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Texas Muslims on edge amid protests, contest attack


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Just to show you how the MSM "adjust" the news, particularly when it comes to this topic of "muslims on edge." Shortly after the Garland shooting, there was an apparent mugging at a nearby mosque in Richardson Texas. The Dallas Morning News literally trumpeted the news, placing it at the top of their online version of the paper. The story had at least a score of reader comments, all blaming Geller and the Tea Party for the mugging and virtually defending the two terrorists in Garland. Now, that story has all but disappeared. I had to go to the Dallas Morning News' crime blog to find it. Mysteriously (or not), all the reader comments have been cleansed from the story. See for yourself: http://www.dallasnews.com/news/community-news/richardson-lake-highlands/headlines/20150505-man-injured-in-beating-after-richardson-mosque-service.ece The story, written by Naheed Rajwani, still leaves off with the statement that it could all yet be a "hate crime." I had to go to local Dallas Ft. Worth affiliate Channel 4 to find the truth, that it was two black guys who likely mugged the guy at the mosque--buried near the end of the article, of course. http://dfw.cbslocal.com/2015/05/05/man-attacked-at-mosque-in-richardson/

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The whining you see here is taken straight out of the political Islam campaign book from the time when Mohammad was Billy no mates and thus lacked the numbers for violent jihad. Note the false equivalence attempted here between Pam Geller and co, who fight with words corroborated by fact and ISIS who use mass murder instead.

Anyone who can seriously try to draw such equivalence arguments frankly has no business living in free societies.

free societies......

where are these???

I want to go there.......

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They should be scared.

Free people might begin to treat them like they treat non Muslims in Islamic countries.

Would you like to explain to me how they treat me in Islamic countries as a "non-muslim"?

Because I'm all ears.


Try building a church in Riyadh or try walking with a girlfriend in public in Riyadh if you want to know how they treat non Muslims in Saudi. Or perhaps be a Coptic Christian in Egypt.

Well then why not say the way they are treated in Saudi instead of muslim countries because it makes you look ill informed.

I live in a muslim country, i'm going for a walk to the pub for a few beers and my muslim gf is cooking bacon and egg sandwiches. If I feel like going to a Christian church, which I don't, I can easilly do that.

There are over 60,000 Churches in Indonesia, the largest Muslim populated country.

So enough of the generalisations.

I assumed ( wrongly ) that any common sense person would realise that I refer to "Muslim" countries as those with Sharia law rather than a secular country with Muslims in it. In that context Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey among others, are not "Muslim" countries.

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Yes, in those days when ignorance was all around...

The more educated the people get, the less they believe in Christianity, and so are not inclined towards violence based on such beliefs.

Not so for Islam..

Yes, but 700 years ago a fair amount of violence was committed in the name of Christianity.

So if you wait 700 years....

Having lived in Saudi Arabia, I was always of the opinion that they are living in the equivalent of our "middle ages" and indeed in 700 or so years they might have arrived at the same destination as we currently are at.

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Without breaking the law, by ostensibly attempting to defend free speech, she came perilously close to shouting "fire!" in a crowded cinema. For that, she's almost as dangerous as the extremists with guns. *That* is the equivalency.

No she didn't. She was in privately held building with no victims and no one unable to escape. To the contrary the terrorists traveled all the way from Arizona to get themselves killed. They are the only ones who posed a danger.

All that the dearly departed had to do was ignore her. She hardly trapped anyone in a building. Only the worst of the worst and the most insane travel across state lines with military type rifles because they don't like a cartoon.

To actually expect a violent reaction from someone every time someone does something that annoys them is the racism of low expectations. How one can simultaneously expect violence in such cases and still countenance mass immigration from said groups is beyond me.

Maybe this has something to do with it:

"In the 2000 Presidential election, nearly 80 percent of Muslim Americans supported Republican candidate George W. Bush over Democratic candidate Al Gore. However, due to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq which took place under the Bush Administration, as well as what some call an increased anti-Muslim rhetoric from the Republican Party after the September 11 attacks, support for the Republican Party among American Muslims has declined sharply. By 2004, Bush's Muslim support had been reduced by at least half, who would vote for Democratic candidate John Kerry or a third party candidate. By 2008, Democratic candidate Barack Obama got 67% to 90% of the Muslim vote depending on region."

