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Turn The Tourists Away


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My GF summed it all up best - "Up Country People". Where she comes from (South) all the farmers in the area each hire a local tractor each year and they plough everything back into the ground. She is not being 'superior' when she says all the farmers around here (including in Myanmar and Laos) are not eductaed and are backward - they are uneducated and ignorant - ANd there are more and more of them growing more and more crops every year. The only way to solve this problem is to educate and bring them forward - and even if this was does well and quickly it will take years. Like her I do not believe that will ever happen - so the solution to the problem (for us) is to move. Maybe if/when a lot of Farangs move away from Chiang Mai they will finally address the problem cheesy.gif

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My GF summed it all up best - "Up Country People". Where she comes from (South) all the farmers in the area each hire a local tractor each year and they plough everything back into the ground. She is not being 'superior' when she says all the farmers around here (including in Myanmar and Laos) are not eductaed and are backward - they are uneducated and ignorant - ANd there are more and more of them growing more and more crops every year. The only way to solve this problem is to educate and bring them forward - and even if this was does well and quickly it will take years. Like her I do not believe that will ever happen - so the solution to the problem (for us) is to move. Maybe if/when a lot of Farangs move away from Chiang Mai they will finally address the problem cheesy.gif

You have a false self of importance maybe? Why would a lot of Farangs leaving be a cause for concern? I think that many Thais would consider it a cause for celebration, and with so many daft posts on here, yours included, I would tend to agree.

By the way, your girlfriend sums up what most Southern Thais think, namely that Northerners are thick. By their reckoning most Southeners would find it hard to believe that here in the North we have universities, doctors, teachers, scientists, architects and engineers.

You are quite right when you say that your wife is not being 'superior' when she says that all northern farmers are uneducated and ignorant. Quite clearly she is being bigoted.

The worst thing about people saying that they're going to leave is ...... they invariably don't. Let's hope that isn't true in your case. If you do actually decide to go, let us know if you need any help moving.

You seem to have a bit of self importance yourself. A large chunk of expats moving elsewhere would put a dent in the local economy. I doubt you'd make up for it on your own

Why are you defending this stupid burning with such passion?

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You seem to have a bit of self importance yourself. A large chunk of expats moving elsewhere would put a dent in the local economy. I doubt you'd make up for it on your own

Why are you defending this stupid burning with such passion?

Perhaps the flaw in the logic is imagining that it's actually a 'large chunk' of expats who would consider moving... More realistically, it seems to be just a 'very vocal minority' that think the problem is so severe as to think about leaving. Of all the folks I know personally (not just friends, but acquaintances too,) there are none that leave during the burning season. Many do wear masks for a couple of weeks, but other than that make no changes in their daily lives.

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My GF summed it all up best - "Up Country People". Where she comes from (South) all the farmers in the area each hire a local tractor each year and they plough everything back into the ground. She is not being 'superior' when she says all the farmers around here (including in Myanmar and Laos) are not eductaed and are backward - they are uneducated and ignorant - ANd there are more and more of them growing more and more crops every year. The only way to solve this problem is to educate and bring them forward - and even if this was does well and quickly it will take years. Like her I do not believe that will ever happen - so the solution to the problem (for us) is to move. Maybe if/when a lot of Farangs move away from Chiang Mai they will finally address the problem cheesy.gif

Isn't the topography different in south -- much flatter and easier for tractors to plough the ground. I'm under the impression that much of the burning is done on hillsides that otherwise can't be tilled by equipment.

And I fail to see the connection between "farangs" living in Chiang Mai and the burning. Local people were burning long before white people were here and they burn in areas where no white people live.

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But you are right, it is a national disgrace and it is damaging very young kids (mostly thai of course) and killing very old or sick people. Regional governmenmt needs to take action now and not wait for the next annual hand-wringing in 2016

You are absolutely correct beau thai, the children grow up choking down the smoke, damaging their health for the rest of their lives. My wife, a farmers daughter, has respiratory problems and a myriad of allergies. This year we went south to avoid her annual suffering, she never had to take any of her medications, her breathing cleared up and so did the allergy symptoms. Neither of us would live anywhere else, but a vacation when the worst of the burning occurs will definitely be in order.

