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Court sentences ousted Egypt president to 20 years in prison


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Court sentences ousted Egypt president to 20 years in prison

CAIRO (AP) — An Egyptian criminal court has sentenced ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi to 20 years in prison over the killing of protesters in 2012, the first verdict to be issued against the country's first elected leader.

The Cairo Criminal Court issued the verdict Tuesday as Morsi and other defendants in the case stood in a soundproof glass cage inside a makeshift courtroom at Egypt's national police academy.

The case stems from violence outside the presidential palace in December 2012. Morsi's supporters attacked opposition protesters, sparking clashes that killed at least 10 people.

Morsi faces several other trials along with thousands of Muslim Brotherhood members following the military overthrowing him in 2013. He has been held at a high-security prison near the Mediterranean city of Alexandria.

-- (c) Associated Press 2015-04-21

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Steal his remaining youth without making him a martyr. Hrm, yet in these countries that still motivates others to acts of aggression to levy a release (like the blind sheikh that Obama wanted released for Morisi). Posterity can only speculate but IMO al Sisi saved countless lives and years of terror by acting swiftly against these pretenders (as previous Egyptian leaders had earlier). Throughout the world Morisi's behavior is the modus operandi of Muslim Brotherhood members bent on Civilization Jihad, consuming "the wretched house" of the Western world from within, pretending to be this, not that, until in a position to consume the host. He should have been executed. When denounced or protested, execute them as well. The days of charitable democracy-like BS has come to an end. It is now time to survive.

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Ah yes that's the elected president that was overthrown by a military coup.

Strange that coup hasn't been demonized by certain countries as has the one in Thailand.

We now see the coup makers in Egypt have taken swift action against the one they deposed.

It is fortunate that the coup makers here are not so vindictive as to hold the disposed PM responsible for the deaths leading up to the coup.

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Can any of the American members explain this one to me ?

Washington (AFP) - The White House lashed out at Egypt for jailing a US-Egyptian citizen for life over Islamist protest violence, calling for his "immediate release."

Father and son

Mohamed Soltan, who is on hunger strike, received his sentence alongside 14 other defendants who got the death penalty, including Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Badie.

His father Salah Soltan was among those sentenced to death.


I was very sceptical when previously reading articles about the White House and the MB. However, now I am not so sure.

I have no doubt whatsoever that the current U.S administration has been infiltrated by Muslim brotherhood supporters at the highest level, the evidence is there for anyone who looks. The interesting question is why? What appeal has an alien supremacist ideology to the modern progressive?

Of course you have no doubt, it is declared and evident. There is no conspiracy. There is instead a revision of meaning instead insisting the MB are our partners for peace, a voice of moderation in an otherwise desperately radical world. Of course this glosses over the fact that not only are the radicals the children of the MB but they continue to each want the same ends. It is beyond fantastical that a nation, after 9/11, elects someone named Barack Hussein Obama, the entire world is being turned over to radical islam, our enemies empowered and allies insulted, and people act surprised. At what point does a people step up and say "Yes, we wheeled it into the city but now its time to burn the horse?"

I simply refuse to believe any longer that being a muslim entitles one to the same presumption of patriotism as others. There is nothing in recent history, globally, to suggest that for muslims first allegiance is to the state they live in. Of course this is both sad and unfair because it certainly does not apply to all muslims; it does not. It is outrageous, then. But where do we begin to account for the insinuation of ulterior motives in the mechanics of our state and military? How do we begin to unwind the cancer that is metastasizing?




If you would really know... really know why the foreign affairs of the West seem to be on an inexorable march of empowering jihad then read these links.




I will refrain from posting links or videos suggesting Obama himself is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood; I don't know and I dare say no one else does either. However, it remains fair game to discuss his policies and the ramifications of such decisions. It is evident that every single action this president takes is in some manner empowering the Muslim Brotherhood; whether it is directly with Egypt, pressures there, proxy actions in Libya, Syrian actions, push/pull with Turkey, selling out Kurds to buy Turkish complicity (as they did with regard to arms from Libya), and soliciting Turkey (the low key Turkey element will prove to be pivotal to current events) to a back seat while the al Baghdadi drama unfolds. Obama plays this hand while stunning and alienating our ostensible Arab GCC allies and has finally revealed the cards that sell them to a fulcrum between the Muslim Brotherhood and nuclear Iran. He looks like a duck. He walks like a duck. He sounds like a duck. Obama is a duck!


I don't always like lots of links but sometimes I do like to add them. It feels like I am building something and the links act as a mortar of sorts. In the case above, I don't believe it is necessary for posterity to judge my comments. I am confident that the nature of these events are unfolding in real time and the gravity of these actions will reverberate in the present.

"Civilization Jihad" = Muslim Brotherhood

"Civilization Treason" = ArjunaDawn

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