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Obama defends Iran deal as 'once-in-a-lifetime' opportunity


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The poster who keeps using Israel firsters as a talking point is no more than a PLO propagandist spewing hate.

Ain't that the truth.
The chants of Death to America are remarkably easy to translate.


Oh, the irony!!!!!

"Death to America" is known mistranslation of "Marg bar Amrika!". An accurate translation would be, "Down with America".

"Remarkably easy to translate" giggle.gif

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Here's an even better idea. I am sure Iran would be more than happy to shelve any nuclear projects including reactor for electricity if Israel would provide transparency, sign the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and disarm itself of 200-400 nukes including subs which can only be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes.

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Here's an even better idea. I am sure Iran would be more than happy to shelve any nuclear projects including reactor for electricity if Israel would provide transparency, sign the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and disarm itself of 200-400 nukes including subs which can only be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes.

LOL. How nice. Well, lil' ol' YOU may be sure that Iran, a country with no more credibility than N. Korea, would do this & that, but frankly, no one cares what you're sure of or not sure of. Others obviously aren't so sure. Very impressive presumption.

Secondly, if these nukes can ONLY be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes, then I guess that pretty much proves Israel has no aggressive intentions, since they've had them but have never used them in, what, almost 50 years/half a century!?

D-. Logic needs a lot of work. (An 'A' for hyperbole and bar-raising bloviation though. 'Sure you're not an Obama staff member? If not, you've missed your calling.)

Edited by hawker9000
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Here's an even better idea. I am sure Iran would be more than happy to shelve any nuclear projects including reactor for electricity if Israel would provide transparency, sign the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and disarm itself of 200-400 nukes including subs which can only be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes.

LOL. How nice. Well, lil' ol' YOU may be sure that Iran, a country with no more credibility than N. Korea, would do this & that, but frankly, no one cares what you're sure of or not sure of. Others obviously aren't so sure. Very impressive presumption.

Secondly, if these nukes can ONLY be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes, then I guess that pretty much proves Israel has no aggressive intentions, since they've had them but have never used them in, what, almost 50 years/half a century!?

D-. Logic needs a lot of work. (An 'A' for hyperbole and bar-raising bloviation though. 'Sure you're not an Obama staff member? If not, you've missed your calling.)

No the nukes are for defensive purposes but who the hell needs 200-400 nukes to defend oneself in an area where no one has any lol. Also the subs are for offensive purposes but I am sure you can twist your argument to show how nuclear armed subs are necessary as defensive when one has 200 plus nukes and the U.S. arsenal backing itself up. If you do even the slightest bit of research you will see that the subs employing nuclear armaments were from Germany and they received them a short numbe of years back not 50 years. If you are going to act like you know something at least do a bit of research.

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Here's an even better idea. I am sure Iran would be more than happy to shelve any nuclear projects including reactor for electricity if Israel would provide transparency, sign the Nuclear Proliferation Treaty and disarm itself of 200-400 nukes including subs which can only be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes.

LOL. How nice. Well, lil' ol' YOU may be sure that Iran, a country with no more credibility than N. Korea, would do this & that, but frankly, no one cares what you're sure of or not sure of. Others obviously aren't so sure. Very impressive presumption.

Secondly, if these nukes can ONLY be seen as aggressive and not for defensive purposes, then I guess that pretty much proves Israel has no aggressive intentions, since they've had them but have never used them in, what, almost 50 years/half a century!?

D-. Logic needs a lot of work. (An 'A' for hyperbole and bar-raising bloviation though. 'Sure you're not an Obama staff member? If not, you've missed your calling.)

No the nukes are for defensive purposes but who the hell needs 200-400 nukes to defend oneself in an area where no one has any lol. Also the subs are for offensive purposes but I am sure you can twist your argument to show how nuclear armed subs are necessary as defensive when one has 200 plus nukes and the U.S. arsenal backing itself up. If you do even the slightest bit of research you will see that the subs employing nuclear armaments were from Germany and they received them a short numbe of years back not 50 years. If you are going to act like you know something at least do a bit of research.

You are obviously not schooled on that old axiom..."The best defense is a good offense".

Israel has those German subs offshore so those nice Islamic nations that are trying to destroy them will also know they will be signing their own death certificates if they use nukes in a first strike against Israel.

You might want to heed your own advice.

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Iran will be erased from history as sure as ancient Egypt fell

There is very little tolerance for middle east countries that have cost the us so many soldiers.

