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Clinton faces promise, risk of being seen as 3rd Obama term


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Demi policies of the last 6 years under Obama and likely to continue under an HRC administration. Yes, it is about the economy, stupid.

US work participation at a 36 year low. 92 million dropped out of the work force. Some will vote.

Median household income down 7.3%. Some will vote.

Obamacare - 42% favor. 52% oppose. Some will vote.

Immigration - 39% say immigration is going in the right direction. 60% say going in the wrong direction. Some will vote.

In 2012 Released illegal immigrants charged with 16,226 violent crimes. Some victims will vote.

Just a smidgeon of domestic issues, etc, etc, etc.... I wouldn't bet the farm on a Hillary Slam Dunk.

I wouldn't bet the farm on a Hillary Slam Dunk.

HRC is not as tall as Barack so he's the slam dunk guy on the team and he led the league in scoring in 2008 and again in 2012 while in both years Hillary led the leagues in assists.

The money is decidedly on Hillary to be best all around scorer next year and MVP besides. Barack is retiring after next season so he'll definitely be providing the assists for Hillary as she will go on to lead the team for the next several years. It only goes to prove the league has plenty of room for players who are both small and white.

The Rs meanwhile continue to play in the bush leagues where they are notorious chokers and big time fukc ups.

The Rs also have to pray harder and harder each season cause nobody wants their dustbowl of a farm that has been ravaged by political climate change. The down and out Rs are looking at yet more drought next year. They say however war is good for business so that again is their only and big plan.

Hillary is at 13/10 in the shade while the Bush Leaguers are 4/1 still laboring under a hot sun. It's even worse for Walker, Rubio, Paul, Christie in that order, all of whose wells are dust dry empty.

The Rs are only now beginning to realize HRC crossed over from the womens league some considerable time ago.


"It only goes to prove the league has plenty of room for players who are both small and white."

Forget something or was the omission intentional in your attempt to analogize politics and competitive sports and climate change? I will agree that Hillary "crossed over" some "considerable time ago". The issue I have is where did she cross over to?

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Not likely to be anything like an Obama admin. But how many Americans would want a Cruz or Paul 1st term and more to the point , a complete Republican control of all gov? Lunatics really would be in control of the mad house!

So, like when the Dems controlled all 3 in Obama's first term. That didn't work out too well, did it w00t.gif .

At least, if the GOP controlled all three, they might bring out a budget.

Absolutely correct. The Democrats seem to have no concern at all about the deficit. All they want to do is keep spending so they can keep getting elected.

It's funny how republican voters have such tunnel vision.

HR1105 adds 270 billion to the deficit over 10 years and gives tax breaks to the top 0.2%.

Yet I don't hear you bleating about that.

And it's laughingly called "Small Business Capital Access and Job Preservation Act".

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Demi policies of the last 6 years under Obama and likely to continue under an HRC administration. Yes, it is about the economy, stupid.

US work participation at a 36 year low. 92 million dropped out of the work force. Some will vote.

Median household income down 7.3%. Some will vote.

Obamacare - 42% favor. 52% oppose. Some will vote.

Immigration - 39% say immigration is going in the right direction. 60% say going in the wrong direction. Some will vote.

In 2012 Released illegal immigrants charged with 16,226 violent crimes. Some victims will vote.

Just a smidgeon of domestic issues, etc, etc, etc.... I wouldn't bet the farm on a Hillary Slam Dunk.

I wouldn't bet the farm on a Hillary Slam Dunk.

HRC is not as tall as Barack so he's the slam dunk guy on the team and he led the league in scoring in 2008 and again in 2012 while in both years Hillary led the leagues in assists.

The money is decidedly on Hillary to be best all around scorer next year and MVP besides. Barack is retiring after next season so he'll definitely be providing the assists for Hillary as she will go on to lead the team for the next several years. It only goes to prove the league has plenty of room for players who are both small and white.

The Rs meanwhile continue to play in the bush leagues where they are notorious chokers and big time fukc ups.

The Rs also have to pray harder and harder each season cause nobody wants their dustbowl of a farm that has been ravaged by political climate change. The down and out Rs are looking at yet more drought next year. They say however war is good for business so that again is their only and big plan.

Hillary is at 13/10 in the shade while the Bush Leaguers are 4/1 still laboring under a hot sun. It's even worse for Walker, Rubio, Paul, Christie in that order, all of whose wells are dust dry empty.

