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Peace TV’s operating license revoked by the Broadcasting Board

Lite Beer

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The amount of revenue lost for Thai economy since the coup far surpasses the debt incurred by the Rice scam,

...the current account has been in surplus since last October. In December, the surplus hit an all-time high of US$5.15 billion. From 32.43 per dollar at end-September, the

baht rose 0.3 per cent to 32.36 at end-February. It weakened in the first week after the rate cut in March, but later regained strength. From $14.2 billion last year or 3.8 per cent of GDP, the International Monetary Fund expects a $17.2-billion surplus this year or 4.4 per cent. "It is interesting to note, however, that the terms of the trade index has actually gone up by about 10 per cent alongside the 7-per-cent gain in the baht's real effective exchange rate (REER) in the past 12 months.

This is unlike in 2011-13 (Yingluck government), when the terms of trade fell by 3 per cent while the REER gained some 10 per cent," he said.


I see you never let facts get in the way of your propaganda!

It is quite obvious that you don't know the meaning of these terms. Neither the worsening of terms of trade or the depreciation of a currency are necessarily a bad thing for an economy.

Absolutely. It's relative and whether positive or negative depends on whether one is pro the government at the time or against.

No, it's completely mathematical. Just look up the Marshall-Lerner condition.

Excuses, I was too vague I guess. I meant the acceptance of whether worsening of trace or depreciation/appreciated of valuta is dependent on whether one agrees with the government in place or not.

"Formally, the condition states that, for a currency devaluation to have a positive impact on trade balance, the sum of price elasticity ofexports and imports (in absolute value) must be greater than 1. The net effect on the trade balance will depend on price elasticities. If goods exported are elastic to price, their quantity demanded will increase proportionately more than the decrease in price, and total export revenue will increase. Similarly, if goods imported are elastic, total import expenditure will decrease. Both will improve the trade balance."


Now of course, one needs to put a value on the 'price elasticity' for export and import and defend that value with objective, absolute arguments.

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And in breaking news; The Thai Broadcast Journalists Association urged the NTC to reconsider the decision to ban Peace TV.

While simultaneously; TVF fascist junta lovers were praising the same decision.

Wow, I wonder who has more insight into the issue?

Insight? Wouldn't that depend on the reasoning the TBJA gave when they asked the NTC to reconsider? Did your 'newsflash' say anything about that, or was it just an 'out of principle' request?

BTW 'TVF fascist junta lovers? Is that opposed to pro democracy for Thaksin posters? Better leave such labelling out of the discussion. Too subjective and somewhat provocative.

Obfuscation is not clever or productive, but seems to be your go to play.

Let me rephrase this; a group of Thai professional journalists is far more likely to have a better understanding of this issue than a group of foreign internet forum posters, who can't even understand what was being broadcast.

And BTW, I think 'fascist junta lovers' is quite an accurate description of the likes of Costas, djjamie, Ginjag, ...etc, etc, and yes I would describe myself as 'pro-democracy, for-Thaksin'.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Pedace TV?

alt=clap2.gif> alt=clap2.gif> alt=clap2.gif>

Do they mean the kind of peace they demonstrated during their peaceful upheaval in 2010

when they tried to kick away a democratic government

to bring back a criminal to power while inviting their peaceful thugs to burn down Bangkok?

Was the Democratic party not a Democratically elected Government

Of course The democrats were democratically elected. It was the choice between Abhisit and a Policeman. Abhisit got the most number of votes from democratically elected MP'S. Much the same way as many other PM's were elected in the past. Taksin did not like the out come and did all he could to discredit Abhisit including making his supporters believe that The democrats came to power with the help of the army and a lot of other nonsense.

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And in breaking news; The Thai Broadcast Journalists Association urged the NTC to reconsider the decision to ban Peace TV.

While simultaneously; TVF fascist junta lovers were praising the same decision.

Wow, I wonder who has more insight into the issue?

Insight? Wouldn't that depend on the reasoning the TBJA gave when they asked the NTC to reconsider? Did your 'newsflash' say anything about that, or was it just an 'out of principle' request?

BTW 'TVF fascist junta lovers? Is that opposed to pro democracy for Thaksin posters? Better leave such labelling out of the discussion. Too subjective and somewhat provocative.

Obfuscation is not clever or productive, but seems to be your go to play.

Let me rephrase this; a group of Thai professional journalists is far more likely to have a better understanding of this issue than a group of foreign internet forum posters, who can't even understand what was being broadcast.

