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Three BMA garbage collectors injured in Bang Na bomb blast


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Seeing as there was no or very little damage to the garbage truck, I have to suspect it was something like a ping-pong ball bomb.

Now how did the fuse ignite?

Bit of a guess, but a prank that went wrong, one guy in the back of the truck for what ever reason, the other did not throw the bomb soon enough, that would explain two of the injuries.

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Whoever is behind this meaningless violence.

Red, yellow or blue, I hope you realize, that hurting innocent people is never the way to go!!

Will sadly only create a even more divided society!!


And to the people placing to bombs, time to realize, that you are only being used as pawns by the paymasters.

YES fyou are fore sure the yelow are behind,

pls take off your red sunglasses !!

Stay off the juice mango.

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When I readsome of the posts on this thread I'm reminded of the film Dr Shivago - which I'm sure many of us have seen.

Anyway, in one scene some people had there village destroyed and many people killed.

Strenlikov, the communist leader, (forgive the spelling) asked a woman "Comrade, was it the reds or the whites that did it". To which she relied something along the lines "Who cares, they have murdered many and destroyed out village".

Sounds strangely the same movie as I recall seeing as a kid. I looked through my movie catalog but could not find it between "She Devil from Hell" and "Showboat Annie".

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It amazes me how quickly people on this forum jump to conclusions. Within the first ten posts blame had already been determined by some. Glad you people are not involved in jury trials. It is no wonder the world is in the state it is when one has to look no further that TV for ignorant fools.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

Why bother, if the RTP found an ID card they would not know what to do with it anyway,

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

Go on then expand my mind who else has been planting bombs in Bangkok in the last few years? If evidence is found that it was not the Red shirts I will be surprised, wont you?

Navy Seals

Army in 2006, at Govt House, or is that too far back for your mind?

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

So it is confirmed beyond doubt then that it is red shirts? Why is it that it only red shirts who are lawbreakers and violent in Thailand? Everyone else is so pure and beyond question.
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When I readsome of the posts on this thread I'm reminded of the film Dr Shivago - which I'm sure many of us have seen.

Anyway, in one scene some people had there village destroyed and many people killed.

Strenlikov, the communist leader, (forgive the spelling) asked a woman "Comrade, was it the reds or the whites that did it". To which she relied something along the lines "Who cares, they have murdered many and destroyed out village".

Some of us even have and/or read the book

Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak


Of course, one needs to use a lot of imagination to compare the Russian Revolution and it's aftermath with what happened in Thailand in March to May 2010.

hasn't opened in Thailand yet, who is starring g in it?
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Well I see that all of you red shirt haters out there are at it again. Have you even given any thought to the idea that this might be muslums from the south doing this or even (God forbid) the military???? No of course you have not, that would be above your educational level of thinking.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

So it is confirmed beyond doubt then that it is red shirts? Why is it that it only red shirts who are lawbreakers and violent in Thailand? Everyone else is so pure and beyond question.

I think there's a comment that whoever wins a war writes the history and so with Thai politics, in recent years at least, that whoever holds power can blame, even demonize, opponents and this will continue until the merry go round stops then starts again with the former opposition in power and off they go on the same tack to even the score.

Before anyone starts I was and am no fan of the Shins, reds, extreme yellows etc and the current junta and how they operate doesn't fill me with enthusiasm either.

Unfortunately in Thai politics and on this forum there are those whose sole attitude is ' if you're not for us you must be against us '.

Those with independent or neutral view and ideas need not apply.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

As per the Bangkok post it was the work of technical students that was picking a fight with another group. Your apology for being an a......e will be accepted.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

lol, only an argumentative cretin could have any doubt who is behind it.

But let the law take it's course and we will see. My money is on the same ones who launched grenades at protestors.

Another narrow minded poster joins the party, by repeating mantra # 7...........

According to you in other posts, the reds have weapon catches enough to start WW III, so why should they start their "revolution" with a firecracker in a garbage bin??

As for your comment:But let the law take it's course You might be aware, that Art 44 leaves the legislative, the executive and the judiciary branches in the hands of one man: Your hero, Mr P !!

Which of course according to you is a guarantee for fairness and transparency.

Others are not so convinced................


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Does this event mean that the last 2 garbage bins that were available in Thailand will also be removed?

You live in the wrong part of Thailand it would seem. Just walking to 7/11 I saw two. Mind you, those modern, near transparent garbage bins the BMA set up two or three years ago start to look a bit decrepit.

would that be the Thailand 7/11 you have to turn left at Bang Kapi? Edited by MiKT
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When I readsome of the posts on this thread I'm reminded of the film Dr Shivago - which I'm sure many of us have seen.

Anyway, in one scene some people had there village destroyed and many people killed.

Strenlikov, the communist leader, (forgive the spelling) asked a woman "Comrade, was it the reds or the whites that did it". To which she relied something along the lines "Who cares, they have murdered many and destroyed out village".

Some of us even have and/or read the book

Doctor Zhivago - Boris Pasternak


Of course, one needs to use a lot of imagination to compare the Russian Revolution and it's aftermath with what happened in Thailand in March to May 2010.

May still be early days.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Red shirts have no chance of winning unless the winner is decided by who has the most votes

And the most votes will be gained by those that pay for them !!

In the west it's called campaign budget.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Red shirts have no chance of winning unless the winner is decided by who has the most votes

And the most votes will be gained by those that pay for them !!

In the west it's called campaign budget.

The campaign budget pays for the advertising and a few bribes. The vote winners are the unaudited populist policies with their false claims of immediate benefit to the gullible. You can spend as much as you want when it's other people's money.

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The red shirts don't think they can win the next election but think they can bomb their way back into power. Don,t think that will work try another plan.

Well done Sir!!

Within half an hour of the incident taking place you have already decided the motive and placed the blame.

Almost faster than the RTP.

As for the elections, why do you think they are put on hold?

Maybe, just maybe because the powers are fully aware of, that free elections will see another red government.

Now we are just waiting for the police to reveal that they have found red shirt memorabilia and ID cards on the crime scene. And one of the ID card names had a FB account with the username B OMB.

Narrow minded people like you are more dangerous than any bombs..............

I see - feel - read some (more or less) hidden, RED "sympathizers" ink in your posting. rolleyes.gif

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BKK Post tells us that 5 teen boys have been arrested for making and dumping the bombs they made in the rubbish bin. They say they made them to use fighting a rival gang but dumped them when they thought they might get caught.

Case closed

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Gangsters, brawling teenagers, well that's two classes of suspects down and more to come so standby next for the usual list of possible motives plus possibly Songkran ' revelry '. After the contradictory statements about Samui i doubt anything's been learned.

Bombers are cowards and vile disgusting things, I say things because they have no feelings and these people are usually psychopaths , look at the vile things that finance bombs that buy oil of ISIS and give them arms the world is full of bombs but no one dares criticize the bomb makers or suppliers or the financiers-- this sorry world state lead by political psychopathic monsters and lobbyists is spreading terror around the globe and now today a warning that little old New Zealand shopping malls may need to screen bags as bombs have gone off in Australia and NZ may not be a safe place any more.

Then whose fault is it if you send troops to fight terrorists and bombs made and paid for by Saudis and the US.

Now these low life's resort to garbage bin bombs in Bangkok I feel sorry for the poor old dustman, they will need to carry explosive detectors now to empty the garbage, no retract that --no need to go to that expense as life is cheap!.

Edited by kiwikeith
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