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Uproar over two farang exposing themselves

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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

Mr Neeranam, aren't you drawing a long bow on Mr Costos's comment? Exactly why is it wrong to walk around in the suit that God made for you? Are you suggesting that God, in his infinite wisdom, created a body in his own image, and then is happy that wowsers like yourself are horrified by looking at it?

Thai culture is wonderful for Thais, the only problem is that nowadays the bastions of truth and modesty say one thing and do another....true hypocrisy wouldn't you say?

It would appear that Mr Costas, judging by his many posts loves this country, so much so that he's prepared to be lambasted by by some shallow thinking OP's in order for general tone of Thai culture may be improved! wink.pngwai.gif

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Exactly why is it wrong to walk around in the suit that God made for you? Are you suggesting that God, in his infinite wisdom, created a body in his own image, and then is happy that wowsers like yourself are horrified by looking at it?

there is nothing right and wrong for everybody. Some people in this country think that idea of Christian God is a human creature. Many have their own Gods. So why do you believe that your God is holier than others?!

nowadays the bastions of truth and modesty say one thing and do another.

it was always like that. "nothing is new under the sun"

and many nations still managed to preserve their own cultures which are significantly different from yours.

Edited by Jeffreyake
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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

Mr Neeranam, aren't you drawing a long bow on Mr Costos's comment? Exactly why is it wrong to walk around in the suit that God made for you? Are you suggesting that God, in his infinite wisdom, created a body in his own image, and then is happy that wowsers like yourself are horrified by looking at it?

Thai culture is wonderful for Thais, the only problem is that nowadays the bastions of truth and modesty say one thing and do another....true hypocrisy wouldn't you say?

It would appear that Mr Costas, judging by his many posts loves this country, so much so that he's prepared to be lambasted by by some shallow thinking OP's in order for general tone of Thai culture may be improved! wink.pngwai.gif

God created these bodies in his own image?

Is your God that ugly?

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you have to wonder whether thai's are aware that their country is one of, if not the, most famous destination for sex tourists from around the world wanting to partake in prostitution.

or maybe that's ok, while some foreigners showing a bit of flesh is a most heinous crime.

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Ok a bit out of order, but tourists, drunk, in a tourist area in the middle of Songkran (which is party time to most Westerner's AND Thai's......meanwhile, around the corner Pon is naked and showing all and offering all, to all and sundry!

Nice girl.Pon.How do you know her?

Is it the same Pon with the nice titties ? I used to call Nice Set Up on Pon.

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Pon (whoever she is) is probably not a Farang, and she can publish herself in Thailand Iif she wants to.

These naked Farangs should be published in Farang TV, with all personal data. They're obviously happy without privacy.

Edited by micmichd
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The Ministry of Hypocrisy out in full force again!!

In a country where it sometimes is more difficult to buy a pack of fags, than it is to rent a hooker................

Perhaps you should have said "....more difficult to buy liquor at 7-11 than...........?

There are plenty of packs of fags in Thailand, many in Pattaya.

1. An extremely annoying, inconsiderate person most commonly associated with Harley riders.

2. A person who owns or frequently rides a Harley.

" Look at that fag riding that Harley."

"Why are these fags always so loud."

urban dictionary


It has also been documented on South Park.


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Such a shame that the beauty of a Woman's Breasts are so exploited as to be considered something Immoral !

By making a Big Deal out of the few Exhibitionists , who always Love to expose themselves , like the Ritual called Streaking during Sports Events or Public gatherings , to the Show me your Breasts not sure if T**s would be ok here , in NEW ORLEANS Mardi Gras to RIO de Janeiro's Carnivale bare butts & breasts Dancers ! We live in such a hypocritical world ! , Our Creator did not send us into this world wearing anything but our Birthday Suits , but as some of our Populace aged , someone decided that The Creator's Creations of Human beings , needed to be covered up to Protect us from its Beauty or Ugliness ! When the only things clothing had really been created for , was protection against the elements of Mother Nature !

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Such a shame that the beauty of a Woman's Breasts are so exploited as to be considered something Immoral !