Ref: Islam in the United States - Wiki

The usual "Yes, but is it true?" caveat.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Without breaking the law, by ostensibly attempting to defend free speech, she came perilously close to shouting "fire!" in a crowded cinema. For that, she's almost as dangerous as the extremists with guns. *That* is the equivalency.

No she didn't. She was in privately held building with no victims and no one unable to escape. To the contrary the terrorists traveled all the way from Arizona to get themselves killed. They are the only ones who posed a danger.

All that the dearly departed had to do was ignore her. She hardly trapped anyone in a building. Only the worst of the worst and the most insane travel across state lines with military type rifles because they don't like a cartoon.

To actually expect a violent reaction from someone every time someone does something that annoys them is the racism of low expectations. How one can simultaneously expect violence in such cases and still countenance mass immigration from said groups is beyond me.

Maybe this has something to do with it:

"In the 2000 Presidential election, nearly 80 percent of Muslim Americans supported Republican candidate George W. Bush over Democratic candidate Al Gore. However, due to the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq which took place under the Bush Administration, as well as what some call an increased anti-Muslim rhetoric from the Republican Party after the September 11 attacks, support for the Republican Party among American Muslims has declined sharply. By 2004, Bush's Muslim support had been reduced by at least half, who would vote for Democratic candidate John Kerry or a third party candidate. By 2008, Democratic candidate Barack Obama got 67% to 90% of the Muslim vote depending on region."

Ref: Islam in the United States - Wiki

The usual "Yes, but is it true?" caveat.

The Dems would have a problem putting Kerry up as a candidate, given that he is in the 1% and that is what they used to decry Romney in the last election.

The same problem applies to HRC, but her protestations on penury are obviously believed by many of those wishing to continue to get stuff given to them, rather than get an education and a job.

By 2008, Democratic candidate Barack Obama got 67% to 90% of the Muslim vote

Perhaps they think being named Barack Hussein Obama means he is a Muslim.

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Yes, in those days when ignorance was all around...

The more educated the people get, the less they believe in Christianity, and so are not inclined towards violence based on such beliefs.

Not so for Islam..

Yes, but 700 years ago a fair amount of violence was committed in the name of Christianity.

So if you wait 700 years....

Having lived in Saudi Arabia, I was always of the opinion that they are living in the equivalent of our "middle ages" and indeed in 700 or so years they might have arrived at the same destination as we currently are at.

Indeed, and I'm being quite serious.

Not that I'll be around to see it mind you.

Although I already spend plenty of time in the bar with no-so-devout muslims.


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They should be scared.

Free people might begin to treat them like they treat non Muslims in Islamic countries.

Would you like to explain to me how they treat me in Islamic countries as a "non-muslim"?

Because I'm all ears.

Try building a church in Riyadh or try walking with a girlfriend in public in Riyadh if you want to know how they treat non Muslims in Saudi. Or perhaps be a Coptic Christian in Egypt.

Well then why not say the way they are treated in Saudi instead of muslim countries because it makes you look ill informed.

I live in a muslim country, i'm going for a walk to the pub for a few beers and my muslim gf is cooking bacon and egg sandwiches. If I feel like going to a Christian church, which I don't, I can easilly do that.

There are over 60,000 Churches in Indonesia, the largest Muslim populated country.

So enough of the generalisations.

I assumed ( wrongly ) that any common sense person would realise that I refer to "Muslim" countries as those with Sharia law rather than a secular country with Muslims in it. In that context Indonesia, Malaysia and Turkey among others, are not "Muslim" countries.

Indonesia and Malaysia do have sharia law, its just that in most places it isnt acted upon. I have been in a bar when sharia police have raided it.

