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Double the amount of useless police checpoints.....increase the cost of booze multiple satang. Fine business owners who have photos beer or wine on there menus. Dont let it be sold for many hours per day.


How about insuring drivers not vehicles

What was it Forest Gump used to say???? Stupid is as stupid does ???? NickJ I think your post ranks right up there in the wacko column.

Yes excess drinking of alcohol does not bode well, but neither does excess eating and probably any other excess You eat too much you get fat and that is detrimental to your health and life., What should business owners who have restaurants do not show pics of food??? Over all yours is a dumb post. Its not the photos of alcohol, or food or anything else that's the problem.... its the individuals who need to take responsibility for their own decision making and most importantly GROW UP and think about things as an adult. You need to be master of your own ship...... and act responsibly, not blame it on a picture or some other made up excuse, that just made you do it>>>

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I was at a stop light last night with a cop on a scooter right next to me. Across from us was an exit from a temple who was holding a fair. I'd hate to count how many scooters came out going the wrong way down the road (Sukhumvit), driving down the sidewalk, riding without helmets, etc. The cop did nothing.

I view the problem another way. I see the very lack of education from when the kids are very little, plus what they grow up with. Poverty is part of the problem and why 4 or more are on a motorscoooter at the same time-- It happens to be their Only method of transport. Helmets are crap if you don't have any money.

The System will never change and you can make all the stupid laws you want to.

It starts at a young age and by example. My Thai son wore a helmet or he lost his bike!! I didn't care what all the other boys were doing. At 17-18, I lost control and he did what ever he pleased-- I also kicked him out of the house at 21!! Sorry-- My house, my Rules! He got kicked out for other reasons than a helmet-- in case you think I was a little harsh.

"I view the problem another way. I see the very lack of education from when the kids are very little"

I agree with this part of your post.

In my Thai extended family there is one family unit which is ultimate example of this. They have two teenage children; boy 18, girl 17. Both of these teenagers are totally uninformed about everything in life.

They occasionally come to our house and hear my son (now 33years old) talking in perfect English and perfect Thai about: news items, science, development of Thailand, politics, his progress in his masters degree, and a lot more.

His aunt and uncle get quite pissed off about this and have no hesitation to criticize. Their angle: 'you are all far too serious, he should be having fun not talking serious'. What's also obvious is that aunt and uncle and their 2 kids have no understanding whatever (zero) of what is being discussed.


Endless preventable deaths in this country. And all the "big shots" say is bla bla bla. Never any ACTION or FOLLOW THROUGH just bs words, words, and more words.

Do they ever get tired of spewing such crap? Guess not b/c is just keeps pouring out of their traps.

Well what can anyone expect in a country without RULE OF LAW? Humnnnnn let's see..... what's the definition of anarchy?


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I was at a stop light last night with a cop on a scooter right next to me. Across from us was an exit from a temple who was holding a fair. I'd hate to count how many scooters came out going the wrong way down the road (Sukhumvit), driving down the sidewalk, riding without helmets, etc. The cop did nothing.

I view the problem another way. I see the very lack of education from when the kids are very little, plus what they grow up with. Poverty is part of the problem and why 4 or more are on a motorscoooter at the same time-- It happens to be their Only method of transport. Helmets are crap if you don't have any money.

The System will never change and you can make all the stupid laws you want to.

It starts at a young age and by example. My Thai son wore a helmet or he lost his bike!! I didn't care what all the other boys were doing. At 17-18, I lost control and he did what ever he pleased-- I also kicked him out of the house at 21!! Sorry-- My house, my Rules! He got kicked out for other reasons than a helmet-- in case you think I was a little harsh.

"I view the problem another way. I see the very lack of education from when the kids are very little"

I agree with this part of your post.

In my Thai extended family there is one family unit which is ultimate example of this. They have two teenage children; boy 18, girl 17. Both of these teenagers are totally uninformed about everything in life.

They occasionally come to our house and hear my son (now 33years old) talking in perfect English and perfect Thai about: news items, science, development of Thailand, politics, his progress in his masters degree, and a lot more.

His aunt and uncle get quite pissed off about this and have no hesitation to criticize. Their angle: 'you are all far too serious, he should be having fun not talking serious'. What's also obvious is that aunt and uncle and their 2 kids have no understanding whatever (zero) of what is being discussed.

Thai society on a whole, is very insular, they don't care what happens outside of their bubble, and this is why the country is the way it is, it's never going to change in our lifetimes mate.

Doesn't matter what the Junta do right now, unless they have plans to remain in power for the rest of Thailands lifespan, the next lot in power will unchange everything and it will be back to square 1.


I was at a stop light last night with a cop on a scooter right next to me. Across from us was an exit from a temple who was holding a fair. I'd hate to count how many scooters came out going the wrong way down the road (Sukhumvit), driving down the sidewalk, riding without helmets, etc. The cop did nothing

This is abysmal behaviour by motorcycle riders constantly driving on the wrong side of the road occupying the shoulder on highway roads. I think it's getting worse. They do not follow any rules and the police does nothing about it.

I agree. Sadly I believe Thailand is a loss cause.


Hm, Bike lanes.

In Pattaya, on a side road beside Big C Extra there is a disabled lane on both sides of the road. It is unusable due to parked cars and motorbikes and vendor's stalls occupying it. So what use will bike lanes be without enforcement. We all know the chances of that happening.

Bike lanes would add to the danger for cyclists as motor bikes and cars will use them whereever possible! I generally ride around my village. Someone hitting me won't get very far with all the cctv's to be installed. Thailand is definitely not ready to support increased use of roads but bicyclists. Not until Thai drivers become more educated and responsible. Don't see that happening any time soon. Probably not in my lifetime.


People caught drunk driving sentenced to jails for months + heavy fine. Suspend driving license. See the result. You will see the decline. Everyday there are drunk drivers. The police need to do their job.


Another useless crackdown that is not a crackdown but only Words coming out of a mans mouth - time to realize that the police dont care about how many people get killed by these insane murderers ... In fact the police dont care about any crimes, they are a pest to the country ...sick.gif

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