And BTW, I think 'fascist junta lovers' is quite an accurate description of the likes of Costas, djjamie, Ginjag, ...etc, etc, and yes I would describe myself as 'pro-democracy, for-Thaksin'.

I didn't see a current 'breakingnews' yet, but found another on the same subject, from 2010-05-11.

It has the TBJA, the TJA and a few more

"In the letter, the media agencies admitted that some outlets had indeed distorted information and caused conflicts in society over the last few years. They urged people to exercise their judgement when receiving information from media.

"If you find anything inappropriate, alert us immediately," the media organisations said.

They argue that only ethical media outlets should be protected under the Constitution."


PS what obfuscation? Asking you about that 'breaking news' ?

PPS I left out a comma on purpose "pro democracy for Thaksin"

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"Achieved what exactly"

Are you kidding, he prevented the country from sinking into oblivion, provided peace and stability, sorted the police out (well they were called the police, anyway), purged Thailand of any influence from the Shinawatra's, paid the rice farmers, is steadfastly cleaning up corruption, revitalising education etc: This man is a miracle worker!!!

What did Yingluck do? She lumbered Thailand with a huge 600 billion baht debt, allowed rampant corruption, ordered the police to do nothing to stop the murderous acts of Thaksin's stooges and lackeys. She also, mercifully failed to rig the senate so that they could pass any act or law that her brother wanted, failed to pay the farmers (which resulted in many suicides) and she flunked her key task - to get Thaksin his sought after amnesty. Not exactly a success story, is it.

Oh dear!!! other red posters are not going to thank you for the rest of your post giggle.gif.

You have basically rubbished democracy, stated how good and successful Prayut has been in quelling violence and sorting the country out ON ACCOUNT of using marshal law and article 44!! What a fantastic endorsement of his government's achievements through being able to expedite the necessary mechanisms and methods to carry out urgently needed reform BECAUSE OF marshal law and article 44. (with zero democracy) to hinder him!!

I think that your post is going to be one that you regretted making!!clap2.gif.

The amount of revenue lost for Thai economy since the coup far surpasses the debt incurred by the Rice scam, pass me a glass of that Kool aid you're drinking ? don't take my word for it, there are far greater economists who have stated the same thing.

Not all the rice farmers have been paid either ?

You seem to have a massive man crush on the PM watch out or Costas will scratch your eyes out.

If you seriously believe corruption has ended and the influence of the Shins have gone, why would they need to have shut down that red TV station then? Corruption is rampant in Thailand for every case been exposed there's dozens continuing.

The amount of revenue lost for Thai economy since the coup far surpasses the debt incurred by the Rice scam,

...the current account has been in surplus since last October. In December, the surplus hit an all-time high of US$5.15 billion. From 32.43 per dollar at end-September, the

baht rose 0.3 per cent to 32.36 at end-February. It weakened in the first week after the rate cut in March, but later regained strength. From $14.2 billion last year or 3.8 per cent of GDP, the International Monetary Fund expects a $17.2-billion surplus this year or 4.4 per cent. "It is interesting to note, however, that the terms of the trade index has actually gone up by about 10 per cent alongside the 7-per-cent gain in the baht's real effective exchange rate (REER) in the past 12 months.

This is unlike in 2011-13 (Yingluck government), when the terms of trade fell by 3 per cent while the REER gained some 10 per cent," he said.


I see you never let facts get in the way of your propaganda!

It is quite obvious that you don't know the meaning of these terms. Neither the worsening of terms of trade or the depreciation of a currency are necessarily a bad thing for an economy.

You're wrong. Once you depreciate your currency, you have no more ways to stimulate capital investment. Right now, Thailand is not under any pressure to drop interest rates because capital outflow is minimal (foreign companies taking out some profit) and the low price of imported oil offsets the lessened exports. Don't fix something if it ain't broke! From your previous posts, I don't get the impression that you are well-read in international finances, balance of trade, capital movement, effects of fiddling with interest rates. Thailand is doing fine, financially, and the economy is well under control with non-political-cronies as Minister of Finance and the head of the Bank of Thailand. This government needs to actually perform (especially after the losses incurred by the previous Yingluck Thaksin government) and not reward its political allies, so it has appointed persons based on their abilities to manage the economy/government; rather a new concept for Thailand but I expect you'll get used to it.