The secular countries you refer to is because muslims can, and do allow and embrace other cultures. If the muslims where as bad as some make them all out to be then they would not allow the secular society. But facts are facts, they do.
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Jeez, humorous how some try and spin such a simple, common sense issue to fit an agenda or make excuses for a bunch of waste of space system draining losers seeking to physically harm innocent people on a massive scale.

Who cares if Geller is a loon or about murderous dark ages heathens running around waging religuous wars 700 years ago. Really?

There are a bunch of crazy losers out there RIGHT NOW that want nothing more than to do harm to others and disrupt happy peoples' lives who they resent because these murderous loser are selfish little lazy POSs that failed in life and want to blame everyone and everything for their failures except their own selves.

They are opportunistics. They don't care about Geller. She is simply a public or political target for impact or agenda purposes. If they wanted to off her, do it when she is alone cartel style. But no, they want to carry AK-47s into a public forum and create as much chaos, terror, suffering and death as humanly possible.

And some ___________ want to make excuses for people like this or focus on idiots who like to draw distasteful pictures or heathens 700 years ago. Lol, intellectually dishonesty at it finest, but I suppose one's own deep seded frustrations tend to come out in strange and illogical manners.

Edited by F430murci
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To understand why Muslims who practice Islam and are wonderful, hard working, nice people might be concerned, one perhaps should examine how Islam is used by certain subsets of people to rationalize that which should not be condoned on any level much like many in this thread have done and are doing.

Why is it loser thugs in prison seem to gravitate in such large numbers to Islam? Lets examine the profile of this gene pool drawn to, attracted to and converting to Islam in large numbers in the US:

(1) Losers - typically happy, successful people with decent jobs a good family life do not have a life's goal of blowing themselves up or taking out a bunch of innocent happy, some and children in an act of terror or feel the need to find a belief system that tells them such behavior is okay or warranted;

(2) Heathens - many of those in the prison system converting to Islam have a violent past and Islam now provides them an excuse for their violent murderous propensities;

(3) Criminals - those in jail usually have issues with basic concepts such as rules and morals, but Islam provides them with excuses for their behaviors when otherwise there would be no excuse;

(4) Uneducated - Prison population contains a massive subset of losers that felt five finger discounts and earning a living from illegal activity was more important than graduating from high school or learning skills such as how to read, write and basic math; and

(5) Hate - many in prison are there because they are driven by anger and hate which certainly fits nicely with the purview of radical Islamist core principals.

The above factors produce wonderful people in our prison system like Alton Nolen. To me, it speaks volumes about Islam when you look at the character traits of certain subsets attracted to Islam or who use Islam to rationalize or excuse an already present violent, hateful, criminal, loser mentality.


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To understand why Muslims who practice Islam and are wonderful, hard working, nice people might be concerned, one perhaps should examine how Islam is used by certain subsets of people to rationalize that which should not be condoned on any level much like many in this thread have done and are doing.

Why is it loser thugs in prison seem to gravitate in such large numbers to Islam? Lets examine the profile of this gene pool drawn to, attracted to and converting to Islam in large numbers in the US:

(1) Losers - typically happy, successful people with decent jobs a good family life do not have a life's goal of blowing themselves up or taking out a bunch of innocent happy, some and children in an act of terror or feel the need to find a belief system that tells them such behavior is okay or warranted;

(2) Heathens - many of those in the prison system converting to Islam have a violent past and Islam now provides them an excuse for their violent murderous propensities;

(3) Criminals - those in jail usually have issues with basic concepts such as rules and morals, but Islam provides them with excuses for their behaviors when otherwise there would be no excuse;

(4) Uneducated - Prison population contains a massive subset of losers that felt five finger discounts and earning a living from illegal activity was more important than graduating from high school or learning skills such as how to read, write and basic math; and

(5) Hate - many in prison are there because they are driven by anger and hate which certainly fits nicely with the purview of radical Islamist core principals.