By making a Big Deal out of the few Exhibitionists , who always Love to expose themselves , like the Ritual called Streaking during Sports Events or Public gatherings , to the Show me your Breasts not sure if T**s would be ok here , in NEW ORLEANS Mardi Gras to RIO de Janeiro's Carnivale bare butts & breasts Dancers ! We live in such a hypocritical world ! , Our Creator did not send us into this world wearing anything but our Birthday Suits , but as some of our Populace aged , someone decided that The Creator's Creations of Human beings , needed to be covered up to Protect us from its Beauty or Ugliness ! When the only things clothing had really been created for , was protection against the elements of Mother Nature !

nudist detected

could you please tell me

1) how do you know that your "Creator" exists? or it's just your belief? and you think other people should believe it just because you say so?!

2) if he exists, how do you know what were his intentions, when he created human? As I remember, there were some bad references about nudity in the Holy Bible...

3) If somewhere in the world nudity is tolerated, it's not a reason to accept it here. Many people nowadays believe that cannibalism is acceptable, so what?

5) "When the only things clothing had really been created for , was protection against the elements of Mother Nature !" Escherichia coli, for example, is an element of Mother Nature also, but I still wash my hands after toilet to protect myself from it.

Why don't you shit on the street when you feel the urge? why not, this is mother nature's call!

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What hภappened to 4}?

Lol Jeffrey is plainly trying to appear logical and reasonable but I must take exception to his claim that nowadays many people support cannibalism. Surely it was more popular in the past and has suffered hugely from the rise of markets, supermarkets and nowadays the ubiquitous 7-11.
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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Not just hypocrisy, Costas but also, and sadly, xenophobia and sheer racism.

Racism against farangs is rising in this country, there's no way to deny it, and just like in any other country around the world, it is in direct proportion with the growing frustration, sense of helplessness and anger which can be observed among the 'have-nots' in this country on a daily basis.

Interestingly the Thai 'haves' are also more and more openly anti-Western, but for them it's more of a trend. Yep, we Westerners, are now a dusty, outfashioned, outdated item in the eyes of Thailand's 'Hiso VIPs', let's face it. Unless, of course, we are very rich or very famous. And before anyone asks, no, very intelligent and/or very educated does not count.

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I'm Farang, and I can understand what comes to Thais' minds when they see people like that.

Those pig-skinned creatures, they look like swine, smell like swine, behave like swine, and now they dress like swine.

Intoxication or heat is not an excuse for eeverything. Thais occasionally get drunk, too, and they are also exposed to the heat. But they don't run around naked.

Edited by micmichd
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An advice to the Thais commenting on Facebook.

You should be more concerned and examine your culture and habits before being so upset about 2 naked people.

Look into the domestic violence, rape of minors, abandonment of children and families and other wrongdoings, happening daily in your country and then start worrying about this.

Hypocrisy, comes to my mind.

Do you think just because they comment on the wrong of this that they don't care about the things you mentioned?

Rather hypocritical a foreigner coming to live in Thailand, probably with no aspiration to get citizenship or even permanent residency, and tell the Thais what and what not to do.

500 killed in traffic during Songkran. No one gives a sh1t

Hundreds of women beaten up every day by drunk/drugged men. No one gives a sh1t

Children are sold into prostitution every day. No one gives a sh1t

Most corrupt police force in the world. No one gives a sh1t

As for your comment about residency and citizenship just shows how little you know about Thailand.

On your yearly 3 week holiday?

What do you mean no one give a shit??? The 8 rules of no drinking, inappropriate dressings during Songkran says that they give a shit. News reporting death etc. means that they give a shit.

You are ignorant.

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3) you mean how Thais can benefit from treating guests the way they should be treated. Sure Thais built there state for themselves, but the tourist areas and hotels are built and exist predominantly for foreign guests.

but it's none of your business for what reason hotels were built. Thais built them for their own reason. And what you or any other foreigner think of it - Thais don't care.

So how would you suggest you improve all the examples I gave ? Or don't you believe there needs to be any improvement and things are fine just the way they are ?

Yes, Thailand, as any other country, needs permanent improvement. But Thais can do this without advices from know-it-all sexpats.

Can you accept that?!

I think these two measures can improve the life in Thailand a bit:

1) Get rid of all sex-craving STD-infecting sex tourists. Make Thailand a family-oriented resort.

2) Introduce a lifetime ban (with all biometric data in the database) for entrance to Thailand if the person were caught:

-disrespecting Thai state, culture, nation or monarchy

-offending public moral

-drunk in a public area

-paying for sex

and don't say that Thais are earning money on prostitution, drugs and alcohol. If demand will drop - supply will follow.

All I am asking for is to leave foreign sugar daddies alone with there filth

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