It's really simple, Yingluck's government spent money it didn't have, and off-the-books, while Prayut's government is in the black and running a surplus.

Peace TV was involved in the same propaganda/misinterpretation as you and FH put on this forum. Incorrectly trashing the current government while painting a rosy picture of the previous Yingluck Thaksin government. This breeds discontentment and a disconnect from reality. They should have been shut down months ago.

Edited by rametindallas
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They don't like the truth or criticism of their manufactured truth.

Closing down TV stations because they challenge the Governments version of events is not a good sign for the future and the people of this country

They don't like the truth or criticism?

So you have a breakdown of what was said on "Peace TV" then? Can you please share this because as you know I rely on FACTS and opposed to BELIEFS.

Being a red shirt station if history is anything to go by it was shut down due to trying to divide society through hate, promote sedition, organize violence and simply spew an evil propaganda that propagated and fostered the violence and death the reds made famous in 2013/14. Their ethos in a petri dish would explode into a blood red fungus that only 7% of the population agree with while they use this TV station as a front to desperately stay relevant while the majority of Thai's have already simply turned their back on them. (with the exception of course of a few TVF farangs)

Financially crippling newspapers that didn't toe the shin party line was not a good sign for the future of the people of the country either yet they where an apparent democratic government…The Junta never purported to be democratic!!!

So you complain when an undemocratic Junta is undemocratic, but you have no qualms with a 1/15th democratic government being undemocratic.

Speaking of beliefs. Have you been on holiday lately? I am eager to know the latest official tourist numbers...

Edited by djjamie
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Can't comment.

Self censorship and all that, but carry on all those who think Thailand is headed for a free and enlightened future.

As you have partaken in censorship yourself you are clearly not against censorship.

Prayut IS carrying on in his quest for a free and enlightened future - we are almost there now that the detritus has been removed!!

Why do you state that you can't comment and then comment? Did you wake up confused or did something bring it on?

As you have partaken in censorship yourself you are clearly not against censorship.

regarding self-censorship, practicing it, and not being against censorship, .... one does not follow logically from the other... whistling.gif

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"Achieved what exactly"

Are you kidding, he prevented the country from sinking into oblivion, provided peace and stability, sorted the police out (well they were called the police, anyway), purged Thailand of any influence from the Shinawatra's, paid the rice farmers, is steadfastly cleaning up corruption, revitalising education etc: This man is a miracle worker!!!

What did Yingluck do? She lumbered Thailand with a huge 600 billion baht debt, allowed rampant corruption, ordered the police to do nothing to stop the murderous acts of Thaksin's stooges and lackeys. She also, mercifully failed to rig the senate so that they could pass any act or law that her brother wanted, failed to pay the farmers (which resulted in many suicides) and she flunked her key task - to get Thaksin his sought after amnesty. Not exactly a success story, is it.

Oh dear!!! other red posters are not going to thank you for the rest of your post giggle.gif.

You have basically rubbished democracy, stated how good and successful Prayut has been in quelling violence and sorting the country out ON ACCOUNT of using marshal law and article 44!! What a fantastic endorsement of his government's achievements through being able to expedite the necessary mechanisms and methods to carry out urgently needed reform BECAUSE OF marshal law and article 44. (with zero democracy) to hinder him!!

I think that your post is going to be one that you regretted making!!clap2.gif.

The amount of revenue lost for Thai economy since the coup far surpasses the debt incurred by the Rice scam, pass me a glass of that Kool aid you're drinking ? don't take my word for it, there are far greater economists who have stated the same thing.

Not all the rice farmers have been paid either ?

You seem to have a massive man crush on the PM watch out or Costas will scratch your eyes out.

If you seriously believe corruption has ended and the influence of the Shins have gone, why would they need to have shut down that red TV station then? Corruption is rampant in Thailand for every case been exposed there's dozens continuing.

The amount of revenue lost for Thai economy since the coup far surpasses the debt incurred by the Rice scam,

...the current account has been in surplus since last October. In December, the surplus hit an all-time high of US$5.15 billion. From 32.43 per dollar at end-September, the

baht rose 0.3 per cent to 32.36 at end-February. It weakened in the first week after the rate cut in March, but later regained strength. From $14.2 billion last year or 3.8 per cent of GDP, the International Monetary Fund expects a $17.2-billion surplus this year or 4.4 per cent. "It is interesting to note, however, that the terms of the trade index has actually gone up by about 10 per cent alongside the 7-per-cent gain in the baht's real effective exchange rate (REER) in the past 12 months.

