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Issuance of Thai driving licenses will be tougher under revised rule

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This will just add to the number of people driving without licenses. No enforcement of driving laws except a slap on the wrist, so what difference does it make.

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Can't test for common sense and reverse the idea or concept that the roads are yours only and no other vehicle could possibly be coming around the corner. Love watching so many people parking here. I oft get at least 3 minutes+ to laugh.

I've often wondered why Thai drivers seem to be obsessed with reversing into tight gaps, in say Big C etc. If they just drove straight in, often they have much more room to reverse out, and the boot of their car is in the correct position to load the shopping.

I just find it strange. Are they taught they must reverse into a gap, irrespective?. I don't know.

For once .they are correct to reverse into the space.They do not have to reverse into the gangway where some other driver may be looking for a parking space.

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The test I took here in Pattaya to get my license took about 2 min. The first part was I had to identify the color the Thai administrator pointed (green, blue, etc) and then sit in an office chair and press the wooden brake pedal attached to the floor when the monitor showed a red color. That's it. Done and I'm good for 5 years.

My wife who has never driven has a Thai license so yea they could use some standards here.

I think this could be misleading to other future applicants. If you received a 5 year renewal license, you obviously were renewing your 1 year license in which you were then tested. It would be nice of you had told the complete story, rather than trying to Thai bash. In any country, renewals are very easy, and should be.

uuuuuh? no. ive done 2 x 1 year licences and now im on a 5 year. in all 3 tests including the 1st one, i only did as he says above. if you come here with NO licence at all expect to do a longer test. where is the thai bashing in that?

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Any Thai who thinks this is 'not fair' or 'too hard' just doesn't bother to turn up. In the Village's around us the majority of people have been and will continue to be driving without license's, be it bike or car. About three years ago it was estimated that 40% of drivers were driving without a license and 60% were driving without insurance. I wonder what the true figures are today?

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After my wife passed her driving test I went with her in the car and taught her how to actually drive. Her scariest moment was when we were driving down to Pattaya from Bangkok. I asked her "You have a driving license dont you?" she replied "Yes" so I pulled over and told her "let me see you drive". Talk about panic she was close to it. She did take the wheel and remembered what I had told her. She was good. Now she drives extremely proficiently and knows exactly what she should and should not do.

Her standard of driving is as good as any I have seen anywhere in the world.

Edited by gandalf12
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I got my 5 year licenses last week. I had to to the eye tests and reaction test.

A group of about 15 people crowded into the room and we all watched each other do the tests.

Three guys failed the reaction test, repeatedly, 2 guys failed the peripheral vision colour test. All 5 of them were told to go and get a drink of water and come back to try again. Of course, all of us that passed were no longer in the room to witness the retesting....all 5 were later in the queue to get their photos done.

Glad to know that water works to correct poor colour vision and reactions.

The huge flaw in the system as exemplified above aside....the OP reports a good change in official attitude towards road safety. I've often dreamed that if I ever win the lottery, part of my charity would be an ongoing road safety campaign.

Water certainly affects my vision and reactions but not necessarily improves.

Oh sorry, that's Usque Baugh ( the water of life ) and the spelling of the Anglified version of word doesn't have an ' e '.

If using Irish - please do so correctly - it's uisce beatha. And the anglicised version is whiskey. So pronounced as it derived from uisce to fuisce. To whiskey.

Not using Irish and it's whisky in Scotland.

Come on chaps, we can't have the Celtic Fringe falling out over this!

Anyway, please don't involve water in the argument (shudders violently), my brother keeps fish and I've seen what they do in water!

Now a nice drop of Somerset Cider Brandy.............

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Never mind written exams , or knowing the laws of the road which few obey . Thailand needs to have proper driving schools with competent qualified instructors . The little driving test arena at the licencing centre is totally inadequate for testing whether people can drive . They should have to drive on the road in real traffic , through an urban area , show that they can really drive . I taught my wife to drive , starting on a school playing field when there were no children at school . She graduated to country lanes , before going on the public highway . After about 2 years she went to take the test and passed first time . Correct practical driving skills are more important than a written test .

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In my opinion what is needed is a comprehensive and thoroughly well explained rules for ALL road users.

The best example of this that I know is the New Zealand Transport Agency,Government ROAD CODE

There are many test examples from round the world that could be used as a framework. From what I can see the government is at least trying to do something.

But be careful what you wish for. Although the UK is one of the safest countries to be a road user in the World. We still get the occasional idiot going the wrong way up a motorway and to get a licence is a complex affair.

Anyone wishing to ride a motorcycle must to a compulsory one day training course before they are allowed to ride on the road.

Then the main test includes a Theory test with a video game and questions. Then for motorcycles there is an off road test which includes a controversial Hazard Avoidance exercise.

(One of my friends is currently recovering from a broken wrist - gained while practicing officially for the hazard avoidance test.)

Then a 40 min road ride with an examiner behind you.

We also have stepped testing. Nobody under 21 can ride a large bike. The maximum you can ride under 19 is a 125. If you don't have any experience then it's 24 before you are allowed to do the big bike test.

There is so much more to it however. You have to change peoples attitudes, not just make them pass ever harder tests.

Even if imposed in Thailand tomorrow you still have the corruption issues.

Here the police have stepped up to the mark. Lead by example. Not by heavy handed policing. More through being the standard to work towards rather than just law enforcement.

Many sports bike riders have been surprised over the years when they suddenly realise they have been out-ridden by a guy on an ageing BMW Boxer twin.

Clever riders learn how to ride like our police officers. The training manual is designed to be used by all.

Police motorcycle Roadcraft.


