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Do you eat pork?


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Is this how your pork is prepared? I hope not. This video is from a slaughter house somewhere in Thailand.

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If you watched any meat processing,you would end up a Vegan,

just think of it on supermarket shelves all nicely packaged and

try and forget how it go there,as Pork tastes so nice.

regards Worgeordie

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I added the warning to the OP.

Yes I watched the video, yes I will still enjoy my chops and sausages.

Sadly animals have to die to provide meat, and the piggie shown did bleed out pretty rapidly.

As to Thailand? I can't hear enough audio over the noise of the pigs.

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I eat meat.


If I had to kill the meat I ate, I would stick with fish and seafood.

Yes I'm aware that's an ethically weak position to be in but I think it's the same with most modern people.

Another oxymoron

Jingthing and modern.

Got me there.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

That is Halal method

Halal pork??

I actually laughed out loud, perhaps for the first time in 2015. Thank you.

Halal method..comment of the year so far, i think.cheesy.gif

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I think children from the age of 12 /13 should be forced to go watch a slaughterhouse.

It will traumatise them for life and turn them into vegetarians.

The holocaust of the meat industry ( and fish industry) makes hitler look like a new born baby.

Meat is MURDER.

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I think children from the age of 12 /13 should be forced to go watch a slaughterhouse.

It will traumatise them for life and turn them into vegetarians.

The holocaust of the meat industry ( and fish industry) makes hitler look like a new born baby.

Meat is MURDER.

Let's leave Hitler out of this, shall we? facepalm.gif

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I eat meat.


If I had to kill the meat I ate, I would stick with fish and seafood.

Yes I'm aware that's an ethically weak position to be in but I think it's the same with most modern people.

Yes, watching lions and other predators kill their prey is pretty ugly too, but I don't think a campaign to turn predator carnivores into vegans would gain much traction.

While I was in Africa I went completely off beef and pork after watching an animal walked onto the station, killed, skinned and chopped up with primitive axes, in no small part because the process also revealed a whole lot of parasitical things wriggling about in the organs of the recently dispatched animal. Watching dung encrusted, flea infested chickens walking about everywhere wasn't that thrilling either or trying to get the poop scraped & soaked off of eggs.

One becomes inured and learns to dissociate all that from the shrink-wrapped packets of meat in the super market.

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I eat meat.


If I had to kill the meat I ate, I would stick with fish and seafood.

Yes I'm aware that's an ethically weak position to be in but I think it's the same with most modern people.

We are all two- or even three faced at times it seems.

Our moral dilemmas are great Marketing tools for the elites

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I remember an interview with Ted Nugent in Playboy magazine (and i did buy it for the pictures too) in the seventies and he made a comment about the the only people who should eat meat should be the people who have the balls to kill it and butcher it themselves. Agree with the sentiment - and i have assisted in killing animals and the butchering process for meat when i was young growing up on a farm but it also made me a vegetarian for about twenty years too. The kill is easy (or at least bearable depending on the methodology and circumstances) - the butchering is the hard part and i still vomit every time i smell blood and the intestines. Every meat eater should spend an hour on an chain or the killing floor in an abattoir before they decide if they will still eat meat.

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That is Halal method

Halal pork??

But is it kosher?

Isnt that the Jewish dilemma?

Pork chops at half price at the butchers!

Don't know where you are from but the Jews I know that eat pork (lots of them) eat it because it tastes bloody good!

In Thailand, it's so much better tasting than the beef, which is generally so awful (offal?) here.

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