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Texas cartoon contest organizer known for inflammatory rhetoric


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One thing to remember is that all terrorists and jihadists were at some point "moderate Muslims" Its just a matter of pressing the right buttons.

I dont believe Timothy McVeigh was muslim, nor Hitler etc etc

Simple truth: All Muslims are not terrorists. Most terrorists are Muslims.

If All Muslims are not terrorists, then how can any of them be?


Dont interrupt him, hes busy copying quotes.

Pity he doesnt understand them.

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It’s not just a clash of civilization, it’s a clash of two species that have an entirely different level of mental development

"If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism."

Thomas Sowell

Making a difference between people like that is dangerous. In my home country theres neo-racists that pretend that they are siding with jews/Israel, the biggest opponent that comes with the most critique are the jews, they know its just BS from a party that tries to sanitize racism.

Islam is not a race.

Radical Islam and Western society are incompatible. Radical Islam is at war with us, as it has been with the whole world for the past fourteen centuries.

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Islam isn't compatible with Islam.Sunni like nothing more than killing Shia and vice versa

Yet I know many families - I work with them - where Shi'a have married Sunni and vice versa.

I suppose it's natural for people to generalise when it comes to things about which they know very little.

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For those who think Geller is so great do you also think the nut job minister who burns Korans is also great?

Sent from my Lenovo S820_ROW using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

That minister fellow is a bit of a strange dude .... but his actions are perfectly in accordance with the 1st Amendment -- Free Speech via a symbolic act. People burn the American flag around the world ... The America flag is near scared to me and millions of other Americans like me... I see no one in the liberal mindset world much worried about it.

So when he was asked politely by various senior military and political figures not to do so because it would endanger the lives of Americans serving overseas, do you think he was right to ignore them?

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It’s not just a clash of civilization, it’s a clash of two species that have an entirely different level of mental development

"If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism."

Thomas Sowell

Making a difference between people like that is dangerous. In my home country theres neo-racists that pretend that they are siding with jews/Israel, the biggest opponent that comes with the most critique are the jews, they know its just BS from a party that tries to sanitize racism.
You seem to have repeated this travesty of the truth. Geert Wilders and the PVV support the Jews and Israel because they support western civilization, which they are both a part of, as oppose to the hostile alien culture of Political Islam.

Your position does remind me of a comment by Pat Condell, who states that some progressives will even claim you are hiding your racism if they can't directly demonstrate it.

Edited by Steely Dan
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Yes they will step up, they are already doing so. The huge majority of muslims are just as sick of extremists as everyone else.

Right. Exactly. They are leading the charge against it for sure. (That claim and excuse is getting completely threadbare considering the inactivity which accompanies it.)

Who are the people right now on the ground fighting the worst manifestation of Islamic extremism, if not other Muslims. Hundred's from Deash's own mainstream group, Sunni, have gone so far as to refuse to swear allegiance to Deash in the certain knowledge of their death. I'd like to see the oh so tough Western critics of Muslim moderates who die in their thousands for once to shut up & at the very least recognise their bravery & suffering.

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Yes they will step up, they are already doing so. The huge majority of muslims are just as sick of extremists as everyone else.

Right. Exactly. They are leading the charge against it for sure. (That claim and excuse is getting completely threadbare considering the inactivity which accompanies it.)

Isis: Ten Arab Nations Join US-Led Coalition against Islamic State


This is Muslim sect against Muslim sect. They have warred against each other forever. They just don't want ISIS to get the upper hand over them as ISIS has done or verged on doing in some countries already.


Except for Iraq, it's an Arab coalition of Sunni majority countries, Deash are also Sunni. IMO it was a diplomatic success for the Obama Administration in it's efforts for an enduring regional balance of power favourable to the West.

What has largely been forgotten is Deash leadership are using a religious war in an attempt to achieve an initial political goal i.e. removing the Sykes-Picot lines in the ground.

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It’s not just a clash of civilization, it’s a clash of two species that have an entirely different level of mental development

"If you are not prepared to use force to defend civilization, then be prepared to accept barbarism."

