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Conservatives look to be winners in surprise UK election


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Fair enough, but the SNP COULD (in theory) have a big say in matters that concern English law - just the same as Prayut is accused of being a dictator and COULD use article 44 in a dubious fashion - but never will.

How do you defend the votes situation that equates to the Greens/UKIP winning 1.33% of the number of votes that the SNP garnered through having obtained the equivalent number of votes!! If you can explain the fairness in that then I will pin a medal on your chest!!

I'd say it's interesting new twist in British politics in which the peoples' representation seems to be expressed through the parties. Let's see how strong are the objections to the FPTP system?

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The cherry on the cake was the thumping defeat of the thoroughly obnoxious Gorgeous George in Bradford.

George Galloway lost? Whoopeeee!

Good riddance to that nasty waste of oxygen.

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A lot of people moaning that FPTP is not fair.

Well tough.

The people had the choice to go for PR a few years ago but chose to stick with the existing system.

Probably the people moaning support the parties that didn't get seats! Well you had your chance and didn't take it.

And those of us who supported it accepted the result.

Unlike the supporters of a Disunited Kingdom...

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On thing for sure the I am glade that labour will not have enough seats to form a coalition with the SNP.

with so many loony SNP MP's I do feel it is time England has it's own devolved government to equal that of the Scotish, Welsh and Northern Ireland.

Whom amongst the SNP MPs do you consider to be loonies? With 49 of them new to the house, I am not too sure which of them are mad, which are crazy, which are stupid etc. Maybe you can enlighten us all with your expert, critical analysis of these new members?


They are a single issue party, they want another referendum or independence, they have no interest in the UK as a single entity.

There will be more social cutbacks for the poor and the rich will be lining up for handouts as usual. They are not a working man's party but the fear factor remains. With a majority they will ride rough shod over the populous.

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Interestingly,Labour nearly lost more seats to UKIP in the north. I can imagine after a few by-elections the nearly 4million people who voted for change, will be represented by more than one MP.

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On thing for sure the I am glade that labour will not have enough seats to form a coalition with the SNP.

with so many loony SNP MP's I do feel it is time England has it's own devolved government to equal that of the Scotish, Welsh and Northern Ireland.

Whom amongst the SNP MPs do you consider to be loonies? With 49 of them new to the house, I am not too sure which of them are mad, which are crazy, which are stupid etc. Maybe you can enlighten us all with your expert, critical analysis of these new members?


They are a single issue party, they want another referendum or independence, they have no interest in the UK as a single entity.

There will be more social cutbacks for the poor and the rich will be lining up for handouts as usual. They are not a working man's party but the fear factor remains. With a majority they will ride rough shod over the populous.

We rejected PR

We gave the party that moderated the last government a good thrashing

We have got the party we deserve...

Bring on the cuts, "I am all right Jack"

Edited by Basil B
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The best news to come out of this elections is that Ed Meliband, the self hating Jew who turned his

back on his heritage was sent home packing together with the venom spitting,

loath full vermin George Galloway and his ilk David word both arch anti-Semite

hate mongers, both had their collective asses kicked out from parliament......

Edited by ezzra
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A lot of people moaning that FPTP is not fair.

Well tough.

The people had the choice to go for PR a few years ago but chose to stick with the existing system.

Probably the people moaning support the parties that didn't get seats! Well you had your chance and didn't take it.

1) PR inevitably reduces the power of the big parties

2) The people who vote for the big parties are not going to vote for PR

3) The big parties, by definition, have more voters

4) Therefore a referendum was bound to fail.

In fact, the 2011 referendum was defeated by a 66% vote. In the 2010 UK general election, the combined share of the vote of the two big parties (Labour & Conservative) was 67.6%.

Essentially, the referendum had no chance of succeeding, which is why the government (Conservative) at the time encouraged it to go ahead.

"Moaning" doesn't come into it.