The above factors produce wonderful people in our prison system like Alton Nolen. To me, it speaks volumes about Islam when you look at the character traits of certain subsets attracted to Islam or who use Islam to rationalize or excuse an already present violent, hateful, criminal, loser mentality.


To get away from the savages for a bit, other losers attracted to Islam are western women that convert and start to wear the hijab, complete with face covering because they are too stupid to realise that hijab is NOT Islamic dress- it is CULTURAL dress as practiced by certain nationalities. It is not even required to cover their hair, just to dress modestly.

The other losers I can think of are the stupid converts that make their pre pubescent daughters cover up as well, despite it only being a requirement when a girl becomes mature enough to menstruate.

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To understand why Muslims who practice Islam and are wonderful, hard working, nice people might be concerned, one perhaps should examine how Islam is used by certain subsets of people to rationalize that which should not be condoned on any level much like many in this thread have done and are doing.

Why is it loser thugs in prison seem to gravitate in such large numbers to Islam? Lets examine the profile of this gene pool drawn to, attracted to and converting to Islam in large numbers in the US:

(1) Losers - typically happy, successful people with decent jobs a good family life do not have a life's goal of blowing themselves up or taking out a bunch of innocent happy, some and children in an act of terror or feel the need to find a belief system that tells them such behavior is okay or warranted;

(2) Heathens - many of those in the prison system converting to Islam have a violent past and Islam now provides them an excuse for their violent murderous propensities;

(3) Criminals - those in jail usually have issues with basic concepts such as rules and morals, but Islam provides them with excuses for their behaviors when otherwise there would be no excuse;

(4) Uneducated - Prison population contains a massive subset of losers that felt five finger discounts and earning a living from illegal activity was more important than graduating from high school or learning skills such as how to read, write and basic math; and

(5) Hate - many in prison are there because they are driven by anger and hate which certainly fits nicely with the purview of radical Islamist core principals.

The above factors produce wonderful people in our prison system like Alton Nolen. To me, it speaks volumes about Islam when you look at the character traits of certain subsets attracted to Islam or who use Islam to rationalize or excuse an already present violent, hateful, criminal, loser mentality.


To get away from the savages for a bit, other losers attracted to Islam are western women that convert and start to wear the hijab, complete with face covering because they are too stupid to realise that hijab is NOT Islamic dress- it is CULTURAL dress as practiced by certain nationalities. It is not even required to cover their hair, just to dress modestly.

The other losers I can think of are the stupid converts that make their pre pubescent daughters cover up as well, despite it only being a requirement when a girl becomes mature enough to menstruate.

You are so right about the covering, for the ostensible sake of modesty, children as if they are already sex objects who need protection. It is sick. But sexual abuse, rape and slavery are at the heart of I***m. The abuse of boys was noticeable in Afghanistan when I was there 40 years ago and nothing has really changed except that organisations like The Daesh and Boko Haram have put it on the world stage.

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Or, how about reciprocity.

They can pay to have mosques built in other countries, yet, they don't allow churches and synagogues to be built in theirs.

If that is what they want to do, then other countries should disallow the building of mosques.

Remember when the USA protected Saudi from Saddam in the first Gulf War?

All US soldiers were forbidden to wear their crosses.

Bout time the world came up with some realistic policies against the barbaric regime called Saudi Arabia and there extremist brand of Islam called Wahhabism.

Edited by KarenBravo
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They should be scared.

Free people might begin to treat them like they treat non Muslims in Islamic countries.

Would you like to explain to me how they treat me in Islamic countries as a "non-muslim"?

Because I'm all ears.


Try building a church in Riyadh or try walking with a girlfriend in public in Riyadh if you want to know how they treat non Muslims in Saudi. Or perhaps be a Coptic Christian in Egypt.

..or eating , drinking or smoking in the streets during Ramadan in most muslim countries.

..and it doesn't matter if you have nordic looks and you look 100% foreigner.

You are supposed to respect their observances

Of course they don't have to respect ours but that's another story.

Generally that's the law. Which doesn't stop some Muslims I know nipping home for a sandwich and a cuppa.

