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Israel official: Military action against Iran still possible


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Do we need to be surprised that they're both disapointed with the future financial outcome ?

Ah yes, let's blame Obama and...fake any future military actions against Iran.

What a crock. Several Arab states have said they are very concerned about Iran getting the bomb.

Saudi in particular has said it would need to pursue getting the bomb. Western allies in the ME have warned of nuclear proliferation if Iran is going to get the bomb.

This is about The Bomb. Obama's plan would by his own admission allow Iran to get The Bomb.

The countries having these meetings in Europe and the sanctions they have against Iran are about The Bomb.

The OP is about Israel not wanting Iran to get The Bomb. Arab countries have the same serious concern.

So while Iran supports terrorism throughout the Middle East and worries its neighbors as a result, despite all of that news and those statements you think its about money. There's no hope for this kind of thinking in the face of evidence to the contrary from so many countries.

"Obama's plan would by his own admission allow Iran to get The Bomb"

LoL. You can't be serious. So lets the quote where, as you clearly state, Obama says "My plan will allow Iran to get a nuclear bomb". Come on, lets see it. Should be easy to find given the magnitude of such a statement.

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Do we need to be surprised that they're both disapointed with the future financial outcome ?

Ah yes, let's blame Obama and...fake any future military actions against Iran.

What a crock. Several Arab states have said they are very concerned about Iran getting the bomb.

Saudi in particular has said it would need to pursue getting the bomb. Western allies in the ME have warned of nuclear proliferation if Iran is going to get the bomb.

This is about The Bomb. Obama's plan would by his own admission allow Iran to get The Bomb.

The countries having these meetings in Europe and the sanctions they have against Iran are about The Bomb.

The OP is about Israel not wanting Iran to get The Bomb. Arab countries have the same serious concern.

So while Iran supports terrorism throughout the Middle East and worries its neighbors as a result, despite all of that news and those statements you think its about money. There's no hope for this kind of thinking in the face of evidence to the contrary from so many countries.

As long as ISIS is active in the region I'm convinced that no souvereign nation will engage in a war against Iran.

Israel and many Arab nations can not engage in a fatal multifront war. Even the powerfull military aparatus of the US could not deal with Afghanistan and Iraq together...lessons learned for Obama administration....

Moreover, the nuclear deal with Iran is the best option as long as Iraq and Syria is fighting against ISIS.

Israel is playing bluff poker, knowing that the US will provide military backup. It's in Israel interest to get the flame awake in order to provoke global agitation.

Any Israeli military action is pure suicide. Instability around Golan hights and surrounded by Palestinians are not strong assets to start any trouble with Iran.

Edited by Thorgal
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Do we need to be surprised that they're both disapointed with the future financial outcome ?

Ah yes, let's blame Obama and...fake any future military actions against Iran.

What a crock. Several Arab states have said they are very concerned about Iran getting the bomb.

Saudi in particular has said it would need to pursue getting the bomb. Western allies in the ME have warned of nuclear proliferation if Iran is going to get the bomb.

This is about The Bomb. Obama's plan would by his own admission allow Iran to get The Bomb.

The countries having these meetings in Europe and the sanctions they have against Iran are about The Bomb.

The OP is about Israel not wanting Iran to get The Bomb. Arab countries have the same serious concern.

So while Iran supports terrorism throughout the Middle East and worries its neighbors as a result, despite all of that news and those statements you think its about money. There's no hope for this kind of thinking in the face of evidence to the contrary from so many countries.

US consider an awful lot of sunni muslim countries as moderate. Its just because they are allied. Why only whining about these countries: Iran, Syria and Lebanon? Its because they are shia. Having Saudi Arabia that is spoonfed by the US doesnt make it a moderate muslim country

The sunni minority are dictating the life of the majority of Bahranis that are shia but are fully internationally supported when the country crackdown on the people that wants freedom. Usually rebelling at dictators are seen ok if its not against allies.