Thomas Sowell

Making a difference between people like that is dangerous. In my home country theres neo-racists that pretend that they are siding with jews/Israel, the biggest opponent that comes with the most critique are the jews, they know its just BS from a party that tries to sanitize racism.
You seem to have repeated this travesty of the truth. Geert Wilders and the PVV support the Jews and Israel because they support western civilization, which they are both a part of, as oppose to the hostile alien culture of Political Islam.

Your position does remind me of a comment by Pat Condell, who states that some progressives will even claim you are hiding your racism if they can't directly demonstrate it.

They get votes from unhappy people, people that are poor and without work. They hate gipsys, that has nothing to do with Islam or east/west.

Progressives dont need to hide. Plenty of tolerant progressive Americans here in BKK. The narrowminded bigots are hiding under a rock.

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The narrowminded bigots are hiding under a rock.

Ah, good, that lets Pamela Geller out of the silly 'bigotry' allegations.

'Progressives' (a name 180 degrees from the truth) will deride anyone who dares to disagree with them as: 1) stupid 2) bigoted 3) phobic 4) greedy 5) evil.

That holds for any debate you care to name, it's the only song on the 'progressive' playlist.

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The narrowminded bigots are hiding under a rock.

Ah, good, that lets Pamela Geller out of the silly 'bigotry' allegations.

'Progressives' (a name 180 degrees from the truth) will deride anyone who dares to disagree with them as: 1) stupid 2) bigoted 3) phobic 4) greedy 5) evil.

That holds for any debate you care to name, it's the only song on the 'progressive' playlist.

Well the Americans i meet in BKK are easygoing, tolerant and mingle with other expats without much focus on what sets people apart, its much more focus on commonalities.

The narrowminded guys are not visible.

Edited by BKKBobby
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Here you go.

A voice I agree with from the liberal Jewish American community about the hate speech event in Texas. Such a POV represents the majority of American Jews who are indeed liberal. Geller has said as much in statements, that most American Jews do NOT support her toxic ideology and tactics.

Be clear, not supporting Geller does not mean support or tolerance for Islamic Jihadist terrorists!

Within the U.S. context, Jews and Muslims are both small minority groups and both experience some flak from hateful actions of the majority. American Jews and American Muslims have often found a lot of commonality in that experience. American Jews have often been some of the strongest voices against irrational Islamophobia in the USA. Now where Muslim community practice crosses certain lines, such as honor killings, that of course is a different matter and has no place in the USA.

Pamela Geller is Not Charlie
I do not mean to blame the victim. There is no world in which any speech, no matter how vitriolic, should warrant a shooting. Organizing this contest was well within Geller’s rights as a citizen of this country. And even if it were hate speech, well, there is no death penalty for hate speech, not even in Texas.
But let’s not pretend that this “Draw the Prophet” contest is a celebration of free speech, in the vein of Charlie Hebdo. It’s not a celebration of free speech. It’s not even a celebration of cartooning.
In fact, it looks more like a celebration of hate speech, a la Iran International Holocaust Cartoon Contest. Because the Prophet Muhammad is, to Muslims, as sensitive a subject as the Holocaust is to us Jews.


Edited by Jingthing
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The New York Times got this part right IMO. The rest is their usual - delusional - political correctness.

There is no question that images ridiculing religion, however offensive they may be to believers, qualify as protected free speech in the United States and most Western democracies. There is also no question that however offensive the images, they do not justify murder, and that it is incumbent on leaders of all religious faiths to make this clear to their followers.

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The New York Times got this part right IMO. The rest is their usual - delusional - political correctness.


They absolutely have to denigrate Geller, thereby exculpating the gunmen to some extent, so as to try to create a false moral equivalence between the cartoon event (some folks talking and drawing) and the gunmen (shooting to kill).

This is the same mentality which says that the US brought 9/11 on itself, because, in the words of former UCB professor Ward Churchill, the inhabitants of the Twin Towers were "little Eichmanns".

The 'progressives' would rather gargle battery acid than admit that there might be anything wrong with Islam and those who act in its name.

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The New York Times got this part right IMO. The rest is their usual - delusional - political correctness.


They absolutely have to denigrate Geller, thereby exculpating the gunmen to some extent, so as to try to create a false moral equivalence between the cartoon event (some folks talking and drawing) and the gunmen (shooting to kill).