This is unlike in 2011-13 (Yingluck government), when the terms of trade fell by 3 per cent while the REER gained some 10 per cent," he said.


I see you never let facts get in the way of your propaganda!

It is quite obvious that you don't know the meaning of these terms. Neither the worsening of terms of trade or the depreciation of a currency are necessarily a bad thing for an economy.

You're wrong. Once you depreciate your currency, you have no more ways to stimulate capital investment. Right now, Thailand is not under any pressure to drop interest rates because capital outflow is minimal (foreign companies taking out some profit) and the low price of imported oil offsets the lessened exports. Don't fix something if it ain't broke! From your previous posts, I don't get the impression that you are well-read in international finances, balance of trade, capital movement, effects of fiddling with interest rates. Thailand is doing fine, financially, and the economy is well under control with non-political-cronies as Minister of Finance and the head of the Bank of Thailand. This government needs to actually perform (especially after the losses incurred by the previous Yingluck Thaksin government) and not reward its political allies, so it has appointed persons based on their abilities to manage the economy/government; rather a new concept for Thailand but I expect you'll get used to it.

It's really simple, Yingluck's government spent money it didn't have, and off-the-books, while Prayut's government is in the black and running a surplus.

Peace TV was involved in the same propaganda/misinterpretation as you and FH put on this forum. Incorrectly trashing the current government while painting a rosy picture of the previous Yingluck Thaksin government. This breeds discontentment and a disconnect from reality. They should have been shut down months ago.

Care to give me an example of where I have painted this rosy picture of the previous government?

You're another example with the mentality of if you're not with us, you're against us, and if you're an anti junta person, you're a red shirt and Thaksin supporter.

You might also have comprehension issues as well as I am pretty sure I also said my post about the economic losses were based on an article I read, which I'm also sure it was posted here, and also said that if it's been proven wrong and the economy is booming what with all the examples I gave, then yes, well done and may it continue.

I make no secret of the fact I do not believe the Junta one single bit and that their motives for power and control lie in the subject that is not allowed to be discussed.

I make no secret of the facts that I don't like Thaksin or his party, or anything they stand for, but I also despise Sutheps PDRC, I dislike the Junta and what they're doing to silence critics and opposition, but I dislike expats who hailed from democracies in their homelands and act like they are some sort of expert and make comments about how Thais don't deserve a democracy.

If that makes me a red supporter and just not cool enough to be in your gang, then so be it, I'd rather sit and drink out of a tin pisspot cup with the poor and needy than pretend to be a hi so in a country that doesn't give a monkeys toss about your egotistical opinions.

I really didn't think that it was a pre requisite to "support" a particular faction here to actually fit in, I must have misse that part on the immigration board at swampy.

I thought my life was pretty boring but Jesus, there's people here who seem to live here 24/7 and constantly whine about Thaksin, and the PTP, but never seem to be able to explain what was so bad about their lives through these years that caused them such hardship, and maser their own personal lives so horrendous that the very thought of Thaksin and the PTP makes their blood boil?

That sort of obsession isn't healthy, Thaksin is a dick, Suthep is a dick, even Prayuth is one too, all politicians are, as lying through their teeth and feathering their own nests are what they do best.

I'd rather vote to see naked volleyball on the TV 12 hours a day than vote for any of the current or past Thai politicians IF I had such a vote.

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"The National Telecommunication Commission (NTC), Thailand's media regulator, has said it plans to suspend the broadcasting license for Peace TV, which features a daily programme by Jatuporn Prompan, chairman of the Red Shirts, whose votes helped to elect the toppled administration of Yingluck Shinawatra."

The grammatical errors in this sentence infuriate me more than the claim that Thaksin's and Yingluck's policies were "pro-poor".

It's apparent that some of these writers aren't NES's. I don't know about this one. Other than too many commas creating too many phrases and therefore a run-on sentence, I don't see much other than the misuse of "whose". I see a mixture of American and British spellings. (programme, license.) I can read it just fine.

(I'm not an English expert or teacher.)

What bugs me is when grammar police interrupt a discussion.

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They don't like the truth or criticism of their manufactured truth.

Closing down TV stations because they challenge the Governments version of events is not a good sign for the future and the people of this country

They don't like the truth or criticism?

So you have a breakdown of what was said on "Peace TV" then? Can you please share this because as you know I rely on FACTS and opposed to BELIEFS.