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My GF summed it all up best - "Up Country People". Where she comes from (South) all the farmers in the area each hire a local tractor each year and they plough everything back into the ground. She is not being 'superior' when she says all the farmers around here (including in Myanmar and Laos) are not eductaed and are backward - they are uneducated and ignorant - ANd there are more and more of them growing more and more crops every year. The only way to solve this problem is to educate and bring them forward - and even if this was does well and quickly it will take years. Like her I do not believe that will ever happen - so the solution to the problem (for us) is to move. Maybe if/when a lot of Farangs move away from Chiang Mai they will finally address the problem cheesy.gif

Isn't the topography different in south -- much flatter and easier for tractors to plough the ground. I'm under the impression that much of the burning is done on hillsides that otherwise can't be tilled by equipment.

More likely it's just a different climate: there's no true dry season, so after one crop you just plow it again for the next crop that starts soon after. So when you're plowing anyway then why would you burn. Plus, the climate and topography is the main reason that the burning results in haze in the North. It's not like they burn any less in the North East or Central regions, but this doesn't cause a problem other than very locally when you're right next to it.

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My GF summed it all up best - "Up Country People". Where she comes from (South) all the farmers in the area each hire a local tractor each year and they plough everything back into the ground. She is not being 'superior' when she says all the farmers around here (including in Myanmar and Laos) are not eductaed and are backward - they are uneducated and ignorant - ANd there are more and more of them growing more and more crops every year. The only way to solve this problem is to educate and bring them forward - and even if this was does well and quickly it will take years. Like her I do not believe that will ever happen - so the solution to the problem (for us) is to move. Maybe if/when a lot of Farangs move away from Chiang Mai they will finally address the problem cheesy.gif

You have a false self of importance maybe? Why would a lot of Farangs leaving be a cause for concern? I think that many Thais would consider it a cause for celebration, and with so many daft posts on here, yours included, I would tend to agree.

By the way, your girlfriend sums up what most Southern Thais think, namely that Northerners are thick. By their reckoning most Southeners would find it hard to believe that here in the North we have universities, doctors, teachers, scientists, architects and engineers.

You are quite right when you say that your wife is not being 'superior' when she says that all northern farmers are uneducated and ignorant. Quite clearly she is being bigoted.

The worst thing about people saying that they're going to leave is ...... they invariably don't. Let's hope that isn't true in your case. If you do actually decide to go, let us know if you need any help moving.

You seem to have a bit of self importance yourself. A large chunk of expats moving elsewhere would put a dent in the local economy. I doubt you'd make up for it on your own

Why are you defending this stupid burning with such passion?

Why are you defending your use of vehicles is not contributing to the problem?

If a large number of Farongs left I am quite sure it would hurt the bar industry. It would be nice if the farmers stopped burning their fields but they won't until they are shown hands on where they can do it another way and make more money. Also it would be nice if there was no forest fires it would be nice if we did not have a heat inversion shield holding much of it in. It would be nice if we didn't have so many vehicles on the road. It would be nice if we had a better system for fighting forest fires and the countries around us did to.

A lot of things would be nice and as long as the lack of them doesn't spoil my life and turn me into a Grouchy old Thai basher I will stay here and put up with the 4 to 6 weeks of smog. Besides some of it is in hot wheatear and the air con weeds it out.

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A big factor over looked here is the damage the Ex Pats are doing to the air quality.

All they want to do is blame the problem on the various types of fires.

Not a word about the growing number of vehicles they have added to the situation.

Or the number of songthaew's that have come on the scene to carry them around.

Or that through them many Thais have been able to upgrade to autos.

They come in here wanting to get the same standard of living they had where they lived neglecting

the fact that they are in a different culture not yet up to there high standards.

They are getting older and are more sensitive to the smog than in their younger years.

so they carry on as if it was getting worse. One month almost every year and a part of another month

are the bad times. If they can not take December and January they have no place here in Chuiang Mai.

Move South.

The statistics are there instead of denying them have a look at your own failing ability to with stand

the smog.

Good idea northernjohn - blame it on the farangs. If they didn't eat CP pork dumplings then there would be no need to grow all that corn to feed the pigs and the trash from the corn farms would not have to be burnt off. Problem solved get rid of the farangs.

You are visual proof that the Farongs want to take no part in the blame.

Thailand is a big country. If you don't like Chiang Mai try another locale.

Why inflict punishment on yourself? That is Thai logic.

Opinion 5,506. To bad he can't add Hello Dolly's tally to really show how opinionated he is.

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OP the problem with your idea is you are applying (quite rightly) something called logic.

And sadly until logic becomes part of the culture Thailand will never move foreward.