This is the same mentality which says that the US brought 9/11 on itself, because, in the words of former UCB professor Ward Churchill, the inhabitants of the Twin Towers were "little Eichmanns".

The 'progressives' would rather gargle battery acid than admit that there might be anything wrong with Islam and those who act in its name.

The holocaust denial conference in Tehran pretended it was about freedom of speech, same as with the cartoon drawing contest now. Both events are only about hate, offending and insulting a group of people because they belong to a specific religion. Edited by BKKBobby
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The New York Times got this part right IMO. The rest is their usual - delusional - political correctness.


They absolutely have to denigrate Geller, thereby exculpating the gunmen to some extent, so as to try to create a false moral equivalence between the cartoon event (some folks talking and drawing) and the gunmen (shooting to kill).

This is the same mentality which says that the US brought 9/11 on itself, because, in the words of former UCB professor Ward Churchill, the inhabitants of the Twin Towers were "little Eichmanns".

The 'progressives' would rather gargle battery acid than admit that there might be anything wrong with Islam and those who act in its name.

The holocaust denial conference in Tehran pretended it was about freedom of speech, same as with the cartoon drawing contest now. Both events are only about hate, offending and insulting a group of people because they belong to a specific religion.

Indeed, you can (and people do) hold holocaust denial meetings and conferences in the US (some take place in mosques). And it is legal to do so. And it should remain so--unlike Europe, where such meetings render its participants fines or prison time. Why? Because I do not want thought, ideas, arguments, or words proscribed by government or authority. I understand Europe has a different tradition--look at the fate of Galileo--which is why America sets itself apart from and many ways against European authoritarian principles covering individual rights.

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The narrowminded bigots are hiding under a rock.

Ah, good, that lets Pamela Geller out of the silly 'bigotry' allegations.

'Progressives' (a name 180 degrees from the truth) will deride anyone who dares to disagree with them as: 1) stupid 2) bigoted 3) phobic 4) greedy 5) evil.

That holds for any debate you care to name, it's the only song on the 'progressive' playlist.

Racist! You forgot you are racist no matter what the races involved are.

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Here you go.

A voice I agree with from the liberal Jewish American community about the hate speech event in Texas. Such a POV represents the majority of American Jews who are indeed liberal. Geller has said as much in statements, that most American Jews do NOT support her toxic ideology and tactics.

Be clear, not supporting Geller does not mean support or tolerance for Islamic Jihadist terrorists!

Within the U.S. context, Jews and Muslims are both small minority groups and both experience some flak from hateful actions of the majority. American Jews and American Muslims have often found a lot of commonality in that experience. American Jews have often been some of the strongest voices against irrational Islamophobia in the USA. Now where Muslim community practice crosses certain lines, such as honor killings, that of course is a different matter and has no place in the USA.

Pamela Geller is Not Charlie
I do not mean to blame the victim. There is no world in which any speech, no matter how vitriolic, should warrant a shooting. Organizing this contest was well within Geller’s rights as a citizen of this country. And even if it were hate speech, well, there is no death penalty for hate speech, not even in Texas.
But let’s not pretend that this “Draw the Prophet” contest is a celebration of free speech, in the vein of Charlie Hebdo. It’s not a celebration of free speech. It’s not even a celebration of cartooning.
In fact, it looks more like a celebration of hate speech, a la Iran International Holocaust Cartoon Contest. Because the Prophet Muhammad is, to Muslims, as sensitive a subject as the Holocaust is to us Jews.


"I do not mean to blame the victim."
Then immediately proceeds to blame the victim, proving what a lame attempt at Muslim apology it is.
These people simply can not blame the evil Muslim killers no matter when or where they act out.
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Here you go.

A voice I agree with from the liberal Jewish American community about the hate speech event in Texas. Such a POV represents the majority of American Jews who are indeed liberal. Geller has said as much in statements, that most American Jews do NOT support her toxic ideology and tactics.

Be clear, not supporting Geller does not mean support or tolerance for Islamic Jihadist terrorists!