Being a red shirt station if history is anything to go by it was shut down due to trying to divide society through hate, promote sedition, organize violence and simply spew an evil propaganda that propagated and fostered the violence and death the reds made famous in 2013/14. Their ethos in a petri dish would explode into a blood red fungus that only 7% of the population agree with while they use this TV station as a front to desperately stay relevant while the majority of Thai's have already simply turned their back on them. (with the exception of course of a few TVF farangs)

Financially crippling newspapers that didn't toe the shin party line was not a good sign for the future of the people of the country either yet they where an apparent democratic government…The Junta never purported to be democratic!!!

So you complain when an undemocratic Junta is undemocratic, but you have no qualms with a 1/15th democratic government being undemocratic.

Speaking of beliefs. Have you been on holiday lately? I am eager to know the latest official tourist numbers...

djjamie, bearing in mind that it is illegal to say negative stuff about the junta, and bearing in mind that PeaceTv has been closed down, well, do you reckon that it would be reasonable for Thailand to show consistency and close down the Nation newspaper ?

I mean, it doesn't look right if they close down a tv station that's being paid for by Thaksin (surely ?), and they allow the Nation to carry on, when they're both breaking the law. Okay, so the Nation is operated and financed by a load of Thais who look the same as the people who have got Chinese take-away foodshops in England and Australia, (these are the middle-class Chinese-Thais) but surely, that's not a good reason to let them break the law ? Consistency, that's what I'm trying to say.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

They don't like the truth or criticism of their manufactured truth.

Closing down TV stations because they challenge the Governments version of events is not a good sign for the future and the people of this country

They don't like the truth or criticism?

So you have a breakdown of what was said on "Peace TV" then? Can you please share this because as you know I rely on FACTS and opposed to BELIEFS.

Being a red shirt station if history is anything to go by it was shut down due to trying to divide society through hate, promote sedition, organize violence and simply spew an evil propaganda that propagated and fostered the violence and death the reds made famous in 2013/14. Their ethos in a petri dish would explode into a blood red fungus that only 7% of the population agree with while they use this TV station as a front to desperately stay relevant while the majority of Thai's have already simply turned their back on them. (with the exception of course of a few TVF farangs)

Financially crippling newspapers that didn't toe the shin party line was not a good sign for the future of the people of the country either yet they where an apparent democratic government…The Junta never purported to be democratic!!!

So you complain when an undemocratic Junta is undemocratic, but you have no qualms with a 1/15th democratic government being undemocratic.

Speaking of beliefs. Have you been on holiday lately? I am eager to know the latest official tourist numbers...

djjamie, bearing in mind that it is illegal to say negative stuff about the junta, and bearing in mind that PeaceTv has been closed down, well, do you reckon that it would be reasonable for Thailand to show consistency and close down the Nation newspaper ?

I mean, it doesn't look right if they close down a tv station that's being paid for by Thaksin (surely ?), and they allow the Nation to carry on, when they're both breaking the law. Okay, so the Nation is operated and financed by a load of Thais who look the same as the people who have got Chinese take-away foodshops in England and Australia, (these are the middle-class Chinese-Thais) but surely, that's not a good reason to let them break the law ? Consistency, that's what I'm trying to say.

Just one point - the Nation doesn't print hate messages.

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To baboon, who accused me of being afraid. I am not afraid of too many people and not afraid of you. You live here as a guest and you should behave as an ambassador to your country. Do you think that this forum will change the politics of this country? Get over it, get a life, make real changes to this country by your acts and deeds to those around you. If you want politics, go back to your homeland and give them the finger.

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To baboon, who accused me of being afraid. I am not afraid of too many people and not afraid of you. You live here as a guest and you should behave as an ambassador to your country. Do you think that this forum will change the politics of this country? Get over it, get a life, make real changes to this country by your acts and deeds to those around you. If you want politics, go back to your homeland and give them the finger.

Yes yes, very nice, but why does free and open conversation bother you so? After all, this forum will not change Thai politics anyway...?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

They don't like the truth or criticism of their manufactured truth.

Closing down TV stations because they challenge the Governments version of events is not a good sign for the future and the people of this country

They don't like the truth or criticism?

So you have a breakdown of what was said on "Peace TV" then? Can you please share this because as you know I rely on FACTS and opposed to BELIEFS.

