of the farang!!!! they cause all this headache.....and they get a big headache in return....

probably acted all tough and cool, disrespected thais and maybe even tried to flirt with 7-11 girl.....this will not end well!!!

he is not helping us smile in land of smiles......back to UK to work in gravel pit!!!!

Oh, well done Colombo! Let's blame the foreigner. If he got slapped on-on-one, I'd say "fair play". But he was set upon by 3 of them. Nothing justifies that. You might think about that first before speaking garbage.

Oh how do you know that he didn't say to all 3; come-on ya bastards, I'll take ya all on, come on try me, burp, puke, swing, miss, fall, get up, curse, swear. There is NO defence for public drunkenness.


Go to another country and get drunk and stupid!!!! I am sure it is all the fault of the farang!!!! they cause all this headache.....and they get a big headache in return....

probably acted all tough and cool, disrespected thais and maybe even tried to flirt with 7-11 girl.....this will not end well!!!

he is not helping us smile in land of smiles......back to UK to work in gravel pit!!!!

<deleted> How many of these attacks are done by cowardly Thais who take advantage of someone if they are drunk or injured? Almost all of them. Those cowards who attacked him only did so because he was compromised. If these Thais were in the West they would have been beaten so bad they would wish they were never born.

Let's face it, Thais can't fight. When they go abroad they cry about the first person who doesn't smile at them but when foreigners go to the 'land of smiles' they attack them in large groups when the foreigner's back is turned. Why? Because they are afraid of getting the beat out of them one on one.

Those cowards wouldn't be considered real men anywhere else in the world -- which is also why Thai women date westerners.

What a load of crap you spew. Where do you think Mixed Martial Arts began. Can't fight eh? Get real. My wife can rip a Muah Thai bag to shreds and that is the Thai way. Kick boxing is a norm here and now look at how vicious cage fighting is in the West. MMA UFC.

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OK, so some guys deserve their comeuppance - people generally tend to agree when this is the case (I'm not saying it is or isn't here).

However, we have no idea how this issue started... What we do know is that 3 Thai Men assaulted a British Man and this is not condonable.

If we are to pretend we are civilised we won't condone violence or suggest anyone deserves a violent response regardless of their actions. I don't agree, some people may have taken themselves beyond civilised behaviour and thus any response of equal measure may be morally acceptable.

In this case I very much doubt the British Guy assaulted the each of the Thai Guys 3 on 1 - Thus: Their response appears extreme & cowardly.

What we don't know is whether or not the British guy is partially responsible for what happened and this would have a large impact on what I feel he may or may not have 'had coming' as a response.

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It is not nice what is happened, but the problem is that too many foreigners drink so much that they don't know what they are doing. I have seen many Brits if fights lately

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