A full DNA rewiring is needed to reboot this lot. Don't hold your breath (unless its in the thick of the smog).

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Perhaps there actually IS an up-side to the air quality. There are two problems relating to the air quality; the actually figures, and the way people deal with them.

On the plus side, it causes a lot of chronic complainers to leave Chiang Mai, making it far more comfortable for those of us who choose to stay.

Spending today complaining about yesterday isn't going to make tomorrow better. Facing tomorrow with a better attitude will.

And before you say it, no, it won't make the air cleaner. But neither will complaining about the problem. It does, however, solve one of the two problems.

Elegant phrasing!

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If a large number of Farongs left I am quite sure it would hurt the bar industry.

I'm sure it would hurt property rentals, shops, and other businesses including the whole of the hospitality industry.

This is an excellent summation of the situation:


It cuts to the core issue, which is that it is a serious public health issue.

Why do you not care about that?

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My GF summed it all up best - "Up Country People". Where she comes from (South) all the farmers in the area each hire a local tractor each year and they plough everything back into the ground. She is not being 'superior' when she says all the farmers around here (including in Myanmar and Laos) are not eductaed and are backward - they are uneducated and ignorant - ANd there are more and more of them growing more and more crops every year. The only way to solve this problem is to educate and bring them forward - and even if this was does well and quickly it will take years. Like her I do not believe that will ever happen - so the solution to the problem (for us) is to move. Maybe if/when a lot of Farangs move away from Chiang Mai they will finally address the problem cheesy.gif

You have a false self of importance maybe? Why would a lot of Farangs leaving be a cause for concern? I think that many Thais would consider it a cause for celebration, and with so many daft posts on here, yours included, I would tend to agree.

By the way, your girlfriend sums up what most Southern Thais think, namely that Northerners are thick. By their reckoning most Southeners would find it hard to believe that here in the North we have universities, doctors, teachers, scientists, architects and engineers.

You are quite right when you say that your wife is not being 'superior' when she says that all northern farmers are uneducated and ignorant. Quite clearly she is being bigoted.

The worst thing about people saying that they're going to leave is ...... they invariably don't. Let's hope that isn't true in your case. If you do actually decide to go, let us know if you need any help moving.

You seem to have a bit of self importance yourself. A large chunk of expats moving elsewhere would put a dent in the local economy. I doubt you'd make up for it on your own

Why are you defending this stupid burning with such passion?

Where did I defend the burning? I was having a go at a farang and his bigoted girlfriend from the south who hold the common view that us Northerners are stupid. I once had a conversation with an intelligent Bangkok businessman who didn't think that anyone in the North or North East deserved the right to vote. We could do with less people like that up here, don't you think? The offer to help them with their move still stands.

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If a large number of Farongs left I am quite sure it would hurt the bar industry.

I'm sure it would hurt property rentals, shops, and other businesses including the whole of the hospitality industry.

This is an excellent summation of the situation:


It cuts to the core issue, which is that it is a serious public health issue.

Why do you not care about that?

There is not enough of Thai bashers here to hurt any thing but the bar industry. Look around there is already more housing and restaurants here than the population can sustain. If it is such a serious health issue why are people here? You might want to investigate healthier climates there are lots of them and lots that make are's look good. Perhaps whining and sniveling on Thai Visa will help you I doubt it just makes you feel good to condemn a culture that has been going for hundreds of years. I have been coming to Chiang Mai for 10 years I was here during the bad season in 2007 I lived through that with no health problems. I have been here permanently for 4 or 5 years still no health problems.

If it is bad as you say why did you and your fellow complainers come here. Did you all wake up one morning and say I think I will move to a location that is no good for my health? Did you all goo ogle

And say ha that is the place for me?

The big question I have is why do you not admit that Farongs with their vehicles also contribute to the smog only unlike the farmers you do it year round.

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OP the problem with your idea is you are applying (quite rightly) something called logic.

And sadly until logic becomes part of the culture Thailand will never move foreward.

A full DNA rewiring is needed to reboot this lot. Don't hold your breath (unless its in the thick of the smog).