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Yes, in those days when ignorance was all around...

The more educated the people get, the less they believe in Christianity, and so are not inclined towards violence based on such beliefs.

Not so for Islam..

Yes, but 700 years ago a fair amount of violence was committed in the name of Christianity.

So if you wait 700 years....

Yes, but we stopped, didn't we? The muslims were: occupying most of Spain and had made forays into the South of France, standing before the gates of Vienna and were defeated by what might be called a miracle. The much maligned Crusades were a very minor episode compared with what the Muslims were doing.

More Muslims have been killed in the name of religion by other Muslims than by any other religion.

I don't give a s&*( about what happened 700 years ago, I only see that Europe is being invaded and undermined

The Koran is more about political conquaest than religion, only about 10% of Muslims understand Arabic and only about 10% of them understand classical Arabic, don't tell me I read the wrong version (I didn't bother when I found out how that book was originally put together and later edited for political reasons (Mohammed's widow: but there are 200 verses missing from one Sura alone....)...

It's them or us, It's true that Christianity has been misused but the fact that clever intellectuals have, through mockery and derision, taken away people's faith without having the intelligence to replace it with something else has left the Western World without a moral direction or values to rely on.

'We will conquer Europe through the bellies of our women'. Happening now.

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It's them or us, It's true that Christianity has been misused but the fact that clever intellectuals have, through mockery and derision, taken away people's faith without having the intelligence to replace it with something else has left the Western World without a moral direction or values to rely on.

Are you saying that we need religion for our "moral directions and values"?

Are you saying that Atheists, Agnostics and Humanists are immoral with no moral compass?

If you are, then you are absolutely wrong.

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It's them or us, It's true that Christianity has been misused but the fact that clever intellectuals have, through mockery and derision, taken away people's faith without having the intelligence to replace it with something else has left the Western World without a moral direction or values to rely on.

Are you saying that we need religion for our "moral directions and values"?

Are you saying that Atheists, Agnostics and Humanists are immoral with no moral compass?

If you are, then you are absolutely wrong.

No I'm not, read again. The Muslims have no choice but to believe, fervently, in what has been drummed into them since childhood, as was the case in Europe until relatively recently. They believe it. We have no unifying doctrine of faith apart from 'let's be nice'.

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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?

I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.

Edited by KarenBravo
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Muslims who reside in the greater Dallas - Forth Worth (DFW) area (as does Garland, TX) have little to worry about... other than articles like the OP that unnecessarily hypes the situation and spreads fear. The Greater DFW Area - the Metroplex as it is called has well over 5 million people. The number of Muslims in total are relatively small compared to the total non Muslim population. Oh there could be an occasional hot head who causes problem for Muslims, but life will go on despite alarmist news articles such at the OP.

What Texans will do is work even more to arm themselves, organize to protect themselves - defend themselves. Defend themselves against the same kind of Jihadis who attacked the Geller Meeting a few days ago. The potential attacking enemies will be home grown Jihadis from anywhere in the U.S. or those Jihadis who may sneak in via Mexico only about 10 hours drive away across a porous poorly watched border.

Having lived and worked in Dallas - Forth Worth, TX for nearly 40 years, I think I know the people and their temperament. Basically - no nonsense. The area residents will work together to form watch groups, support groups, communications groups and action groups - and/or enhance what they already have in place. They will not leave their safety totally up to Texas Law Enforcement - not after the event in Garland.

Texans will group and organize for better self-defense even though Texas has many layers of very good Law Enforcement: The Texas Rangers (not the baseball club), the Department of Public Safety - DPS, The County Sheriff's Departments, Local Town/City Police Departments. Plus military level support ... The Texas Natural Guard under the command of the Governor of Texas and the Texas State Guard - an authorized State Volunteer Militia.

This event at the Geller Meeting in Garland - the shooting there - has become a sobering moment for all Texans. Texans will not cower, or stop their activities - or even curtail them ... just because the Islamic Radicals think that they have the right to kill people for insulting their religion ... Texans do not nuance the Right to engage in Freedom of Speech regardless of the subject matter or who may take offense.

