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Aussie boy gets hair caught in Phuket airport escalator

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When I was twelve escalators were a rarity; walking up steps was the norm, that's why I am healthy and "hansum"

But old eh?

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12 year old 'playing' on escalator, says it all really, will end in tears. Glad the kid is ok, he's just a kid, so no fault there - hope the parents got billed for medicare given as they should look after thier spawn better and take responsibility in an airport?

(Father of five grown up children, none had any problems in public areas as they only 'Played' in play grounds) Come to think of it niether did I or any of my three siblings, maybe how we was looked after and raised ehh?


Need Western world nanny state signs.........

'This is not a toy'

'Keep hold of children on escalator'

'Stand Clear of the edge'

'Watch your children at all times'

They only need be in English as it is the nature of English speaking countries to remove all sense of self responsibility.

Will the parents sue?


C'mon HKT is much more common than PIA. How about BIA instead of BKK ?

PIA is more commonly associated with the well known Phuket International school in Thalang, Phuket Internatioal Academy.



playing on escalators........

not much to say for the lack of brains....

does he also like to play in traffic??

Thailand ranks #1 in escalator playgrounds....aye?


Have to second the parental aspect of this story as it would appear to me to be more of a western trait to just let your kids run riot in places where they should be more closely supervised.

Unless I'm mistaken, it's an airport and not a bleeding playground.

Anyway, glad the lad is okay.

Well you know what they say

You need a test to get a driver's licence but not to have kids.

Most parents are mindless when it comes to the security of kids.

"Most parents are mindless when it comes to the security of kids."

Banal crap, but presumably you're including yourself in that quote?


I guess they must have had very slow scissors ... to need 5 minutes to free the little coffee1.gif guy.

Not everyone carries a pair of scissors around with them, perhaps they had to wait for someone to get a pair.


Why on earth was he playing on an escalator ? I know kids will be kids but hopefully after this experience his family will be paying more attention to him in the future. These things can be dangerous and are not play areas.

Parents were too busy taking selfies and playing on fatbook to pay attention or care


Hats off to the person who turned off the escalator. thumbsup.gif



What's up with these fake brown hippy kids these days flying around on airplanes? Shouldn't they be walking everywhere barefoot or riding on bamboo rafts?

//Average Alcoholic TVF Poster Sitting on A Barstool in A Red Light District Feeling Smug and Superior (again)


This is obviously caused by a design fault.

If it is possible for hair to get trapped in the arm rest of an escalator, than the same must apply to clothing. It seems that the space between the armrest and the mechanism beneath it is too wide. So now it seems the Australian family have conveniently returned home and all forgotten until the next incident.

If an event like this would have happened in Australia and especially the United States, the family would have sued the airport authority and probably had claimed thousands in compensation.


Need Western world nanny state signs.........

'This is not a toy'

'Keep hold of children on escalator'

'Stand Clear of the edge'

'Watch your children at all times'

They only need be in English as it is the nature of English speaking countries to remove all sense of self responsibility.

Will the parents sue?

I bet the one in the Chinese video would give their right .............ooops mustnt say that, for a nanny state when they lost their foot


There was a large lady and her daughter facing the wrong way on downwards escalator in Bnk Airport the other year - not sure where from ,maybe Russia - I think the lady was drunk - anyway i had a gut feeling something was about to happen-and yes they fell just before the end -my instincts told me to yank them off the floor quick !(ive heard stories of trapped hair too) not even a thankyou and the husband just stood and watched ! Must have looked quite funny on the airport cameras though ,i was like a little ninja smile.png

"There was a large lady and her daughter facing the wrong way on downwards escalator in Bnk Airport"

"not even a thankyou and the husband just stood and watched !"

Yup - sounds like Russians


Poor kid. A very hairy experience

He escaped serious injury by a hair's breadth.

All joking aside, hope a speedy recover. Kid will probably revert to a skinhead for the rest of his life. Poor little dude. We'll probably never see hide nor hair of him in the future.


Poor kid. A very hairy experience

He escaped serious injury by a hair's breadth.

All joking aside, hope a speedy recover. Kid will probably revert to a skinhead for the rest of his life. Poor little dude. We'll probably never see hide nor hair of him in the future.

Why do you say "all joking aside" and immediately take a cheap shot like " We'll probably never see hide nor hair of him in the future."?


Why on earth was he playing on an escalator ? I know kids will be kids but hopefully after this experience his family will be paying more attention to him in the future. These things can be dangerous and are not play areas.

Bit harsh. When I was young I played on an escalator ( first one in the country- even before tv, so a loooooong time ago ), but I didn't have long hair, so doubt I was at risk of anything,

Back in the days of rope tows on skifields it was always a risk for women that if hair not covered they would get it caught in the rope and scalped when they came to a pulley. Saw that once.


"Playing on an escalator" says it all, seen many parents oblivious to this sort of thing also

12 year old boys do dumb stuff. Not always the parents fault.

You "it's the parents fault" nazi...

Nazi was a bit much but people sitting on their high horses complaining about lax parenting usually have no children of their own and have no idea what kids can get up to and how quickly things can escalate,you can't handcuff kids to your wrist and you need eyes in the back of your head sometimes.

Don't have to have kids to know that some parents don't give a monkey's about controlling their revolting spoilt brats.


Have to second the parental aspect of this story as it would appear to me to be more of a western trait to just let your kids run riot in places where they should be more closely supervised.

Unless I'm mistaken, it's an airport and not a bleeding playground.

Anyway, glad the lad is okay.

'Western trait'? Hmm...How long have you been in Asia? I reckon (as do most Asians I know) that it's the other way round. Don't be too shy to move off the bar stool and have a look outside now and then, it can be quite eye opening.


Jeez an awful lot of cranky old gits on here that must have alzhiemers as they forget what it was like to be 12. Exploring and sometimes into trouble. Kids will be kids at that age and you just have to hope they dont get seriously hurt.

Over parenting is a curse on a child.


Jeez an awful lot of cranky old gits on here that must have alzhiemers as they forget what it was like to be 12. Exploring and sometimes into trouble. Kids will be kids at that age and you just have to hope they dont get seriously hurt.

Over parenting is a curse on a child.

Yes, it's a different world now.

When I was a kid I'd disappear all day to play with my friends, ride bike all over etc. Now parents won't let their kids do things they used to do when they were young.

No wonder kids are messed up in the head these days- can't do anything except inside or if outside have to be supervised every second in case they hurt themselves.

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