The Iranian nuclear program will smolder for days, and that will be the end of it, likely carried out by joint force led by the USA

They will not tolerate a menace like Iran holding them hostage and having the ability to deliver war heads

Their entire military will be decimated and there will be no response

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Nuclear weapons were only a deterrent in the past when mutually assured destruction meant the end of parts of the soviet union and the USA

In the middle East its all or nothing, first to strike wins

Exactly wrong. You don't understand "second strike" capability, which is the whole reason Israel has invested in those German subs. The Arabs can launch a "first-strike" against Israel, but if they do, no matter how successful or preemptive it might be, they will then still have to deal with Israel's second-strike from the sea. Still the same old nuclear deterrence.

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It is a deterrence if you have a country the size of the USA, but Israel is the size.of Rhode Island, and even smaller if you consider the population density.

They just took delivery of their 5th German specially equipped submarine

I dont believe Israel should wait for an attack,

They will have to strike first

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It is a deterrence if you have a country the size of the USA, but Israel is the size.of Rhode Island, and even smaller if you consider the population density.

They just took delivery of their 5th German specially equipped submarine

I dont believe Israel should wait for an attack,

They will have to strike first

You still don't get it.

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Nuclear weapons were only a deterrent in the past when mutually assured destruction meant the end of parts of the soviet union and the USA

In the middle East its all or nothing, first to strike wins

Exactly wrong. You don't understand "second strike" capability, which is the whole reason Israel has invested in those German subs. The Arabs can launch a "first-strike" against Israel, but if they do, no matter how successful or preemptive it might be, they will then still have to deal with Israel's second-strike from the sea. Still the same old nuclear deterrence.

What planet are you on? What arabs have first strike nuclear capablility? What arab countries have the u.s. backing them? In fact Saudi Arabia an arab country backs Israel? Are you afraid of the bogeyman too? If you understood Israel not signing the non proliferation treaty one of the key reasons is that it deters agressive nuclear armed nations from parking their subs off the coast of non nuclear nations? Duh...

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what many people are missing is that this negotiations are wot only with the US but with many other countries,

What is remarkable about the sanctions is that all the countries involved are adhering to them,

You can bet that if the US congress torpedoes these negotiations this adherence to the sanctions by other countries will fal apart

and the US will be the odd man out.

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Nuclear weapons were only a deterrent in the past when mutually assured destruction meant the end of parts of the soviet union and the USA

In the middle East its all or nothing, first to strike wins

Exactly wrong. You don't understand "second strike" capability, which is the whole reason Israel has invested in those German subs. The Arabs can launch a "first-strike" against Israel, but if they do, no matter how successful or preemptive it might be, they will then still have to deal with Israel's second-strike from the sea. Still the same old nuclear deterrence.

What planet are you on? What arabs have first strike nuclear capablility? What arab countries have the u.s. backing them? In fact Saudi Arabia an arab country backs Israel? Are you afraid of the bogeyman too? If you understood Israel not signing the non proliferation treaty one of the key reasons is that it deters agressive nuclear armed nations from parking their subs off the coast of non nuclear nations? Duh...

...A planet where folks think, THEN post. 'Doesn't have to be a nuclear first strike. Same consequences if Israel's defenses should be overrun, as was feared was going to happen in the '67 war. 'Not afraid of the bogeyman, but ignorant fools afraid to engage the brain do give me pause.

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Congress approved a toothless bill this week in this regard because they couldn't pull together 2/3 for an over ride. Its now back in the hands of the ayatollahs who will not sign anything anyway, so I'm not even sure why there is discussion about it

And the nuclear first strike is all Israel has if they allow the ayatollahs a bomb.

Debka today reports the Russian decision to deliver upgraded ss300 missile technology is a red herring for two reasons

1)/ they are unable to train the Iranians in their use
And have given up which means they would have to send teams to operate them which means dead Russians on Iranian soil and

2)// they don't have any to spare anyway as they need all they have to deter upcoming us led aggression in xpexted soon

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Nuclear weapons were only a deterrent in the past when mutually assured destruction meant the end of parts of the soviet union and the USA

In the middle East its all or nothing, first to strike wins

Exactly wrong. You don't understand "second strike" capability, which is the whole reason Israel has invested in those German subs. The Arabs can launch a "first-strike" against Israel, but if they do, no matter how successful or preemptive it might be, they will then still have to deal with Israel's second-strike from the sea. Still the same old nuclear deterrence.