"One must think of the Sunni-Shiite balance (or IMBALANCE, rather). For many years now, most of the Islamist threat in the world comes from Sunni groups, not Shiite groups. Yes, there is the Shiite Hezbollah financed by Iran, but just look at the others : ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra (and other extremists in Syria), Boko Haram, Al Shabab : these are all Sunni. And, also consider sectarian troubles; for example in Pakistan, the violence is ALMOST ALWAYS Sunni on Shiite; most of the time, it is the Shiite worship places which are targeted by terrorists."

True words from another poster in another thread. I dont expect to get believers in this matter.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why there are more Sunni groups and Shiite groups committing acts of terrorism.

See below from Pew Research Center:


"Of the total Muslim population, 10-13% are Shia Muslims and 87-90% are Sunni Muslims. Most Shias (between 68% and 80%) live in just four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India and Iraq."



Wouldn't it seem logical and reasonable that with 87-90% of all Muslims being of the Sunni sect, the vast majority of terrorists incidents would be caused by Sunnis?

True, it is logical.

Didnt check your link though.

Doesnt change that some US and Israeli politicans only whine and obsess about ME/North Africa non-allied countries that is shia-led, and only whine about countries that sponsor shia militants/terrorists/movements/freedom fighters.

Saudi Arabia is the biggest sponsor of terrorism. Its not official because the militants they assist, arm and fund are considered militants but not terrorists. They get a pass for no valid reason.

Saudi Arabias state sponsored branch of Islam is the most extreme in the ME.

Why did US support Bahrain when it was doing crackdowns on people wanting freedom in Bahrain during the arab spring?

Edited by BKKBobby
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Do we need to be surprised that they're both disapointed with the future financial outcome ?

Ah yes, let's blame Obama and...fake any future military actions against Iran.

What a crock. Several Arab states have said they are very concerned about Iran getting the bomb.

Saudi in particular has said it would need to pursue getting the bomb. Western allies in the ME have warned of nuclear proliferation if Iran is going to get the bomb.

This is about The Bomb. Obama's plan would by his own admission allow Iran to get The Bomb.

The countries having these meetings in Europe and the sanctions they have against Iran are about The Bomb.

The OP is about Israel not wanting Iran to get The Bomb. Arab countries have the same serious concern.

So while Iran supports terrorism throughout the Middle East and worries its neighbors as a result, despite all of that news and those statements you think its about money. There's no hope for this kind of thinking in the face of evidence to the contrary from so many countries.

US consider an awful lot of sunni muslim countries as moderate. Its just because they are allied. Why only whining about these countries: Iran, Syria and Lebanon? Its because they are shia. Having Saudi Arabia that is spoonfed by the US doesnt make it a moderate muslim country

The sunni minority are dictating the life of the majority of Bahranis that are shia but are fully internationally supported when the country crackdown on the people that wants freedom. Usually rebelling at dictators are seen ok if its not against allies.

"One must think of the Sunni-Shiite balance (or IMBALANCE, rather). For many years now, most of the Islamist threat in the world comes from Sunni groups, not Shiite groups. Yes, there is the Shiite Hezbollah financed by Iran, but just look at the others : ISIL, Al-Qaeda, Al-Nusra (and other extremists in Syria), Boko Haram, Al Shabab : these are all Sunni. And, also consider sectarian troubles; for example in Pakistan, the violence is ALMOST ALWAYS Sunni on Shiite; most of the time, it is the Shiite worship places which are targeted by terrorists."

True words from another poster in another thread. I dont expect to get believers in this matter.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out why there are more Sunni groups and Shiite groups committing acts of terrorism.

See below from Pew Research Center:


"Of the total Muslim population, 10-13% are Shia Muslims and 87-90% are Sunni Muslims. Most Shias (between 68% and 80%) live in just four countries: Iran, Pakistan, India and Iraq."



Wouldn't it seem logical and reasonable that with 87-90% of all Muslims being of the Sunni sect, the vast majority of terrorists incidents would be caused by Sunnis?

True, it is logical.

Didnt check your link though.

Doesnt change that some US and Israeli politicans only whine and obsess about ME/North Africa non-allied countries that is shia-led, and only whine about countries that sponsor shia militants/terrorists/movements/freedom fighters.

Saudi Arabia is the biggest sponsor of terrorism. Its not official because the militants they assist, arm and fund are considered militants but not always considered terrorists. They get a pass for no valid reason.