The Rs are only now beginning to realize HRC crossed over from the womens league some considerable time ago.


"It only goes to prove the league has plenty of room for players who are both small and white."

Forget something or was the omission intentional in your attempt to analogize politics and competitive sports and climate change? I will agree that Hillary "crossed over" some "considerable time ago". The issue I have is where did she cross over to?

The Bigs and it's the point of my posts that Republicans and their masters on the far right missed it entirely and completely and that the reactionary forces of the right continue to have no clue of the Clintons' strength, appeal, survivability, sustainability with the majority of the electorate.

It's youse guyz who were for instance chirping that the Congress wuz going to indict HRC for Ben Gazzhi or whoever when only the Executive Branch of government can indict. Then youse guyz lost your buzz about emails but while the Republican circus parade has long since passed the clowns who first fell flat way back when on Whitewater are still honking.

The vast majority have dismissed you.

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The GOP agenda quite simply is supporting:

The super rich's quest of more greed (more money, more power)




They want to cut social security, obamacare, medicare, medicaid, food stamps, pell grants and taxes on the rich. Let the poor and middle class pay a higher tax instead as their god given fair tax to serve the rich. Who cares if the poor, the middle class, the upper middle class starve?

If there is anyone with a brain, who can think for themselves and if they don't have half a million dollars in the bank, it's obvious who you should be voting for, but still 62 million people still voted for the other side last time around.. I digress.. sometimes you can't teach people not to be stupid..

Given by all the lardasses waddling around in the US, I doubt anyone is starving there.

While I agree that the top 1% are dispicable exploiters of the lower classes, who is going to pay for all the freebies that the Dems are using to bribe the "gimmee" people? How many trillion in debt already, and rising?

BTW, you do realise that HRC is a 1%, don't you? That'll be hard to sell once she has to participate in the debates.

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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People vote with their pocketbooks.

She needs to convince us we get 8 more years of this:

You should have extended the chart back to Bush's final year of 2008 with the horrendous stock market crash caused by GOP financial mismanagement. The Republicans were all for banks and businesses going bust,(along with your life savings and investments) to absorb all the toxic debt generating by cavalier control of mortgages and derivatives


The market only recovered when Obama took office.

I don't like aspects of Hillary's foreign policy, but on the economy she could do worse than follow Obama with a slow easing back on debt.

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Hillary Clinton emerges as the closest thing to a front-runner

Hillary can run? Her thighs would explode taking out half of DC.

That grouchy old, old woman will be 104 years old before the election. Her time would have passed if she'd had a time but Obama proved she's just another wannabe.

I do like her track record. She's a loser. It's Kansas all over again. The Tin Man wants a heart, the Scarecrow wants a brain, and Hillary wants both.

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All this dirty stuff will have nothing to do with the actual election.

Remember the early dirt in the Obama campaign?

It all gets digested in the final stretches when American elections turn into big money SPORTING events.

Don't bet against Hillary.

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I wouldn't bet the farm on a Hillary Slam Dunk.

HRC is not as tall as Barack so he's the slam dunk guy on the team and he led the league in scoring in 2008 and again in 2012 while in both years Hillary led the leagues in assists.

The money is decidedly on Hillary to be best all around scorer next year and MVP besides. Barack is retiring after next season so he'll definitely be providing the assists for Hillary as she will go on to lead the team for the next several years. It only goes to prove the league has plenty of room for players who are both small and white.

The Rs meanwhile continue to play in the bush leagues where they are notorious chokers and big time fukc ups.

The Rs also have to pray harder and harder each season cause nobody wants their dustbowl of a farm that has been ravaged by political climate change. The down and out Rs are looking at yet more drought next year. They say however war is good for business so that again is their only and big plan.

Hillary is at 13/10 in the shade while the Bush Leaguers are 4/1 still laboring under a hot sun. It's even worse for Walker, Rubio, Paul, Christie in that order, all of whose wells are dust dry empty.

The Rs are only now beginning to realize HRC crossed over from the womens league some considerable time ago.


"It only goes to prove the league has plenty of room for players who are both small and white."

Forget something or was the omission intentional in your attempt to analogize politics and competitive sports and climate change? I will agree that Hillary "crossed over" some "considerable time ago". The issue I have is where did she cross over to?

