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Tourism Ministry Plans Nationwide Toilet-Cleaning Day

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Calendar check. Nope April 1st is long gone...... I think it is time for bring back

the famous happy toilet boy, Chalerm's son. Have not hear a peep from Chalerm,

his family is probably in hiding overseas in Denmark his favorite place to

ride out corruption storms in Thailand.....

Gives a hole new meaning to the expression...."you have got to be sheeting me".

Love the avatar by the way.

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So 4th of July, time to clean the crapper.

I ask my Colonial Cousins, is there any signifcance as to why they selected this date?

They want us "Colonial Cousins" to enjoy a clean crap?

I think they want us to enjoy the holiday.

Prepping their "facilities" for the flood of americans heading over here on their 4 day weekend.

Very kind of them.

They should do this for all other tourists as well.

The clean toilets will be marked for High quality tourists only...and the dirty ones will be left for the rest of you.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Remember the Panasonic huge TV screens along Jomtien beach; paid for (not sponsored) which luckily did not even last one season? Well, meanwhile they are talking about a National Tourism Campaign to clean toilets. Next step might be to put up some public toilets (like along a beach or so) rather than TV screens and other gizmos. I love this country - never a dull moment indeed. Can't be invented wai2.gif

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So 4th of July, time to clean the crapper.

I ask my Colonial Cousins, is there any signifcance as to why they selected this date?

Ummm...........if you don't clean you get a cracker up ur backside !! cheesy.gif All citizens of USA are invited to bring crackers to Thailand for 4th July - they will be put to good use?

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I begin to love General Prayut and his Army comrades. They are tackling the real ploblems, are set to improve the image of Thailand. A national cleaning day will leave an educational impact with most folks. A step into the right direction. All the green, yellow, blue and red clowns of the former governments have never come up with any of these necessities. Now a Fuehrer tells them on how to behave in a proper manner, and does not even try to hide evidence in the mass murder graves found in the south . . . it's a first, and it's the right way to act.

Last thing is I want to whitewash a coup, but for the sake of this country, it feels good some of the old look-away politics get flushed down the toilets.

More of this Mr General, well aimed. I salute with a loaded bum gun. No pun intended and no joking. Welcome in the Land of the happy orderly

the next thing to do is get rid of all stray dogs that wonder the street develop a pound in every town and city and take them off the street were they will no longer be able to chase people on push bikes and shit in the street.

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So, in other words, nothing will change. The toilets in question will get cleaned on National Toilet Cleaning Day--complete with copious Ministry photo ops, no doubt; and then nobody will do anything the other 364 days a year.

Recently on Koh Chang, a group showed up to clean the beach. The resort was so helpful that they had their staff spread several bags of garbage out on the beach by the resort. The group showed up, picked up the newly spread garbage, took lots of photos of their great work, and a good time was had by all. The whole episode was caught on video. Later the tide came in and deposited the real garbage, but sadly (albeit with good planning!) the group was all gone. Perhaps the Ministry of Tourism could use this idea for a National Beach Cleaning Day?

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If you think Thai public toilets are bad, try them in France or - God forbid! - Greece. I have nightmares of some that were so disgusting that even flies wouldn't patronise them.

Most of the Thai people I know are extremely fastidious about their personal hygiene and cleanliness, compared with their equivalents in many far more affluent countries in the West.

Thai women, in particular, are streets ahead of their European and US counterparts in this regard, relying far more on washing and less on sprays which simply mask perspiration and other odours.

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If you think Thai public toilets are bad, try them in France or - God forbid! - Greece. I have nightmares of some that were so disgusting that even flies wouldn't patronise them.

Most of the Thai people I know are extremely fastidious about their personal hygiene and cleanliness, compared with their equivalents in many far more affluent countries in the West.

Thai women, in particular, are streets ahead of their European and US counterparts in this regard, relying far more on washing and less on sprays which simply mask perspiration and other odours.

Irony here is that most farang can't be bothered with taking off their shoes before entering the house in their home country, yet become hygiene conscious once in Thailand.

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They should take a leaf out of bowling alley toilet management plans.

The bowling alley in Central Plaza in Khon Kaen has a check sheet that the cleaners have to sign every hour to say they have cleaned the toilets and this system works.

The toilets are spotless. I would feel more comfortable eating in there than the food court at Central Plaza.

So does every Tesco Lotus and Homepro and every large mall toilet in Thailand. I'm old so I use a lot of toilets. biggrin.png

I'm young so don't use a lot of toilets!

I only use them when bowling as with me and my wife being avid bowlers may spend 4 or 5 hours there and in that time I may drink 12 to 15 Singha's.

So if anyone wants to stalk me then they know where to find me!! Eating in the toilets at the bowling alley!! 555

I would say your stalkers are so worn out stalking you on the forum they would not have the energy to follow you around a KK bowling alley. whistling.gif

they would find this very difficult because as of the end of March SF bowling Khon Kaen central plaza is now closed.

Edited by parryhandy
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They should take a leaf out of bowling alley toilet management plans.

The bowling alley in Central Plaza in Khon Kaen has a check sheet that the cleaners have to sign every hour to say they have cleaned the toilets and this system works.

The toilets are spotless. I would feel more comfortable eating in there than the food court at Central Plaza.

They have the same checklist system in most of the major shopping centres in Chiang Mai.

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Seems you mob have all missed the point!

Note the DATE for this major Flushing ....Considering all the "Krap" that Obama and his henchmen have been throwing at our Government, do you think it is a mere coincidence that this is all due to take place on 04 JULY?

I reckon it is a "ripper way" of telling Yinglick's friend in the Whitehouse what we think of his advice.

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So does every Tesco Lotus and Homepro and every large mall toilet in Thailand. I'm old so I use a lot of toilets. biggrin.png

I'm young so don't use a lot of toilets!

I only use them when bowling as with me and my wife being avid bowlers may spend 4 or 5 hours there and in that time I may drink 12 to 15 Singha's.

So if anyone wants to stalk me then they know where to find me!! Eating in the toilets at the bowling alley!! 555

I would say your stalkers are so worn out stalking you on the forum they would not have the energy to follow you around a KK bowling alley. whistling.gif

they would find this very difficult because as of the end of March SF bowling Khon Kaen central plaza is now closed.

I would love to agree with you, but being overseas currently and not in a position to find a reputable link to verify this I cannot believe you. I will also not send my wife there to verify a rumor.

Seems your right,,,

RIP to my favorite eating place!

Edited by djjamie
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