What planet are you on? What arabs have first strike nuclear capablility? What arab countries have the u.s. backing them? In fact Saudi Arabia an arab country backs Israel? Are you afraid of the bogeyman too? If you understood Israel not signing the non proliferation treaty one of the key reasons is that it deters agressive nuclear armed nations from parking their subs off the coast of non nuclear nations? Duh...

Pakistan does

It is rumored Saudi Arabia already does too

It is also likely that Turkey does

Not sure about Khazakastan and other places I can't spell that were in the Soviet sphere

And then there is of course, north Korea who will sell any Arab country anything and probably has, including to Saudi Arabia

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Congress approved a toothless bill this week in this regard because they couldn't pull together 2/3 for an over ride. Its now back in the hands of the ayatollahs who will not sign anything anyway, so I'm not even sure why there is discussion about it

And the nuclear first strike is all Israel has if they allow the ayatollahs a bomb.

Debka today reports the Russian decision to deliver upgraded ss300 missile technology is a red herring for two reasons

1)/ they are unable to train the Iranians in their use

And have given up which means they would have to send teams to operate them which means dead Russians on Iranian soil and

2)// they don't have any to spare anyway as they need all they have to deter upcoming us led aggression in xpexted soon

3/ The Israelis can jam their radars anyway.

P.s First or second strike deterrence has to be considered through the optic of whether great suffering is desired for ones own people. The insane Iranian twelvers do.

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I don't believe the Iranians would threaten the Israelis so loudly if the awoke one day to find the mountains that housed their nuclear programs and the arak facility was suddenly missing and in its place was a smoldering inferno and a massive hole.in the ground with maybe one or two oil gushers thrown in for good measure, that they would even announce it as

They have no capabilities to strike Israel And if they did, via Lebanon, that country would soon be on fire from weapons they never see coming,

The Israel military and intelligence agencies have already seeded every Arabian city and all their oil and water,so any strike on Israel and the entire arab world, including turkey would have no food or water in less than a week.

Israel runs the show

The USA plays the game

The British pull the strings on the USA and the Jesuit pope names the theater and the actors to star in the next killing field aka, the Colosseum

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How about a progress report on Obama's peace-in-the-world initiative?

They had a parade in Tehran showing how the Iranian government feels about it.


Iran marks Army Day with cries of ‘Death to Israel, US
BY TIMES OF ISRAEL STAFF AND AP April 18, 2015, 6:54 pm 259
Iran on Saturday marked Army Day with a military parade featuring new weapons systems, as well as a truck carrying a massive banner reading “Death to Israel.”
A televised broadcast of the parade was punctuated by repeated cries of “Death to America” and “Death to Israel.”
“If Israel makes a mistake,” the announcer on Iran television said during the broadcast, as heavy trucks carrying armored personnel carriers rolled past, “those in Tel Aviv and Haifa will not sleep at night, not one person.”
Broadcast on national television, military brass and political leaders, foremost President Hassan Rouhani, attended the procession south of the capital Tehran, which showcased the country’s military technologies.
Seems Iran's leaders and military think peace is just around the corner...or at least a US surrender is.
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Talking about a US surrender, I wonder how Obama will spin the latest destruction of yet another of his infamous "red lines.

The inspections seem to be history as far as the Iranians are concerned.


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei accuses US of creating nuclear weapons 'myth' as military commander says Iran would reject international inspections
'Senior Revolutionary Guard general says inspections would be like rolling out 'a red carpet for the enemy'
LUKE GARRATT Sunday 19 April 2015
Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has accused the US of creating "myths" about his country's capability for nuclear weapons.
The Ayatollah's statement came as a senior commander in the Revolutionary Guard said international inspectors would be barred from military sites under any nuclear agreement with world powers.
Speaking in an address on state television, General Hossein Salami, deputy leader of the Guard, said his military would respond with "hot lead to those who speak of it" and warned against Iran becoming "a paradise for spies".
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USS Theodore Roosevelt and a boarding and strike force has just set sail to the Gulf of Aden to intercept Iranian flotilla of 9 ships heading to resupply the Houthis and to assist Egyptian naval vessels that may be targeted as they pound Yemen from off the coast

The Iranians and the PLO are cut from the same cloth and history will probably not even mention these failed negotiations as, there may not even be an Iran after the coming war

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