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Thailand is among countries with world's most beautiful girls


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"For Ukraine, he wrote Ukraine is well known for women beauty, striking, stunning and ever smiling fairy angels make this place heaven for men, one of the best in business."



Dude, seriously....Russia, Poland, Ukraine. 80% of women are stop in your tracks beautiful. and ps - I'll bet this photo resembles you in some way or another :)

Edited by No Apologist
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I remember when I moved here from Brazil thinking that I saw more beautiful faces on one block of Bangla road than I did in the whole six months in Brazil. But then I have a thing for Asian faces and like small ladies. Although I can appreciate the long legs also! My last Brazilian girlfriend in Miami was genetically Japanese. And I must disagree with one poster that said Thai ladies go down hill after 30....one thing I had to get used to here was how much older girls are than they look.

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I remember when I moved here from Brazil thinking that I saw more beautiful faces on one block of Bangla road than I did in the whole six months in Brazil. But then I have a thing for Asian faces and like small ladies. Although I can appreciate the long legs also! My last Brazilian girlfriend in Miami was genetically Japanese. And I must disagree with one poster that said Thai ladies go down hill after 30....one thing I had to get used to here was how much older girls are than they look.

I think that the first 6 months anywhere....and then I start missing whatever place I was in before that way, it's like a cruel trick of the mind.

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I thought Scotland would of been up there too...

Google ''Mary Doll''

Yeah, a lot of Scots look like girls, well maybe not as feminine as girls, but still feminine, in their "Scottish Skirts" as Mrs Possum calls them.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I remember when I moved here from Brazil thinking that I saw more beautiful faces on one block of Bangla road than I did in the whole six months in Brazil. But then I have a thing for Asian faces and like small ladies. Although I can appreciate the long legs also! My last Brazilian girlfriend in Miami was genetically Japanese. And I must disagree with one poster that said Thai ladies go down hill after 30....one thing I had to get used to here was how much older girls are than they look.

I think that the first 6 months anywhere....and then I start missing whatever place I was in before that way, it's like a cruel trick of the mind.

I sometimes miss Brazil and Miami also for many reasons but not for the women. I'll take Thailand for that.

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"For Ukraine, he wrote Ukraine is well known for women beauty, striking, stunning and ever smiling fairy angels make this place heaven for men, one of the best in business."



I used to think the same about Thai women until I woke up and noticed that there are more ugly ones than beautiful ones. It's only when one really pulls his head out of his a-rse and stops looking only at the beautiful ones that you also start to see the ugly ones. I didn't even see any ugly ones for the first few years. I thought all Thai women were gorgeous. Slowly that changed and now I am lucky to see a beautiful one only a few times a day. Beauty is skin deep and for the shallow minded. Before all you 'wise guys' start posting your defensive replies my wife is a good looker but after you've seen her daily for the last 4 years this also starts to wear off.

Who's that horse on the pic?

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“We agree that every women is beautiful regardless of country she lives in”.

I despise mediocre thinking like that. It's just a lowest common denominator crowd-pleasing inanity that doesn't even make sense once a single brain cell is applied.

It's simply not possible for everyone to be beautiful, even if we were all to agree on what makes someone attractive. Even if beauty was not in the eye of the beholder, if beauty was not subjective, there can be no concept of beauty without a corresponding concept of ugliness.

People who say such things are dishonest.

Of course, being beautiful can be due to more than just physical appearance, but the above logic still applies.

What's far more interesting to me is how certain countries produce so many ugly women, yet where the women from those countries are attractive they tend to be really hot indeed. This is just my own opinion of course, but for example, arabic or indian women generally aren't very attractive yet when they are they really are.

So yeah, sorry ladies but some of you are indeed blummin' ugly.

I have a philosophy - - "All women - much like whisky - are beautiful, some more than others!"

