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Anyone interested in joining a small Mastermind or mutual mentoring/acountability group?

john 111

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Hi All

Wondering if anyone would be interested in joining a Mastermind or mutual mentoring/accountability group.

We are two so far and meet weekly and our small group has been really benificial.

We are looking for a couple more people who would like to join us.

Having a meeting where we have the shared purpose of helping each other stay on track with whatever

is most important to each individual can be a great weekly anchor.

If interested or have any questions please contact me.



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Among Thais who are part of a functioning family, it is usually the senior members who do the mentoring and impose accountability.

Many of them also have recourse to well-known Buddhist monks in times of trouble or indecision.

Last, but certainly not least, are shamans [ajahn, maw-doo] who provide a wide range of services for a monetary consideration. These include advice and counselling as well as quasi-religious ceremonies to ward off evil, bring good luck, etc., etc.

Farangs have various options in Chiang Mai. An active expats club plus various social and sports clubs.

The introduction of a mentoring/accountability group sounds intriguing and something that is possibly new here.

Best of luck.

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Should be some kind of movement where ex pats can reach out and come together..I think its a great idea.....everybody has somerhing to offer. Its just the platform that is wanting at times.....nothing wrong with well meaning advice. Helping people stay on track and that isnt AA. or a church group. I think there are a lot of people who would benefit from commraderie....

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Should be some kind of movement where ex pats can reach out and come together..I think its a great idea.....everybody has somerhing to offer. Its just the platform that is wanting at times.....nothing wrong with well meaning advice. Helping people stay on track and that isnt AA. or a church group. I think there are a lot of people who would benefit from commraderie....

I just hope that this isn't amateur and untrained psychiatrist / counselor stuff.

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Should be some kind of movement where ex pats can reach out and come together..I think its a great idea.....everybody has somerhing to offer. Its just the platform that is wanting at times.....nothing wrong with well meaning advice. Helping people stay on track and that isnt AA. or a church group. I think there are a lot of people who would benefit from commraderie....

Could be a good thing, just be aware there are some people who would see it as a chance to gain the confidence of others for nefarious purposes.

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For myself, this kind of a small group is great on a lot of levels. Meeting regularly once a week gives a perspective

on time and keeps me aware of what i'd like to remain focussed on that often inadvertantly falls by the wayside.

It gives context and perspective and seems to bring a greater awareness. Often it also has the ancillary benifit of being a great

basis for longterm and trustworthy friendship. In terms of nefarious purposes etc, because it's something that usually

builds pretty organically, in my experience it actually repells that kind of stuff.

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I wasn't familiar with the term "Mastermind Group" but a Google search reveals that they've been around since the mid 1990s and look like they're a way for some people to keep on track in accomplishing goals and leading a more fulfilling life. The cynics would say there are also people who are making a living selling books and giving seminars teaching people how to run Mastermind Groups, but it doesn't look especially complicated to set up and run a group.

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Yeah, that sounds about right Nancy. These days often the so called 'digital nomads' seem to feel the need to resell and repackage and monetize something with only feigned or implied 'expertise' etc. So far, we've just been creating a simple format for our small group together as we go and certainly with no cost! Maybe, because there's none of that type of motivation, it feels clean, simple and mutually benificial. Anyway, from this point on, i guess if someone here has a genuine interest in joining us or discussing it further, please just send me a private message etc.

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good luck with the group

can't understand when people try to do something positive they get slammed by TVF 'know-it-alls'

ignore them and if you find it beneficial 'two heads are better than one'

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You might go to the MeetUp web site and consider setting up your group there. The site will explain how people's varied interests are matched with people with like interests around the world. There are quite a few dirvirse MeetUp groups in Chiangmai already.

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