Being a red shirt station if history is anything to go by it was shut down due to trying to divide society through hate, promote sedition, organize violence and simply spew an evil propaganda that propagated and fostered the violence and death the reds made famous in 2013/14. Their ethos in a petri dish would explode into a blood red fungus that only 7% of the population agree with while they use this TV station as a front to desperately stay relevant while the majority of Thai's have already simply turned their back on them. (with the exception of course of a few TVF farangs)

Financially crippling newspapers that didn't toe the shin party line was not a good sign for the future of the people of the country either yet they where an apparent democratic government…The Junta never purported to be democratic!!!

So you complain when an undemocratic Junta is undemocratic, but you have no qualms with a 1/15th democratic government being undemocratic.

Speaking of beliefs. Have you been on holiday lately? I am eager to know the latest official tourist numbers...

Hahahahahaha Read the UN report on Thai Tourism that should tell you all you need to know or are you going to post up your BOT chart again ?

Edited by ExPratt
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To baboon. I have noted your flag and understand that you are a patriot to your country. So if I go to your country as a guest and then abuse and criticize your country's leaders, make fun of your political system, downgrade the everyday poor people, do you think it would be tolerated? I think not. So just enjoy the life you have here that is tolerated by the Thai people. If you want to fix up a country, start with your own, if you succeed it may rub off onto other countries. In the mean time, behave like a guest, curb your negative attitude and leave your hosts country to make its own decisions.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

To baboon. I have noted your flag and understand that you are a patriot to your country. So if I go to your country as a guest and then abuse and criticize your country's leaders, make fun of your political system, downgrade the everyday poor people, do you think it would be tolerated? I think not. So just enjoy the life you have here that is tolerated by the Thai people. If you want to fix up a country, start with your own, if you succeed it may rub off onto other countries. In the mean time, behave like a guest, curb your negative attitude and leave your hosts country to make its own decisions.

I think in everyday life we all act reasonably and respectfully towards Thai people. Its just on this forum that people vent their spleen. Can be tremendously frustrating living and working in a country completely different to your own , so I suppose the frustration comes out on here. Plus we are all and I mean all like a bunch of old women biggrin.png

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To baboon. I have noted your flag and understand that you are a patriot to your country. So if I go to your country as a guest and then abuse and criticize your country's leaders, make fun of your political system, downgrade the everyday poor people, do you think it would be tolerated? I think not. So just enjoy the life you have here that is tolerated by the Thai people. If you want to fix up a country, start with your own, if you succeed it may rub off onto other countries. In the mean time, behave like a guest, curb your negative attitude and leave your hosts country to make its own decisions.

With respect, your post makes it appear that you have a rather insular world view: you could go to the home countries of most Thaivisa members, abuse the leadership and make fun of the political system all you want - the police will protect you and you will probably pick up a fair few native friends while you are at it. Of course a few idiots won't like it and may threaten you, but the State and the law will generally be on your side.

Food for thought, eh?

P.S. Our hosts, the Thai people are NOT making their own decisions. They are having their destiny imposed upon them by the upper echelon of society, whether they like it or not.

Edited by baboon
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They don't like the truth or criticism of their manufactured truth.

Closing down TV stations because they challenge the Governments version of events is not a good sign for the future and the people of this country

They don't like the truth or criticism?

So you have a breakdown of what was said on "Peace TV" then? Can you please share this because as you know I rely on FACTS and opposed to BELIEFS.

Being a red shirt station if history is anything to go by it was shut down due to trying to divide society through hate, promote sedition, organize violence and simply spew an evil propaganda that propagated and fostered the violence and death the reds made famous in 2013/14. Their ethos in a petri dish would explode into a blood red fungus that only 7% of the population agree with while they use this TV station as a front to desperately stay relevant while the majority of Thai's have already simply turned their back on them. (with the exception of course of a few TVF farangs)

Financially crippling newspapers that didn't toe the shin party line was not a good sign for the future of the people of the country either yet they where an apparent democratic government…The Junta never purported to be democratic!!!

So you complain when an undemocratic Junta is undemocratic, but you have no qualms with a 1/15th democratic government being undemocratic.

Speaking of beliefs. Have you been on holiday lately? I am eager to know the latest official tourist numbers...

Never watched Peace TV but common sense would indicate that what you say is true. The track record of the Red shirts does not leave room for doubt.

