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You could print those maps upside down and as a mirror image for all the good they will do if you show it to a native.

Although of course they make you draw a map to you house to get deliveries. Must be hand drawn though, printed ones, no good.

Address is only for when they get to your soi.


As a world wide convention all architectural and technical drawings or plans orientate themselves with north being the top of the page , whether they are printed or electronic . Landscape plans will have a northpoint on the title block as matter of convention. Often the north point will show both north and magnetic north . But at the same time when you first open the plan you always verify and not assume.

Not all.

Most of our plans are aligned according to the route of the project, or to the grid of the building.

As I recall, the BTS local maps in the concourse are aligned to the station.


Interesting . I take it they are civil engineering plans for roads etc. It is not my field - most of the civil engineering plans i see are details . i can always can stand corrected.

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