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Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders: 'I am running for president'


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Sanders' insurgent campaign raised $26 million in the third quarter — $2 million of it in the last day, according to campaign spokesman Michael Briggs. Almost all of that was in small-dollar donations. Sanders' campaign said the Vermont independent has gotten more than 1.3 million donations (from 650,000 donors — some have given multiple times) since Sanders started running.
This is a dramatic increase from his fundraising totals in the previous three months and is a reflection of a summer of big crowds and surging poll numbers.
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Sanders' insurgent campaign raised $26 million in the third quarter — $2 million of it in the last day, according to campaign spokesman Michael Briggs. Almost all of that was in small-dollar donations. Sanders' campaign said the Vermont independent has gotten more than 1.3 million donations (from 650,000 donors — some have given multiple times) since Sanders started running.
This is a dramatic increase from his fundraising totals in the previous three months and is a reflection of a summer of big crowds and surging poll numbers.

Too bad it's all for naught.

Sorry to break it to you, but it may be wise to find another hobby other than Feeling the Bern.

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Ok, you've made your point JT. You are absolutely certain Sanders doesn't have any chance in the upcoming election.

Go ahead and glue yourself on that fixation if you choose, ....Meanwhile stats keep piling up showing Bernie is gaining and (in some ways) surpassing both Clinton and Trump in popularity. In the final analysis, it will be individual voters who will sway the election one way or the other. It's not polsters, it's not Wall Street, it's not gray-haired old-timers who bristle at the word 'socialism.' Americans are moving forward.

Just one indication which may or may not relate to the election: I just visited California, and a large portion of the population is growing and involved with pot. It's gone from being a hidden little economy to a giant multi-billion dollar boon - for growers, suppliers, dealers, and there are even thousands of 'Trimmigrants' (young farang looking for work) arriving there from around the world, in order to earn $150 to $300 per day just trimming leaves off of buds. Did anyone see that coming 10 years ago? Heck, when Romney was asked his opinion, he just smiled and said he didn't know anything about it. Things are moving forward. Most of the old guard is left in their golf carts and overstuffed chairs counting their dividends from ATT. The younger generations are moving upward and onward.

If this were a surfing contest, Trump would be busy building his 4" thick gold-encrusted submarine while shouting through a megaphone non-stop about how he's the greatest. Hillary would continue releasing thousands of old unimportant emails each week, and Bernie would be riding the waves,

Edited by boomerangutang
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  • 2 weeks later...

Again. Forget about Bernie.


Why Bernie Sanders isn’t going to be president, in five words

CHUCK TODD: Are you a capitalist? @BernieSanders: No. I'm a Democratic Socialist.
Americans might be increasingly aware of the economic inequality in the country and increasingly suspicious of so-called vulture capitalism — all of which has helped fuel Sanders's rise. But we are not electing someone who is an avowed socialist to the nation's top political job. Just ain't happening
Edited by Jingthing
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Again. Forget about Bernie.


Why Bernie Sanders isn’t going to be president, in five words


CHUCK TODD: Are you a capitalist? @BernieSanders: No. I'm a Democratic Socialist.


Americans might be increasingly aware of the economic inequality in the country and increasingly suspicious of so-called vulture capitalism — all of which has helped fuel Sanders's rise. But we are not electing someone who is an avowed socialist to the nation's top political job. Just ain't happening

We don't want to!

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People with lots of money are particularly irked by Sander's run for the top job. Jeezo, he may even want gov't to take a look at some of the $7 trillion hidden away in off-shore accounts - which are all tax-free. I don't know whether he mentioned that item, but it sure would make things interesting. Already, some Swiss banks have had to divulge info about accounts. Note: those 7 trillion dollars (238 trillion baht) are paying no taxes. Things still need to get paid for: roads, bridges, schools, welfare, airports, nuclear bombs, SS, PIK, HUD, DEA, FBI, CIA, Congress, White House, Parks Service, Veterans affairs, OSHA, etc ad nauseum, .....so the middle class have to pay added taxes in order to cover for the super rich who can readily hide their money away. That's half the reason why the US is always borrowing money, and Uncle Sam's % payments on loans is about 1/5 of the national budget. and each American is deep in debt. What's the latest number? ......$28,000 per every man woman and child?

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If Biden runs, that does improve Sanders chances of the nomination (but not the presidency). Because then it would be a three way race. But I think if it got to the convention and it looked like Sanders might be nominated, then Clinton and Biden supporters would make a deal and choose one as a VICTORY sacrifice, knowing Sanders can never be elected if nominated.

Also, he's not even a DEMOCRAT, is he? To expect to be nominated by the DEMOCRATIC party, that's cheeky. Why doesn't he run with the Aged Red Diaper Baby party?

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Regardless of the label, many people are going to vote for him because he's not cowed by Wall Street slicksters, and he's the only candidate who can do something about gross imbalances between super rich and despondent poor. Even Obama (who I like) was too beholden to Wall Street and the bankers. Republicans, for their part, don't even pretend to want to get balance or fairness between the 1% mega-rich, and the 22% dirt poor. I won't devolve to name-calling like jingthing, as it's too easy to slap denigrating labels on candidates, and it says more about the name-caller than the person being besmirched.

Sanders does qualify for the Democratic primaries and, if he wins, he qualifies to be the Democratic candidate. Whomever goes against the Republican candidate will win.

