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Pattaya Tourist Police round-up Ladyboy's on Walking Street

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3 failed urine tests to determine the presence of methamphetamine in their systems

3 out of 34 tested negative..., the rest...?

i know for a fact 90% of these kathoeys are taking ice, how the cops dont take them in i do not know.

I can see the cops' point. Would you want to work in a police station full of ice-affected ladyboys ? Think about it.........................biggrin.png


Ladyboys are part of Thailand's appeal.

Most ladyboys are sweet and kind, but of course there are a minority that are always in the news for the wrong reasons.

It's a concern that police feel a round-up of ladyboys even legal, it's OK to mention the ones that are illegal or fail a drug test but what about the innocent ladyboys who are detained. On the face of it they are being detained just for being ladyboys and being on walking street... that can't be legal and it certainly is not fair.

Ladyboys are part of ''Thailands'' appeal ????

sorry they never crossed my mind, on my first visit, the ''Appeal'' of ''Thailand'' for me was the Nice Weather, Delicious Food, and the Happy Faces..

''Ladyboys'' never came into it...

I am pretty sure he meant charm, rather than appeal, fully agree with TB if that is the case. While the katoey phenomenon is likely not what drew most of us to LOS, it has certainly had an interesting effect on the overall experience. In general, I have found it well to accept everyone irrespective of circumstances, and so far have not had an unpleasant experience of any lasting consequence, anywhere in the kingdom. As I've covered a bit of ground in my time here, it is safe to say Thai society has no greater concentration of deviant personalities per capita than anyplace else on this god forsaken planet.

However, if the concentration is skewed, I would be inclined to suggest it is due to a foreign presence, based on the troubling and fairly visible percentage of less-than-honorably intentioned foreigners making their way here. One thing is certain. Bad seed is bad seed, irrespective of societal/ethnic designation. There is no more definable need for ladyboys to be rounded up and/or isolated than any other arbitrarily assigned category of human being found here.

On the other hand, rounding up known criminals who have demonstrated sociopathic tendencies (of all stripes and genders), would seemingly be an ethically viable and worthwhile undertaking. Why not, in the interests of tourism, make the RTP's presence a little more prominently felt, by occasionally giving everyone a good talking to? Of course without a plan for persistence/consistency, it becomes just another pointless exercise. So it goes.


These so-called ladyboy prostitutes are a menace and should be cleared off the streets permanently and banned from high tourist areas, not only in Pattaya but also Chiang Mai, where starting from the evening the streets are infested with them, many I have witnessed harassing tourist passers by.

In general most ladyboys are no problem and prefer to do their own thing, many have decent professional occupations, it is only the ones that hang about the streets that are the problem.

This is just a vicious circle, a game, police pull them in, they pay a small fine, than back on the streets again. What`s the point?


wow whenever one gets this type of story on TV , its somewhat disappointing to see the tide of

vicious homophobic crap that is uttered by the majority of posters, how about having a rational discussion

for example what are the actual figures for 'ladyboy' crime, how many ladyboys as a % are part of the prison population,

what are the nature of their crimes,

% wise what is the ratio of crimes committed by ladyboys compared to crimes committed by bar girls/freelance hookers, in proportion to their numbers

if LB crime in walking street/beach road is so virilent why havn't i seen it in 12 years of visits, is it because im not a drunken idiotic farang

who wanders around walking street in the middle of the night gorping at lb's ?


"Thai Visa the place for liberal intellectuals"


I am prepared to pay bail for the one, upper left corner, holding the Mickey Mouse thingy... smile.png


Is it only me or is it a matter of fact that most of today's ladyboys appear like nothing more than a cross-dresser? The center two look nasty! Man, how drunk one must be to take one of those <Deleted> back home... ?


"Pattaya Tourist Police Officers and Volunteers arrested Ladyboy’s "

I'd rather have a few tough lookiing LBs on WS than give tourist police arrest powers. You can bet the will not stop at arresting undesirable LBs.


Off topic troll post removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


Ladyboys are part of Thailand's appeal.

People of all persuasions soliciting sex are the appeal in Pattaya. Outside of these tourists centers Ladyboys are simply part of the background of everyday life in Thailand. Some are indeed charming, but not those pictured in the Pattaya photo. Once upon a time the people soliciting sex in the Kingdom tended to be attractive people. What happened?

Ladyboys are part of Thailand's appeal.

Most ladyboys are sweet and kind, but of course there are a minority that are always in the news for the wrong reasons.

It's a concern that police feel a round-up of ladyboys even legal, it's OK to mention the ones that are illegal or fail a drug test but what about the innocent ladyboys who are detained. On the face of it they are being detained just for being ladyboys and being on walking street... that can't be legal and it certainly is not fair.