I don't think a reboot of that lot will help. they joined Thai Visa to complain the reboot brought them here already.whistling.gif

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My GF summed it all up best - "Up Country People". Where she comes from (South) all the farmers in the area each hire a local tractor each year and they plough everything back into the ground. She is not being 'superior' when she says all the farmers around here (including in Myanmar and Laos) are not eductaed and are backward - they are uneducated and ignorant - ANd there are more and more of them growing more and more crops every year. The only way to solve this problem is to educate and bring them forward - and even if this was does well and quickly it will take years. Like her I do not believe that will ever happen - so the solution to the problem (for us) is to move. Maybe if/when a lot of Farangs move away from Chiang Mai they will finally address the problem cheesy.gif

You have a false self of importance maybe? Why would a lot of Farangs leaving be a cause for concern? I think that many Thais would consider it a cause for celebration, and with so many daft posts on here, yours included, I would tend to agree.

By the way, your girlfriend sums up what most Southern Thais think, namely that Northerners are thick. By their reckoning most Southeners would find it hard to believe that here in the North we have universities, doctors, teachers, scientists, architects and engineers.

You are quite right when you say that your wife is not being 'superior' when she says that all northern farmers are uneducated and ignorant. Quite clearly she is being bigoted.

The worst thing about people saying that they're going to leave is ...... they invariably don't. Let's hope that isn't true in your case. If you do actually decide to go, let us know if you need any help moving.

You seem to have a bit of self importance yourself. A large chunk of expats moving elsewhere would put a dent in the local economy. I doubt you'd make up for it on your own

Why are you defending this stupid burning with such passion?

Where did I defend the burning? I was having a go at a farang and his bigoted girlfriend from the south who hold the common view that us Northerners are stupid. I once had a conversation with an intelligent Bangkok businessman who didn't think that anyone in the North or North East deserved the right to vote. We could do with less people like that up here, don't you think? The offer to help them with their move still stands.

I was addressing your point below; I didn't comment on the rest because I don't think it's relevant to the discussion (and yes, it is pretty stupid):

"Why would a lot of Farangs leaving be a cause for concern? I think that many Thais would consider it a cause for celebration"

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If a large number of Farongs left I am quite sure it would hurt the bar industry.

I'm sure it would hurt property rentals, shops, and other businesses including the whole of the hospitality industry.

This is an excellent summation of the situation:


It cuts to the core issue, which is that it is a serious public health issue.

Why do you not care about that?

There is not enough of Thai bashers here to hurt any thing but the bar industry. Look around there is already more housing and restaurants here than the population can sustain. If it is such a serious health issue why are people here? You might want to investigate healthier climates there are lots of them and lots that make are's look good. Perhaps whining and sniveling on Thai Visa will help you I doubt it just makes you feel good to condemn a culture that has been going for hundreds of years. I have been coming to Chiang Mai for 10 years I was here during the bad season in 2007 I lived through that with no health problems. I have been here permanently for 4 or 5 years still no health problems.

If it is bad as you say why did you and your fellow complainers come here. Did you all wake up one morning and say I think I will move to a location that is no good for my health? Did you all goo ogle

And say ha that is the place for me?

The big question I have is why do you not admit that Farongs with their vehicles also contribute to the smog only unlike the farmers you do it year round.

(1) It is, whether you like it or not, a serious public health issue, and it needs to be addressed. I wonder if you'd be so defensive if you or your nearest and dearest were diagnosed with lung cancer? Or would you blame it on something else, viz:

(2) Vehicle emissions are a drop in the ocean compared to the burning, but yes, there are many things they could do to improve that situation also. Having said that, foreigners do not tend to drive knacked old songtaews and pickups that spew out unfiltered toxins.

(3) it's farang not "farong".

I realise that you are of the opinion that if you are OK then it should be fine for everyone else. Well newsflash, I don't even live in Thailand, but I do like Chiang Mai and I think its residents deserve better even if you don't.

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I'm sure it would hurt property rentals, shops, and other businesses including the whole of the hospitality industry.

This is an excellent summation of the situation:


It cuts to the core issue, which is that it is a serious public health issue.

Why do you not care about that?

There is not enough of Thai bashers here to hurt any thing but the bar industry. Look around there is already more housing and restaurants here than the population can sustain. If it is such a serious health issue why are people here? You might want to investigate healthier climates there are lots of them and lots that make are's look good. Perhaps whining and sniveling on Thai Visa will help you I doubt it just makes you feel good to condemn a culture that has been going for hundreds of years. I have been coming to Chiang Mai for 10 years I was here during the bad season in 2007 I lived through that with no health problems. I have been here permanently for 4 or 5 years still no health problems.

If it is bad as you say why did you and your fellow complainers come here. Did you all wake up one morning and say I think I will move to a location that is no good for my health? Did you all goo ogle

And say ha that is the place for me?