The people who are spooked by the word 'socialist' are mostly old-school 'better dead than red' conservatives. The younger generations are more open-minded, and don't bear the mental scars of living during the Cold War - when both sides continually cranked out propaganda designed to make their side hate the other side. I recall when I was a lad growing up in the US during the 50's and 60's how every depiction of a Russian woman showed an elder rotund hag dressed in a gray smock. I honestly thought all Russian women looked like that. It was part of the hate/fear Russia drivel foisted upon Americans in those years. That's where today's elder Americans' became spooked by the word 'socialist' - and some still are.

Edited by boomerangutang
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Regardless of the label, many people are going to vote for him because he's not cowed by Wall Street slicksters, and he's the only candidate who can do something about gross imbalances between super rich and despondent poor. Even Obama (who I like) was too beholden to Wall Street and the bankers. Republicans, for their part, don't even pretend to want to get balance or fairness between the 1% mega-rich, and the 22% dirt poor. I won't devolve to name-calling like jingthing, as it's too easy to slap denigrating labels on candidates, and it says more about the name-caller than the person being besmirched.

Sanders does qualify for the Democratic primaries and, if he wins, he qualifies to be the Democratic candidate. Whomever goes against the Republican candidate will win.

The people who are spooked by the word 'socialist' are mostly old-school 'better dead than red' conservatives. The younger generations are more open-minded, and don't bear the mental scars of living during the Cold War - when both sides continually cranked out propaganda designed to make their side hate the other side. I recall when I was a lad growing up in the US during the 50's and 60's how every depiction of a Russian woman showed an elder rotund hag dressed in a gray smock. I honestly thought all Russian women looked like that. It was part of the hate/fear Russia drivel foisted upon Americans in those years. That's where today's elder Americans' became spooked by the word 'socialist' - and some still are.

Spot on analysisclap2.gif

It is incredible to me how brainwashed on the subject are older Americans, and in the presence of contradicting evidence vote against their own personal interest, it is like the cattle voting for the slaughter house.

There was a time when there was a war between Capitalism and Communism, both were fighting for their survival , and used all weapons at their disposal. This strangle drove both of them to extreme positions.

The truth of the mater is that we are social animals, we live in a society , and a form of socialism is the way forward.

Stupid is, as stupid does,

I dont need to tell you what is stupid, just look around you if the current system is smart then it would have smart results.

Global warming, pollution

, income inequality, cyclical market crushes etc etc. if all these things are smart then stay the course

if not, then perhaps a different approach is in order

Once I was asked, "I dont have any children, why should I pay school taxes", my reply was, because it is to your advantage to have an educated country. The same applies to all other social endeavors. It is to all our advantage to have a healthy prosperous country. the current situation is unsustainable.

even the capitalist should understand , that if they want to be capitalists, they need markets. A healthy cow gives more milk.

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The US is already socialist in many ways: utility companies, bridges, highways, schools, veterans hospitals, food stamps, ....even the military could be called a socialist - as it's funded by taxes - same for fire departments, police forces, ambulances. I'd like to see Republicans go one week without socialist programs they claim to abhor. It would be like asking militant Islamists to go one week without western inventions; no ice, no internet, no cars, no guns.

Both Sanders and Clinton mentioned Denmark during the debate - in regard to the Danes embracing sensible socialism. Among other things, Denmark has an economic surplus. In the money dept, the US has a crippling debt that sucks up billions/day in % payments to banks and other countries.

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A little window on how wrong Republicans can get: Trump, their current leader in the primary polls, recently called Sanders a Communist. A bit earlier, Trump didn't say anything (to deny it) when one of his fans called Obama a Muslim, right in front of Trump's face. Republicans are good at name-calling. So are rowdy 5 year-olds during recess. The difference is, naughty 5 year-olds aren't running for president.

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I think Sanders probably gained more votes from the SNL skit than from the debate.

Stop reading the mainstream press and read the various polls that show him a head. His only real weakness in that debate was on gun control, he sounded a little namby pamby ' I come from a rural state' but his message that all have to come to some form of consensus was a real one.

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Bernie Sanders absolutely brilliant on the Bill Maher Show. He really nails what major issues have to be addressed in America to get it going forward again and repair the damage done by Right Wing Republican administrations and two terms of Obama with an obstructionist Republican Congress. Catastrophic damage done by Bush and then an administration not being able to significantly repair the damage.

I am not sure how he is going to educate the American people that having Social programs like Publicly Funded Health Care, A fair distribution of wealth, tuition free education, Parental Leave, publicly funded unemployment insurance, publicly funded Pharmaceuticals, publicly funded Prisons, strict gun control does not make you a Socialist Communist State. These are just basic essential services paid for by the community to protect and serve the community. People looking out for, and supporting each other.

Income inequality. Who is against it? The VERY wealthy and billion dollar Corporations that pay Zero Tax

Reduce Incarceration. Who is against it? Very profitable privately owned Prison operators.

Strict gun controls. Who is against it? The very wealthy NRA who represents arms manufacturers and their profits.

Universal Health Care. Who is against it? The very wealthy and profitable Private Hospital and Health Insurance Companies.

Subsidised Pharmaceutical Scheme. Who is against it? Very profitable Pharma Corporations.

Tuition free College and University education. Who is against it? VERY profitable Colleges and Universities.

As Bernie makes quite clear there isn't a developed Nation on Earth that isn't doing better than America in these crucial key areas.

The segment on What makes Republican's heads explode. What Bernie Sanders says and what Republicans hear is absolutely hilarious.

lmao "Die Whitey Die" comment cracked me up. Very funny stuff.

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