Saudi Arabias state sponsored branch of Islam is the most extreme in the ME.

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Israel is so outof control. Over 200 nukes in their possession they are running around like bullies. Time for the U. S. to stop sending 2 plus billion per year. They want the U.S. to do their dirty work then when the U.S. won't do it they threaten everyone with irresponsible actions.

wow! the rest of the World has no actual proof that Israel has nukes although it is widely thought they do and along comes losworld and tells us how many they have? You got to stop reading David Icke material mate

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Israelis are fine killing defenseless civilians, they ran from Hezbollah, and would not dare face the Russians, who would surely back Iran.

Israel wiil fiight anybody who attacks. Period.

According to the OP (and numerous historical events), Israel will attack first.

THAT is not defence.

Quote and prove one time that Israel has attacked another country first (never mind "numerous times"). You can't can you.

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Netanyahu has been warning since 1992 that Iran will have the bomb "any moment now".

Imagine Iran had a bomb and nuked Israel. Would you care to explain the subsequent scenario?

I am all for the security and safely of Israel/Jews, but Israeli leaders/majority of voters have lost their way after Rabin. It doesn't know the difference between tactics and strategy. It can't be reasoned with in logical terms. Their problems have to discussed in psychological terms.

Hogwash. Israel won numerous wars against 5 Arab armies. They will do what they need to do to survive. wink.png

Israel has many nukes....If Iran would use a nuke Israel would send 20 nukes back making the country radioactive for the next 20 years. So they wouldn't use it and Iran aren't religious fanatics like Saudi Arabia.

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Israel can take out Iran's entire nuclear program and have the bombers be home before their kids wake up for breakfast

Iran is a small and powerless country against modern war making

Their soldiers can barely fight ISIS

How can they expect to prevail against IAF warplanes they cant see?

Israel also has space based weapons which will hold at bay any other country, including Pakistan, as they also have military agreement with India

Israel is a major military power.

No one else comes close except USA

This sounds like fantasy.

Does Israel really have operable space-based weapons?

Could you post a link?

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Israelis are fine killing defenseless civilians, they ran from Hezbollah, and would not dare face the Russians, who would surely back Iran.

Israel wiil fiight anybody who attacks. Period.

According to the OP (and numerous historical events), Israel will attack first.

THAT is not defence.

Quote and prove one time that Israel has attacked another country first (never mind "numerous times"). You can't can you.

Lebanon 1982.

Israel attacked and invaded southern Lebanon after Abu Nidal, who wasn't even in Lebanon, attempted to assassinate the Israeli ambassador in London. Lebanon and the PLO had nothing to do with the attack on the ambassador. Israel just needed an "internationally recognized provocation" so they could go in and destroy the PLO despite the fact a ceasefire was actually in place between Israel and the PLO and the border was considered relatively peaceful. Sharon wanted the PLO dead and he and many others foolishly chose to remain ignorant of the fact that not all Palestinians were controlled by the PLO.

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On a side note, how is the mullah's awaiting the return of the Mahdi and the associated apocalypse and Christians awaiting the Second Coming and the associated apocalypse any different?

Most Christians do not look forward to the apocalypse. They don't have any control over it. Many Twelvers WANT it to happen and are more than willing to help in order to bring forth their messiah/anti-Christ. .

The apocalyptic catch? The Mahdi is expected to appear when the world is wracked in utter chaos and war. Many Sunnis also believe that the Mahdi will come in such a judgment-day scenario, but believe that he has not been born yet.


The Twelver beliefs have raised concern in conjunction with Iran's steeped interest in furiously pressing its nuclear program, combined with threats against Israel and the West. Critics of the Islamic Republic allege that Ahmadinejad and the supreme leader would even go so far as to hasten a nuclear showdown and cataclysmic strike -- perhaps an attack on Israel and inevitable retaliation -- to hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam.

I think you would agree with me that there is a fairly strong contingent of believers - who do have power - who wish to see the Temple rebuilt primarily for the Second Coming, which they know will include the apocalypse.