If legal and fair is your thing might I humbly suggest you're in the wrong place..coffee1.gif


These aint lady boys, there to ugly to be either, it must be that time of the month round a few up, take some money and see you again next month, lock their &lt;deleted&gt; up, where they will be more wanted


A couple of profane and inflammatory posts have been removed along with one discussing moderation.

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

A total of 34 Ladyboy’s were detained and taken to the Pattaya Tourist Police Station

What happened to the other 16?

They`re all hiding behind the big one wearing the yellow outfit.

But on a serious note, I certainly would not fancy a tangle with any of them. Very dangerous in my opinion and considering the history of the big yellow outfit brute, have the potential and strength to cause serious injury or even kill. Any guys that decide to go short time with one of them, are placing themselves at serious risk.


NIce round up of recent ladyboy crimes in Pattaya jamesjohnstonthird . I knew

there was a lot ,but still amazing to see them all together. So the creature in yellow, attacks

a tourist with in essence intent to kill by driving a high heel spike into his head,

is let out after paying some minor fine and back on walking street looking for

a new victim?? What the bleep is wrong with the justice system here ?? Prayut

is trying to bolster the image of Thailand, and the Pattaya police are basically

letting insane ladyboys go free to attack new tourists...... Hopefully some news

story will come out about how much the creature in yellow paid to get out.

We all know how much it costs them to get out, look at when they bring in the prostitutes etc from beach road - a massive Bt100 fine. What will happen to the ugly cow in yellow Answer" NOTHING


Things are obviously improving a lot in Pattaya. The police usually round up a token 50 ladyboys in these token crackdowns, but this time they could only find 34!

Can't believe police are lazy, so there must be a shortage of ladyboys these days...


It's amazing how much opinion there is on this subject. Unsurprisingly comments are totally polarised, either ladyboy haters or ladyboy fans.

I have absolutely no problem telling anybody that I like ladyboys. I do go with ladyboys, though usually I find the ones that hang out on beach road in Pattaya are not really very appealing.

One thing that is certain is that Ladyboy's who choose to work in the sex industry get a lot of business, so clearly a large number of people feel the way that I do and enjoy going with ladyboys.

Sadly, lots of people make the incorrect assumption that having sex with a ladyboy is a gay thing, which it most certainly is NOT. Personally I am totally liberated from labels such as gay or straight, but it's sad to see that so many men who are attracted to ladyboys feel ashamed to admit it.

I won't go as far as to say that everyone who is anti-ladyboy is struggling with issues of their own sexuality.. but I bet its a fair percentage.


the ones in the photo look as rough as a badgers a**e

The one in the yellow looks like Mike Tyson's sister!

Maybe she was once his brother... giggle.gif


It's amazing how much opinion there is on this subject. Unsurprisingly comments are totally polarised, either ladyboy haters or ladyboy fans.

I have absolutely no problem telling anybody that I like ladyboys. I do go with ladyboys, though usually I find the ones that hang out on beach road in Pattaya are not really very appealing.

One thing that is certain is that Ladyboy's who choose to work in the sex industry get a lot of business, so clearly a large number of people feel the way that I do and enjoy going with ladyboys.

Sadly, lots of people make the incorrect assumption that having sex with a ladyboy is a gay thing, which it most certainly is NOT. Personally I am totally liberated from labels such as gay or straight, but it's sad to see that so many men who are attracted to ladyboys feel ashamed to admit it.

I won't go as far as to say that everyone who is anti-ladyboy is struggling with issues of their own sexuality.. but I bet its a fair percentage.

Hmmm. .... Having sex with a ladyboy (a man dressed in a frock) is not gay? .... Do you want to think about that a little more? Maybe you are just trying to convince yourself.

It's amazing how much opinion there is on this subject. Unsurprisingly comments are totally polarised, either ladyboy haters or ladyboy fans.

I have absolutely no problem telling anybody that I like ladyboys. I do go with ladyboys, though usually I find the ones that hang out on beach road in Pattaya are not really very appealing.

One thing that is certain is that Ladyboy's who choose to work in the sex industry get a lot of business, so clearly a large number of people feel the way that I do and enjoy going with ladyboys.

Sadly, lots of people make the incorrect assumption that having sex with a ladyboy is a gay thing, which it most certainly is NOT. Personally I am totally liberated from labels such as gay or straight, but it's sad to see that so many men who are attracted to ladyboys feel ashamed to admit it.

I won't go as far as to say that everyone who is anti-ladyboy is struggling with issues of their own sexuality.. but I bet its a fair percentage.

Hmmm. .... Having sex with a ladyboy (a man dressed in a frock) is not gay? .... Do you want to think about that a little more? Maybe you are just trying to convince yourself.

Its only considered gay if you kiss ;-)

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