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To ExPratt, you are correct and I will now get off my high horse. To baboon, I am sorry too. I could go on but that would make me a big prat too. But please do try and understand that you are a guest here and it is not for you to interfere in the internal politics. Think of it as going to a friends place for a meal and then telling the cook that it was awful.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

To ExPratt, you are correct and I will now get off my high horse. To baboon, I am sorry too. I could go on but that would make me a big prat too. But please do try and understand that you are a guest here and it is not for you to interfere in the internal politics. Think of it as going to a friends place for a meal and then telling the cook that it was awful.

I think probably what many of us need is to go back to the UK to work for 6 months in the Winter.Life in Thailand's benefits would soon become apparent again I'd say

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red or yellow, love 'em or hate 'em, free speech and a free press are fundamental to an open and free society.


I think you'd get very little dissent, from TV-members, if you ran a poll on that principle.

Unfortunately Thailand hasn't yet reached that stage of development, and I can't see it coming in my lifetime, If I'm honest. sad.png

But the freedom to broadcast political hate-mail, under the current situation, well Peace-TV should not have ignored the generous warnings they were given, this action by this (or any other recent) government was fairly predictable.

So they surely continued, despite knowing that, for some other reason than fighting for press-freedom ? I wonder whose decision that was ? whistling.gif

No great loss, another incarnation of Red-TV is surely already lined-up, to take their place !

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Yingluck achieved WHAT is what you should concentrate on NOT the PM.

As said a million times being elected democratically does not give any government the OK to disobey the law--go against the vow made ---This is nothing compared to the proven REGIME that was supposed to have run the country transparently--but shot it's self in the foot because it took it's orders from another land--proven fact.

Constructive criticism on TV channels is fine --but a line has to be drawn when they are used to disrupt and tarnish, when the owners are actually criminals, or were --- were they not ??? fair opposition is healthy.

But saying that the minority here will answer with the usual brainwashing camps--forced labour--N.Korea--Siberia----ha ha.

What dd Yingluck achieve. As you can see below she largely delivered on her election promises. Just as politicians are supposed to.

A national minimum daily wage of Bt300 ($10) nationally: Check

Universal medical care with patients making a co-payment of Bt30 ($1) per consultation: Check

Credit cards for farmers and a guaranteed price of Bt15,000 – Bt20,000 ($488 – $651) per ton for unmilled rice: Check

A moratorium for household debt up to Bt500,000 ($16,285) per household, with emphasis on debt reduction for teachers, farmers and civil servants: Check

A minimum monthly salary of Bt15,000 ($500) for university graduates and a “One Tablet-PC per Child” project for school children: Check

A 23.3 per cent reduction in corporate tax rates in the first year (from 30 to 20 percent) with a further 13 percent reduction in its second year to a flat 20 percent: Check

Reduced taxes for first home and first car buyers: Check

A standard Bt20 (65 cent) fare for all Bangkok’s mass transit rail lines (MRT): Companies wouldn't agree, but there was a date set

High-speed rail lines linking major provincial cities in the north, northeast, east and upper south regions: Was in progress

Rural village development funds of between Bt300,000 and Bt1 million ($9,770 – $32,573) per year: Can't find data

A welfare allowance of Bt600 ($19.55) per month for citizens over 60, increasing by Bt100 ($3.20) at 70, and 80, and rising by a further Bt200 ($6.40) at 90: Can't find data

Free Wi-Fi and Internet access in public places

30km (18.8 mile) of levees to protect Bangkok and satellite towns from Gulf of Thailand tidal surges: Was in progress

Special administrative status for Muslim provinces in the violence-plagued southern provinces: Can't find data

A war on drugs: Was in progress

Amnesty for political offensives committed since 2006: Caused the start of the Suthep protests

Read more: Thailand economy ignored in the 2011 Thailand general election - Thainess http://photo-journ.com/thainess-the-economy-the-2011-thailand-general-election/#ixzz3YbGG1PyE

You appear to believe that some of the things on that list happened that didn't.

And out of your list, the things that did really happen benefited who?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

Yingluck achieved WHAT is what you should concentrate on NOT the PM.

As said a million times being elected democratically does not give any government the OK to disobey the law--go against the vow made ---This is nothing compared to the proven REGIME that was supposed to have run the country transparently--but shot it's self in the foot because it took it's orders from another land--proven fact.

Constructive criticism on TV channels is fine --but a line has to be drawn when they are used to disrupt and tarnish, when the owners are actually criminals, or were --- were they not ??? fair opposition is healthy.