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I taught with an Iranian in Bangkok--a huge man. He told me that Iranians don't hate Americans, they hate the American government. His best friend, an Israeli, laughed and said he thought most Americans hated their government too.

A look back at history shows that Iran has every reason to hate the US, the UK and France also, but the US in particular.

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Most Christians do not look forward to the apocalypse.

This is surely going to come as a shock to Islam demonizers, but most Iranians do not look forward to the apocalypse.

Many Twelvers WANT it to happen and are more than willing to help in order to bring forth their messiah/anti-Christ. .

Many Christians WANT it to happen and are more than willing to help in order to bring forth their messiah.

The apocalyptic catch? The Mahdi is expected to appear when the world is wracked in utter chaos and war. Many Sunnis also believe that the Mahdi will come in such a judgment-day scenario, but believe that he has not been born yet.


The Twelver beliefs have raised concern in conjunction with Iran's steeped interest in furiously pressing its nuclear program, combined with threats against Israel and the West. Critics of the Islamic Republic allege that Ahmadinejad and the supreme leader would even go so far as to hasten a nuclear showdown and cataclysmic strike -- perhaps an attack on Israel and inevitable retaliation -- to hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam.


Where did you cut and paste this drivel from? You conveniently have "forgotten" to provide a link.

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Israel should ask Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Jordan to deal with the issue as Iran poses as much of a threat to those countries as it does to Israel.

Maybe the Americans will be surprised when Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Egypt and Jordan

all get the A bomb with some Mid East Country help

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Most Christians do not look forward to the apocalypse.

This is surely going to come as a shock to Islam demonizers, but most Iranians do not look forward to the apocalypse.

Many Twelvers WANT it to happen and are more than willing to help in order to bring forth their messiah/anti-Christ. .

Many Christians WANT it to happen and are more than willing to help in order to bring forth their messiah.

The apocalyptic catch? The Mahdi is expected to appear when the world is wracked in utter chaos and war. Many Sunnis also believe that the Mahdi will come in such a judgment-day scenario, but believe that he has not been born yet.


The Twelver beliefs have raised concern in conjunction with Iran's steeped interest in furiously pressing its nuclear program, combined with threats against Israel and the West. Critics of the Islamic Republic allege that Ahmadinejad and the supreme leader would even go so far as to hasten a nuclear showdown and cataclysmic strike -- perhaps an attack on Israel and inevitable retaliation -- to hasten the arrival of the 12th Imam.


Where did you cut and paste this drivel from? You conveniently have "forgotten" to provide a link.

Yes, more links to credible sources should be provided.

One poster claimed that Israel had space-based weapons.

We're getting into the realm of sci-fi.

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Where did you cut and paste this drivel from? You conveniently have "forgotten" to provide a link.

The link is there

You mean you also copy and pasted that silliness from about.com? I never would have guessed that someone would cite about.com once, let alone twice. giggle.gif

Suddenly wikipedia seems a veritable paragon of authenticity. rolleyes.gif

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Some very good questions from an Israeli government official about the so called deal.

BTW ... don't assume the deal will ever actually happen.


Edited by Jingthing
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OK, I'm pretty sure the topic is about Israeli likelihood of attacking Iran?

If so, there is IMO, the planning today, right now, the way to shut down Iran's nuclear programs and,

With today's news of Irans navy sending helicopter carriers to the Yemen war to fight Egyptian naval blockade and test the Saudi air force, this is shaping up to be the take down of the Iranian regime

Iran is being stretched like a rubber band in Syria Iraq Lebanon and now Yemen

They will be soon unable to defend their own country particularly if Saudi decides to send troops against their capital

All this is being watched in Israel and they are likely just awaiting the word from the Saudi that its time

No one, I repeat no one will be seeking permission from Washington, especially Israel who likely already has the green light from Congress

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Yes the thread is about Israel threatening military action against targets in Iran. But I think the question of WHY is relevant. Why is obviously the government of Israel (and they're not the only ones) see this deal as a way for Iran to continue towards developing a nuclear weapon. Israel can't accept that considering the nature of the Iran regime ... chanting Death to Israel all the time and openly calling for the annihilation of the state of Israel.

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