Edited by JDGRUEN
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They should be scared.

Free people might begin to treat them like they treat non Muslims in Islamic countries.

Would you like to explain to me how they treat me in Islamic countries as a "non-muslim"?

Because I'm all ears.


Try building a church in Riyadh or try walking with a girlfriend in public in Riyadh if you want to know how they treat non Muslims in Saudi. Or perhaps be a Coptic Christian in Egypt.

..or eating , drinking or smoking in the streets during Ramadan in most muslim countries.

..and it doesn't matter if you have nordic looks and you look 100% foreigner.

You are supposed to respect their observances

Of course they don't have to respect ours but that's another story.

I do, some muslims do. You can respect those that do ramadan but letting them do what they want. I have never had an issue with eating or drinking in front of muslims in ramadan. Those that dont like us eating etc dont join us.

Its for them to adhere to should they wish, most do, some dont.

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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?

I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.

You do realise the difference dont you?

Cartoons against jews is ok.

Cartoons against muslims is ok.

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Try building a church in Riyadh or try walking with a girlfriend in public in Riyadh if you want to know how they treat non Muslims in Saudi. Or perhaps be a Coptic Christian in Egypt.

..or eating , drinking or smoking in the streets during Ramadan in most muslim countries.

..and it doesn't matter if you have nordic looks and you look 100% foreigner.

You are supposed to respect their observances

Of course they don't have to respect ours but that's another story.

I do, some muslims do. You can respect those that do ramadan but letting them do what they want. I have never had an issue with eating or drinking in front of muslims in ramadan. Those that dont like us eating etc dont join us.

Its for them to adhere to should they wish, most do, some dont.

Yeah, I would love to see the look on your face when you pulled out that ham sandwich in a public place in Riyadh during Ramadan and tried to eat it during fasting hours.

You would have to have it in your pocket because, as you probably know, all the restaurants in Saudi Arabia are closed until the evening prayers, with the exception of some hotels.

You would spend the next few nights in jail wondering when your fast would be over...unless the Muslims you offended beat you to death before the religious police arrived.

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That is frankly embarrassing.

Not as embarrassing as the pubescent muppet badgering me in PMs about his love for Megyn Kelly, but embarrassing nonetheless.


Edited by Chicog
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The whining you see here is taken straight out of the political Islam campaign book from the time when Mohammad was Billy no mates and thus lacked the numbers for violent jihad. Note the false equivalence attempted here between Pam Geller and co, who fight with words corroborated by fact and ISIS who use mass murder instead.

Anyone who can seriously try to draw such equivalence arguments frankly has no business living in free societies.

What has ISIS to do with this? Authorities are saying it is unlikely they are involved.

Good to know you have your hero Pam Geller as a poster child. Bigotry must be in fashion.

Can you point me in the direction of the political Islam campaign book? Doesn't seem to be too popular in most Islamic countries.

Also please point to the facts Ms Geller uses.

I will point you. Milestones is a common book found on dead jiahdis.

Moreover, a Muslim Brotherhood explanatory memorandum is a campaign book specifically designed to destroy Amerrica from within.

The koran, the hadith are facts Geller frequently refers to. As I have note elsewhere critics of islam are rarely called out for citing wrong facts but apologists are for incomplete facts. The the citation portion is simple and accessible to all. The only issue is deception in context or application, but its hard to make up bad things and say it is from an islamic source when in all likelihood the actual text would be much more abhorrent to prove a point. Why lie?

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and

sabotaging” its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

From the



It is ignorance or denial not to realize there actually is a campaign; nice of you to mention it.





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By the way, has anyone seen the cartoons in Arabic newspapers using the Jews as targets?

I can assure you they are a hundred times worse that the cartoons that have caused offence to Muslims.

Tolerance is strictly a one-way street in the Islamic world.

You do realise the difference dont you?

Cartoons against jews is ok.

Cartoons against muslims is ok.

Please tell all of us the difference Linky.

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