But saying that the minority here will answer with the usual brainwashing camps--forced labour--N.Korea--Siberia----ha ha.

What dd Yingluck achieve. As you can see below she largely delivered on her election promises. Just as politicians are supposed to.

A national minimum daily wage of Bt300 ($10) nationally: Check

Universal medical care with patients making a co-payment of Bt30 ($1) per consultation: Check
Credit cards for farmers and a guaranteed price of Bt15,000 – Bt20,000 ($488 – $651) per ton for unmilled rice: Check
A moratorium for household debt up to Bt500,000 ($16,285) per household, with emphasis on debt reduction for teachers, farmers and civil servants: Check
A minimum monthly salary of Bt15,000 ($500) for university graduates and a “One Tablet-PC per Child” project for school children: Check
A 23.3 per cent reduction in corporate tax rates in the first year (from 30 to 20 percent) with a further 13 percent reduction in its second year to a flat 20 percent: Check
Reduced taxes for first home and first car buyers: Check
A standard Bt20 (65 cent) fare for all Bangkok’s mass transit rail lines (MRT): Companies wouldn't agree, but there was a date set
High-speed rail lines linking major provincial cities in the north, northeast, east and upper south regions: Was in progress
Rural village development funds of between Bt300,000 and Bt1 million ($9,770 – $32,573) per year: Can't find data
A welfare allowance of Bt600 ($19.55) per month for citizens over 60, increasing by Bt100 ($3.20) at 70, and 80, and rising by a further Bt200 ($6.40) at 90: Can't find data
Free Wi-Fi and Internet access in public places
30km (18.8 mile) of levees to protect Bangkok and satellite towns from Gulf of Thailand tidal surges: Was in progress

Special administrative status for Muslim provinces in the violence-plagued southern provinces: Can't find data

A war on drugs: Was in progress
Amnesty for political offensives committed since 2006: Caused the start of the Suthep protests

Read more: Thailand economy ignored in the 2011 Thailand general election - Thainess http://photo-journ.com/thainess-the-economy-the-2011-thailand-general-election/#ixzz3YbGG1PyE

You appear to believe that some of the things on that list happened that didn't.

And out of your list, the things that did really happen benefited who?

Agree, this list is way less than accurate and is in fact misleading, and it contains no examples (because there aren't any) of major policy

introduction to gain a better quality of life for a large % of all Thais through their own productivity.

But you missed one 'positive' : they made all Thais rich within six months!!!

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They don't like the truth or criticism of their manufactured truth.

Closing down TV stations because they challenge the Governments version of events is not a good sign for the future and the people of this country

They don't like the truth or criticism?

So you have a breakdown of what was said on "Peace TV" then? Can you please share this because as you know I rely on FACTS and opposed to BELIEFS.

Being a red shirt station if history is anything to go by it was shut down due to trying to divide society through hate, promote sedition, organize violence and simply spew an evil propaganda that propagated and fostered the violence and death the reds made famous in 2013/14. Their ethos in a petri dish would explode into a blood red fungus that only 7% of the population agree with while they use this TV station as a front to desperately stay relevant while the majority of Thai's have already simply turned their back on them. (with the exception of course of a few TVF farangs)

Financially crippling newspapers that didn't toe the shin party line was not a good sign for the future of the people of the country either yet they where an apparent democratic government…The Junta never purported to be democratic!!!

So you complain when an undemocratic Junta is undemocratic, but you have no qualms with a 1/15th democratic government being undemocratic.

Speaking of beliefs. Have you been on holiday lately? I am eager to know the latest official tourist numbers...

A step further. Peace TV supporters please share some examples of the content, and not selected minor examples.

Actually it surprises me that the Peace TV supporters, jatuporn etc., have not shared this detail previously to try to support their case 'that they have done nothing wrong'. Is it secret?

Why not? Perhaps they can't, perhaps in reality they have no balanced discussion.

Do they invite a selection of people (other than red supporters) to participate in live discussions?

Also I have asked 2 old Thai work colleagues whether they have any knowledge of what was being broadcast. They have agreed to try to get some examples, when they give me some detail I'll share it here.

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Why did your two old Thai colleagues watch that channel in the first place ? ?

They have both followed politics religiously for many years and both have large collections of news items, handouts, CDs, etc., and they both watch / watched all TV programs on all channels to get fully acquainted with what was / is being said.

Back to your question - What difference does it make / what could it imply if they did watch that channel?

Edited by scorecard
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