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After every general election the smaller parties are always saying unfair,lets have PR but look at the percentages of votes ,per party,.

Con 36%

Lab 30%

The rest 34%

If we had PR they would be no work done ,only inter party horse trading.

Back in the 80's with Italy's PR system they was a general election almost every year,not saying the uk is like Italy,but It could be say , every 2 years.As It is we have voter apathy, what would the turn out be if we had PR .

As ,has been said the uk had a chance to change the system , I for one am glad they did not.

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On thing for sure the I am glade that labour will not have enough seats to form a coalition with the SNP.

with so many loony SNP MP's I do feel it is time England has it's own devolved government to equal that of the Scotish, Welsh and Northern Ireland.

Whom amongst the SNP MPs do you consider to be loonies? With 49 of them new to the house, I am not too sure which of them are mad, which are crazy, which are stupid etc. Maybe you can enlighten us all with your expert, critical analysis of these new members?

Doesn't really matter, even with 56 seats in Westminster, they can't actually do anything (thank god)

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The vile and creepy Ed Davey has been slung out, as well.

But by what measure is it fair that UKIP, with 12.6% of the overall vote, ends up with 1 seat, while the SNP, with 4.8% of the vote, has 56 seats?

and the even viler George Galloway has been thrown out too thumbsup.gif

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The cherry on the cake was the thumping defeat of the thoroughly obnoxious Gorgeous George in Bradford.

George Galloway lost? Whoopeeee!

Good riddance to that nasty waste of oxygen.

That news made my day!

Not everyone's cup of tea, including mine, as a politician.

But I can't deny that Galloway is an intelligent guy, I'll give him that.

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To call the current system in the UK as "democratic" is a slap, and a spit, on the face of true democracy. UKIP got about 3,5 million votes and they get 1 (one!) seat. SNP got about 1,5 million votes and they get over 50 seats... yeah.. that's democracy for you all right. Well, the kind of democracy we got in Zimbabwe, North Korea, ****land and Venezuela.

"You couldn't make this s*** up"

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So go and live in Glasgow?

If Wales and Scotland were separated from England the Labour Party would be finished.

Pretty much reflected in their Scottish results.

Edited by Jay Sata
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On thing for sure the I am glade that labour will not have enough seats to form a coalition with the SNP.

with so many loony SNP MP's I do feel it is time England has it's own devolved government to equal that of the Scotish, Welsh and Northern Ireland.

Whom amongst the SNP MPs do you consider to be loonies? With 49 of them new to the house, I am not too sure which of them are mad, which are crazy, which are stupid etc. Maybe you can enlighten us all with your expert, critical analysis of these new members?


They are a single issue party, they want another referendum or independence, they have no interest in the UK as a single entity.

This election is flawed democracy and unrepresentative of the peoples wishes.

Can any of you professed democracy lovers explain to me how the 'over' 4 million voters who voted for the greens and UKIP now have 2 MPs representing them when less than 1.5 million voters who voted SNP now have 56 Scottish MP's having a significant say on laws that apply to England only!!! If that is not twisted politics then what is?

In relative terms, of the number that have voted for the SNP to get 56 MPs - 2.66 x that number returns a meagre 2 MPs (1 UKIP + 1 green) - they should have had 150 MPs on that basis, not 2!! .

It looks as though the Tories will have won about 50% of the seats with the votes cast for them in the mid 40s - is someone going to tell me that, say 45% of the vote is a majority of the voters.

If that is democracy then they can stuff it. They should change the archaic voting system in the UK as it is deeply flawed (and undemocratic) as this clearly illustrates!!

It's the UK version of voting! what we have is called "first past the post" what we really need is a change to "Proportional representational" what this really means is: votes to different parties are divided up evenly according to how many votes are polled e.g the SNP got 57 MPs for 1.5 million votes, while the UKIP Party polled 4 Million votes,and only got 2 MPs in Parliament. The anomaly is glaringly obviously!

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