The big question I have is why do you not admit that Farongs with their vehicles also contribute to the smog only unlike the farmers you do it year round.

(1) It is, whether you like it or not, a serious public health issue, and it needs to be addressed. I wonder if you'd be so defensive if you or your nearest and dearest were diagnosed with lung cancer? Or would you blame it on something else, viz:

(2) Vehicle emissions are a drop in the ocean compared to the burning, but yes, there are many things they could do to improve that situation also. Having said that, foreigners do not tend to drive knacked old songtaews and pickups that spew out unfiltered toxins.

(3) it's farang not "farong".

I realise that you are of the opinion that if you are OK then it should be fine for everyone else. Well newsflash, I don't even live in Thailand, but I do like Chiang Mai and I think its residents deserve better even if you don't.

So you are reduced to making up theoretical scenes.

Here is a reality for you.

My boy drowned in a river. I am not on a crusade to put down rivers. We all die. How is none of my business unless I am responsible for any part of it.

I would suggest you warn all your relations not to live in Chiang Mai. I will tell mine that for me it is a great place to live and has about a 6 week give or take period of smog. Some days are better than others and some days are worse than others.

I also note you have to attack my spelling. Boy that sure proves your point.

I bet in August you would complain about the disel smoke from songthaew's. Omitting the farong driven personal vehicles.wai.gif

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........ Well newsflash, I don't even live in Thailand, but I do like Chiang Mai and I think its residents deserve better even if you don't.

Sheesh! So now we have people who aren't Thai, don't even live here, and aren't even here now, complaining about here.... telling those of us who ARE here how things should be.

Mods, PLEASE! Create a separate sub-forum and get these agitators out of here! Give them their own space to post that doesn't interfere with those of us who are content living in Chiang Mai.

Excuse me? I've been visiting Chiang Mai several times a year for more than two decades and I would like to retire there.

I'm entitled to comment whether you like it or not.

So maybe you and your chums should ask for a private "We love Chiang Mai and nothing is wrong with it forum", or better still set up your own.

In the mean time, deal with it.

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So you are reduced to making up theoretical scenes.

Here is a reality for you.

My boy drowned in a river. I am not on a crusade to put down rivers. We all die. How is none of my business unless I am responsible for any part of it.

I'm sorry you lost your child, but what on earth that has to do with the topic is beyond me.

You are of course entitled to tell anyone whatever you like.

Just don't expect them to agree with it (or in this case, understand it).

As for the correction, you might at least portray yourself as being somewhat less "I'm alright Jack" if you at least knew some of the basics.


Edited by Chicog
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Am I the Only person who knows Folk, Elderly Frang and CM raised Thais age 30-40 who are of the opinion that the smog was not always as Bad as we experience in our time ?

Burning is not a recent idea and farmers/locals both Thai and in surrounding countries have always done it, even though it's now banned in the West according to one poster.

The Smog is not good for anyone. I suffer and normally go to the seaside.

Speak to Thai friends who have lived here for years 20-25 + and ask for their views.

I am due to have lunch in a weeks time with two well educated Thais, both with university degrees and will ask them how matters where in years gone bye when they where young.

There was a Spike in PM 10 about 25 years ago, as one post showed.

Why ?


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Excuse me? I've been visiting Chiang Mai several times a year for more than two decades and I would like to retire there.

I'm entitled to comment whether you like it or not.

No need to apologize. Hmmm..... all these complaints, yet you keep coming back and want to retire here?

That makes no sense... unless the problem isn't as severe as you want us to believe. After all, who in their right mind voluntarily comes to a place where they are, as you tell us, going to get lung cancer, allergic dermatitis, emphysema, ocular degeneration, and have all your skin fall off?

But look at what I wrote. It might surprise you to note that I did NOT suggest that you couldn't or even shouldn't comment.

In fact, I was proposing that you have your own dedicated sub-forum just for that purpose.

Imagine... your very own sub-forum where you can wallow endlessly in your misery without the rest of us laughing at you, or even suggesting that you 'may' be crying that the sky is falling.

I would NEVER suggest that you weren't entitled to post. Only that the never-ending whinging and the perpetual whining should have its own dedicated space where the rest of us might be spared from the overflow that the 2-3 people who post the same might gather to commiserate with each other.

Now THAT would be a breath of fresh air...

Edited by FolkGuitar
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