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Strangely enough I was reading an article about this a couple of days ago, it was different to this though! Sweden for example, was not even on the list! Brazil was rightfully first but then it went weird and put Russia second.. Enjoy! http://viralshares.info/10-countries-with-the-most-beautiful-women-in-the-world/

Brazil is an interesting mix. It is mostly a blend of African, Portuguese and South American native Indian.... Mulatto's. But Brazil also has the largest Japanese population outside of Japan living in the Sao Paulo area having migrating there in the 30's. I spent a month once in an area of Brazil with lots of blue eyed blonds of German decent. But there are beautiful women everywhere in the world....especially where the money is!

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It does seem, as I venture further and further from Walmart, in Upstate New York, that the girls are indeed more exotic, and angelic. You see, this one has boobs on the back....or be they angel wings?



To be honest think about boobs on the back.

Great fun to dance with ?

Great fun fun for Doggie style?

You make up the rest.

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It does seem, as I venture further and further from Walmart, in Upstate New York, that the girls are indeed more exotic, and angelic. You see, this one has boobs on the back....or be they angel wings?



To be honest think about boobs on the back.

Great fun to dance with ?

Great fun fun for Doggie style?

You make up the rest.

Hear hear....how would two sets affect a dogie style? Sorry, had to throw up all over my keyboard. Help, what a mess....

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There is no doubt that Thailand has a disproportional number of beautiful girls and women , I am married to a beautiful Thai woman .

It is no surprise that Thailand is considered No.1 holiday destination , to get to know these beautiful girls even better .

Prague and Kiev are similarly blessed for tourism . Beauties from Ukraine are noted travellers and may be found in many cities across Europe .

For an older man living in rural Thailand it is a great pleasure to see so many pretty girls .

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OK...now this is worth debating.

Yes some of the girls could be described as beautiful relative to their facial features being very appealing and very feminine looking...and exotic looking.. with the coffee color skin while many have those their full pouty lips while having great smiles and most have nice teeth.

Most have a roundish face rather than a elongated face or pointed chins while many have small but often cute noses that suits their face ( they seldom think so ) ....but usually..... it is the shape of their nose that more or less makes or breaks their face ...so to speak.

Most of them have bright curious eyes that range from brown to dark while many of them have somewhat larger eyes and not so oriental looking or having squinty eyes or you could say Chinese looking eyes and that is one of the factors that can and does often make them closer to beautiful if combined with a somewhat more aquiline shaped nose

The word beautiful is way over used to descried Thai women for way too long.

When people ask me about Thailand and some people say: I understand the girls / women in Thailand are beautiful....I will answer by explaining that the girls in Thailand, overall, are attractive and very feminine looking...but..... there are plenty of Thai girls and or Women that would not be described as attractive...although they still look very feminine and of course sexually attractive to men...as well known and agreed upon by most men that enjoy their feminine charms.

Face wise their are many who are more than appealing in regards to the whole package.... so to speak ...but you have to be attracted to the Asian look and if you are not attract to the "Asian female look"... then you may think very few of them are attractive in the way that everyone seemingly goes on and on about using the word: beautiful, so loosely and so often...as compared to what ever ethnic group of women you personally are attracted to.

The words cute, super cute, pretty or super pretty, attractive, very attractive would be better suited to describe Thai women over all...while many guys would use the word "Hot Looking" or "she is a babe"..... to describe the best looking ones.

I like their looks...but the word Beautiful to describe their looks, as compared to some ethnic groups of women, is far too generous with the exception of a small percent of Thai women or girls that we would all agree the word "Beautiful " could be used to describe her features and her over ll good looks.

Those are my observations after coming her first in 1979 and living here for 26 years now.


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I met these girls last night, in Thailand, not Touristland.......find one like this in Euro, America or OZ!

Guess I have been here too long..farang women all look like monsters to me now...too tall, too fat, big pointed noses and they act like men!

No Thank you..

I am very happy with THai women!


Edited by willyumiii
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