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Driving Test is the most important test you will take in your whole life. It trumps all the academic exams etc.

Not the Thai one though, stop at white line, reverse, reverse into and out of box, all off road. it's NOT a driving test at all but moving a car at slow speed test, and if you fail you have weeks to go back and re do the failed parts. I think a monkey could be trained to pass this test, and probably be a better driver than a lot on the roads here as well.

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Director, I want to tell you this in Thai, even if I was able to do it here on T-Visa, you would never see or hear it.

I want to B-T-H slap you from one end of Thailand to the other! Why you do not get in and never will! Your instructional book and private schools which your government has opened provide approximately 170 practice question but only need 45 out of 50 to pass. Your driving test is non-existing which I could pass it driving backwards.

You can increase the passing rate.. stretch out the length of study. when it is all set and done.. Thais will continue to die year after year no matter how much money you put into the problem why?


I know you have no experience in your job most likely given to you through your family connection, but if you really care step aside and allow a outsider to address the problem and if that was possible the first suggestion would be for you to step aside.

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My mates Thai wife in Qld Australia works with a Thai lady that has driven in Thailand for ten years with a legal Thai licence, she is now on her fortieth , 40, driving lesson with a driving instructor in Qld Australia , and has failed three times going for her Qld Australian driving licence, the driving instructor told her husband he thinks she will never get a licence in Qld Australia, but she drove legally in Thailand for ten years.

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My mates Thai wife in Qld Australia works with a Thai lady that has driven in Thailand for ten years with a legal Thai licence, she is now on her fortieth , 40, driving lesson with a driving instructor in Qld Australia , and has failed three times going for her Qld Australian driving licence, the driving instructor told her husband he thinks she will never get a licence in Qld Australia, but she drove legally in Thailand for ten years.

the plural of anecdote is not data.

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The basic problem is that vast majority of. Drivers drove motor bikes for many years before they. Got a car! They drive their cars like a motor bike ...drive on the shoulder ...drives the wrong way ...drive in between traffic ....never stop at an intersection to name a few!

Once they get there car they now are better than anyone on a motorbike they would just as soon as run them over than slow down!

These LOS people become very aggressive behind the wheel!

Driving situation here will never change!

Remember thailand is run by children and the children are not too bright!

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My mates Thai wife in Qld Australia works with a Thai lady that has driven in Thailand for ten years with a legal Thai licence, she is now on her fortieth , 40, driving lesson with a driving instructor in Qld Australia , and has failed three times going for her Qld Australian driving licence, the driving instructor told her husband he thinks she will never get a licence in Qld Australia, but she drove legally in Thailand for ten years.

'... the driving instructor told her husband he thinks she will never get a licence in Qld Australia, but she drove legally in Thailand for ten years.' Well, that says it all.

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The four days I spent getting my license that included the four hour video was one of the most ridiculously poorly conceived bureaucratic experiences of my entire life. The video alone was both mind and ass numbing. If there is a god, he will allow me to pass some simple updating requirements to acquire my five year license. In the event I have to sit through a 15 hour version of that movie, I would pay gladly pay THOUSANDS to avoid that experience. My coxis will thank me I am sure.

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The basic problem is that vast majority of. Drivers drove motor bikes for many years before they. Got a car! They drive their cars like a motor bike ...drive on the shoulder ...drives the wrong way ...drive in between traffic ....never stop at an intersection to name a few!

Once they get there car they now are better than anyone on a motorbike they would just as soon as run them over than slow down!

These LOS people become very aggressive behind the wheel!

Driving situation here will never change!

Remember thailand is run by children and the children are not too bright!

no - that is NOT the basic problem. in fact trying to single out one facet as being the main problem with Thai road safety just indicates a lack of understanding of what makes roads/driving safe.

The driving situation has in fact changed radically here especially in the lat 2 decades. - even by your own admission"Drivers drove motor bikes for many years before they. Got a car!"

Edited by cumgranosalum
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My mates Thai wife in Qld Australia works with a Thai lady that has driven in Thailand for ten years with a legal Thai licence, she is now on her fortieth , 40, driving lesson with a driving instructor in Qld Australia , and has failed three times going for her Qld Australian driving licence, the driving instructor told her husband he thinks she will never get a licence in Qld Australia, but she drove legally in Thailand for ten years.

the plural of anecdote is not data.

If there are enough of them it is.

My ex could legally drive a car in the UK because she has a piece of plastic saying she can, in reality, she can't, she is useless.

I doubt that I know more than two fingers worth on one hand the number of Thai friends who have the same piece of plastic, that would not be stopped by the police in the UK in the first hour of getting behind the wheel.

Thai driving instruction is worthless, and traffic law enforcement here only has value to the boys in brown.

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The basic problem is that vast majority of. Drivers drove motor bikes for many years before they. Got a car! They drive their cars like a motor bike ...drive on the shoulder ...drives the wrong way ...drive in between traffic ....never stop at an intersection to name a few!

Once they get there car they now are better than anyone on a motorbike they would just as soon as run them over than slow down!

These LOS people become very aggressive behind the wheel!

Driving situation here will never change!

Remember thailand is run by children and the children are not too bright!

Staggeringly contemptuous!

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My mates Thai wife in Qld Australia works with a Thai lady that has driven in Thailand for ten years with a legal Thai licence, she is now on her fortieth , 40, driving lesson with a driving instructor in Qld Australia , and has failed three times going for her Qld Australian driving licence, the driving instructor told her husband he thinks she will never get a licence in Qld Australia, but she drove legally in Thailand for ten years.

the plural of anecdote is not data.

Sorry but I am going to steal that line - it is too good to stay just in this thread.

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