Within the U.S. context, Jews and Muslims are both small minority groups and both experience some flak from hateful actions of the majority. American Jews and American Muslims have often found a lot of commonality in that experience. American Jews have often been some of the strongest voices against irrational Islamophobia in the USA. Now where Muslim community practice crosses certain lines, such as honor killings, that of course is a different matter and has no place in the USA.

Pamela Geller is Not Charlie

I do not mean to blame the victim. There is no world in which any speech, no matter how vitriolic, should warrant a shooting. Organizing this contest was well within Geller’s rights as a citizen of this country. And even if it were hate speech, well, there is no death penalty for hate speech, not even in Texas.

But let’s not pretend that this “Draw the Prophet” contest is a celebration of free speech, in the vein of Charlie Hebdo. It’s not a celebration of free speech. It’s not even a celebration of cartooning.

In fact, it looks more like a celebration of hate speech, a la Iran International Holocaust Cartoon Contest. Because the Prophet Muhammad is, to Muslims, as sensitive a subject as the Holocaust is to us Jews.


"I do not mean to blame the victim."

Then immediately proceeds to blame the victim, proving what a lame attempt at Muslim apology it is.

These people simply can not blame the evil Muslim killers no matter when or where they act out.

Did not. One sees what one wants to see, I guess.

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The narrowminded bigots are hiding under a rock.

Ah, good, that lets Pamela Geller out of the silly 'bigotry' allegations.

'Progressives' (a name 180 degrees from the truth) will deride anyone who dares to disagree with them as: 1) stupid 2) bigoted 3) phobic 4) greedy 5) evil.

That holds for any debate you care to name, it's the only song on the 'progressive' playlist.

Racist! You forgot you are racist no matter what the races involved are.

Oh, included under bigotry and phobism, I think.

But, yes, that's the word that's most commonly used. It's a standard and transparent attempt to shut down debate, because open debate, with people challenging their sacred viewpoint, is something 'progressives' simply cannot tolerate.

Name-calling is all they have.

Edited by RickBradford
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This is a very serious article written by a man who has seen the viciousness of jihad up close and personal ... and he is astounded that Geller would be chided for her actions... What ever your position on this issue - read his words... if you want to know about the impact of jihad on Muslims ...

I’m More Hateful Than Pamela Geller...

I’ve seen jihad up-close, in an Iraqi province where jihadists raped women to shame them into becoming suicide bombers, where they put bombs in little boys’ backpacks then remotely detonated them at family gatherings,.. and where they shot babies in the face to “send a message” to their parents...


Edited by JDGRUEN
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Thanks. Good stuff.

I don’t know Pamela Geller, and I certainly don’t know her heart, but it’s simply bizarre that so few of the tens of thousands of words decrying her “hatred” have actually examined the actions of the jihadists she opposes. Isn’t genocide worth hating? Isn’t the systematic oppression of women? The selling of children into slavery?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/418067/im-more-hateful-pamela-geller-david-french

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Thanks. Good stuff.

I don’t know Pamela Geller, and I certainly don’t know her heart, but it’s simply bizarre that so few of the tens of thousands of words decrying her “hatred” have actually examined the actions of the jihadists she opposes. Isn’t genocide worth hating? Isn’t the systematic oppression of women? The selling of children into slavery?

Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/418067/im-more-hateful-pamela-geller-david-french

When newspapers, television news programs, and online commenters spend 98 percent of their space on attacking Geller and barely mentioning the two terrorists, that in effect creates sympathy for the terrorists and their cause. How many people have you seen on CNN, BBC, and elsewhere imply "they have a point," because the terrorists' religion was insulted? Lots.

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Yeah, a 'Draw a cartoon Muhammad' is just a normal event in Texas.

A pathetic attempt by bigots to provoke and does absolutely nothing to address the problem of Muslim extremism.

Wrong. It brings out the moron jihadists and they will get shot. All good.

There should be a Muhammed cartoon competition in every city of the world, complete with armed security ready to exterminate the jihadists.

Now that's provocative free speech in action.

Unfortunate but true.

And here I'd thought the juhadists were bloodthirsty.

They are but apparently not alone in their deprivations.

They want to kill me simply because I am not a fundamentalist Muslim. I'd rather flush them out and kill them before they can do so than give up and let them kill us.

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