The Bigs and it's the point of my posts that Republicans and their masters on the far right missed it entirely and completely and that the reactionary forces of the right continue to have no clue of the Clintons' strength, appeal, survivability, sustainability with the majority of the electorate.

It's youse guyz who were for instance chirping that the Congress wuz going to indict HRC for Ben Gazzhi or whoever when only the Executive Branch of government can indict. Then youse guyz lost your buzz about emails but while the Republican circus parade has long since passed the clowns who first fell flat way back when on Whitewater are still honking.

The vast majority have dismissed you.

I was alluding to her gender (hint: "both small and white"). Judging from your reply's writing style and statements, you should get back to posting only after you've sobered up.

Desperate people say desperate things. They will try anything to beat off what is too hard for them to swallow. They can't deal with the normal intercourse of the threads.

The post is further evidence of the reality that some people lead with the mouth and not the brain and that no one ever really knows which aperture they will speak out of.

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Hillary Clinton emerges as the closest thing to a front-runner

Hillary can run? Her thighs would explode taking out half of DC.

That grouchy old, old woman will be 104 years old before the election. Her time would have passed if she'd had a time but Obama proved she's just another wannabe.

I do like her track record. She's a loser. It's Kansas all over again. The Tin Man wants a heart, the Scarecrow wants a brain, and Hillary wants both.

Forgot wrinkles laugh.png

One can see who's losing around here.

They have no issues. wink.png

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The mainstream media will start covering for her and spinning elaborate lies to confuse voters into voting for another leftie. That is how Obama got elected twice.

Hillary isn't exactly a leftist but you're correct the mainstream media other than fox will be on her side against any republican.

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Obama has made great strides in America's recover from the damage done to Americans and America's reputation around the globe by the Cheney administration.

Unfortunately, eight years is not enough to recover fully from all the damage Dick and George caused.

Think of what he may have accomplished if he didn't spend most of his time trying to cleaning up the mess GW made of foreign affairs and the U.S. economy!

If Obama could run for a third term, he would get my vote.

If Clinton's administration is an extension of Obama's, it would be a good thing.

and seriously, what has the GOP got to offer?

More hate and greed?

I agree. The Bush/Cheney calamity is taking a decade to reverse.

Imagine how well off we would be if Obama didn't have to spend his presidency digging the US out of that 10 trillion dollar hole?

Clinton even left Bush with a budget surplus.

How nice would it have been if we skipped Bush's term and went straight from Clinton to Obama.

According to Forbes (conservative magazine) Obama has had the greatest economic success of all Presidents and Clinton is placed 2nd. on that list.

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According to Forbes (conservative magazine) Obama has had the greatest economic success of all Presidents and Clinton is placed 2nd. on that list.

That is a LIE and you have been informed of it many times. You are citing ONE article by ONE liberal contributor. The article included a disclaimer that mentioned it was only the opinion of that particular writer and not supported by Forbes Magazine.


Forbes Magazine isn't printing 'made up stuff.'

The numbers are there for all to see.

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Economists at Princeton University, studied the last 16 presidential terms—from Harry Truman’s second to Mr Obama’s first—to find out why the economy has grown faster under Democrats.

Since 1961 the Republicans have held the White House 28 years, the Democrats 24,” said Bill Clinton in 2012. “In those 52 years, our private economy has produced 66m private-sector jobs. So what’s the jobs score? Republicans 24million, Democrats 47million.

Since the second world war the economy has done better under Democratic presidents, who have overseen more job creation and higher stockmarket returns than Republican leaders.

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According to Forbes (conservative magazine) Obama has had the greatest economic success of all Presidents and Clinton is placed 2nd. on that list.

That is a LIE and you have been informed of it many times. You are citing ONE article by ONE liberal contributor. The article included a disclaimer that mentioned it was only the opinion of that particular writer and not supported by Forbes Magazine.


Forbes Magazine isn't printing 'made up stuff.'

The numbers are there for all to see.

Here are some of the numbers for all to see..



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Conservatives are not big on reality so while the charts and the info are valid to the vast majority of Americans, the right remains on the fringes of society, culture, politics, reality.

The Forbes article for instance is an accurate article no matter how the publication of it in the magazine is interpreted by conservatives and spun by the extreme right. They can't address the issues of Prez Obama and the prospect of a Madam President, so they try to quibble over concocted issues such as who the article speaks for. The point they don't like is the Forbes article speaks facts, reality.

The right is now busily denying that the money is big time on HRC to be elected president next year. They just don't like facts or reality.

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HRC has recently pointed out several things about the post-GW Bush economy, among which are...

"There is a “youth unemployment crisis” created by the weak economy they inherited, and stressed the need for more opportunities such as paid job training. She decried—to applause from the audience—businesses that have “taken advantage” of young people with unpaid internships.”


The University of Michigan's survey of consumers this month showed that consumer optimism was at the second highest level since 2007. "She [hrC] said people are coming around, understanding that what President Obama has done is good. A lot of what he has done is worthwhile," state Rep. Geoffrey Hirsch of Bradford [NH] told CNN after an hour-long meeting with Clinton.


Even More American Jobs Created, Republicans Crap All Over It

American businesses as a whole haven’t lost jobs in 54 months. Last quarter’s GDP was four percent. So think about that for a minute.


September 5, 2014


The author of the quoted opinion article seems to think the long established fact of a "shadow" unemployment rate is instead a news bulletin that he has taken it upon himself to deliver with a painstaking urgency. The writer fools only himself.....well, and a few other confused souls besides.

Edited by Publicus
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Anyone could fake a good economy by running deficits and trying to spend out of it. Under Obama the US debt will have doubled, adding more debt to the US than all of the other presidents combined for well over 200 years.

The US national debt was about 10 tril when Obama took office and today it is over 18 tril. The guy still has about 20 more months to conduct his train wreck.

Let's get real here.

Bush and previous administrations own about 16 trillion of the debt.

Bush left 10 trillion debt + interest + 2 wars + a jobs/housing/financial crisis.

Let's allocate about 10% of the debt to Obama to be fair.

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Clinton will have a hard time turning around this trend in the labor market, especially when one considers the proposed illegal immigrant pathway to citizenship proposed by her predecessor.


Report: All Net Jobs Growth Since 2007 Has Gone to Immigrants

by RYAN LOVELACE December 19, 2014 11:15 AM

All of the net gains in in jobs since 2007 have gone to immigrants both legal and illegal according to a new report from the Center for Immigration Studies, meaning that fewer native-born Americans are working today than were at the end of 2007.

From November 2007 through November 2014, the number of employed native-born Americans has decreased more than 1.45 million, while the number of employed immigrants has risen by more than 2 million (as the immigrant population grew rapidly, too), according to data compiled by the Department of Labors Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Native employment has still not returned to pre-recession levels, while immigrant employment already exceeds pre-recession levels, the report says. Furthermore, even with recent job growth, the number of natives not in the labor force (neither working nor looking for work) continues to increase. Native-born Americans accounted for nearly 70 percent of the growth in the population aged 16 and older, the report notes, and yet fewer of them are working now than were in 2007.

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/395057/report-all-net-jobs-growth-2007-has-gone-immigrants-ryan-lovelace

Crazy stuff.

"All the new jobs created since 2009 have gone to legal and illegal immigrants."

Obama, the illegal alien, closet Muslim, America hater gave away all those jobs that should have gone to Americsns.

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Anyone could fake a good economy by running deficits and trying to spend out of it. Under Obama the US debt will have doubled, adding more debt to the US than all of the other presidents combined for well over 200 years.

The US national debt was about 10 tril when Obama took office and today it is over 18 tril. The guy still has about 20 more months to conduct his train wreck.

Let's get real here.

Bush and previous administrations own about 16 trillion of the debt.

Bush left 10 trillion debt + interest + 2 wars + a jobs/housing/financial crisis.

Let's allocate about 10% of the debt to Obama to be fair.

I believe figures for Obama Administration are as of 12/2014.

Barack Obama: Added $6.167 trillion, a 53% increase to the $11.657 trillion debt level attributable to President Bush at the end of his last budget, FY 2009.

George W. Bush: Added $5.849 trillion, a 101% increase to the $5.8 trillion debt level at the end of Clinton's last budget, FY 2001.


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There isn't even one republican in the running for president that I would prefer over Hillary ... and that's probably 40 percent of the public like that ... so if you think Hillary is gonna be a cake walk to beat, better wake up.

Edited by Jingthing
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